Livebox play plus airport express et extrême

Bonjour, je viens de souscrire à une offre orange play avec le multi télé. Orange ne fournis pas de cpl. Mais je possède une borne express et une extrême donc voilà ma question
Puis-je brancher derrière la box mon routeur en rj45 sur le port pour envoyer le signal de la télé à l'étage vers la borne express et la branche à sont tour sur le rj45 pour le brancher au décodeur et faire le de même sur le dernier boîtier Tv ce trouvant dans une autre pièce ou dois-je passer par c modit cpl
Merci beaucoup

Similar Messages

  • ITunes shows time out error when trying to play on Airport Express.

    Time out error when trying to play on Airport Express. This started with an iTunes update, problems has to be with iTunes, Airport Express appears to be communicating fine, even shows when speakers are not connected.

    Same here, though on XP. Have tried cleaning registry, reinstalling, deleting preferences. Created a new user with no library and I have the problem there, too, so it's not the library.
    Is there no one to call about this??

  • Some tunes don't play in airport express

    A few of the tunes in my play list show a little display icon. Although most of of the tunes play just fine through my airport express, the ones with the display icon switch back to my computer for sound????

    Your script is super-helpful and it was nice to know
    there was a reason for the strange behavior of my
    airtunes. I had a few files that I altered with your
    app, but itunes doesn't seem to recognize that they
    are now mp3s. does this maybe have something to do
    with a change in itunes 6?
    There doesn't seem to be any change with iTunes 6 that I can tell. I can only think of two things: one, that perhaps they aren't really MP3 files anyway. Changing them with my AppleScript only changes how iTunes sees them, not what kind of files they actually are. Remember also that you have to force iTunes to access the file from disk before the changes show up in the iTunes browser. This means you either need to play each changed song for a short time or you need to use "Get Info" on the file from iTunes so it reads the tag info from the song file. Either one of those should force iTunes to refresh the browser window's display.
    If that doesn't work, try this script and post back with the results from one of the offending files:
    on open fileList
     repeat with theItem in fileList
      tell application "Finder"
       set theName to the name of theItem
       set theCreator to creator type of theItem
       set theType to file type of theItem
       display dialog "File: " & theName & return & "Creator: " & theCreator & return & "Type: " & theType
      end tell
     end repeat
    end openThe display dialog line, by the way, should all be on one line, though the discussions might wrapt it. theType should be the last thing on that line.

  • ITunes can't connect to remote speakers PLUS Airport Express p/word problem

    I am running iTunes 7.4.1 and have previously been able to play iTunes through remote speakers via an Airport Express . After upgrading iTunes some time ago, I am unable to connect to the AE any more. The AE shows as an option in my iTunes window, but when I select it from the drop down option box bottom right, it just doesn't choose it.
    I have read other discussions pertaining to this, and have followed all of those solutions, but to no avail.
    I have done a hard reset on the AE restoring it's factory settings thinking I should just start again, and it has been renamed "Base Station Oa369f" so I know this has worked, but when I try to reconfigure it through Airport Utility, it asks for a password. I tried it's old password, and also tried the generic one "public" as stated in the AE setup guide, but it rejects both.
    I am keen to figure this out as I'm about to buy a new printer and another AE so I can print wirelessly, but don't want to have the same issues if it's an AE bug that can't be fixed, I would be left with no printer!
    I know this is two quite separate problems, but if anyone has any ideas for either I would be really grateful.
    Thanks very much

    I have exactly the same problem which has been driving me nuts for the last couple of days. However I am able to access the dropdown list of speakers. I have mine set to multiple speakers, and now it WILL play through my Airport Express again, but only when playing through the internal speakers at the same time. When I try to play solely through the Airport Express it just hangs.
    Come on Apple, you need to be regression testing your upgrades far better than this, for something so basic to go wrong.

