Location for Apex Patches?

Just wondering if anyone can provide the patch location for APEX?
On Metalink, there is a section for this but, all of the versions are correlated to the DB, e.g. rather than 4.1. So, I don;t really know how to search for them there.
On the technet page, there is only a download link for the main product, not for patches.
I'm setting up a new environment and figured I might as well apply the latest patch sets while I am at it.

Thanks but, as I said the Metalink search doesn't really mesh with the APEX versioning scheme. For example, as you said, the next patch will be 4.1.1.
However, if you get a spare minute, try the following:
1. Go into Metalink and click "Patches and Updates"
2. On the search screen click "Product or Family (advanced)"
3. Pick "Oracle Application Express (formerly HTML DB)"
4. All are listed at database* versions, e.g.,, etc. Nothing is listed by APEX version. Can't figure out how I would ever find the right patch.

Similar Messages

  • Exact location for this patch is required

    i required exact location for this patch Black down JRE 1.1.8 v3

    I was cleaning my macbook pro and i deleted all my files including itunes
    Restore your computer from your backup. 

  • How to change the location of Apex Listener?

    Dear all,
    after I changed the directory of location of Apex Listener, I got
    Internal Errorwhen tried to access Apex.
    How to fix this problem?

    Hello Valerie,
    probably this problem is caused by the file/directory access rights on the apex.home (the place where the APEX Listener stores its configuration). The default location would be ${java.io.tmpdir} which again defaults to */tmp/apex* in most cases. However, this is mostly a global location, not a user specific one. On the other hand, the files are created with write acces limited to the owner and read access limited to owner and group. So if you try to start with a different user, the APEX Listener tries to use the same location, but cannot access the files as needed and hence fails. root obviously will not have this problem, but I would recommend not to use this account for any service you run.
    You can set a start option to make the APEX Listener use a different location for apex.home that is read-/writable for your current user. This could like
    java -Dapex.home=/home/user/apex -jar ./apex.warOf course you can change the directory to any place that fits to your system.
    For more information on start parameters, you could take a look into the APEX Listeners Install and Development Guide.

