Live Desktop

I am looking for a way to make the background on my desktop my iCal. At this point I'm printing as a pdf to iPhoto and changing the photo. Is there any way to make iCal my desktop background without having to print every change? Thanks for the help.

There are a few options that I've seen. Although I've never used them personally. This first one looks like it might be the best option for you:

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    Edited by: Dana_Garcia on Sep 10, 2009 8:17 AM
    Edited by: Dana_Garcia on Sep 10, 2009 8:18 AM

    That's stange, I wouldn't expect that to happen if you're streaming.
    Can you post your code? No need to include the 2 sample files...

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    Can I have the phone site entirely disabled and have phones display the desktop site while in the process of designing the phone app? I will still need to update the desktop site during this design period.

    A similar thread here that should answer your query -

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    Any easy solutions available or in sight ?

    Hi, you just need to add your Windows Live Calendar as a new account.  Go to Settings/Mail, Contacts, Calendars/Add Account/Microsoft Hotmail... and then add your Windows Live account and select the option to sync your calendar.  Your Windows Live caldendar will then be viewable on your iPhone calendar (click Calendars in upper left corner to verify).  You can now edit your Windows Live calendar on your iPhone and it will update on your Windows Live desktop client, and vice versa.  Hope this helps!

  • HOWTO: Create 2-node Solaris Cluster 4.1/Solaris 11.1(x64) using VirtualBox

    I did this on VirtualBox 4.1 on Windows 7 and VirtualBox 4.2 on Linux.X64. Basic pre-requisites are : 40GB disk space, 8GB RAM, 64-bit guest capable VirtualBox.
    Please read all the descriptive messages/prompts shown by 'scinstall' and 'clsetup' before answering.
    0) Download from OTN
    - Solaris 11.1 Live Media for x86(~966 MB)
    - Complete Solaris 11.1 IPS Repository Image (total 7GB)
    - Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1 IPS Repository image (~73MB)
    1) Run VirtualBox Console, create VM1 : 3GB RAM, 30GB HDD
    2) The new VM1 has 1 NIC, add 2 more NICs (total 3). Setting the NIC to any type should be okay, 'VirtualBox Host Only Adapter' worked fine for me.
    3) Start VM1, point the "Select start-up disk" to the Solaris 11.1 Live Media ISO.
    4) Select "Oracle Solaris 11.1" in the GRUB menu. Select Keyboard layout and Language.
    VM1 will boot and the Solaris 11.1 Live Desktop screen will appear.
    5) Click <Install Oracle Solaris> from the desktop, supply necessary inputs.
    Default Disk Discovery (iSCSI not needed) and Disk Selection are fine.
    Disable the "Support Registration" connection info
    6) The alternate user created during the install has root privileges (sudo). Set appropriate VM1 name
    7) When the VM has to be rebooted after the installation is complete, make sure the Solaris 11.1 Live ISO is ejected or else the VM will again boot from the Live CD.
    8) Repeat steps 1-6, create VM2 and install Solaris.
    9) FTP(secure) the Solaris 11.1 Repository IPS and Solaris Cluster 4.1 IPS onto both the VMs e.g under /home/user1/
    10) We need to setup both the packages: Solaris 11.1 Repository and Solaris Cluster 4.1
    11) All commands now to be run as root
    12) By default the 'solaris' repository is of type online (, that needs to be updated to the local ISO we downloaded :-
    +$ sudo sh+
    +# lofiadm -a /home/user1/sol-11_1-repo-full.iso+
    +//output : /dev/lofi/N+
    +# mount -F hsfs /dev/lofi/N /mnt+
    +# pkg set-publisher -G '*' -M '*' -g /mnt/repo solaris+
    13) Setup the ha-cluster package :-
    +# lofiadm -a /home/user1/osc-4_1-ga-repo-full.iso+
    +//output : /dev/lofi/N+
    +# mkdir /mnt2+
    +# mount -f hsfs /dev/lofi/N /mnt2+
    +# pkg set-publisher -g file:///mnt2/repo ha-cluster+
    14) Verify both packages are fine :-
    +# pkg publisher+
    PUBLISHER                   TYPE     STATUS P LOCATION
    solaris                     origin   online F file:///mnt/repo/
    ha-cluster                  origin   online F file:///mnt2/repo/
    15) Install the complete SC4.1 package by installing 'ha-cluster-full'
    +# pkg install ha-cluster-full+
    14) Repeat steps 12-15 on VM2.
    15) Now both VMs have the OS and SC4.1 installed.
    16) By default the 3 NICs are in the "Automatic" profile and have DHCP configured. We need to activate the Fixed profile and put the 3 NICs into it. Only 1 interface, the public interface, needs to be
    configured. The other 2 are for the cluster interconnect and will be automatically configured by scinstall. Execute the following commands :-
    +# netadm enable -p ncp defaultfixed+
    +# netadm list -p ncp defaultfixed+
    +#Configure the public-interface+
    +#Verify none of the interfaces are listed, add all the 3+
    +# ipadm show-if+
    +# run dladm show-phys or dladm show-link to check interface names : must be net0/net1/net2+
    +# ipadm create-ip net0+
    +# ipadm create-ip net1+
    +# ipadm create-ip net2+
    +# ipadm show-if+
    +//select proper IP and configure the public interface. I have used & 172+
    +# ipadm create-addr -T static -a net0/publicip+
    +#IP plumbed, restart+
    +# ipadm down-addr -t net0/publicip+
    +# ipadm up-addr -t net0/publicip+
    +//Verify publicip is fine by pinging the host+
    +# ping
    +//Verify, net0 should be up, net1/net2 should be down+
    +# ipadm+
    17) Repeat step 16 on VM2
    18) Verify both VMs can ping each other using the public IP. Add entries to each other's /etc/hosts
    Now we are ready to run scinstall and create/configure the 2-node cluster
    +# cd /usr/cluster/bin+
