LoaderInfo.loader Flex/Flash Differences?

I have a Flash app made up of AS3 components that I am trying
to run in Flex.
In Flash, after the main component is added to the stage, the
loader object (loaderInfo.loader) is null which is fine and I
handle that.
In Flex, on the
applicationComplete event, I add the the main component to
the stage and the loader object's getter throws an exception -
Error #2099: The loading object is not sufficiently loaded to
provide this information.
Also, the INIT event, which is dispatched when the properties
and methods of a loaded SWF file are accessible, is not firing
which is probably part of the problem. But I can't figure out why
it is not being dispatched.
Any ideas why the same code has two different results?

I video recorded and stepped through the frames, and also watched repeatedly the rotation on the Digitas app. They seem to have both views already laid out, and as soon as the width is less than the height, or height less than the width, they switch to the other view. If you watch carefully you'll see that there is a tiny moment when Flash has already rotated the stage, but the switching hasn't happened yet. In that moment you'll see that either the portrait content is squished, or the landscape content is stretched, vertically in both cases.
So, nothing you can't do yourself, you just have to change the layout, or the view, at the moment that the stage dimensions are changed. That probably would work out better most of the time than if you watched for a changing event and tried to get the timing right for when to switch (the time might be less on an iPad 2 than an iPad 1).

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    Message was edited by: bart2335658
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      i use cs4 make as3 loader from SharedObject.getLocal, load flex make swf file, so width/height is not Ok
    load cs4 make swf file is Ok,
    // copy right china summer xiatian qq 11602011
      import flash.net.SharedObject;
      import flash.utils.ByteArray;
      import flash.display.*;
      import fl.controls.*;
      import flash.net.URLRequest;
      import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
      import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
      import flash.system.LoaderContext;
      import flash.net.*;
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      import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
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      // http://as3corelib.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/com/adobe/crypto/MD5.as
      import com.adobe.crypto.MD5;
      import flash.events.*;
          public class MyCacheLoader extends Sprite
              public function MyCacheLoader()
                  Security.exactSettings = true;
                  function getStr(s:String):String
                     return ExternalInterface.call("(function(){return window['" + s + "'];})")  || '';
                  function MyLog(s:String):void
                      // ExternalInterface.call("(function(){var o = document.getElementById('myLog');o.value += '" + s + "' + '\n\n';})");
                      ExternalInterface.call("(function(){top.alert('" + s + "');})");
                      // myTestTxt.text = myTestTxt.text + s + "\n\n";
                  var bLoadSwf:Boolean = true;
                  var parm:Object = loaderInfo.parameters;
                  // parm["u"] = "/xuicore/test/myTest.swf";
                  // parm["v"] = "4.4";
                  var szUrl:String = parm['c'] + "/CMHS?jsessionid=" + parm['s'] + "&CMHS=GetOutSpFile&rmpath=rs/&rmf=" + parm["u"] + ".swf",
                      szVer:String = parm["v"], szName:String = parm["u"];// "X" + MD5.hash(parm["u"]);
                  var loader:Loader = new Loader();
                  var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal(szName);
                  loader.x = loader.y = 0;
                  function showSwf(byteArray:ByteArray):void
                    // MyLog("开始显示处理: " + byteArray.length);
                    if(0 >= byteArray.length)return;
                    bLoadSwf = false;
                    // loader.visible = false;
                    var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false,ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);
                    // context.allowLoadBytesCodeExecution = true;
                    loader.loadBytes(byteArray, context);
                  function displaySwf():void
                     var oData:Object = so.data;
                     // MyLog([szVer, oData.version].join(" = "));
                     if(szVer == oData.version)
                       showSwf(so.data.swf as ByteArray);
                     else downloadSwf();
                  var ldr:URLStream = new URLStream();
                  function downloadSwf():void
                      bLoadSwf = true;
                      // MyLog(szUrl);
                      var ur:URLRequest = new URLRequest(szUrl);
                      ur.data = new Date().getTime();
                      ur.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
                  function configureListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void {
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, httpStatusHandler);
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.INIT, initHandler);
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.OPEN, openHandler);
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, unLoadHandler);
                  function removeListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void {
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, httpStatusHandler);
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(Event.INIT, initHandler);
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(Event.OPEN, openHandler);
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, unLoadHandler);
                  function loaded(e:Event):void{
                          loader.x = loader.y = 0;
                          loader.content.y = loader.content.x = 0;
                          var s:String = "", k:String, obj:Object = loader.content;
                          // for(k in obj)s += k + " = " + obj[k] + ";";
                          // obj.width = "100%", obj.height = "100%";
                          // MyLog([obj.width, obj.height].join(", "));
                          loader.x = -180;
                          loader.scaleX = 1.83;
                          loader.scaleY = 1.05;
                          // loader.content.height = stage.stageHeight;
                          // loader.scaleContent = true;
                          // loader.content.width = stage.width,loader.content.height = stage.height;
                          // loader.content.stage.stageWidth = stage.stageWidth,loader.content.stage.stageHeight = stage.height;
                          // loader.content.stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";
                            // loader.x = loader.content.x = 0;
                            var fullWidth:Number = loader.content.width;
    var fullHeight:Number = loader.content.height;
    var stageWidth:Number = loader.content.loaderInfo.width;
    var stageHeight:Number = loader.content.loaderInfo.height;
    var fixOffStageScaleX = fullWidth / stageWidth;
    var fixOffStageScaleY = fullHeight / stageHeight;
                            loader.content.scaleX = fixOffStageScaleX,loader.content.scaleY = fixOffStageScaleY;
    // loader.content.width = stage.width * 1.59;loader.content.height = stage.height * 1.15;
                            // loader.content.width = stage.stageWidth,loader.content.height= stage.height;
                            // loader.width = stage.stageWidth,loader.height= stage.height;
                            // loader.content.stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";                       
                          }, 3000);
                  var _byteArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                  function completeHandler(event:Event):void {
                          if(0 < _byteArray.length)
                             so.data.swf = _byteArray;
                             so.data.version = szVer;
                             try{so.flush();}catch (e:Error){}
                          else removeListeners(ldr);
                          bLoadSwf = false;
                          ldr = null;
                          // loader.visible = true;
                          // loader.content.width = (height / loader.content.height) * loader.content.width;
                          // loader.content.height = (width / loader.content.width) * loader.content.height;
                          if(isNaN(loader.content.width) || 0 >= loader.content.width)
                             loader.content.width = stage.stageWidth;
                             loader.content.height = stage.stageHeight;
                          }, 4000);
                          // width=loader.content.width;  height=loader.content.height;
                          // MyLog("显示处理完毕");
                  function httpStatusHandler(event:HTTPStatusEvent):void {
                      // MyLog("httpStatusHandler: " + event);
                  function initHandler(event:Event):void {
                      // MyLog("initHandler: " + event);
                  function ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
                      // MyLog("ioErrorHandler: " + event);
                  function openHandler(event:Event):void {
                      // MyLog("openHandler: " + event);
                  function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void {
                      // MyLog(bLoadSwf + ": progressHandler: bytesLoaded=" + event.bytesLoaded + " bytesTotal=" + event.bytesTotal);
                        var urlStream:URLStream = event.currentTarget as URLStream;
                        while (urlStream.bytesAvailable)
                           urlStream.readBytes(_byteArray, _byteArray.length);
                  function unLoadHandler(event:Event):void {
                      // MyLog("unLoadHandler: " + event);
    flex code:
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" horizontalAlign="left" layout="absolute"