  • Updating Page Sentry for APEX 4.0

    Hi there,
    I've found this forum and the regular posters and mods to be extremely helpful, so this post is more of a give-back, I hope. We recently upgraded a dev system of apex 3.0.x to 4.0.2 and ran into some issues where our use of some Page Sentry auth code that's been floating around a long time became a problem for us in terms of properly managing session state, URL forwarding, and acceptance of URL parameters for setting the value of page items in session.
    I've posted [an article on our blog|http://zetetic.net/blog/2010/12/10/updating-page-sentry-for-apex-4-0-upgrade/] explaining the whole thing in what is probably very boring detail over here, and if you're so inclined, we'd love your feedback. But just so there's no need to go anywhere, here's the page sentry we ended up implementing, which makes some pretty significant mods to the old page sentry to account for what we perceived as changes in APEX's behavior somewhere in our move from 3.0 all the way up to 4.0.2.
    You can view the following function nicely formatted [at this gist|https://gist.github.com/736369] :
    CREATE OR REPLACE function PASSPORT.oamPageSentry ( p_apex_user in varchar2 default 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER' )
    return boolean
    l_cgi_var_name varchar2(100) := 'REMOTE_USER';
    l_authenticated_username varchar2(256) := upper(owa_util.get_cgi_env(l_cgi_var_name));
    l_current_sid number;
    l_url_sid varchar2(4000);
    l_url varchar2(4000);
    l_app_page varchar2(4000);
    -- check to ensure that we are running as the correct database user
    if user != upper(p_apex_user) then
    return false;
    end if;
    if l_authenticated_username is null then
    return false;
    end if;
    l_current_sid := apex_custom_auth.get_session_id_from_cookie;
    l_url := wwv_flow_utilities.url_decode2(owa_util.get_cgi_env('QUERY_STRING'));
    wwv_flow.debug('oamPageSentry: request from ' || l_authenticated_username || ' (sid=' || l_current_sid || ') for ' || l_url);
    -- split on zero or more non-colon characters, and extract the URL session ID if it is present
    l_url_sid := REGEXP_SUBSTR(l_url, '[^:]*', 1, 5);
    wwv_flow.debug('oamPageSentry: extracted current sid from url as ' || l_url_sid);
    -- the post_login call at the end of this function will blindly append the session ID to the URL, even if it is
    -- a deep link. Detect this condition, strip the duplicate session identifier, and redirect.
    if REGEXP_SUBSTR(l_url, '^.*:' || l_current_sid || ':.+:' || l_current_sid || '$') IS NOT NULL then
    l_url := REGEXP_REPLACE(l_url, ':' || l_current_sid || '$', '');
    wwv_flow.debug('oamPageSentry: identified duplicate session id on URL, stripping and redirecting to ' || l_url);
    owa_util.redirect_url('f?'|| l_url);
    return false;
    end if;
    -- apex 4.0 appears to have problems setting session variables (possibly due to new session validation)
    -- if the Session identifier present in the URL does not agree with the session identifier in the cookie
    -- detect this condition, and replace the invalid URL session identifier in the URL with the valid
    -- ID in from the cookie and redirect to the fixed URL
    if owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_METHOD') = 'GET' AND l_current_sid <> TO_NUMBER(l_url_sid) then
    l_url := REGEXP_REPLACE(l_url, '^(p=.+?:.+?):\d*(.*)$', '\1:' || l_current_sid || '\2');
    wwv_flow.debug('oamPageSentry: current sid ' ||l_current_sid || ' is diferent from url sid ' || l_url_sid || ', redirecting to url' || l_url);
    owa_util.redirect_url('f?'|| l_url);
    return false;
    end if;
    -- 1. If the session is valid and the usernames match then allow the request
    -- 2. If the session is valide but the usernames do not match, there may be session tampering going on. log the session out
    -- 3. If the session id is not valid, generate a new session, and register it with apex
    if apex_custom_auth.is_session_valid then
    apex_application.g_instance := l_current_sid;
    wwv_flow.debug('oamPageSentry: current sid ' || l_current_sid || ' with username ' || apex_custom_auth.get_username || ' is valid');
    if l_authenticated_username = apex_custom_auth.get_username then
    wwv_flow.debug('oamPageSentry: current session username ' || apex_custom_auth.get_username || ' equal to header username ' || l_authenticated_username);
    return true;
    wwv_flow.debug('oamPageSentry: username ' || apex_custom_auth.get_username || ' mismatch with ' || l_authenticated_username || ' loggout');
    apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true; -- tell apex engine to quit
    return false;
    end if;
    else -- application session cookie not valid; we need a new apex session
    wwv_flow.debug('oamPageSentry: current session ' || l_current_sid || ' is not valid');
    l_current_sid := apex_custom_auth.get_next_session_id;
    wwv_flow.debug('oamPageSentry: generated new session id ' || l_current_sid);
    p_session_id=> l_current_sid );
    apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true; -- tell apex engine to quit
    if owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_METHOD') = 'GET' then
    wwv_flow.debug('oamPageSentry: GET request, remembering deep link ' || l_url);
    wwv_flow_custom_auth.remember_deep_link(p_url => 'f?'|| l_url );
    l_url := 'f?p='||
    wwv_flow.debug('oamPageSentry: POST request, remembering deep link ' || l_url);
    wwv_flow_custom_auth.remember_deep_link(p_url=> l_url );
    end if;
    -- in previous versions of apex the remember_deep_link call would actually work and cause
    -- post_login to redirect to the target URL. This doesnt work any more in 4.0. Instead,
    -- we'll pass the target page in to the post_login call directly. Post login will blindly
    -- append the session ID to the end of p_app_page when it redirects, but we
    -- clean that up with the first cleanup redirect at the beginning of the function
    l_app_page := SUBSTR(l_url, 3, LENGTH(l_url) - 2);
    wwv_flow.debug('oamPageSentry: post_login for ' || l_authenticated_username || ' app_page ' || l_app_page );
    p_uname => l_authenticated_username,
    p_session_id => nv('APP_SESSION'),
    p_app_page => l_app_page
    return false;
    end if;
    end oamPageSentry;

    Thanks a lot for this great info. It seems to have solved the problem I have been having with an NTLM page sentry function for the last 2 or 3 days. Very difficult stuff to debug what is going on inside these functions when they (obviously) behave differently once you have logged in etc.
    As I said, your solution seems to solve my problem - but I have a couple of questions :
    1. Is this related to 10347091 which is mentioned on http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/downloads/apex402knownissues-189793.html ?
    If yes, did you try the patch?
    2. Have you logged a bug or had any feedback (externally or within the forum) from Oracle people on this issue?
    I was about to log a bug regarding the deep linking and FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL not behaving correctly when I noticed the known issues and now your valuable work. I was going to try the patch, but I'd rather not apply it unless I know it will solve my problem.
    Please let me know.

