Load swf on existing swf

I've designed a site using an external loader, on which lies
buttons that will load different swfs. They are called as follows:
b1.onRelease = function() {
loader._visible = true;
mcl.loadClip("Home_page.swf", holder);
and work fine. The problem I am having is that I'll attempt
to call the same function from a button on a page within the
Enter.onRelease = function() {
_level0.mcl.loadClip("Contact_us.swf", 1);
It calls the correct page, but loads it on top of the
existing page, whereas any functional buttons on the underneath
page still work, but aren't visible. I'll mouse over them, and can
click on them. My thinking was that if I called this page with
button "Enter", that it would unload the underneath page, which was
originally loaded by:
b1.onRelease = function() {
loader._visible = true;
mcl.loadClip("Home_page.swf", holder);
All I need is the script to get the bottom swf to unload, so
that the only swf in the holder is the one being called by a
button. I need "Home_page.swf" to unload when "Contact_us.wsf" is
called by a button on "Home_page.swf".
Thanks in advance,

you can't load more than 1 swf into a holder movieclip at any
one time. so, if you have more than 1 swf on-stage at any one time
it's because they were loaded into different target (or holder)

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  • How to unload externally loaded swf which contains 3D Carousel?

    Hello to all
    I am learning AS3 and have been taking on various tutorials found on the net. While learning about AS3 I came across a lesson on http://tutorials.flashmymind.com/2009/05/vertical-3d-carousel-with-actionscript-3-and-xml/ titled "Vertical 3D Carousel with AS3 and XML".
    I completed the tutorial and all worked fine so I then wanted to load the swf into a existing project. The loading of the swf goes fine and when I unload my loader it is removed but only visually as in my output panel in flash CS5 I get an error as follows
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    at carousel_c_fla::MainTimeline/moveCarousel()
    this error repeats over and over again slowing my swf movie.
    So does this mean my main flash movie trying to still play / find my unloaded 3D Carousel?
    If so how do I unload remove all the AS3 that is trying to run from the 3D Carousel?
    I have included the AS3 below from the tutorial page and I understand that this is what I have to remove to "break free" from the 3D Carousel swf when it is unloaded. This is where I am stuck as my knowledge of AS3 is limited - Can you guys / girls help?
    //Import TweenMax
    import com.greensock.*;
    //The path to the XML file (use your own here)
    // old var from tutorial - var xmlPath:String = "http://tutorials.flashmymind.com/XML/carousel-menu.xml";
    var xmlPath:String = "carousel-menu.xml";
    //We'll store the loaded XML to this variable
    var xml:XML;
    //Create a loader and load the XML. Call the function "xmlLoaded" when done.
    var loader = new URLLoader();
    loader.load(new URLRequest(xmlPath));
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
    //This function is called when the XML file is loaded
    function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void {
         //Make sure that we are not working with a null variable
         if ((e.target as URLLoader) != null ) {
              //Create a new XML object with the loaded XML data
              xml = new XML(loader.data);
              //Call the function that creates the menu
    //We need to know how many items we have on the stage
    var numberOfItems:uint = 0;
    //This array will contain all the menu items
    var menuItems:Array = new Array();
    //Set the focal length
    var focalLength:Number = 350;
    //Set the vanishing point
    var vanishingPointX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2;
    var vanishingPointY:Number = stage.stageHeight / 2;
    //We calculate the angleSpeed in the ENTER_FRAME listener
    var angleSpeed:Number = 0;
    //Radius of the circle
    var radius:Number = 128;
    //This function creates the menu
    function createMenu():void {
         //Get the number of menu items we will have
         numberOfItems = xml.items.item.length();
         //Calculate the angle difference between the menu items (in radians)
         var angleDifference:Number = Math.PI * (360 / numberOfItems) / 180;
         //We use a counter so we know how many menu items have been created
         var count:uint = 0;
         //Loop through all the <button></button> nodes in the XML
         for each (var item:XML in xml.items.item) {
              //Create a new menu item
              var menuItem:MenuItem = new MenuItem();
              //Calculate the starting angle for the menu item
              var startingAngle:Number = angleDifference * count;
              //Set a "currentAngle" attribute for the menu item
              menuItem.currentAngle = startingAngle;
