Loading XML File to Physical table in BW

I have a requirement to load XML file BW physical table.
The XML file that I am getting looks pretty complex compared to the XML file I have seen online.
I need help in transforming the file and Abap code to load the file to physical table
I have already created the table in SE11.
XML file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>
<Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0" ss:Height="36">
    <Cell ss:StyleID="s62"><Data ss:Type="String">First Name</Data></Cell>
    <Cell ss:StyleID="s62"><Data ss:Type="String">Bank Name -
add. info</Data></Cell>
   <Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0" ss:Height="22.5" ss:StyleID="s67">
    <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">John Mayor</Data></Cell>
    <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">New: Local bank</Data></Cell
my requirement is to get this values into physical table i.e
First name                 bank name
John Mayor               new: local bank
Edited by: Bhat Vaidya on Apr 14, 2010 11:59 AM
Edited by: Bhat Vaidya on Apr 14, 2010 12:00 PM
Edited by: Bhat Vaidya on Apr 14, 2010 12:01 PM
Edited by: Bhat Vaidya on Apr 14, 2010 12:01 PM

No longer working on the issue.

Similar Messages

  • Loading XML file into DB Table

    I m quite new to the loading XML file into database table.
    It will be great if anyone could guide me to through.
    i have an XML file which has to be loaded into the DB table.
    what are the steps involved in doing this. How do i go from here ??
    your help is greatly appriciated ???
    Thank you so much!!

    OK - Although you really should read the XMLDB FAQ on this forum, here is some sample code of ONE of the ways of doing it
    (there are multiple ways - and this is not the most simple one)
    Based on Oracle 11gR1
    -- sqlplus /nolog
    clear screen
    set termout on
    set feed on
    set lines 40
    set long 10000000
    set serveroutput on
    set lines 100
    set echo on
    connect / as sysdba
    col filename for a80
    col xml      for a80
    -- Create schema “OTN”
    drop user OTN cascade;
    purge dba_recyclebin;
    create user OTN identified by OTN;
    grant dba, xdbadmin to OTN;
    EXECUTE dbms_java.grant_permission( 'OTN', 'java.io.FilePermission','G:\OTN\xmlstore','read' );
    prompt pause
    clear screen
    -- Create directory
    connect OTN/OTN;
    show user
    drop directory OTN_USE_CASE;
    CREATE directory OTN_USE_CASE AS 'G:\OTN\xmlstore';
    SELECT extract((XMLTYPE(bfilename('OTN_USE_CASE','ABANDA-20030407215829881GMT.xml'),NLS_CHARSET_ID('AL32UTF8'))),'*') AS "XML"
    from   dual;
    prompt pause
    clear screen
    -- Directory Listing - Tom Kyte
    create global temporary table DIR_LIST
    ( filename varchar2(255) )
    on commit delete rows
    create or replace
      and compile java source named "DirList"
    import java.io.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class DirList
    {public static void getList(String directory)
                       throws SQLException
    {   File path = new File( directory );
        String[] list = path.list();
        String element;
        for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
        {   element = list;
    VALUES (:element) };
    create or replace procedure get_dir_list( p_directory in varchar2 )
    as language java