  • Using OPatch for OIM patches - do you need write privs to ORACLE_HOME

    We are in the process of installing OIM and have reached the post configuration step, which requires us to install a patch.
    We are in a separate group that the DBA team and we dont have write privs to ORACLE_HOME. Can you run opatch as user id X when ORACLE_HOME is owned by user id Y.
    Also, when we installed WL + SOA + OIM, we were prompted for a oracle inventory location and opted to use the local inventory. I tried: "opatch lsinventory -invPtrLoc /<local-inventory-loc>" but that too failed.
    Any ideas?
    Aspi Engineer
    Error Messages:
    Invoking OPatch
    OPatch could not create/open history file for writing : /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt (No such file or directory)
    Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0
    Central Inventory : n/a
    from :
    OPatch version :
    OUI version :
    OUI location : /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/oui
    Log file location : n/a
    Patch history file: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt
    OPatch detects the Middleware Home as "/www/oracle/iam-sys"
    OPatch cannot find a valid oraInst.loc file to locate Central Inventory.
    OPatch failed with error code 104

    I could upgrade to OIM but that is only pushing out the problem. The real question is how does one patch Oracle Fusion middleware products?
    Since I was able to install WL+SOA+OIM using an id X, I should be able to patch the same software using the same unix id X. But it fails. opatch obviously is a tool that was designed to patch Oracle database software and it almost seems like it is assumed that whoever is running it has read/write access to $ORACLE_HOME. These are not valid requirements for a server that only hosts fusion middleware. Infact, we dont even need the Oracle client to install fusion middleware.
    Has anyone been able to run opatch on a server that either does not have a ORACLE_HOME, or the Oracle client is installed but the user executing opatch does not have write access to $ORACLE_HOME.

  • What is the location for the swatches file in the illustrator product part of Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium for windows (date and lenght)? File that manges its funcionallity.  Thanks

    As per adobe agent chat representative, the following question is posted on the fórum to obtain an answe from adobe.
    What is the location for the swatches file in the illustrator product part of Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium for windows (date and lenght)? File that manges its funcionallity.
    <moved from downloading,installing,setting up - kglad>

    Illustrator is not working as it should...
    I want them to compare the original size and date of creation with what I have installed on my computer... I have installed several times with my original CD and I tried once downloading the files from the adobe site (using my own license). I suspect the files has been modified or renamed on my laptop by an external unauthorized user causing the malfunction of the application. 
    Customer services does not support CS3 anymore and the updates / patches in the adobe site does not solve the problem... They redirect me to the forums for support...
    Presently, my problem is that after creating a swatch and drag it to the swatch panel, it does not fill as it should a new form... Now, after deactivating and activating my license the swatch seems to fill the new form but when the filter that the swatch has is persistence in the next filling object created even though a different color is being used as a fill (X)... Help in the creation of a swatch over the internet just complicate the issue.
    That's why I would like to know whether updates on my product are being received or files are being replaced without my knowledge...
    PS Do you know how to contact a staff adobe employer on the forums?

  • Intallation from #%^ for APEX 4.0

    After installing APEX 4.0 as directed in the documentation,
    I try to login to APEX 4.0 on my laptop
    A windows, not apex window comes up and says
    The server wblincoelt.caci.com at XDB requires a username and password.
    Warning: This server is requesting that your username and password be sent in an insecure manner (basic authentication without a secure connection).
    I put that in and the screen just says,
    Unauthorized in BOLD.
    Very frustrated, please help, Doug

    I did what you said and it did connect ok in the database , but the login still does the same when trying to connect in apex
    here is the dad file
    # ============================================================================
    # mod_plsql DAD Configuration File
    # ============================================================================
    # 1. Please refer to dads.README for a description of this file
    # ============================================================================
    # Note: This file should typically be included in your plsql.conf file with
    # the "include" directive.
    # Hint: You can look at some sample DADs in the dads.README file
    # ============================================================================
    Alias /i/ "C:\myhome\Oracle_WT1\instances\instance1\config\OHS\ohs1\htdocs\images/"
    AddType text/xml xbl
    AddType text/x-component htc
    <Location /pls/apex>
    SetHandler pls_handler
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all
    AllowOverride None
    PlsqlDatabaseUsername APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    PlsqlDatabasePassword caci
    PlsqlDatabaseConnectString wblincoelt.caci.com:1521:orcl ServiceNameFormat
    PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic
    PlsqlDefaultPage apex
    PlsqlDocumentTablename wwv_flow_file_objects$
    PlsqlDocumentPath docs
    PlsqlDocumentProcedure wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
    PlsqlPathAlias          url

  • When i double click itunes it doesn't open it just comes up with an error saying " The itunes library.itl file cannot be found or created. The default location for this file is in the 'itunes' folder in the 'music' folder". How can i fix this?