    loader from SharedObject.getLocal, use SharedObject.getLocal cache bytearray swf data is ok,
    so, Can be seen as not with urlstream
    loader.loadBytes(byteArray, context);
    as3 cs4
    flex sdk

  • Firefox 33.1 does not load Adobe Flash Player

    As far as I can determine, Firefox 33.1 does not load Adobe Flash Player (identified on the Plug-ins list as "Shockwave Flash") when I access most of the pages on the MSN website. Whether it will display any specific video is unpredictable but it displays about one out of five.
    If I place the mouse cursor on the blank black video display area (for which no controls or buttons are displayed), and click the right mouse button, then either (1) the context menu is the same as for clicking the mouse cursor on an empty part of the page, or (2) the context menu is not displayed at all.
    Apparently, Firefox has failed to load the plug-in, but does not display any error message. Neither is there any error message displayed by the plug-in.
    If you think I am willing to undertake a trial-and-error odyssey through various "do this and see what happens" recommendations in "Knowledge Base" articles and the like, then think again. I don't have the time to make the effort, and I will use Internet Exporer instead. It ought to work with MSN just fine. :-)
    Since I did not develop Firefox, this is not my problem to solve. It's your software, not mine, and I didn't make the mistakes, so you fix it.
    By the way:
    Either Firefox Help does not display the version correctly, or your Troubleshooter doesn't obtain the data correctly. Help says version 33.1 and Troubleshooter says 33.0. YES I KNOW THAT FIREFOX 33.1.1 IS AVAILABLE. SO WHAT?
    Troubleshooter also identifies the Shockwave Flash plug-in as "15.0 r0" but the native Add-ons feature identifies it as -- which is the version that Adobe uses.
    The last line of the Troubleshooter's "educated guesses" just has "* 5.1.30514.0". I have no idea as to what that refers to and I doubt that anyone else would have one either.
    Well, maybe those numbers are good enough for "educated guessers" but in my experience computers do not make "educated guesses" even if software developers do.