    name 'DirList.getList( java.lang.String )';
    prompt pause
    clear screen
    -- The content of the global temporary table
    exec get_dir_list( 'G:\OTN\xmlstore' );
    select * from dir_list;
    -- "COMMIT" will clear / truncate the global temporary table...
    prompt pause
    clear screen
    -- Combined: Reading XML content from multiple XML files
    exec get_dir_list( 'G:\OTN\xmlstore' );
    select * from dir_list where filename like '%.xml'
    and rownum <= 10;
    prompt pause
    clear screen
    select extract((XMLTYPE(bfilename('OTN_USE_CASE',dl.filename),NLS_CHARSET_ID('AL32UTF8'))),'*') AS "XML"
    from dir_list dl
    where dl.filename like '%.xml' and rownum <= 2;
    prompt pause
    clear screen
    -- If you can select it you can insert it...
    -- drop table OTN_xml_store purge;
    create table OTN_xml_store of xmltype
    xmltype store as binary xml
    exec get_dir_list( 'G:\OTN\xmlstore' );
    set time on timing on
    insert into OTN_xml_store
    select XMLTYPE(bfilename('OTN_USE_CASE',dl.filename),NLS_CHARSET_ID('AL32UTF8')) AS "XML"
    from dir_list dl
    where dl.filename like '%.xml';
    set time off timing off
    select count(*) from OTN_xml_store;
    prompt pause
    clear screen
    -- If you can select it you can create resources and files
    set time on timing on
    exec get_dir_list( 'G:\OTN\xmlstore' );
    select count(*) from dir_list where filename like '%.xml';
    set serveroutput on size 10000
    XMLdoc XMLType;
    res BOOLEAN;
    v_foldername varchar2(4000) := '/public/OTN/';
    cursor c1
    select dl.filename FNAME
    , XMLTYPE(bfilename('OTN_USE_CASE',dl.filename),NLS_CHARSET_ID('AL32UTF8')) XMLCONTENT
    from dir_list dl
    where dl.filename like '%.xml'
    and rownum <= 100;
    -- Create XDB repository Folder
    if (dbms_xdb.existsResource(v_foldername))
    end if;
    -- Create XML files in the XDB Repository
    for r1 in c1
    if (DBMS_XDB.CREATERESOURCE(v_foldername||r1.fname, r1.xmlcontent))
    dbms_output.put_line('Loop Exception :'||sqlerrm);
    end if;
    end loop;
    dbms_output.put_line('Others Exception: '||sqlerrm);
    set time off timing off
    prompt pause
    clear screen
    -- FTP and HTTP
    clear screen
    prompt *** FTP - Demo ***
    prompt pause
    host ftp
    -- open localhost 2100
    -- user OTN OTN
    -- cd public
    -- cd OTN
    -- ls
    -- bye
    clear screen
    prompt *** Microsoft Internet Explorer - Demo ***
    prompt pause
    host "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" http://OTN:OTN@localhost:8080/public/OTN/
    prompt pause
    -- Accessing the XDB Repository content via Resource View
    -- Selecting content from a resource via XBDUriType
    clear screen
    prompt set long 300
    set long 300
    prompt Relative Path - (path)
    SELECT path(1) as filename
    WHERE under_path(RES, '/public/OTN', 1) = 1
    and rownum <= 10
    prompt pause
    clear screen
    prompt Absolute Path - (any_path)
    select xdburitype(any_path).getClob() as xml
    WHERE under_path(RES, '/public/OTN', 1) = 1
    and rownum <= 1;
    prompt pause
    clear screen
    prompt >>>>> Clean UP !!! <<<<<<
    prompt Cleanup environment and drop user...!!!
    clear screen
    conn / as sysdba
    alter session set current_schema=OTN;
    alter session set current_schema=sys;
    drop user OTN cascade;
    Based on http://www.liberidu.com/blog/?p=1053