    When i double click itunes it doesn't open it just comes up with an error saying " The itunes library.itl file cannot be found or created. The default location for this file is in the 'itunes' folder in the 'music' folder. How can i fix this problem?

    Anyone can help to advice how to solve this issue ?

  • How can i stop an error message that comes up when i am using word? the error message is "word is unable to save the Autorecover file in the location specified. Make sure that you have specified a valid location for Autoreover files in Preferences,-

    how can i stop an error message that comes up when i am using word? the error message is "word is unable to save the Autorecover file in the location specified. Make sure that you have specified a valid location for Autoreover files in Preferences,…"

    It sounds like if you open Preferences in Word there will be a place where you can specify where to store autorecover files. Right now it sounds like it's pointing to somewhere that doesn't exist.

  • Help needed in Finding Download location for Sun One Portal 7

    help needed for finding download location for Sun ONE Portal 7. I tried to find in Oracle Download page ,
    http://www.oracle.com/us/sun/sun-products-map-075562.html, But unable to find.
    Please share the link for download location.
    I am totally new in Sun ONE Portal.
    Edited by: 945439 on Oct 5, 2012 3:41 AM

    try edelivery.oracle.com under sun products.

  • When I try to open ITunes it brings up a box that says the iTunes Library. itl file cannot be found or created. the default location for this fie is in the itunes folder in the music folder How do I solve this

    My laptop was updating itunes and turned off and every since when i try to load itunes it brings up a window that says
    The itunes library.itl fie cannot be found or created. The default location for this fie is in the itunes folder in the Music folder.
    an I cant figure out what to do to get itunes to load so I can't use itunes at all which ***** since it also means I right now I can't add music to my ipod or apps or anything. So hopefully someone can tell me what happened and how to fix it or solve it

    Hi pgarard1,
    If you are having issues with launching iTunes after an update, you may want to take a look at the troubleshooting in the following article:
    iTunes for Windows: Doesn't open after upgrading in Windows Vista or Windows 7
    - Brenden

  • Custom pagination for APEX 4.2 interactive report using Page Zero

    I want to implement an «Custom pagination for APEX 4.2 interactive report» using a «page zero».
    I recently migrate from Apex 3.1 to Apex 4.2 and my «Custom pagination for APEX 3.1 interactive report» using a «page zero»  is not working any more.
    So now I try to adapt an excellent example of Jari Laine for 4.0 but using a page zero.
    I put the code JavaScript to Page zero but I must create an dynamic action to fire only for an interactive report region.
    It’s a good idea?
    Thank you

    Thought I would try once more with my DatePicker question.
    On the Apex.Oracle.Com website I have created a 1 page application that has an Interactive Report.
    [url http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=15655:1]
    user = 'test'
    password = 'test'
    I have 2 questions :
    (1) In IE7, press 'Actions', 'Filter'. On the Column dropdown list, select 'Order Timestamp'.
    Notice the prompt icon to the right of the 'expression'. This should change to the Datepicker, but in IE7 it does not. Try the samething in Firefox or Chrome and the Datepicker will appear.
    Is this a BUG, or does Apex 4.02 not support IE7 ?
    (2) In Firefox or Chrome, where you can now see the Datepicker, you will notice that it is the new style picker, not the old style ( called 'classic' ). I want to change it so that it shows the 'classic' datepicker not the new, but cannot see how to do it, if indeed you actually can.
    I would really appreciate it if someone could take a look and let me know if I am going mad, or if we need to get all our users onto IE8. We have now gone live with Apex 4.02 and need to resolve these issues.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: DooRon on 10-Mar-2011 05:13

  • What to look for in a location for setting up an Extreme?

    I have a router, cable modem, cell phone extender, and hub in a bedroom closet because that is the way it was setup when I moved into my house. It is messy and there are lots of messy cables. I want to move all of this into another part of my house. What do I need to look for when deciding a location for all of this gear? What technical requirements do I need to ensure that it will work? Do I just need power and an ethernet port on the wall? Anything else?