    +# ./scinstall+
    select 1) Create a new cluster ...
    select 1) Create a new cluster
    select 2) Custom in "Typical or Custom Mode"
    Enter cluster name : mycluster1 (e.g)
    Add the 2 nodes : solvm1 & solvm2 and press <ctrl-d>
    Accept default "No" for <Do you need to use DES authentication>"
    Accept default "Yes" for <Should this cluster use at least two private networks>
    Enter "No" for <Does this two-node cluster use switches>
    Select "1)net1" for "Select the first cluster transport adapter"
    If there is warning of unexpected traffic on "net"1, ignore it
    Enter "net1" when it asks corresponding adapter on "solvm2"
    Select "2)net2" for "Select the second cluster transport adapter"
    Enter "net2" when it asks corresponding adapter on "solvm2"
    Select "Yes" for "Is it okay to accept the default network address"
    Select "Yes" for "Is it okay to accept the default network netmask"Now the IP addresses will be plumbed in the 2 private interfaces
    Select "yes" for "Do you want to turn off global fencing"
    (These are SATA serial disks, so no fencing)
    Enter "Yes" for "Do you want to disable automatic quorum device selection"
    (we will add quorum disks later)
    Enter "Yes" for "Proceed with cluster creation"
    Select "No" for "Interrupt cluster creation for cluster check errors"
    The second node will be configured and 2nd node rebooted
    The first node will be configured and rebootedAfter both nodes have rebooted, verify the cluster has been created and both nodes joined.
    On both nodes :-
    +# cd /usr/cluster/bin+
    +# ./clnode status+
    +//should show both nodes Online.+
    At this point there are no quorum disks, so 1 of the node's will be designated quorum vote. That node VM has to be up for the other node to come up and cluster to be formed.
    To check the current quorum status, run :-
    +# ./clquorum show+
    +//one of the nodes will have 1 vote and other 0(zero).+
    Now the cluster is in 'Installation Mode' and we need to add a quorum disk.
    Shutdown both the nodes as we will be adding shared disks to both of them
    Create 2 VirtualBox HDDs (VDI Files) on the host, 1 for quorum and 1 for shared filesystem. I have used a size of 1 GB for each :-
    *$ vboxmanage createhd --filename /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk1.vdi --size 1024 --format VDI --variant Fixed*
    *Disk image created. UUID: 899147b9-d21f-4495-ad55-f9cf1ae46cc3*
    *$ vboxmanage createhd --filename /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk2.vdi --size 1024 --format VDI --variant Fixed*
    *Disk image created. UUID: 899147b9-d22f-4495-ad55-f9cf15346caf*
    Attach these disks to both the VMs as shared type
    *$ vboxmanage storageattach solvm1 --storagectl "SATA" --port 1 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk1.vdi --mtype shareable*
    *$ vboxmanage storageattach solvm1 --storagectl "SATA" --port 2 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk2.vdi --mtype shareable*
    *$ vboxmanage storageattach solvm2 --storagectl "SATA" --port 1 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk1.vdi --mtype shareable*
    *$ vboxmanage storageattach solvm2 --storagectl "SATA" --port 2 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk2.vdi --mtype shareable*
    The disks are attached to SATA ports 1 & 2 of each VM. On my VirtualBox on Linux, the controller type is "SATA", whereas on Windows it is "SATA Controller".
    The "--mtype shareable' parameter is important
    Mark both disks as shared :-
    *$ vboxmanage modifyhd /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk1.vdi --type shareable*
    *$ vboxmanage modifyhd /scratch/myimages/sc41cluster/sdisk2.vdi --type shareable*
    24) Start both VMs. We need to format the 2 shared disks
    25) From VM1, run format. In my case, the 2 new shared disks show up as 'c7t1d0' and 'c7t2d0'.
    +# format+
    select disk 1 (c7t1d0)
    [disk formated]
    Type 'y' to accept default partition
    quit26) Repeat step 25) for the 2nd disk (c7t2d0)
    27) Make sure the shared disks can be used for quorum :-
    On VM1
    +# ./cldevice refresh+
    +# ./cldevice show+
    On VM2
    +# ./cldevice refresh+
    +# ./cldevice show+
    The shared disks should have the same DID (d2,d3,d4 etc). Note down the DID that you are going to use for quorum (e.g d2)
    By default, global fencing is enabled for these disks. We need to turn it off for all disks as these are SATA disks :-
    +# cldevice set -p default_fencing=nofencing-noscrub d1+
    +# cldevice set -p default_fencing=nofencing-noscrub d2+
    +# cldevice set -p default_fencing=nofencing-noscrub d3+
    +# cldevice set -p default_fencing=nofencing-noscrub d4+
    28) It is better to do one more reboot of both VMs, otherwise I got a error when adding the quorum disk
    29) Run clsetup to add quorum disk and to complete cluster configuration :-
    +# ./clsetup+
    === Initial Cluster Setup ===
    Enter 'Yes' for "Do you want to continue"
    Enter 'Yes' for "Do you want add any quorum devices"
    Select '1) Directly Attached Shared Disk' for the type of device
    Enter 'Yes' for "Is it okay to continue"
    Enter 'd2' (or 'd3') for 'Which global device do you want to use'
    Enter 'Yes' for "Is it okay to proceed with the update"
    The command 'clquorum add d2' is run
    Enter 'No' for "Do you want to add another quorum device"
    Enter 'Yes' for "Is it okay to reset "installmode"?"Cluster initialization is complete.!!!
    30) Run 'clquorum status' to confirm both nodes and the quorum disk have 1 vote each
    31) Run other cluster commands to explore!
    I will cover Data services and shared file system in another post. Basically the other shared disk
    can be used to create a UFS filesystem and mount it on all nodes.