              //Position the menu item
              menuItem.xpos3D = 0;
              menuItem.ypos3D = radius * Math.sin(startingAngle);
              menuItem.zpos3D = radius * Math.cos(startingAngle);
              //Calculate the scale ratio for the menu item (the further the item -> the smaller the scale ratio)
              var scaleRatio = focalLength/(focalLength + menuItem.zpos3D);
              //Scale the menu item according to the scale ratio
              menuItem.scaleX = menuItem.scaleY = scaleRatio;
              //Position the menu item to the stage (from 3D to 2D coordinates)
              menuItem.x = vanishingPointX + menuItem.xpos3D * scaleRatio;
              menuItem.y = vanishingPointY + menuItem.ypos3D * scaleRatio;
              //Add a text to the menu item
              menuItem.menuText.text = item.label;
              //Add a "linkTo" variable for the URL
              menuItem.linkTo = item.linkTo;
              //We don't want the text field to catch mouse events
              menuItem.mouseChildren = false;
              //Assign MOUSE_OVER, MOUSE_OUT and CLICK listeners for the menu item
              menuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverItem);
              menuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutItem);
              menuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, itemClicked);
              //Add the menu item to the menu items array
              //Add the menu item to the stage
              //Assign an initial alpha
              menuItem.alpha = 0.3;
              //Add some blur to the item
              TweenMax.to(menuItem,0, {blurFilter:{blurX:1, blurY:1}});
              //Update the count
    //Add an ENTER_FRAME listener for the animation
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveCarousel);
    //This function is called in each frame
    function moveCarousel(e:Event):void {
         //Calculate the angle speed according to mouseY position
         angleSpeed = (mouseY - stage.stageHeight / 2) * 0.0002;
         //Loop through the menu items
         for (var i:uint = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
              //Store the menu item to a local variable
              var menuItem:MenuItem = menuItems[i] as MenuItem;
              //Update the current angle of the item
              menuItem.currentAngle += angleSpeed;
              //Calculate a scale ratio
              var scaleRatio = focalLength/(focalLength + menuItem.zpos3D);
              //Scale the item according to the scale ratio
              //Set new 3D coordinates
              //Update the item's coordinates.
         //Call the function that sorts the items so they overlap each other correctly
    //This function sorts the items so they overlap each other correctly
    function sortZ():void {
         //Sort the array so that the item which has the highest
         //z position (= furthest away) is first in the array
         menuItems.sortOn("zpos3D", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
         //Set new child indexes for the item
         for (var i:uint = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
              setChildIndex(menuItems[i], i);
    //This function is called when a mouse is over an item
    function mouseOverItem(e:Event):void {
         //Tween the item's properties
         TweenMax.to(e.target, 0.1, {alpha: 1, glowFilter:{color:0xffffff, alpha:1, blurX:60, blurY:60},blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0}});
    //This function is called when a mouse is out of an item
    function mouseOutItem(e:Event):void {
         //Tween the item's properties
         TweenMax.to(e.target, 1, {alpha: 0.3, glowFilter:{color:0xffffff, alpha:1, blurX:0, blurY:0},blurFilter:{blurX:1, blurY:1}});
    //This function is called when an item is clicked
    function itemClicked(e:Event):void {
         //Navigate to the URL that's assigned to the menu item
         var urlRequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest(e.target.linkTo);

    Hi Ned thanks for the reply,
    Ok so I have a button in my main movie that loads the external swf
    var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();
    var my_btn:Button = new Button();
    var my_pb:ProgressBar = new ProgressBar();
    my_pb.source = my_loader.contentLoaderInfo;
    function startLoading(e:MouseEvent):void{
    my_loader.load(new URLRequest("carousel.swf"));
    my_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, finishloading);
    function finishloading(e:Event):void{
    function killLoadedClip(e:Event):void {
    Then I have a button in my loaded swf that closes the loader
    This is spread over 2 frames
    function closeIt(e:MouseEvent):void {
    Frame 2
    back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeIt);
    Frame 2 also holds all the code for the carousel
    Thanks for your time and help in advance people ; )

  • Load SWF into empty movieClip?

