Local variable table missing

I have compiled my sources using IBM's jikes compiler with the -g option (for debugging purposes). I am using Sun's JRE 1.2.2. and JPDA 1.0.
When I run the debugger using JPDA and try to set a watch for local variables I get an error saying that the local variable table is missing. And it asks me to compile the source with the debug option (which I've already done but with the jikes compiler)
Any ideas what is going wrong here?

Simplest/quick solution would be to recompile with sun's javac before you run it through sun's JRE.

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  • Debugger issue - local variable table missing

    I have compiled my sources using IBM's jikes compiler with the -g option (for debugging purposes). I am using Sun's JRE 1.2.2. and JPDA 1.0.
    When I run the debugger using JPDA and try to set a watch for local variables I get an error saying that the local variable table is missing. And it asks me to compile the source with the debug option (which I've already done but with the jikes compiler)
    Any ideas what is going wrong here?

    How about using javac?

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    You can use the TestStand API to programmatically create global variables at runtime, thus ensuring their existence. For example, you could call Engine.Globals.SetValString("GlobalStringVariableName", PropOption_InsertIfMissing, "variable value")
    Of course, if you need to test multiple UUTs in parallel, a single global is not sufficient. In that case you might consider adding the field you need to the UUT datatype in the process model. You could then access the field in your sequence via RunState.Root.Locals.UUT.YourNewField = YourNewValue.
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    I am trying to redeclare the @accountList parameter into a local variable but it's not working and says that i must declare the scalar variable @accountList.this is the line that is having the issue: must declare the scalar variable @accountListSET @local_accountList = @accountListALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_DynamicNumberVisits] @accountList AS integer_list_tbltype READONLY
    ,@startDate NVARCHAR(50)
    ,@endDate NVARCHAR(50)
    DECLARE @local_accountList AS integer_list_tbltype
    DECLARE @local_startDate AS NVARCHAR(50)
    DECLARE @local_endDate AS NVARCHAR(50)
    SET @local_accountList = @accountList
    SET @local_startDate = @startDate
    SET @local_endDate = @endDate
    CREATE TYPE [dbo].[integer_list_tbltype] AS TABLE(
    [n] [int] NOT NULL,
    [n] ASC

    Why are you asking how to be an awful SQL programmer??  Your whole approach to SQL is wrong.
    We have a DATE data type so your insanely long NVARCHAR(50) of Chinese Unicode strings is absurd. Perhaps you can post your careful research on this? Can you post one example of a fifty character date in any language? 
    The use of the "sp_" prefix has special meaning in T-SQL dialect. Good SQL programmers do not use CREATE TYPE for anything. It is dialect and useless. It is how OO programmers fake it in SQL. 
    The design flaw of using a "tbl-" prefix on town names is called "tibbling" and we laugh at it. 
    There are no lists in RDBMS; all values are shown as scalar values. First Normal Form (1NF)? This looks like a set, which would have a name. 
    In any -- repeat any -- declarative programming language, we do not use local variables. You have done nothing right at any level. You need more help than forum kludges. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

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    Use Where clause as:

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    server the same table is created and the data is transfered. The Source and Destination server names are project variables.
    Once all data is copied I use a set of code from the dba_CopyLogins script I got from SQLSoldier (http://www.sqlsoldier.com/wp/sqlserver/transferring-logins-to-a-database-mirror) to create the missing logins on the Destination server.
    What I've found is that I can't use expressions to handle the code, at least I haven't found a way yet, expression evaluation will give an error on (for example) the following code:
    Set @SQL = 'Create Login ' + quotename(@LoginName)
    If @Type In ('U', 'G')
    Set @SQL = @SQL + ' From Windows;'
    Set @PasswordHashString = '0x' +
    Cast('' As XML).value('xs:hexBinary(sql:variable("@PasswordHash"))', 'nvarchar(300)');
    Set @SQL = @SQL + ' With Password = ' + @PasswordHashString + ' HASHED, ';
    Set @SIDString = '0x' +
    Cast('' As XML).value('xs:hexBinary(sql:variable("@SID"))', 'nvarchar(100)');
    Set @SQL = @SQL + 'SID = ' + @SIDString + ';';
    I've tried various things to get this to work as an expression, however I seem to continue to get the error:
    The expression might contain an invalid token, an incomplete token, or an invalid element. It might not be well-formed, or might be missing part of a required element such as a parenthesis.
    So the next thing I tried was just using the script as Direct input with Parameter Mapping on the tables but I've got the error:
    Must declare the table variable "@P1".
    All the way up to @P12. Since we're talking about 12 variables that are in the script in total. But they are table variables and apparently Parameter mapping is not possible on table variables or am I wrong here? Pieces of code for example are:
    Set @MaxID = (Select Max(LoginID) From ?)
    Set @CurrID = (Select Min(LoginID) From ?)
    I hope there's someone who could help me out or at least can give me a direction to look into.
    Yes we could use the script provided, but we don't want to work with LinkedServers, besides I'd have to make local jobs on the servers instead of controlling it all from 1 centralised server.
    Thank for looking at the topic and I hope you have a clue about what to do...