    The Solaris Cluster 4.1 Installation and Concepts Guide are available at :-

  • Godane's Archlinux boot from hard disk but it can't login in with slim

    I download Godane's archiso-live-2009-09-24.iso , i havent cdrom , so i boot it from hard disk .
    I extract iso to drive C: (fat32) ,two folder is "boot" "archiso-live"
    my menu.lst  is :
    title Boot archiso-live Desktop
    root (hd0,0)
    find --set-root /boot/initrd.img
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz  elevator=deadline ramdisk_size=60% aufs nonfree=no vga=791
    initrd /boot/initrd.img
    The iso can be boot from hd ,but there isnt slim . only is console...
    what can i do with this problem??

    I think your problem is that load=overlay.lzm is in the wrong place.
    Here is what i should look like:
    title Boot archiso-live Desktop
    root (hd0,0)
    kernel /archiso-stable/boot/vmlinuz elevator=deadline lang=en_US keyb=us load=overlay,mesa usbdelay=5 nonfree=no xdisplay=old xdriver=no from=/dev/sda3/archiso-stable changes=/dev/sda3/changes session=xfce cdname=archiso-live
    initrd /archiso-stable/boot/initrd.img
    I use 'from' boot option so i can boot from my hard drive more easier. The way its booted above is for 2009-12-08 version of my archiso-live. Just thought you should know.
    I hope this helps. And sorry for it being so late.

  • Why can't I sign in to my checking account?