    Could anyone please point me in the right direction to find
    out how to load an external SWF into an already existing movieClip
    instance that is already placed on the stage? This is the way I've
    always worked in AS2, but I can't find how to do it in AS3. Can
    anyone point me to an example where URLRequest works with a
    specified movieClip instance?
    Thank you!

    I understand why you might think I was ignoring your advice,
    but this isn't the case. You're expertise is much valued and
    My purpose for continuing to experiment with loading into a
    movieClip was an attempt to find an easy way to layer the SWF
    behind other elements, but as you know, although it works for this
    purpose, it doesn't allow control of the loaded SWF from the main
    timeline. For others struggling to learn as I am, here's a link
    where I found the answer to my question above:
    The transition to AS3 is not as easy for some as for others,
    and there are new concepts to understand.
    Don't know what "nvm" means... curious, but might be better
    off not knowing ;) Thanks again for all the help you offer to all
    of us who are struggling.

  • Controlling a Movie Clip on the Main Timeline from a loaded SWF?

    Is it possible to control a MovieClip on the main timelne from another loaded clip?
    I see posts that control loaded clips, but most are all from the loader in the main timeline.  I have a moviclip on the main timeline that I want to make visible or invisible depending on what keyframe is playing in another loaded swf.
    If I try to call the movieClip from the loaded SWF I get "error #1119.  Access of possibly undefined property...." because it doesn't exist in the loaded SWF, just the main timeline. 
    The old AS2 way just used "_root".  Since "_root" doesn't exist any more, how do you control items on the main TimeLine from a loaded SWF?

    I am not clear what you mean because you are saying you are trying to target a movieclip that does not exist where you are trying to target it.
    Try using a trace to see what you are targeting when you you target the MovieClip(parent.parent)....
    The other approach I mentioned earlier is the more OOP-correct approach if you would rather try that way.  Here's a rough outline of it...
    AS3 - Dispatch Event
    Add something to trigger the event in the child (your loaded swf):
    dispatchEvent(new Event("eventTriggered")); (
    if dispatchEvent problem, see: http://www.kirupa.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1899603#post1899603)
    In your loading/parent swf, listen for the complete event on the Loader.contentLoaderInfo.  In the complete event handler, add a listener for the event on the loaded swf.
    // event handler triggered when external swf is loaded
    function loaderCompleteHandler(event:Event) {
        MovieClip(event.currentTarget.content).addEventListener("eventTriggered", eventHandler);
    function eventHandler(event:Event):void {
        trace("event dispatched in loaded swf");
       // this is where your main file can set the visible property of your movieclip

  • Can't Access MovieClips and Functions in Loaded SWF

    Hi everybody,
    I'm trying to simply access anything inside this loaded SWF and all I get is 'null'.
    I have code in the parent SWF that needs to tell the child SWF movieclip what to do but nothing works. This was a piee of cake in AS2 and I can't seem to get anything to crossover in AS3.
    Here's my code:
    import com.greensock.TweenMax;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("SWCS_S3_500x250_exp_panel_2.swf"); // in this case both SWFs are in the same folder
    myLoader.load(url);  // load the SWF file
    panel2.addChild(myLoader);   // add that instance to the display list, adding it to the Stage at 0,0
    panel2 = myLoader.content as MovieClip;
    photo_about.alpha = 0;
    photo_downloads.alpha = 0;
    //panel2.content_about.alpha = 0;
    //panel2.content_downloads.alpha = 0;
    function closeSection():void
              TweenMax.to(photo_about, .5, {alpha:0});
              TweenMax.to(photo_downloads, .5, {alpha:0});
              TweenMax.to(photo_home, .5, {alpha:0});
              TweenMax.to(panel2.content_about, .5, {alpha:0});
              TweenMax.to(panel2.content_downloads, .5, {alpha:0});
              TweenMax.to(panel2.controlsMC, .5, {autoAlpha:0});
              TweenMax.to(panel2.content_home, .5, {alpha:0});
    panel2 traces null and all the clips loaded within pull up undefined property errors.
    Can somebody please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'd be stoked to know what I'm missing and feel like this should be a piece of cake.
    Thanks for any help!