  • After iTunes update, cannot play through Airport Express

    I've had this problem a few times.
    You've updated iTunes and you can see your remote speaker(s) within the program, but when you attempt to stream to them, you'll get an error saying that there was a probelm connecting to your remote speakers. No amount of resetting or reconfiguring your Airports will fix it. Don't waste your time doing that.
    A good check to show that your network \ airport is healthy, is if you have an iPod Touch you can stream right from there to your Airport Express. That will let you know that the problem lies somewhere on your computer.
    You are most likely having this problem because of the Windows Firewall. A quick check is to disable your Windows Firewall, then launch iTunes and try to stream. If that works, you've found your problem. Reenable your firewall.
    .....But wait. I checked my allowable programs, and iTunes.exe is allowed to pass? What gives? Well, the firewall is trying to make the console simple, and only lists the program as itunes.exe. Apparently, the firewall is looking at much more than just the process ID of itunes.exe. When the rule was set up, it likely also identified the allowable process by noting the time\date stamp or a hash of the file. During your upgrade, the filename stays the same, but the rest changes, and the windows firewall won't allow it to pass.
    To fix this, delete the existing rule allowing itunes.exe to pass. Once that's done, you can recreate the rule using your new itunes.exe file. Now that it's allowing your new .exe to pass through the firewall, you can now play to your remote speakers again. Yeah, you don't HAVE to delete the old one, but it's a lot cleaner. If you don't delete the old, you won't know which is the "good" one if you ever have to troubleshoot at a later date.
    I hope this helps. It drove me a touch nuts for a bit until I realized what was going on. Now it's part of my routine whenever I update iTunes.

    Darryl Rehr wrote:
    I have configured and re-configured my Airport Express, but I can't get it to receive music from iTunes.
    iTunes does recognize presence of Airport Express (named "Stereo Cabinet").
    However, when I select "Stereo Cabinet" in the pulldown menu, all I get is reduced volume output through my computer speakers... not through the stereo system hooked up the to the Airport Express.
    I've had this problem for months... posted here some time ago, but got no response.
    I am running 10.6.2 on an Intel Core duo Macbook laptop. This function used to work just fine, and I can't figure out why it no longer does. I think I had the same trouble under 10.5... but my attempts to figure it out were only sporadic (busy life, you know?).
    Can anyone help?
    sorry if i ask the obvious but have you enabled airtunes like so ?

  • Problem having ATV (1G) audio play to Airport Express connected speakers

    I've had some difficulties trying to have my ATV (1st Gen) act as a jukebox and play its audio on speakers connected to an Airport Express. When I select the remote speakers on the ATV it attempts to connect to them, spins for a while, and then gives up. The same speakers work fine if I remotely connect to them from a Mac running iTunes instead. I'd really like to use this feature with the ATV since it is always on and I can control it from anywhere on my network using my iPhone.
    Anyone else having any success using the ATV to play to remote speakers?

    You are mistaken. The Apple TV (1st Gen) can stream music to an Airport Express over AirTunes. It is selectable in the ATV settings display, and in the Apple Remote iPhone application, and I've successfully done it before. However, it does not always connect to the speakers properly, whereas a Mac running iTunes has no problem.

  • How do i get non-iTunes audio (like Spotify) to play through airport express?

    I'm trying to play Spotify through my stereo using airport express.  I've looked around and saw Airfoil, Airplay, Porthole... but I'm confused as to what I should get.
    MacBook early 2008- 10.7.5
    I have an airport extreme too, it's not currently connected, but it could be.

    Airfoil will work and it's free to try.
    Native system audio streaming support to an AirPort Express is incorporated in newer model Macs and OS X versions, and I don't recall what its minimum system requirements are. Check System Preferences > Sound. Your Express's remote speakers will either appear as a sound output option, or not. If it does you don't need anything else.

  • ITunes on TimeCapsule wireless-N; how to play through Airport Express-G

    I just bought a Time Capsule. It is connected via ethernet to my ADSL2+ modem/router. I set it up so the TimeCapsule would create a new wireless-N network. This works; I can connect to this N network with my MacBook and to the G network with my iMac G4 and G3.
    What I would like to do:
    Put my iTunes library on my TimeCapsule (or a connected usb-drive)
    Use that library wirelessly on my iMac G4 (wifi-G) and on my MacBook (wifi-N)
    play the music wirelessly on my Airport Express (G) from one of these computers
    How do I connect the Airport Express to do this? It's now extending my wireless G network
    I guess it's not possible to use the TimeCapsule in WirelessN (5 Ghz) mode only this way? (would cause less interference)
    Is it possible to hook the Airport Express to the time capsule with an ethernet cable to turn it into a wireless N Airtunes player? (music from my MacBook to the TimeCapsule through ethernet-cable to the airport express to my stereo )
    lot's of questions. Hope there's a network specialist to answer them!