    The code you posted is a t-sql code. If you want to store it inside ssis variable syntax is different. As per what you say what might be best would be to warp above code inside a procedure and then call it from SSIS execute sql task after passing values
    through SSIS variable
    also for 
    Set @MaxID = (Select Max(LoginID) From ?)
    create variable in SSIS, set EvaluateAsExpression true and set expression as
    "Select Max(LoginID) AS MaxID From " + @[User::TableName]
    Where TableName is SSIS variable through which you pass the table name. Then use above statement inside execute sql task and set resultset option as single row and map resultset to SSIS variable (say @[User::MaxID]) to get return value 
    similarly for other statements
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
    Please Mark This As Helpful if it helps to solve your issue
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  • Cl_gui_alv_grid:exporting protected table data MT_OUTTAB to local int.table

    Hi guys,
    this is my problem.
    I've an instance of cl_gui_alv_grid in the reference variable gos_alv. This instance
    is populated by "sap GOS service". 
    Now, i'd like to save locally the internal data table of the gos_alv (populated
    automatically by the service call).
    The data tables is called "mt_outtab" and is a standard protected component of the cl_gui_alv_grid class
    (you can see it in the se24 transaction).
    I think to create a subclass of the cl_gui_lav_grid and make a public method to
    save data like this :
    field-symbols: <outtab> type standard table.
    *       CLASS lcl_gui_alv_grid DEFINITION
    class lcl_gui_alv_grid definition inheriting from cl_gui_alv_grid.
      public section.
        methods : get_tab_line.
    endclass.                    "lcl_gui_alv_grid DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_gui_alv_grid IMPLEMENTATION
    class lcl_gui_alv_grid implementation.
      method get_tab_line.
    * mt_outtab is the data table held as a protected attribute
    * in class cl_gui_alv_grid.
        assign me->mt_outtab->* to <outtab>. "Original data
      endmethod.                    "get_tab_line
    endclass.                    "lcl_gui_alv_grid IMPLEMENTATION
    data : l_alv type ref to lcl_gui_alv_grid.
    But when i do a downcast like this :
    l_alv ?= gos_alv.
    I have an exception of casting error. SO, how i can extract protected data into
    local internal table?
    I've already try to debug the service that build the alv list to understand how the data table
    is populated but it's too complex.
    Thank you

    not yet any suggestion?
    Generally speaking, i cannot understand why i cannot use down-cast with an instance declared as a subclass of a super-class.
    Many examples, shows that i can create a sub-class inheriting from a super-class, add methods and attributes, make something like this : subclass ?= superclass and the call method of the subclass.
    But when i try to do the same with a class derived from cl_gui_alv_grid, i have always a casting type exception in the down-cast instruction.
    Could you explain me why?
    Thank you very much

  • How to declare local variables in PL/SQL stored programs

    Where do I declare local variables in a PL/SQL stored program?
    I get compiler errors with either of the options below:

    Your local variable cannot have the same name as the formal out parameter. This is a procedure example, but since functions should not have out parameters anyway ...
    session2> CREATE PROCEDURE p (p_id IN NUMBER, p_did OUT NUMBER) AS
      2     p_did NUMBER;
      3  BEGIN
      4     p_did := p_id * 2;
      5  END;
      6  /
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    session2> show error
    Errors for PROCEDURE P:
    0/0      PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated
    1/1      PLS-00410: duplicate fields in RECORD,TABLE or argument list are
             not permittedThe proper way to create a function would be something like:
       l_did NUMBER;
      l_did := p_id * 2;
      RETURN l_did;
    END;You should really assign a value to the variable before you return it.

  • SQL environment variable into a local variable in stored procedure ?

    How do i set a SQL environment variable in a session ? How can i read an SQL environment variable into a local variable declared in my stored procedure ? Does any exceptions occur in the process ?
    I need this very urgently, can anyone help ?

    You can use a pipelined table function to return it, which is covered here:
    Alternatively, you can use a SQL Object type wrapped by a collection of that SQL object type inside a TABLE call. I've blogged on that too, here:
    If you need something more, leave a comment on the blog. I'm not here on the forum too frequently. Hope that helped.