  • Loading XML files into Database table

    Loading XML files into Database table
    Hi I have some XML files say 100 files in a virtual directory created using &quot;Create or replace directory command&quot; and those files need to be loaded into a table having a column of XMLTYPE. 1)How to load that using Oracle provided procedures/packages

    Check out the Oracle XDB Developer's Guide, Chapter 3. There is an example of using BFileName function to load the xml files from a directory object created using create or replace directory. It works really well.

  • Load XML File into temporary tables using sql loader

    Hi All,
    I have an XML file as below. I need to insert the contents into a temporary staging table using sql loader. Please advice how I need to do that.
    For example Portfolios should go into a seperate table, and all the tags inside it should be populated in the columns of the table.
    Family should go into a seperate table and all the tags inside it should be populated in the columns of the table.
    Similarly offer, Products etc.
    - <ABSProductCatalog xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    - <ProductSalesHierachy>
    - <Portfolios>
    - <Portfolio productCode="P1">
      <Attribute name="CatalogProductName" value="Access" />
      <Attribute name="Status" value="Active" />
    - <Portfolio productCode="P2">
      <Attribute name="CatalogProductName" value="Data" />
      <Attribute name="Status" value="Active" />
    - <Portfolio productCode="P3">
      <Attribute name="CatalogProductName" value="Voice" />
      <Attribute name="Status" value="Active" />
    - <Portfolio productCode="P4">
      <Attribute name="CatalogProductName" value="Wireless" />
      <Attribute name="Status" value="Active" />
    - <Families>
    - <Family productCode="F1">
      <Attribute name="CatalogProductName" value="Internet Access Services" />
      <Attribute name="Status" value="Active" />
    - <ParentHierarchy>
      <Item productCode="P1" modelType="Portfolio" />
    - <Family productCode="F2">
      <Attribute name="CatalogProductName" value="Local Access Services" />
      <Attribute name="Status" value="Active" />
    - <ParentHierarchy>
      <Item productCode="P2" modelType="Portfolio" />
    - <SubFamilies>
    - <SubFamily productCode="SF1">
      <Attribute name="CatalogProductName" value="Business Internet service" />
      <Attribute name="Status" value="Active" />
    - <ParentHierarchy>
      <Item productCode="F1" modelType="Family" />
    - <ProductRefs>
    - <ProductRef productCode="WSP1" modelType="Wireline Sales Product">
    - <ProductHierarchy>
      <SalesHierarchy family="F1" subFamily="SF1" portfolio="P1" primary="Y" />
      <SalesHierarchy family="F2" portfolio="P2" primary="N" />
      <FinancialHierarchy quotaBucket="Voice" strategicProdCategory="Local Voice" />
    - <ProductRef productCode="MSP2" modelType="Handset">
    - <ProductHierarchy>
      <SalesHierarchy portfolio="P4" primary="Y" />
    - <Offers>
    - <Offer productCode="ABN">
      <OfferDescription>ABN Description</OfferDescription>
    - <Segments>
    - <Offer productCode="OneNet">
      <OfferDescription>OneNet Description</OfferDescription>
    - <Segments>
    - <Products>
    - <Product productCode="WSP1" modelType="Wireline Sales Product">
      <ProductName>AT&T High Speed Internet</ProductName>
      <ProductDescription>High Speed Internet</ProductDescription>
    - <Availabilities>
    - <Segments>
      <PSOCCode>PSOC 1</PSOCCode>
    - <AliasNames>
      <AliasName>AT&T HSI</AliasName>
      <AliasName>AT&T Fast Internet</AliasName>
    - <OfferTypes>
      <OfferType productCode="ABN" endDate="2009-11-20" />
      <OfferType productCode="OneNet" />
    - <DynamicAttributes>
    - <DynamicAttribute dataType="String" defaultValue="2.5 Mbps" name="Speed">
      <AttrValue>1.5 Mbps</AttrValue>
      <AttrValue>2.5 Mbps</AttrValue>
      <AttrValue>3.5 Mbps</AttrValue>
    - <DynamicAttribute dataType="String" name="TransportType">
    - <Product productCode="MSP2" modelType="Handset">
      <ProductName>Blackberry Bold</ProductName>
      <ProductDescription>Blackberry Bold Phone</ProductDescription>
      <LegacyCoProdIndicator />
      <RevenueCBLCode />
      <VolumeCBLCode />
      <SAARTServiceIDCode />
      <MarginPercentRequired />
      <PercentIntl />
      <PriceType />
      <Compensable />
      <Jurisdiction />
    - <Availabilities>
      <Availability />
    - <Segments>
      <PSOCCode />
      <USBilled />
      <MOWBilled />
    - <AliasNames>
      <AliasName />
    - <OfferTypes>
      <OfferType productCode="ABN" />
    - <DynamicAttributes>
    - <DynamicAttribute dataType="String" name="StlmntContractType">
      <AttrValue />
    - <DynamicAttribute dataType="String" name="BMG 2 year price">
    - <DynamicAttribute dataType="String" name="MSRP">
    - <DynamicAttribute dataType="String" name="BMGAvailableType">
      <AttrValue />
    - <DynamicAttribute dataType="String" name="ProductId">
    - <DynamicAttribute dataType="String" name="modelSource">

    Two options that come to mind. Others exist.
    #1 - {thread:id=474031}, which is basically storing the XML in an Object Relational structure for parsing
    #2 - Dump the XML into either an XMLType based table or column and use SQL (with XMLTable) to create a view that parses the data. This would be the same as the view shown in the above post.
    Don't use sql*loader to parse the XML. I was trying to find a post from mdrake about that but couldn't. In short, sql*loader was not build as an XML parser so don't try to use it that way.