    You are not adding the content to the stage at 0,0, you are adding it to panel2 at 0,0.  THen you take panel2 and assign it to be something that likely doesn't exist by the time you assign it.  You need to wait until the loader completes loading before you attempt to do anything with its content, otherwise it has no content (null).  Similarly, you cannot control anything in the loaded swf until it has finished loading.  So assign an event listener to the contentLoaderInfo property of the Loader to determine when loading is complete, and have the event handler function deal with starting the interaction with it.
    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("SWCS_S3_500x250_exp_panel_2.swf");
    myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processLoadedSWF);
    function processLoadedSWF(evt:Event):void {
        // deal with the loaded swf here
        // but you don't want to be assigning it to the panel2 object that contains the loader
    As far as controlling anything inside the swf you load, is it an AS1/2 or an AS3 swf?

  • CellRenderer is not displaying icons in a loaded swf, throws null child addChildAt

    I'm working with a component that extends List.  It works fine unless it's loaded into another swf.
    It cannot find the library symbols.  I know the symbols exist in the loaded swf. 
    Is there a quick fix to this?

    I have the component in the top level also,
    I get this error:
    TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
              at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChildAt()
              at fl.controls::BaseButton/drawBackground()[C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5\Common\Configuration\Component Source\ActionScript 3.0\User Interface\fl\controls\BaseButton.as:615]
              at fl.controls::LabelButton/draw()[C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5\Common\Configuration\Component Source\ActionScript 3.0\User Interface\fl\controls\LabelButton.as:724]
              at fl.core::UIComponent/drawNow()[C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5\Common\Configuration\Component Source\ActionScript 3.0\User Interface\fl\core\UIComponent.as:1343]
              at fl.controls::List/drawList()[C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5\Common\Configuration\Component Source\ActionScript 3.0\User Interface\fl\controls\List.as:594]
              at fl.controls::List/draw()[C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5\Common\Configuration\Component Source\ActionScript 3.0\User Interface\fl\controls\List.as:474]
              at .tree::TreeList/draw()
              at fl.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()[C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5\Common\Configuration\Component Source\ActionScript 3.0\User Interface\fl\core\UIComponent.as:1532]
    I've checked the definitions for the tree component,
    The LabelButton and List I don't have much control over.
    I'm not sure how to fix this.  The xml is correct and loads easily if it's in the root document.
    The list component doesn't load the labels, It stops on the first one.
      What do I do next?

  • Memory leak when loading .swf in AS3?

    Hi all,
    I've got a pretty big issue here that I can't understand.
    I've got a pretty simple app that just repeatedly loads and then
    unloads an .swf called test.swf (this loaded .swf contains nothing
    but a document class and a graphic - a circle. The document class
    is blank, it just extends Sprite).
    When I set this class as the document class of a blank .swf,
    I trace the 'totalMemory' of the flash player, and load and unload
    the (very simple) clip over and over. You'd think that with garbage
    collection and all that, the memory would stay pretty
    constant...but no! It increases (and continues to for as long as
    I've run it!).
    I'm writing an application that loads and unloads many many
    .swf files, but it needs to have the smallest footprint
    possible...any ideas as to why the memory is never released?

    One idea - there is a separate stack of memory in the flash
    player where loaded classes in separate application domains exist,
    and these classes are not being garbage collected....however, there
    is a line in adobe's documentation here:
    http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=Liv eDocs_Parts&file=00000327.html
    under "Usage C" :
    Having a new application domain also allows you to unload all
    the class definitions for garbage collection, if you can ensure
    that you do not continue to have references to the child SWF.
    Given that, as far as I can see from this code, there is no
    reference to the loaded .swf maintained....it seems to me like the
    loaded data (graphical assets AND classes) should be garbage
    collected - but, while you WILL see a slight drop in memory after
    the removal of the SWF, the overall memory continues to increase
    the more you do it. Could Adobe be mistaken?