  • How to add a new Local Variable for DataBase Logging?

    I need to add a Local sequence variable to my STEP_RESULT table, i know i need to modify the schema by adding a new column but not sure on what to write in "Expression" to access the value of local variable. 
    Please reply asap, as its a little urgent.
    Nitin Goel

    you can read this here:

  • How to set multple values in cluster with local variable?

    Hello all,
    Ok, I've made my way through Labview for everyone, and have some basic concepts down. I can see with a cluster, if acting directly upon it, you can unbundle, change values, rebundle, etc.
    I'm trying something a bit more complex...and just not sure how to get started on this.
    I have a drop down menu ring. I have set this up as a typedef, with 4 values.  I have used this typedef 7 times, plus some LED bools, in a cluster. I have made this cluster a typedef.
    So, in my main vi I"m starting to design, I've set up an example posted here....and in it, I have two instantiations of the cluster typedef, Left Selector and Right Selector.
    I have dropped into this vi, a copy of the menu ring typedef (same typedef as in the clusters, same values)....called reset all tubes.
    I'm trying now, to figure out how, with an event on the change of value for 'reset all tubes'....that I can start with the left selector, and change all the tubes (these are the menu ring selector)  to the same value as what has been selected with the 'reset all tubes' menu ring.
    I've created a local variable for the left selector. It is set to read values. (I'll be doing the same with the right one too, but just starting with the left).
    In examples I've seen where directly accessing a cluster, you could unbundle the cluster...loop through and change the values...maybe pull out all of the 'tubes' into an array and move through that to update the values.  And when you bundle or unbundle the cluster...you can see the values, etc, when you stretch them out on the block diagram.
    With the local variable..I can't see to 'stretch' it out like I was expecting..so I can access the values for the 'tubes'...and set them all to the value of the 'reset all tubes' ring menu value.
    Can someone put me on the path on the best way to do this....or is there a structure of component I'm missing here ?  Am I on the right track to begin with here?
    This would seem pretty basic to me, but I'm just missing something here on how to start...
    Thank you in advance,
    Go to Solution.
    example_select_dropdown.ctl ‏5 KB
    public_selector_cluster.ctl ‏6 KB
    laptop_test_public.vi ‏12 KB

    nathand wrote:
    You can't do this with a for loop the way the cluster is structured, but why make it so complicated?  Just bundle the new value into the cluster as shown below:
    If you do want to use a for loop, consider restructuring your cluster.  Group the ring and a boolean into a cluster, then drop 7 of those into the selector cluster.  Then you can use "cluster to array" and "array to cluster" since all elements in the outer cluster will be of the same type.
    Also, be careful using rings as type definitions.  You probably want to use an enumeration instead.  The items in a ring do not update when you update the type definition because they're considered to be cosmetic; the items in an enumeration type definition do update, because the items in an enumeration are considered part of the data type.
    Oh my goodness!!
    What was MUCH easier than I was trying to make it!!
    I was attempting to do this reset, in an incremental fashion, as that later, I'm going to need to change values in this cluster by individual elements....and was using this as a way to try to understand how to iterate between cluster elements, and change the values of each one.
    This solution works much better for this 'reset' all solution.
    One question on this....with regard to the enum vs the ring menu.
    I was actually going to go with the enum, however, I could not find a way to make it LOOK like the ring menu...with the arrow to the side that a user would know to click to present the menu list of choices.
    I see with the enum, that you can remove the increment/decrement indicator.....and if the user clicks the control, it will indeed pop up a menu of choices...but there is no 'arrow' on that control to indicate to the user that it is a menu choice there.....
    Is there a way to make and enum look like a ring with the "drop down menu" control look?
    Again, thank you !!
    This helps!

  • Best way to remove local variables

    I have been told that I need to remove all the local variables in my VI, because they are slow.  I can not seem to find a good option for replacing them but keeping the same functionality.
    What I am using the local variables for is to update 3 different graphs on the front panel from 3 different sources.  Each of these sources are located in while loops so that data can be acquired asynchronously.  In closing these 3 while loops is a case statement.  The case statement is for switching between acquiring and saving the data or just acquiring data.  The local variables are used to update the indicators and graphs from the acquiring and saving data case.  It is these local variables that I need to remove.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?
    -- Z