  • Loading XML File in Oracle Tables through Concurrent Request

    I am posting a working program which reads an XML File and loads in Oracle database table through Concurrent Request. Input parameter for this program is file name. I have added directory name ASPEN_DIR as /interface/inbound in ALL_DIRECTORIES table.
    /* This is a sample program reading an input xml file and loads data in Oracle Database table
    This program is executed through concurrent request and it has an input file name
    it also creates a log for reading and inserting records from file and into a table
    PROCEDURE read_emp_xml_file (errbuf out varchar2,
    retcode out number,
    in_filename in varchar2)
    my_dir varchar2(10) := 'ASPEN_DIR';
    l_bfile BFILE;
    l_clob CLOB;
    l_parser dbms_xmlparser.Parser;
    l_doc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
    l_nl dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    l_n dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
    l_temp VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_empno number(10);
    v_ename varchar2(50);
    v_job varchar2(30);
    v_mgr number(10);
    v_hiredate date;
    v_sal number(10);
    v_comm number(10);
    src_csid NUMBER := NLS_CHARSET_ID('UTF8');
    v_read NUMBER(5);
    v_insert NUMBER(5);
    dest_offset INTEGER := 1;
    src_offset INTEGER := 1;
    lang_context INTEGER := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx;
    warning INTEGER;
    v_read := 0;
    v_insert := 0;
    l_bfile := BFileName(my_dir, in_filename);
    dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_clob, cache=>FALSE);
    dbms_lob.open(l_bfile, dbms_lob.lob_readonly);
    dbms_lob.loadclobfromfile(l_clob, l_bfile, dbms_lob.getlength(l_bfile), dest_offset,src_offset, src_csid, lang_context, warning);
    -- make sure implicit date conversions are performed correctly
    dbms_session.set_nls('NLS_DATE_FORMAT','''DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SS''');
    -- Create a parser.
    l_parser := dbms_xmlparser.newParser;
    -- Parse the document and create a new DOM document.
    dbms_xmlparser.parseClob(l_parser, l_clob);
    l_doc := dbms_xmlparser.getDocument(l_parser);
    -- Free resources associated with the CLOB and Parser now they are no longer needed.
    -- Get a list of all the nodes in the document using the XPATH syntax.
    l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectNodes(dbms_xmldom.makeNode(l_doc),'/EMPLOYEES/EMP');
    -- Loop through the list and create a new record in a tble collection
    -- for each record.
    FOR cur_emp IN 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getLength(l_nl) - 1 LOOP
    l_n := dbms_xmldom.item(l_nl, cur_emp);
    v_read := v_read + 1;
    -- Use XPATH syntax to assign values to he elements of the collection.
    insert into emp(empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm)
    v_insert := v_insert + 1;
    -- Free any resources associated with the document now it
    -- is no longer needed.
    --remove file to another directory
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Number of Records Read : '||v_read);
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Number of Records Insert : '||v_insert);
    retcode := sqlcode;
    ERRBUF := sqlerrm;
    END read_emp_xml_file;
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>
    - <EMP>

    Take a look at Examples 4-8 and 4-9. Even thought this is 10g doc code should work on 9.2.4 or later

  • Loading xml file into oracle table

    Please guide as to how can xml file be loaded into corresponding oracle table.

    check out this :

  • Loading xml file into external tables

    emp.xml is xml file namewhich is saved in C:\Documents and Settings\james\Desktop\emp.xml
    xml file
    CREATE DIRECTORY my_xml_dir AS 'C:\Documents and Settings\james\Desktop\emp.xml'
    using external tables how this xml data is loaded into my_xml_et

    Take a look at Examples 4-8 and 4-9. Even thought this is 10g doc code should work on 9.2.4 or later

  • Most efficient way to load XML file data into tables

    I have a complex XML file running into MBs. I want to load it's data into 7-8 tables.
    Which way will be better:
    1) Use SQL Loader to actually load directly into the 7-8 tables directly by modifying the control card.
    Is this really possible and feasible? I am not even sure about it
    2) Load data as XML Type in a table and register it. Then extract from there to load into various tables.
    Please help. I have to find the most efficient way of doing it.