  • Controlling loaded SWF inside a child

    Hello to everyone, may this question be too obvious to
    everyone, but I've been googling for hours without any luck.
    Have seen examples but they are not exactly as my scenario...
    Please, I need some help.
    I have loaded a SWF and attached to a MovieClip which exist
    in my current movie using the following code, and now I just want
    to access the loaded SWF to send it orders like play() or
    gotoAndPlay(); I have tried also: container=
    MocieClip(loader.content); instead adding child, but it trhows an

    //this is your minimum code to load a file
    var url:String = "put your url here ";
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
    function loadComplete(event:Event):void {
    //you don't need all that code just concentrate on the bit
    you need; when this work then you can start putting the rest

  • Loaded SWF file CANNOT be made into button DIRECTLY?

    I'm experiencing a problem which may have no solution, but I
    would like to know why I cannot do what I want to do.
    I am attempting to load in an external SWF file and once it
    is loaded, I wish to directly make the new Sprite/MovieClip into a
    button. However, the newly loaded Sprite/MovieClip seems to be
    resistant to be made into a button DIRECTLY. I would like to know
    why this is.
    Here are a couple of workarounds, but again I wish to know
    why I cannot do what I want to do.
    1) I place the new Sprite/MovieClip into an empty Sprite on
    stage and make the once empty sprite into a button.
    2) Construct the external SWF in such a way so i can refer to
    a MovieClip within the SWF file and make that MovieClip into a
    I am loading a SWF file thru a Loader and then taking the
    loaded SWF file and adding it to an existing sprite on the stage. I
    then attempt to make a button out of the newly loaded swf file, but
    it fails to be clickable.
    The following is some quick code to illustrate my problem. I
    already have workarounds in place, so please let me know WHY the
    following code is impossible. thanks!

    There should be no problem with what you are trying to do. If
    you want someone to look at what you've done, you have to be
    careful to show that and not possibly errant code because that is
    the substance of your post and what you requested be looked at--we
    cannot guess what you may have done wrong in setting things up or
    for code that you do not show.
    I tried your code before posting my response and it worked
    fine except for your error with the COMPLETE aspect. I did not
    utilize any objects for loading things into, so I suggest you look

  • Using embeded fonts in loaded swf.

    I have a .Swf, which has 3 fonts embedded in it, they are all exported in frame 1 for AS.  This swf loads any number of external .swfs which have dynamically generated textfields inside of them.  This text must be embedded text because effects may be applied to them.  I do not want to embed the three fonts into every external swf, and do not think I should have to.  The font exists in the Loading swf and I have registered the fonts to the global font list.  If I print this list from the loaded swf, all three fonts are present, but when I try to use any of them, my textfiels are empty.
    My question is how do I utilize a font which is embedded in a swf, from a swf which has been loaded into that swf?
    From my external swf, this code:
    [PHP]var embeddedFonts:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(false);
    embeddedFonts.sortOn("fontName", Array.CASEINSENSITIVE);
    produces the following:
    [PHP][object CenturyBook],[object MyriadProRegular],[object MyriadProItalic][/PHP]
    which are the three fonts that are embedded in the loading swf, So I assume the LOADED swf has access to these fonts.
    When I apply this code to the externally loaded swf:
    [PHP]var FontClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("MyriadProRegular") as Class;
    trace("FontClassInstance -> " + FontClass.toString());
    var linkedFont: Font = new FontClass();
    trace("Font name: " + linkedFont.fontName);
    var textFormat: TextFormat = new TextFormat(linkedFont.fontName, 14);
    //... The next lines set up the text box and apply the format.  I am sure this is done correctly.
    I get the following output:
    [PHP]FontClassInstance -> [class MyriadProRegular]
    Font name: Myriad Pro[/PHP]
    which is exactly what I would expect.  Yet, my text box is still blank.  I have embedText = true on the text box, and have applied a string to the "text" property, so it's nothing silly liek that.
    Any help would be appreciated...

    You may also want to look at the various embedded font format issues. Many of the Flex 4 components use a newer embedded font fortmat, which is not the same as the one generally used in Flash. So even if ther Flash font gets registered properly, it still may not work with some of the spark components.
    You should be able to create a swf using Flex that contains fonts embedded in either format, which can then be used in the way you describe, though, since Flex 4 suports both font formats.
    Hopefully, someone else will jump in here if I got some of this wrong.