    I bought my new iPad thinking that I would be able to check my checking account In U.S.A, since I live in Japan right now, &amp; I often travel to over seas.  What I found out after I purchased iPad was I needed to down load "Flash Player," and The Apple Company does not allow us, the iPad user to down load "flash Player."   So, in a way, I just wasted closed to $800 .00. for something I can't check my own banking account?  And I found out that there are a lot of website that requires "flash Player" to be able to either log in or sign in.  What's going on &amp; why can't I sign in to my own banking account?

    There are some apps in the app store like iswifter it's free but you need to purcase full version for 5$. You can also jailbreak and get tweak that runs flash in safari. Probably the best way (if you have a lot of money) is on live desktop plus (also 5 $ per month I think.

  • Monitor Stops Working APE4

    APE4 When I try to play a project the video on the Monitor goes for about 2 second and stops while the audio keeps going. I tried closing out and restarting program and it did not work. What gives???
    The last time this h append, about two days ago, I reinstalled the program. Is that the only solution?
    Cheers! Phil

    You definitely how a very powerful machine and a good workflow, since you're using a miniDV connected by FireWire.
    First thing I'd do is check that external drive and make sure it's formatted NTFS and not FAT32. (You should be able to see this by going to Start/Computer, right-clicking on the drive and selecting Properties.
    FAT32 drives have a file size limitation that can choke intensive operations, such as video editing.
    Also, this seems like a pretty small drive to be pairing up to this massive computer. Is it an old drive? It's possible that it's a slower (5400 rpm) drive, and that too could be causing a bottleneck.
    You've got over 600 gigs of space on your C drive. Do a test -- move your video files to your C drive and see if you're still having problems. That will tell you if the external drive is at the root of your problems.
    Meantime, I think it goes without saying that Vista is still a relatively new operating system, so it's vital that you go to Windows Update and download every possible update. (You may have to go back a number of times to get them all.)
    Also, make sure you've got the latest version of Quicktime. Even if you're not working with Quicktime files, Quicktime plays a vital role in all PC based video editors.
    And, although you've got a very powerful computer, it might not hurt to turn off some of those resource-draining Vista things, particularly the live desktop and sidebar. You'll be surprised how even the fastest computer will perform a lot better when it's not draining resources by taking live internet feeds.

  • Close Internet Explorer. How?

    I dont even run ie on my computer. Im downloading CS5 flash and it shows:
    i know how to close chrome. I looked in my processes and its not there.

    I dont even run ie on my computer.
    You do - all the time when you use custom folder views, a live desktop, the Windows sidebar, specific Explorer toolbars. and as Pat also said, many web tools use IE components as well. Shut all that stuff down, then try again.

  • Unable to install Fedora as PVM

    I'm trying to install Fedora on Oracle VM as PVM but I get the error:
    +ERROR:  Invalid NFS location given: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/xen/xennfs.lzDuCC/images/xen/vmlinuz'+
    Is not a permission problem because I've done exactly the same with CentOS and I installed it as PVM without problems. Is there any way to install Fedora as PVM or have I to install it as HVM first?

    I tested twice:

  • Trouble with Switcher

    I'm making a tree that uses Frank's technique for the selection:
    I made a bit of a modification to it though by maintaining the selection link on the first level node, and just using his version for the second level. The first level just uses a regular setCurrentRowWithKey action.
    Now I need the detail to show in a form. The tricky part is that if the user clicks the first level node I need the detail to show for that (all values from that view object that aren't listed on the tree) but if the user clicks the second level node I need the details from that to show.
    So, my problem here is trying to get the switcher to know which to render when.
    I've tried setting the facetname on the switcher to correspond to the depth of the tree but that doesn't work.
    The only thing I can think of is somehow to create a global variable that changes when the user clicks on the selection, which the switcher is then bound to. I can't figure out how to get a variable that I can bind to though. I've tried making methods in my backing bean but for some reason I can't bind to them.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    rotave wrote:
    Mike V wrote:
    I am trying to do an install "ubuntu like" with arch + gnome (so my wife does not get lost since we have been in ubuntu 3+ years) but I am having trouble getting to set the Workspace switcher in Gnome with the effects like ubuntu (the arrows that pop up when you press ctrl+alt+arrow) I know that this is not critical but I really like to have it the most familiar to her.
    The Compiz plugin is Enable Desktop Wall > Viewport Switch Preview > Show Viewport Switcher Preview
    You can also select Show Live Viewport Previews to show a mini live desktop instead of the arrows.
    Thanks you so much for the tip, that was what Ive been looking for, the problem I found is that I wasnt "enabling"  compiz at all I think, I search around the web for the desktop wall and I found this interesting post: … :desk:look
    sadly, now I am losing my window borders and the cursors that I have setup revert to gnome's default, now I will try to solve that

  • Samsung Kies for Note II

    Anyone had luck using their "Verizon" Note II with Kies? Seems Verizon Note II's are the only ones not to work. Is this true or is there a trick to make it work?