    Yes it is possible to use SQL*Loader to parse and load XML, but that is not what it was designed for and so is not recommended. You also don't need to register a schema, just to load/store/parse XML in the DB either.
    So where does that leave you?
    Some options
    {thread:id=410714} (see page 2)
    Those talk some about storage options and reading in XML from disk and parsing XML. They should also give you options to consider. Without knowing more about your requirements for the effort, it is difficult to give specific advice. Maybe your 7-8 tables don't exist and so using Object Relational Storage for the XML would be the best solution as you can query/update tables that Oracle creates based off the schema associated to the XML. Maybe an External Table definition works better for reading the XML into the system because this process will happen just once. Maybe using WebDAV makes more sense for loading XML to be parsed (I don't have much experience with this, just know it is possible from what I've read on the forums). Also, your version makes a difference as you have different options available depending upon the version of Oracle.
    Hope all that helps as a starter.
    Edited by: A_Non on Jul 8, 2010 4:31 PM
    A great example, see the answers by mdrake in {thread:id=1096784}

  • Loading XML files into multiple tables

    I've got XML like so...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <MainTitle Version="1.0" Date="2009-01-11">
    <Desc>Some text</Desc>
    <attribute>more stuff</attribute>
    <attribute>even more stuff</attribute>
    <attribute>different stuff</attribute>
    <attribute>More of the same<attribute>
    <attribute>But different still</attribute>
    <attribute>Even more different junk<attribute>
    Where each MainName instance in the file can have 0 or more ( unbounded ) Category and Feature tags and each Category instance can have multiple attribute tags. The file contains many thousands of MainName instances and has embedded a good mix of possible tags.
    I believe I can load this into 9i xmltype table or a 9i table with an xmltype column, then query the data to get it out...
    SQL> create table mytab (
    2 xmlraw XMLType
    3 );
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into mytab values ( sys.xmltype.createxml(
    2 '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    3 <MainTitle Version="1.0" Date="2009-01-11">
    4 <MainName>
    5 <ID1>A</ID1>
    6 <ID2>ABC</ID2>
    7 <ID3>ABC123</ID3>
    8 <Desc>Some text</Desc>
    9 <feature>f1</feature>
    10 <feature>f2</feature>
    11 <Category>
    12 <name>n1</name>
    13 <attribute>more stuff</attribute>
    14 </Category>
    15 <Category>
    16 <name>n2</name>
    17 <attribute>even more stuff</attribute>
    18 </Category>
    19 <Category>
    20 <name>n3</name>
    21 <attribute>different stuff</attribute>
    22 </Category>
    23 <Category>
    24 <name>n4</name>
    25 <attribute>More of the same</attribute>
    26 <attribute>But different still</attribute>
    27 <attribute>Even more different junk</attribute>
    28 </Category>
    29 </MainName>
    30 </MainTitle>')
    31 );
    1 row created.
    1 select
    2 extract(a.xmlraw,'/MainTitle/MainName/ID1/text()'),
    3 extract(a.xmlraw,'/MainTitle/MainName/ID2/text()'),
    4 extract(a.xmlraw,'/MainTitle/MainName/ID3/text()'),
    5 extract(a.xmlraw,'/MainTitle/MainName/Desc/text()'),
    6 extract(a.xmlraw,'/MainTitle/MainName/feature/text()'),
    7 extract(a.xmlraw,'/MainTitle/MainName/Category/text()'),
    8 extract(a.xmlraw,'/MainTitle/MainName/Category/name/text()'),
    9 extract(a.xmlraw,'/MainTitle/MainName/Category/attribute/text()')
    10* from mytab a
    SQL> /
    Some text
    more stuffeven more stuffdifferent stuffMore of the sameBut different stillEven
    more different junk
    This all works just fine, however, it's not quite what I need. For starters, the multiple tag data is concatenated and when I try to specifically query it out using a where clause I get ORA 22950. So, not sure how to deal with that.
    Is it possible to use sqlldr to get the 200MB XML file loaded into a table like that above?
    Now, given multiple "feature" and "category" data per "MainName", I need to use the SQL to dump the XML data into a set of tables built to model the structure of the XML...
    Main_Table (
    ID1 Varchar2(10)
    ID2 varchar2(10)
    ID3 varchar2(10)
    desc varchar2(100)
    Features_Table (
    ID1 varchar2(10)
    feature varchar2(100)
    Category_Table (
    ID1 varchar2(10)
    name varchar2(100)
    attribute varchar2(100)
    What are the groups recommendations here? Should I continue down this route or is there a better way?