  • Controling objects in a loaded swf at any given time

    I want to communicate with an object within a loaded swf. I know I can use this event listener and function to do so right when the swf has completed loading:
    imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadSections)
        function loadSections(event:Event):void
    But I want to be able to manipulate a given object from the loaded swf at any time not just when the loading is complete. So basically as long as the swf is loaded, is there a way to manipulate objects and call functions within that swf?
    Both the external and host swf are AS3.

    I'll just try to add to what Ned already told you.
    IF (and only if) I understood what you're trying to do, all you want is press a button to load a new SWF and then click the loaded swf to unload it, right?
    If this is what you want, I think you have to understand that a loader IS a displayObject and it CAN be added to the displayList. It took me a lot of time to understand this so maybe this is where you're having trouble to "think" your application (and I guess it is because you're using holder.addChild(imageLoader);, which is not wrong).
    Since a loader is a displayObject that can be added to the displayList, you don't really need a another displayObject do hold it, like a holder.
    You can simple use addChild(imageLoader);
    Doing so, you will have a "loader" on stage working just like anyother displayObject. You can add listeners to it, you can remove it from stage, change its location and all.
    So, as Ned said, when you add a loader to the stage, if you want to remove it, go ahead an remove it!
    //or, in your case:
    The only thing here (as far as my knowledge goes) is that the loaded content still exists EVEN if it doesn't exist on the displayList anymore. That's why you MUST unload it TOO.
    Doing so you'll send the loader content for GarbageCollection and this will be deleted when more memory is needed.
    Another best practice I've noticed is that you should avoid from "creating" a loader from withing a function.
    Well, just to give you an idea of what you can do:
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("external.swf");
    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
    //A button we have on the timeLine.
    myBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
    function imageLoaded (e:Event):void {
         loader.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadAndRemove);
         trace (loader is DisplayObject);
    function unloadAndRemove (e:MouseEvent):void {
    function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
         loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
    I hope it helps.

  • Tracing the level of a loaded .swf

    I'm using a loadMovie script to load in my .swf files.
    How can I trace the level of a loaded .swf?
    Also, here are my load scripts:
    loadMovie("movie1.swf", 1)
    loadMovie("movie2.swf", 2)
    I thought level 2 would be behind level 1, but movie2.swf is showing up overtop of movie1.swf?

    If you are loading into levels you should use loadMovieNum or you should look into using the MovieClipLoader class—which is waaaayyy better than loadMovie/loadMovieNum!
    However levels are difficult to work with since there isn't really a class that represents them and so the number of methods, events, and properties are a little limited and not really documented.
    In fact is AS3 levels completely go away, so it really isn't the best thing to use.
    However. If you put code on a timeline:
    trace("Hello from movie1.swf I'm at: "+this);
    The trace will show which _level the clip is on.
    Also a little known trick is to do something like:
    which will swap the stacking order of the levels. Of course you have to wait until the content is loaded into the level because it doesn't exist before that. And they won't be renamed so it can get very confusing if higher number usually means higher in the stacking order...

  • Arranging Layer Position of Loaded SWF or Mc in ActionScript3

    Hi All
        I would like to RUN/LOAD my loaded SWF or Movie Clips BEHIND some existing Masks already designed in a scene or simply arrange their
        visibility position in ActionScript 3 while loading them with CODING only
        is there any command  to define, something similar to "Layers", "send to back", "bring to front "  ?
        Thank You .

    You can use the addChildAt() method to place things behind other things.  You can also use the setChildIndex() method.  Both are explained in the Help documentation.

  • Load SWF file in main SWF with parameters

    Hello everybody,
    I recently got a new flash Application which is a Photo Gallery.
    This App is made of multiple folders (source files), a FLA file, a SWF with its javascript SWFObject and an Html page which instantiate this App with some parameters (size, config file path, ...).
    It needs an XML file to find all the Photos it displays, to do it I need to configure my application in the HTML Page and give it the "xml_path" :
    var so = new SWFObject("index.swf", "gallery", "249", "249", "10", "#111111");
    so.addVariable("xml_path","load/config.xml"); // this line is adding the path to the xml file make sure that it's name is xml_path
    By the way, I have a second application, the WebSite, which have to display the Gallery SWF in its "Gallery" page.
    Here is how I do it at the moment (in ActionScript3) :
    var swfRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("C:/......../Galerie/index.swf");
    var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    //Charge le SWF Galerie dans le SWF Site
    swfLoader.load(swfRequest, context);
    //Positionne le SWF
    It successfully loads the Gallery application but It shows an error telling me it doesn't find the XML configuration file... In the HTML file I simply had to write the "so.addVariable("xml_path","load/config.xml");" to tell where the XML file is...
    So, my question is : How can I integrate my SWF application giving it some parameters like above, in Action Script 3?
    Thank you ,