    Please refrain from posting scattergun boilerplate suggestions.
    Please post specific instructions that will resolve the problem. If you don't know why the problem occurs and how to remedy the problem, then don't bother.
    Realize that the problem did not occur with the previous version of Adobe Flash Player, but began after it was updated to So it is is apparently specific to that version, and it may reflect a flaw in Adobe Flash Player. There's no way to actually report it to Adobe. Posting a report in their "user forum" just produces replies like the one that you have posted in reply to my OP, so what is the use?
    Evidently you presume that Firefox does not have a bug, that something else doesn't work and you may be right. However, if Firefox does have a bug, then nothing that you have posted will correct it, and experimenting according to your boilerplate will be nothing but a waste of time and effort.
    Again, the problem is not that Adobe Flash Player does not run, but that it does not run when I attempt to view most of the videos on MSN. It does display videos from YouTube and other websites with an occasional specific exception. If the failure occured on more websites, and with all MSN videos, then maybe your suggestions for investigating it would have more merit.
    For what it is worth: the problem occurs in Firefox Safe Mode and without Firefox Safe Mode. Disabling or enabling any extensions or other plug-ins has no effect.
    I established that while investigating why Firefox 33.1 started producing crash reports every time that it initially displayed the New Tab page when I visited MSN (Firefox 32 did not do that). I also checked whether the actions that I took to troubleshoot that behavior affected Adobe Flash Player on MSN. They didn't.
    Apparently the crash reports occured because Firefox could not find or could not load the "thumbnail" images for website pages that I had previously seen (they are often deleted by ''CCleaner''). The crash reports stopped after I made a couple of changes to the configuration for the ''SandboxIE'' sandbox in which I run Firefox.
    Frankly, Firefox "Safe Mode" is something I don't need, because I run Firefox in a ''SandboxIE'' sandbox, which is a much more comprehensive security measure than anything implemented by any specific application. At the moment I don't recall whether Firefox Safe Mode is enabled, although I probaby re-enabled it after disabling it during the crash-report investigation. But it didn't make any difference with regard to Adobe Flash Player in that context, so there's no reason to repeat it.

  • Reloading CSS in SWFLoader loaded Flex app.

    I am having the following problem:
    I have a Main application with a SWFLoader that loads a child Flex application. When a button is pressed, SWFLoader loads a new child Flex application. Currently LoaderContext for SWFLoader is created as follows:
    var context:LoaderContext = new flash.system.LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);
    Everything seems to work okay except that CSS style sheets definded in the first child application cannot be overwritten by the CSS style sheets in the second.
    After much research I see the following two options: 1. load style sheets externally using StyleManager.loadStyleDeclaration() method or 2. specify a different ApplicationDomain for the child Flex application.
    The problem with solution #1 is I would like to keep all style sheets embedded in either the main application or each child application. So, my question is, how do load/reset CSS styles while keeping the CSS (or CSS compiled to SWF) embedded when StyleManager.loadStyleDeclaration() only takes a URL as a parameter?
    The problem with solution #2 is as follows: when I change the ApplicationDomain property in the LoaderContext declaration to this:
    var context:LoaderContext = new flash.system.LoaderContext(false, new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain));
    I get the following error when I load a second child application into the SWFLoader:
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert spark.components::VScrollBar@64d6851 to spark.components.VScrollBar.
    (See attached txt for full trace stack.)
    I'm using Flex 4.0 beta 2 and Flash Builder beta 2.
    Also, I found this article on per Module StyleManager which does not look like it has been implemented and is basically exactly what I'm trying to accomplish but with a SWFLoader instead ofModule.
    If someone could please explain or point me in the right direction on how to either 1. load Flex 4 beta 2 application as a sub application domain app without generating VScollBar error (and if that will even solve overwriting CSS styles issue). or 2. how to load StyleManager.loadStyleDeclaration() from an embedded css or swf, I would greatly appreciate it.
    Thank you in advance,
    Ilya Voloshin

    Alex, thank you for the quick reply -- I'll give it a shot. Where would I find the nightly builds? I found the source code repository, but if there's a nightly build I can check out, that would be much easier.