    When I suggested the option to parse the XML in PL/SQL I was referring to pulling the data into PL/SQL and then performing all parsing activity against the PL/SQL copy and you don't need to make SQL calls.
    Here is a quick sample for parsing out all the Category/name elements from the XML once it is loaded into PL/SQL
      l_index     PLS_INTEGER;
      l_category  XMLTYPE;
      l_db_row    XMLTYPE := XMLTYPE('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <MainTitle Version="1.0" Date="2009-01-11">
          <Desc>Some text</Desc>
             <attribute>more stuff</attribute>
             <attribute>even more stuff</attribute>
             <attribute>different stuff</attribute>
             <attribute>More of the same</attribute>
             <attribute>But different still</attribute>
                   <attribute>Even more different junk</attribute>
       l_index := 1;
       WHILE l_db_row.Existsnode('/MainTitle/MainName/Category[' ||
                                 To_Char(l_index) || ']') > 0
          l_category := l_db_row.Extract('/MainTitle/MainName/Category[' ||
                                           To_Char(l_index) || ']');
          l_index := l_index + 1;
       END LOOP;
    END;You could repeat the WHILE loop to parse out the attribute column as well since it repeats. This is what Dave's post was showing and what I was referring to.
    Hint: If you are trying to use .extract to go after an optional node, you need to verify the node exists via existsNode first. If you don't you can get an "ORA-30625: method dispatch on NULL SELF argument is disallowed" error when trying to extract a non-existent node.

  • How to load a XML file into a table using PL/SQL

    Hi Guru,
    I have a requirement, that i have to create a procedure or a package in PL/SQL to load  XML file into a table.
    How we can achive this.

    ODI_NewUser wrote:
    Hi Guru,
    I have a requirement, that i have to create a procedure or a package in PL/SQL to load  XML file into a table.
    How we can achive this.
    Not a perfectly framed question. How do you want to load the XML file? Hoping you want to parse the xml file and load it into a table you can do this.
    This is the xml file
    karthick% cat emp_details.xml
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    You can write a query like this.
    SQL> select *
      2    from xmltable
      3         (
      4            '/ROWSET/ROW'  passing xmltype
      5            (
      6                 bfilename('SDAARBORDIRLOG', 'emp_details.xml')
      7               , nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')
      8            )
      9            columns empno    number      path 'EMPNO'
    10                  , ename    varchar2(6) path 'ENAME'
    11                  , job      varchar2(9) path 'JOB'
    12                  , mgr      number      path 'MGR'
    13                  , hiredate varchar2(20)path 'HIREDATE'
    14                  , sal      number      path 'SAL'
    15                  , com      number      path 'COM'
    16                  , deptno   number      path 'DEPTNO'
    17         );
         EMPNO ENAME  JOB              MGR HIREDATE                    SAL        COM     DEPTNO
          7782 CLARK  MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-1981                2450          0         10
          7839 KING   PRESIDENT            17-NOV-1981                5000          0         10