    I have indeed attached my AX and TimeCapsule in bridged mode now after help from the Apple helpdesk. The TC through ethernet to my Linksys modem/router with DHCP-server and the AX wirelessly to the TC. The TC is in B/G compatible N mode. This way I can connect all of my computers to my TC so they can see each other. The wireless-mode of the Linksys is now left unused. In order to use N-only 5 Ghz on my TC all of my macs and AX would have to be wireless-N capable (or connected by ethernet of course so maybe I'm going to cable connect my desktop computers and AX to my TC). Don't know if Airtunes will be able to use the TC as wifi-N receiver so that it can then send music to the AX by ethernet cable.

  • ITunes won't play through Airport Express

    I have my stereo connected to the Airport Express via optical cable.  I can Airplay from my iPhone to the AE, but for some reason iTunes running on my MBP won't Airplay to the AE.  The AE is listed as a remote speaker option, but when i select it, nothing happens.
    Any ideas?

    .  Short answer: No.
    .  Long answer: I've been going back and forth with Dan Hill ([email protected]) and his best suggestion so far (port fowarding the known itunes ports to the server's static IP Port Forwarding iTunes on the Ubee U10C022-Ambit - of course didn't work because the streaming and handshaking for connecting to the remotes doesn't go out or in through the router. I'm not playing this over the WAN just a subset of my LAN.
    .  Since this all worked behind the AT&T Uverse Router 3800HGV-B but stopped behind the Ubee DDW3611, that's the presumed culprit.
    .  When time permits, my next two tests are to rearrange the network so the AP Extreme is DHCP host and firewall and the DDW3611 is only a bridge, and then to crash the mini back to 10.6 if all else fails, since the other two computers work fine.
    .  I also talked with Emilio at the LaCantera Apple Genius Bar. Couldn't set up a similar problem there (they have a trunk line to AT&T) and no new hints.
    .  Problem is beyond the control I have in the Time Warner Cable (TWC) bridge and Lion has also removed many controls.
    Idiot proofing downfall: the idiot is behind the locked door.

  • Trying to get Airplay Music to play via Airport Express

    I have An Airport Express Connected to some speakers, And on my Iphone I can goto Airplay and choose to play the song on the Airport Express, but for some reason it never plays. I'll Hit play & it'll wait a second then jump back to Pause, When i tried to use Pandora it popped up an error message. But when i go into itunes i can play the song on my Airport Express.... It's just Airplay thats not working, Please Help. Thanks in advance.

    Same problem here. I'm trying to stream music from my iPhone 4 via Airplay to my Airport Express and nothing happens. Works fine with my MacBook though... I rebooted both devices but still having the same problem. Does anyone know what to do?

  • PC based iTunes And multi play with Airport Express device and a Marantz CR-603

    I have iTunes on my PC and use the iPad as my 'remote' as I want to be able to have two different systems playing. I have a Cyrus Hi Fi in the lounge with  Airport Express added which works fine, and a Marantz CR 603 system in the kitchen which also works fine, when either is sourced from the iPad. When I switch to remote for multi-play using the PC I can't get the PC to identify the Marantz AND the Airport Express together. The PC just can't pick up the Marantz, even though it works fine from the iPad. The PC can see the Airport Express and, of course, itself. The system uses a hard wired Ethernet from the hub to the Marantz. Everything else is operating via wireless. Help!?

    I found a solution!
    Quit iTunes, restart the "Bonjour Service", start iTunes, done! :-)
    best regards,
    ullala :-)

  • I just connected a new airport express to my stereo but the itunes on my desktop mac isn't version 4.6 and every attempt to download the newer version only ends up downloading 4.1. How do i get my desktop itunes to play through airport express?