    No, nothing with HTML.
    I have 2 SWF applications. One is the Gallery, and the second is my Main Page.
    My Main Page must integrate the Gallery module in one of its page.
    The problem is when I try to integrate it, I think I must give de future loaded SWF some parameters like this :
    (My Main SWF loading in HTML)
    var so = new SWFObject("WebSite.swf", "flashcontent", "520", "700", "10", "#111111");
    It was for the Main App. For my Gallery SWF I had to load it like this (in HTML) :
    var so = new SWFObject("Gallerie.swf", "gallery", "249", "249", "10", "#111111");
    so.addVariable("xml_path","Galerie/config.xml"); // this line is adding the path to the xml file make sure that it's name is xml_path
    So at the beginning I had 2 different projects with an HTML page for each.
    Now I wan't to directly integrate the Gallery SWF into the Main SWF. And as you have seen I must give it some parameters such as the "xml_path" and "allowfullscreen". This must be done in ActionScript 3 and I don't know how...
    I think I have to use FlashVars but I don't know how. As I said before, I have tried using the loaderinfo.parameters, but it is in read-only...
    Do you have an idea of how I can make it work ?

  • Using TextSnapshot class on a loaded SWF on an iPad

    Hello, I am creating an iPad app. I am loading SWF files using a Loader object, then placing them in a movieclip and setting a SWFLoaders source property to this clip. Before I add the clip to the SWFLoader control I am using the TextSnapshot class on it, to retrieve an array with the getTextRunInfo method.
    All this works fine when I test it on my desktop machine. However, on the iPad it causes the app to crash when a control using this clip is added to the stage. Can you still use TextSnapshot with an iPad, is there a workaround for this? Thanks for your help.

    We are a university. most of our books are SWF files. We have been using iPad/FlexBuilder 4.5 to successfully view the contents of these books.
    All navigation (i.e gotoandstop(page), etc work fine. Gestures for pageforward/pageback, zoom, pan work fine also.
    Not sure I understand your comment.
    However, there IS a specific problem with text snapshot. Below is a short code piece used to highlight text on a page.
    If you remove the failing line everything works fine.
    If you "debug" the iPad device everything works fine when you execute the code on the iPad
    if you create a release build, when the application starts and the "findtext" line is executed the "app" freezes. No error message. The try/catch does not seem to catch any error.
    This is something we really need for our app. If this is a bug how should we report it.
    Thanks for your help.
      public function highlightText(txt:String):void {
       var start_pos:int = 0;
       try {
        if (txt == null || txt.length == 0) { return; }
        infoMessage("highlightText: " + txt);
        allText = _libMC.textSnapshot;      
        allTexts.push(allText);  // no reason for this but must do to make work 
        start_pos = allText.findText(start_pos, txt, false);     <<<<<< Failing line ====================================
        infoMessage("start_pos: " + start_pos);
       catch (err:Error) {
        infoMessage("error: " + err.message);   
       finally {

  • Ipad i have load swf file but swf  is not working proper(flex 4.6) but android is fine to work how

    ipad i have load swf file but swf  is not working proper(flex 4.6) but android is fine to work how

    On the MBP, in iTunes, switch to Song view and enable the iCloud Status column by pulling down View > View options and selecting the option for "iCloud Status." Close the small window. Look for any tracks that have a status of "waiting." If you see several of them disable iTunes Match while holding down the Option key. Quit iTunes, wait a few seconds, then open it again and turn iTM back on. Let it compelete the scan. Wait until all tracks that are "waiting" have a status of either "matched" or "uploaded."
    On the iPad, turn off iTunes Match then launch the Music app and let the contents clear out. Power cycle the iPad for good measure, then re-enable the service once all the tracks in iTunes have been processed.

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