  • How to load a XML file into a table

    I've been working on Oracle for many years but for the first time I was asked to load a XML file into a table.
    As an example, I've found this on the web, but it doesn't work
    Can someone tell me why? I hoped this example could help me.
    the file acct.xml is this:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <REMARKS>rp polytechnic</REMARKS>
    <REMARKS>rp polytechnic administration</REMARKS>
    <REMARKS>rp polytechnic finance</REMARKS>
    <REMARKS>rp polytechnic logistics</REMARKS>
    <STATUS_REMARKS>process exception</STATUS_REMARKS>
    <REMARKS> base polytechnic</REMARKS>
    <REMARKS> base polytechnic finance</REMARKS>
    <REMARKS> base polytechnic logistics</REMARKS>
    For the two tags HEADER and DETAILS I have the table:
    create table xxrp_acct_details(
    status_code number,
    status_remarks varchar2(100),
    segment_number number,
    remarks varchar2(100)
    before I've created a
    create directory test_dir as 'c:\esterno'; -- where I have my acct.xml
    and after, can you give me a script for loading data by using XMLTABLE?
    I've tried this but it doesn't work:
    acct_doc xmltype := xmltype( bfilename('TEST_DIR','acct.xml'), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8') );
    insert into xxrp_acct_details (status_code, status_remarks, segment_number, remarks)
    select x1.status_code,
    from xmltable(
      passing acct_doc
      columns header_no      for ordinality,
              status_code    number        path 'STATUS_CODE',
              status_remarks varchar2(100) path 'STATUS_REMARKS'
    ) x1,
      passing acct_doc as "d",
              x1.header_no as "hn"
      columns segment_number number        path 'SEGMENT_NUMBER',
              remarks        varchar2(100) path 'REMARKS'
    ) x2
    This should allow me to get something like this:
    select * from xxrp_acct_details;
    Statuscode status remarks segement remarks
    100 check 2 rp polytechnic
    100 check 3 rp polytechnic administration
    100 check 4 rp polytechnic finance
    100 check 5 rp polytechnic logistics
    500 process exception 20 base polytechnic
    500 process exception 30
    500 process exception 40 base polytechnic finance
    500 process exception 50 base polytechnic logistics
    but I get:
    Error report:
    ORA-06550: line 19, column 11:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got NUMBER
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 2:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    06550. 00000 -  "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
    *Cause:    Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
    and if I try to change the script without using the column HEADER_NO to keep track of the header rank inside the document:
    acct_doc xmltype := xmltype( bfilename('TEST_DIR','acct.xml'), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8') );
    insert into xxrp_acct_details (status_code, status_remarks, segment_number, remarks)
    select x1.status_code,
    from xmltable(
      passing acct_doc
      columns status_code    number        path 'STATUS_CODE',
              status_remarks varchar2(100) path 'STATUS_REMARKS'
    ) x1,
      passing acct_doc
      columns segment_number number        path 'SEGMENT_NUMBER',
              remarks        varchar2(100) path 'REMARKS'
    ) x2
    I get this message:
    Error report:
    ORA-19114: error during parsing the XQuery expression: 
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 13:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_XQUERYINT' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    19114. 00000 -  "error during parsing the XQuery expression: %s"
    *Cause:    An error occurred during the parsing of the XQuery expression.
    *Action:   Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.
    My oracle version is 10gR2 Express Edition
    I do need a script for loading xml files into a table as soon as possible, Give me please a simple example for understanding and that works on 10gR2 Express Edition
    Thanks in advance!

    The reason your first SQL statement
    select x1.status_code,
    from xmltable(
      passing acct_doc
      columns header_no      for ordinality,
              status_code    number        path 'STATUS_CODE',
              status_remarks varchar2(100) path 'STATUS_REMARKS'
    ) x1,
      passing acct_doc as "d",
              x1.header_no as "hn"
      columns segment_number number        path 'SEGMENT_NUMBER',
              remarks        varchar2(100) path 'REMARKS'
    ) x2
    returns the error you noticed
    PL/SQL: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got NUMBER
    is because Oracle is expecting XML to be passed in.  At the moment I forget if it requires a certain format or not, but it is simply expecting the value to be wrapped in simple XML.
    Your query actually runs as is on 11.1 as Oracle changed how that functionality worked when 11.1 was released.  Your query runs slowly, but it does run.
    As you are dealing with groups, is there any way the input XML can be modified to be like
    so that it is easier to associate a HEADER/DETAILS combination?  If so, it would make parsing the XML much easier.
    Assuming the answer is no, here is one hack to accomplish your goal
    select x1.status_code,
    from xmltable(
      passing acct_doc
      columns header_no      for ordinality,
              status_code    number        path 'STATUS_CODE',
              status_remarks varchar2(100) path 'STATUS_REMARKS'
    ) x1,
      passing acct_doc as "d",
      columns detail_no      for ordinality,
              detail_xml     xmltype       path 'DETAIL'
    ) x2,
      passing x2.detail_xml
      columns segment_number number        path 'SEGMENT_NUMBER',
              remarks        varchar2(100) path 'REMARKS') x3
    WHERE x1.header_no = x2.detail_no;
    This follows the approach you started with.  Table x1 creates a row for each HEADER node and table x2 creates a row for each DETAILS node.  It assumes there is always a one and only one association between the two.  I use table x3, which is joined to x2, to parse the many DETAIL nodes.  The WHERE clause then joins each header row to the corresponding details row and produces the eight rows you are seeking.
    There is another approach that I know of, and that would be using XQuery within the XMLTable.  It should require using only one XMLTable but I would have to spend some time coming up with that solution and I can't recall whether restrictions exist in 10gR2 Express Edition compared to what can run in 10.2 Enterprise Edition for XQuery.

