Localization / language question

My mac apparently has 4 languages installed on it: English, French, German and Japanese. When I go to sys preferences/international and select one of these languages, some applications (such as Final Cut Pro) will display their UI in the appropriate language. When I choose a language besides the 4 specified above it has no effect. I would like to add Spanish to this machine. I have been digging around and have not found a way to do it. Can anybody please point me in the correct direction?

J@autoduck wrote:
My mac apparently has 4 languages installed on it: English, French, German and Japanese.
You should have a lot more than that.
When I go to sys preferences/international and select one of these languages, some applications (such as Final Cut Pro) will display their UI in the appropriate language. When I choose a language besides the 4 specified above it has no effect. I would like to add Spanish to this machine. I have been digging around and have not found a way to do it. Can anybody please point me in the correct direction?
The list in International Preferences is the order of your preferred languages. Every application will run in topmost language on that list for which it has a localization. Perhaps Final Cut Pro doesn't have a Spanish localization.
Try this. Move Spanish to the top of the list. Then run Preview. Is it in Spanish? If not, you've got a problem. If it is in Spanish, run Final Cut Pro. Is it in Spanish?

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    Am 12.06.2013 um 16:31 schrieb Mylenium <[email protected]>:
    Re: language question
    created by Mylenium in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion
    Yes. You simply set the language in teh application manager and the programs will install in that language.
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    See this page for info, assuming you are talking about having the OS menus and dialogues in other languages than the 15 standard localizations.

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    Best Rgs,
    Ricardo Mendes

    As far as I know, in windows 7, only the Ultimate and Enterprise are support multiple language.
    Windows 7 language packs are available for computers that are running Windows 7 Ultimate or Windows 7 Enterprise
    And if you want to use OEM license, you need the OEM disk from the manufacturer to install windows.
    Ada Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    This forum is intended for Flex Builder questions.
    Of course you can post wherever you like, but if you want
    help, go where the helpers are.

    can you define what goes where then?
    General discussion sounds like thoughts, comments, hopes and
    Builder 2, (meaning Flex Builder 2?), seems to be the only
    area for other Flex 2 questions.
    I don't mean to be wise here, but I personally don't
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    private static class Runner extends Main {
    public void run(int i, int j) {
    private static synchronized void run(int i) {
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    Though I've not tried your situation specifically,
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    Main.run(int)            What gets called
    static any access        Main.run(int) as a static method
    nonstatic private        Compile error
    nonstatic protected      Main.Runner.run(int) as an inherited method
    nonstatic public         Main.Runner.run(int) as an inherited method

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    Hi, not tested but from apple docs:
    NSUserDefaults* defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
    NSArray* languages = [defs objectForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
    NSString* preferredLang = [languages objectAtIndex:0];
    You should also take a look at:
    http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPInte rnational/Articles/ChoosingLocalizations.html

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    If you do not have Yahei, you might try replacing it with Adobe Heiti Std, bundled with CS6 packages (don't forget that the CJK fonts are down at the bottom of ID's font list).  English-language ID can handle Chinese, but if you need the special features available in CJK versions you must use either a Chinese version or the World Tools Pro plugin.  But you really might be able to get by with straight English IDCS6.
    Good luck!

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    Does anyone have experience of a similair situation? Does anyone have any advice they can offer?
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