  • Loading a Flash 8 swf that loads another Flash 8 swf

    I'm trying to get a Flex swfloader component to load a Flash
    8 swf file at runtime, this works fine although the swf file...
    main.swf loads other swf files into levels e.g.
    main.swf contains:
    Everything works as expected unless I put main.swf in a Flex
    swf, where the menubar doesn't load up. Everything is in the same
    local directory and works fine if I run main.swf outside of Flex.
    Please help! I have run out of ideas.

    Hey! It seems that when you load a Flash 8 (or AVM1) swf into
    a Flex application (or any AVM2 swf), it is unable to utilize its
    _levels correctly. To circumvent this issue, try creating an empty
    movieclip called level2, and that should work.
    Let me know if this work, because another issue can arise if
    you try to load multiple swfs on that same movieclip.

  • Flex - Flash Integration

    I am working on a Flex project that loads dynamicaly a swf
    file (flash 8 / actionscript 2). I need Flex listening events
    dispatrched from flash.
    Is that posible?
    I read about the LocalConnection class but this looks like is
    used to communicate diferent swf files in the same html documments.
    Any ideas will be very apreciated.

    LocalConnection is the way to go. It is for SWF-to-SWF
    communication, but ActionScript 2 SWFs loaded into Flash Player 9
    occupy a different virtual space than ActionScript 3 SWFs. So you
    need LocalConnectiton to get them talking.
    If possible, upgrade to Flash CS3 and you'll have
    ActionScript 3 SWFs which can be loaded into the same virtual
    See my blog for details (search LocalConnection):

  • Flex/Flash Sandbox security

    I am a new Flex user and have encountered a security problem
    with loading existing flash movies from my Flex Builder
    application. The flash movie in question loads additional movie
    clips at execution time. My flex app uses network services such as
    When the flash movie Publish Settings are set to "access
    network only" the flex app runs but the flash created movie is
    unable to load the additional movie clips from the local file
    system. When the flash movie is set to "access local files only" I
    get a sandbox security error flom flashplayer.
    How can I fix this problem? is there anyway to configure the
    flex app to use network services and allow called flash created
    movies to movie load clips from the local file system?
    We're talking Flex 3, Flash 8 and Flashplayer 9
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hmmm... May need to use AIR, or else upload those local
    assets to server then download. Strange but maybe this is

  • I've down loaded adobe flash player but when I try to veiw video on firefox I'm still told that I need adobe flash player. How do I get firefox to see the flash player download?

    I was trying to view a video I uploaded to facebook using firefox. The system told me to down load adobe flash player. I did but still get the message that I need to down load flash player. How do I get firefox to see the down loaded adobe flash player?

    by installing from within Firefox, Internet Explorer has its own version (Active-X).
    Make sure you are starting in the correct place for Flash
    * http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/
    If you want to read PDF files in you browser, you might also want
    * http://get.adobe.com/reader/
    After the download,
    #bring up the download manager ("Ctrl+J") and start your installs. As soon as the install comes up,
    #close Firefox with '''File > Exit''' or "Firefox" button > Exit. Give Firefox some time to close.
    #If install does not proceed, '''terminate "firefox.exe"''' and '''"plugin-container.exe"''' from the "Processes" tab in the Windows Task Manager.
    #* Windows 7 shortcut to the WTM is "Ctrl+Shift+Esc"
    #* or on any Windows system from "Ctrl+Shift+Esc" then choose Windows Task Manager.
    #*Make sure that "firefox.exe" is no longer running -- if it is still running then terminate it by selecting the use "End Process" button or from context menu, and do the same for "plugin-container.exe" if it is found there.
    #proceed with the install.
    '''Warning''': this is the Adobe site and they have chosen to to provide crapware along with their own product. Only install the product you were planning to install. Do not install additional products: including -- "Free! McAfee Security Scan Plus" or "Google Chrome". Installing Google Chrome on your own and installing it because it is offered on the Adobe site are two different things.
    Find updates for your installed plugins at http://www.mozilla.com/plugincheck/ mozilla.com/plugincheck
    -- best to use Adobe's site to really see if their plug-ins are up to date.
    Please fix your caps lock or read what you type, do you think anybody could read my answer if I typed in all caps.
    If the above fails to correct the problem, I would try uninstalling Adobe Flash from your system entirely first, from the control panel then "Programs and Features".