        Hey Pariyah!
    Kies is totally a great application for device correspondence from browser management so I know it's very important for you to have these capabilities. At the moment, Kies live (desktop version) for management and syncing is not supported on the Note 2. However, even with that said, may I please ask what you were looking to sync from device to device? There are more than a few third party applications that you can locate via the Play Store depending on what you're trying to do. I think it's definitely worth a shot taking a look at.
    VZW Support
    Follow Us On Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Getting Archie to doing FSTAB work and GRUB work

    Hello Forum
    i am trying to get Archie linux working.
    I have managed to install Archie to my hard disc drive
    my next job is to do the FSTAB and then configure the GRUB settings (menu1)....can anybody help me?
    my machine currently just boots up to a grub prompt
    i noticed that Archie has a GUI tool on the live desktop concerning FSTAB.....could this help me?
    what do i need to do type and do to configure GRUB?

    yes....the CD used was
    Archie VIKA 0.6.....quite recent.
    The man who wrote the "install to hard drive script" is on the Archie forums.
    the GUI version of the HDD installer does NOT work in is very buggy.
    but you run the HDD installer script from a terminal and it works...but of course, it does not cover FSTAB or GRUB...
    i found the other distro called ARCH this is completely automated and looks very easy for anybody to install... … Install_CD
    if you read at the bottom it mentions FSTAB and the GRUB boot loader......
    these 2 topics are the only things needed to get my Archie going here....i was wondering if i could use the normal Arch CD to boot....and select those topics from the menu and my changes would then affect my HDD Archie?
    not sure if the normal Arch CD even has those 2 topics...or if they are only present in the Arch Office CD...
    would it be OK to use Arch office?....does it matter that it is 2 years old?....could i just update it when it's installed?

  • [SOLVED] Am I having kernel issues due to the modular keyboard

    Kernel 3.12.7-2 runs fine on my Lenovo X220 laptop.
    However, any newer kernel results in my XFCE booting into a live desktop, but without control over keyboard or mouse.
    Logging in via the second virtual terminal tells me:
    $ systemctl --failed
    netcfg.service loaded failed failed Netcfg multi-profile daemon
    When running $ sudo pacman -Syu last, I received the following error message (with context):
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'default'
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Starting build: 3.14.1-1-ARCH
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [base]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [udev]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [modconf]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [fsck]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> ERROR: module not found: `keyboard'
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Generating module dependencies
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: errors were encountered during the build. The image may not be complete.
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback'
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Starting build: 3.14.1-1-ARCH
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [base]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [udev]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [modconf]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: smsmdtv
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [fsck]
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> ERROR: module not found: `keyboard'
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Generating module dependencies
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: errors were encountered during the build. The image may not be complete.
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> WARNING: AT keyboard support is no longer built into the kernel.
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> In order to use your keyboard during early init, you MUST
    [2014-04-23 10:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> include the 'keyboard' hook in your mkinitcpio.conf.
    Note the "ERROR: module not found: `keyboard'".
    My /etc/mkinitcpio.conf file contains:
    MODULES="i915 keyboard"
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems keyboard fsk"
    Does it sound like the kernel build error for the keyboard is related to the announcement about modular keyboard support?
    If so, I have not been able to further connect the dots on my own to track down the cause, which is why I'm looking for others' insights now.
    Last edited by eoinoc333 (2014-04-24 08:34:55)

    eoinoc333 wrote:
    To be sure, I ran the command from the announcement:
    $ dmesg -t | grep '^i8042'
    i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:KBD,PNP0f13:MOU] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12
    From my understanding, that means I don't have to take action regarding that announcement. Thanks for the comment.
    Your understanding is correct, but that also shows that many systems without a visible ps/2 port still have the controller for it !
    Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2014-04-25 11:44:22)

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