    Why doesn't my airport express work with itunes 4.1 and why can't I update the version I have to 4.6? Each time I find a site with 4.6 and click download it downloads as the earleir 4.1 version and not the newer one.

    You are asking several different questions. If you need to store your photos, music, and movies on an external volume, you certainly can. Any externally connected hard disk drive will work, connected either directly to your Mac or to your Time Capsule as a shared volume.
    You should not rely upon using that as a backup device though. Although you certainly may use it for both purposes, it is a better idea to have dedicated backup devices for a variety of reasons not limited to redundancy. You would not want to simultaneously lose all your pictures as well as your backup. If they are all on the same device, that could happen. Furthermore, a backup cannot back up the volume on which it is running.
    As for adding an Extreme or Express, using its LAN port for your iMac, and then enable Internet sharing so you can effectively use the iMac as a "hotspot", you can do that too, but I am unclear on what benefit you believe this arrangement would convey for you.
    An Extreme's Guest network is separate from its Main network; that is the reason for having it.

  • Error -15000 when trying to play to Airport Express speakers

    I've got a brand spanking new Dell laptop that came with Windows 8 installed, although I quickly updated to Windows 8.1  During that time, iTunes has never been able to connect to my Airport Express speakers.  I used them just fine with my old computer under Windows Vista and Windows 7.
    Until yesterday, whenever I tried to connect to a speaker, the program would pause for about 30 seconds, then give me the dreaded -15000 error.
    Later yesterday I reconfigured my firewall (McAfee LiveSafe Internet Security) to not only allow iTunes to do whatever it wants with the network, but also to specifically open TCP and UDP ports associated with iTunes in the hopes of getting it working. 
    Now it doesn't give me the -15000 error, but it fails silently (without a popup). It doesn't connect to the speaker, but just leaves me with the computer speaker selected.
    Any idea what's going wrong? 

    Just to add to the discussion, I removed McAfee entirely, rebooted several times, and it still didn't work.  The same problem happens with a tablet PC running Windows 8.1 and using the Windows Firewall.
    My Airport Express Speakers are all First-Generation - is it possible that the First Generation Airport Express doesn't work with Windows 8.1?

  • Airport extreme 802.11n plus airport express as wds

    with my new mb air i´ll want to upgrade to airport extreme and 802.11n. right now i´m using airport express which i´d like to keep as it supports airtunes. my idea is to make a wds network and use the express station as a range extender. now i´m wondering if i get any performance problems because the extreme station is "n". i´m afraid the whole network could run in 802.11b/g?!
    - christian

    No, there is no way to do this using nothing more than your existing Airport Extreme N Base Station. If you want to use an Airport Express as a wireless client to an Airport Extreme N Base Station, you must have "b/g compatible mode" enabled on that Base Station.
    Christian wasn't implying that he had an Airport Express working with an Airport Extreme N Base Station in "n-only" mode. He actually had the same concerns you have over the fact that his Airport Extreme N Base Station would have to run in "b/g compatible mode" were he to use his Airport Express with his new Base Station - nence the reason he started this discussion.
    Ben recommended setting up a dual-band wireless network. You could do this too - but you would have to purchase another wireless access point (like another Airport Express) which would be cabled to your Airport Extreme N Base Station. That new access point would provide b/g wireless access to b/g capable wireless clients (like the remote Airport Express you are streaming iTunes to) and would allow the Airport Extreme N Base Station to be configured in n-only mode for n-capable wireless clients.

  • Time Capsule Wi-Fi Plus Airport Express Wi-Fi networks

    My home wi-fi network is through Time capsule. I have heard that the slowest wi-fi in the system slows down the whole network. If I add an Airport express wi-fi will that slow things down?

    Not necessarily. What you've heard is true, but the Express models introduced on March 17, 2008 are all capable of 802.11n or "wireless-n" protocol. That's as fast as it gets these days.
    If you run your network in this mode, adding an Express won't change anything.
    If you need devices on your network that aren't capable of 802.11n (edit: I believe your G5 is 802.11b/g only), the dual-band Time Capsule is capable of creating a separate network for them. That will not affect your 802.11n network.
    Message was edited by: John Galt

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