  • How to load XML files ? HELP!

    Hi folks.
    We have an old Oracle database 7.3..
    So we need to load XML files into its tables.
    As we understand Oracle Loader doesn't help us.
    Is the way to load that files?
    Thanks in advance

    I know you realize 7.3 is old but this is sort of like trying trying to view a DVD when you only have a VCR. Simple answer would be buy a DVD player, i.e. upgrade to a more recent version of Oracle where you will get many features to handle XML.
    How do you want the XML loaded, all as a single object? That could be a CLOB column if 7.3 had them, I am not sure. You would probably have to write PL/SQL and something with UTL_FILE (if 7.3 had that) to load it.
    If you want to put it multiple columns based on its tags, you would be better off parsing it using PERL (or something) into a CSV and loading that in SQL*Loader.
    I assume as this is using XML it is a reasonably recent design, combining that with an ancient version of the database is just going to lead to endless headaches.

  • Loading xml file using owb

    Hi Gurus,
    I am new to owb and as per requirement we need to load xml files into oracle table using owb.
    below is the xml file:
    <book category="COOKING">
    <title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title>
    <author>Giada De Laurentiis</author>
    <book category="CHILDREN">
    <title lang="en">Harry Potter</title>
    <author>J K. Rowling</author>
    <book category="WEB">
    <title lang="en">Learning XML</title>
    <author>Erik T. Ray</author>
    please help me in loading above xml file using owb.

    You can leverage the XML SQL functions to extract from XML using the database, see the blog post below;
    For example to extract information from your XML document the following SQL can be generated from OWB;
    select extractValue(value(s), '/book/author'),
    extractValue(value(s), '/book/year'),
    extractValue(value(s), '/book/price') from
    ( select XMLType('<bookstore>
    +<book category="COOKING">+
    +<title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title>+
    +<author>Giada De Laurentiis</author>+
    +<book category="CHILDREN">+
    +<title lang="en">Harry Potter</title>+
    +<author>J K. Rowling</author>+
    +<book category="WEB">+
    +<title lang="en">Learning XML</title>+
    +<author>Erik T. Ray</author>+
    +</bookstore>') adoc from dual+) r,
    table(XMLSequence(extract(r.adoc, '/bookstore/book'))) s;

  • Loading xml file in ssis?

    what properties we need to set for loading xml file in to table?

    You need an XML file and an XSD. Some examples:
    For more detailed answers, you need to be more specific with you question...
    Please mark the post as answered if it answers your question | My SSIS Blog:
    http://microsoft-ssis.blogspot.com |

  • Inserting XML file  into a Table

    Can someone provide me with a sample code to load xml files into a table. Thanks a lot.

    Keeping my fingers crossed that this quote from "Building XML Oracle Applications" by Steve Muench (O'Reilly & Associates, 2000, ISBN 1-56592-691-9) falls into the "fair use" category, and that you want it in PL/SQL, here is a procedure:
    PROCEDURE insertXMLFile
    (dir VARCHAR2, file VARCHAR2, name VARCHAR2 := NULL) IS
    theBFile BFILE;
    theCLob CLOB;
    theDocName VARCHAR2(200) := NVL(name,file);
    -- (1) Insert a new row into xml_documents with an empty CLOB, and
    -- (2) Retrieve the empty CLOB into a variable with RETURNING.INTO
    INSERT INTO stylesheets(docname,sheet) VALUES(theDocName,empty_clob( ))
    RETURNING sheet INTO theCLob;
    -- (3) Get a BFile handle to the external file
    theBFile := BFileName(dir,file);
    -- (4) Open the file
    -- (5) Copy the contents of the BFile into the empty CLOB
    dbms_lob.loadFromFile(dest_lob => theCLob, src_lob => theBFile, amount => dbms_lob.getLength(theBFile));
    -- (6) Close the file and commit

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