    Zurvan wrote:
    I have been told that I need to remove all the local variables in my VI, because they are slow.
    Who told you that?
    As others have said, local variables typically don't cause slowdown (They cause additional datacopies in memory, have the potential of causing race conditions and cause messy code).
    What is "slow" in your definition? (missing data, cannot keep up with the instrument, slugging UI, etc.).
    What is the CPU use when your program runs?
    So apparently you have a loop that updates all indicators from local variables. What is the loop rate of that display loop? Do you spin that millions of times per second or pace it at a reasonable rate? How much data is in the graphs?
    Remember, a graph does not need to update unless the data changes.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Local variables with cross dimensional operator

    I have a business rule, which has the following calculation :
    TOTPROD = "Prod1"+"Prod2"+"Prod3";
    "MBR1" = "MBR2"->"Jan"->TOTPROD/"MBR2"->"YearTotal"->"TotalProducts";
    The above statement does not run for obvious reasons that TOTPROD is not a member name.
    Is there a way to use a local variable in a cross dimensional operator statement?
    I want to use the local variable in order to avoid making an alternate hierarchy.
    I am using Essbase / HPB
    Please help.

    As you state, I dont think the approach that you have is going to work.
    What about either
    a. Creating a dummy product member in your outline and place your result on it (or use an existing 'dummy' product member)
    b. Re-write your code to handle what you wish to do....something like (assuming you are adding Prod1, 2 and 3):
    "MBR1" = ("MBR2"->"Jan"-> "Prod1"+"MBR2"->"Jan"-> "Prod2"+"MBR2"->"Jan"-> "Prod3")/"MBR2"->"YearTotal"->"TotalProducts";
    Not sure if I am missing anything here, but do either of these suggestions help?

  • SCCM 2007 Hardware Inventory v_GS_VIRTUAL_MACHINE table missing the PhysicalHostName0 and PhysicalHostNameFullyQualifi0 Columns

    Hi All,
    I went to run a query in SQL Management Studio the other day and realized that the
    v_GS_VIRTUAL_MACHINE table missing the PhysicalHostName0
    and PhysicalHostNameFullyQualifi0 Columns.
    I reviewed the Configuration.mof and SMS_def.mof files and they seem fine. The Configuration.mof file has the below in it where it should be gathering the PhysicalHostName0 and PhysicalHostNameFullyQualifi0 parameters.
    // Virtual PC
    #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")
    class Win32Reg_SMSGuestVirtualMachine
            string InstanceKey;
            string PhysicalHostName;
            string PhysicalHostNameFullyQualified;
    instance of Win32Reg_SMSGuestVirtualMachine
        InstanceKey = "VPCKey";
        [PropertyContext("local|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Virtual Machine\\Guest\\Parameters|PhysicalHostName"),
                        Dynamic, Provider("RegPropProv")]
        [PropertyContext("local|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Virtual Machine\\Guest\\Parameters|PhysicalHostNameFullyQualified"),
                        Dynamic, Provider("RegPropProv")]
    class Win32Reg_SMSGuestVirtualMachine64
            string InstanceKey;
            string PhysicalHostName;
            string PhysicalHostNameFullyQualified;
    instance of Win32Reg_SMSGuestVirtualMachine64
        InstanceKey = "VPCKey";
        [PropertyContext("local|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Virtual Machine\\Guest\\Parameters|PhysicalHostName"),
                        Dynamic, Provider("RegPropProv")]
        [PropertyContext("local|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Virtual Machine\\Guest\\Parameters|PhysicalHostNameFullyQualified"),
                        Dynamic, Provider("RegPropProv")]
    I'm not really sure what to look at next and am hoping someone else has experienced this issue before.
    I have looked at other customers running SCCM 2007 and compared the Configuration.mof and SMS_def.mof files, which look pretty much the same.
    Thanks in advanced.

    Are they running on virtual pc or virtual server? Notice that I said virtual pc and virtual server, not Hyper-v. In CM12 this is fix and will show the physical server when running on Hyper-v.
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

  • Store Counter Number in BODS using Global/Local Variable

    Hi All,
    Anyone done before adding a counter integer field into a table based on key via BODS?
    Table 1 (contains just 1 field) <-Input:
    Key 1
    Key 1
    Key 2
    Key 2
    Key 2
    Table 2(contains 2 fields with INT as the 2nd field) <-Output:
    Key 1      1
    Key 1      2
    Key 2      1
    Key 2      2
    Key 2      3
    I was wondering if populating the Local Variable or Global Variable might work but from my understanding, inside the Data Flow , it's not possible to increase the variable value ($count = $count + 1).

    Hi Maurice,
    Thats a good idea!!
    I had currently implemented a solution where i use Variables and Customize Functions to solve the problem.
    Will give a try and see if your solution produce the same result.

Maybe you are looking for

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