  • Text field is not working at first time after loading the flash files

    Hi to all,
         In my Java application, I'm using a text field and a panel to load flash files. I'm using JDIC 0.9.1 to load the flash files in the panel. The flash files are created by Flash CS4.
         While running the application, I can't enter any value in the Text field, after minimize and maximize the application I can enter the values.
         This problem happens after change the jre version from 1.6 to 1.7.
         I'm getting the following exception while running the application.
    org.jdesktop.jdic.init.JdicInitException: java.io.IOException: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
    at org.jdesktop.jdic.init.JdicManager.initBrowserNati  ve(Unknown Source)
    at org.jdesktop.jdic.browser.WebBrowser.<clinit>(Unkn  own Source)
    pls give me a solution.
    Thanks in advance...:)

    Have you tried testing on a server?
    When you test in Flash, see if you get traces when you click these buttons.

  • Unable to load pdf docs after loading Adobe Flash Player

    I loaded Adobe Flash player today and now I am sorry that I did.  When I try to open any pdf documents on my mac I get a message to the affect that I need to lauch adobe reader, accept the terms of the agreement, quit my browser (safari) and relaunch it.  When I try to do all of this, I cannot find a way to accept the terms and conditions of adobe.  I'm am so stuck and so frustrated!  Thanks for your soon as possible help--please speak in plain language as I am not techno-savvy.  Pearson1234

    Hi Shiven,
    Thanks for the reply, the points are listed below:
    1) I am able to access the f4m from the browser of the client macines.
    2) Crossdomain.xml is already there in the webroot.
    3) The 3 f4v are placed in the application/vod as we are implementing the rtmp dynamic streaming.
    Please suggest?

  • Firefox 3.6.8 still having problems loading heavy Flash websites

    Upgraded to latest 3.6.8 Firefox version and noting it is still having issues loading heavy flash websites. Takes 5 to 6 times longer to load a webpage if there is Flash on it. I do have the latest version of Flash installed according to Adobe's website so that's not the culprit. Will be uninstalling this latest version and rolling back to the copy of 3.6.3 version I kept which worked great with all flash websites. Waiting for the problem to get fixed before I update again...hoping they can fix this. I noticed this problem starting back with version 3.6.6 and still hasn't been fixed with 3.6.8...
    == URL of affected sites ==

    The problem affects this page: [ http://gronnbil.no/biler]
    The strange thing is that whenever I load the page with Firebug activated for this page, it renders the Flash instantly. But hardly ever (it does happen now and then, but mostly not) when I'm not using Firebug. I have tried disabling all plugins, running in Safe Mode, but it didn't help. I use Mac OS X 10.6.4 64-bit, FF 3.6.8. Ideas, anyone?

  • How do I load adobe flash player on to my Mac as I keep receiving an error message when downloading?

    I am unable to down load Adobe Flash Player on to my new Mac. I keep receiving an install error message. Any help would be appreciated.

    What is the specific error message?  And are you downloading it directly from Adobe's web site?

  • Windows 7 incorrect registry permissions to load Adobe Flash

    I have discovered  Windows 7 has incorrectly assigned invalid registry  permissions to the entries pertaining to Adobe Flash (possibly among other keys).  For example, the system Administrator is able to load Adobe Flash Player 11.8.800.94 but when logging in on the same computer as a regular user it fails.  Briefly inspecting the registry permissions on certain keys, I discovered the system has created permissions for an 'Unknown' account (has an invalid SID) which possibly is creating the error for regular users not to be able to load Adobe Flash.  Obviously, Windows 7 (64bit in my case) has a bug which is causing for problems with loading Adobe Flash.  What is the recommended solution to correct my problem?  (If I continue with Windows).
    Thank you,

    I am trying to avoid a clean install of my operating system (as this has been done several times, due to this bug within Windows 7).  I am trying to get to the root of the problem so it is corrected and this bug is removed.  If you meant to perform a clean install of Adobe Flash, I have done that already.  Interestingly enough, when a regular user does proceed with the Adobe Flash installation, it does succeed.  The user is able to load Adobe Flash but only during his logon session.  As soon as he/she logs off, Adobe Flash fails to load again.  The user is back to square one.  Any idea?
    Thank you,

  • Can not load adobe flash and now none of my video will work. may go back to internet ex.

    can not load adobe flash player. tried plug in- and adobe site. nothing works and now I can not view any of my video. OH ye, you are not listed under any of the plug ins. are you windows? Mac? 64? what?

    The only safe way is to erase the volume and reinstall SL.  Then use setup assistant to migrate your data from a Snow Leopard Time machine or clone backup.

Maybe you are looking for

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