    Why adequate ventillation?
    To keep electronics running cooler, so they will last longer. If you are not concerned about component life, then you can ignore the advice about ventilation.
    The gear is on one side of my house and I plan to add another Express device to use to extend the Wi-Fi signal. In this case, I'm assuming your sprinkler example does not matter?
    Then why did you not tell us this originally? We could have saved you some time.
    You told us that you planned to move all of the gear in the closet, and now you seem to be saying that is not the plan.
    Locate the AirPort Express approximately half way between the AirPort Extreme and the general area that needs more wireless coverage.
    Extending this way always results in compromises. The Express needs to be close to the AirPort Extreme to get a good strong signal, and yet it also needs to be close to the wireless devices to deliver a strong signal to the devices.
    It cannot be located both near the Extreme and your devices at the same time, so the best "compromise" is about half way between the Extreme and the area where you need more wireless signal coverage. Avoid walls or ceilings in the signal path as much as possible.
    Remember that the Express can only "extend" the quality and speed of signal that it receives. It cannot "boost" the speed of the connection, it can only make it go further.
    A much better solution if possible would be to connect the AirPort Express to the AirPort Extreme using a wired Ethernet cable connection. Then, you can locate the Express exactly where it will be most needed, since there is no signal loss in a wire.

  • Where is the Oracle Application Server for Apex 3.2.1?

    Hi, I feel ashamed asking this, but I want to know where to download the Application Server for Apex 3.2.1. Apex is installed in a DataBase 10gR1 and the O.S. where I will install the Application Server is RedHat
    I think it is here
    But there is a lot of links and things to download and I don't even know if it will work because it is Release 3 and the DataBase is Release 1, but I tried downloading the "Oracle 10gR3 Companion (10.1.3.x) CD", but after running the installer in the disk1, I found that the Oracle HTTP Server that it would install does not include mod_plsql and I know I need it.
    So, which one should I download, or where can I find it?

    Hi, I feel ashamed asking this, but I want to know where to download the Application Server for Apex 3.2.1. Apex is installed in a DataBase 10gR1 and the O.S. where I will install the Application Server is RedHatI think it is here
    But there is a lot of links and things to download and I don't even know if it will work because it is Release 3 and the DataBase is Release 1, but I tried downloading the "Oracle 10gR3 Companion (10.1.3.x) CD", but after running the installer in the disk1, I found that the Oracle HTTP Server that it would install does not include mod_plsql and I know I need it.
    So, which one should I download, or where can I find it?>
    Strictly speaking you do not need Application Server or OHS for running Apex, you have an option in ApexListener. If it is a small installation then stick to EPG that comes built-in.
    Try downloading the Oracle HTTP Server from here . You will need to check the commercial aspects yourself as OHS is not a free software for Production environment, AFAIK.

  • SBS 2011 GPO for changing the default save location for Word/Excel 2013 not working

    So this is a strange one. I've got an SBS 2011 server that's the only domain controller in the org. I've created a GPO to change the default save location for Excel 2013 and Word 2013 using the Office 2013 ADMX files which were installed to the PolicyDefinitions
    The GPO (U-Office2013 Default Save Location) only contains:
    1. User Configuration - Microsoft Excel 2013/Excel Options/Save - Default file location - Enabled - Z:\
    2. User Configuration - Microsoft Word 2013/Word Options/Advanced/File Locations - Default file location - Enabled - Z:\
    The GPO is linked at the OU that contains my users for my SBS organization.
    When I do a gpupdate /force on a windows 7 system with office2013 installed, and then run a gpresult/rsop, the policy appears to be applied successfully as it lists my GPO under the Applied GPOs list on the workstation:
    Applied GPOs
    Default Domain Policy dyndns.local AD (24), Sysvol (24)
    U-Office2013 Default Save Location domain.local/SBSusers AD (6), Sysvol (6)
    In the gpresult report, the applied settings appear under:
    Administrative Templates
    Extra Registry Settings
    software\policies\microsoft\office\15.0\excel\options\defaultpath Z:\ U-Office2013 Default Save Location
    software\policies\microsoft\office\15.0\word\options\doc-path Z:\ U-Office2013 Default Save Location
    BUT, when I go to the workstation, and check office->options-Save-default file path, the path has not been changed to what the GPO is pushing.
    The strange thing is that in my test environment running 2008R2 server and Win7 with Office 2013 and identical settings the default save location is applied and works as expected.
    Any ideas?
    I've already tried re-installing the ADMX templates and re-created the GPO's several times.
    I should also note that other GPO's on the SBS2011 server such as the folder redirection GPO work as expected on the same windows 7 system. It just appears to be an issue with the default save location in office2013 and other Office 2013 related GPOs which
    utilize the recently added ADMX template that don't seem to be working for me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Justin,
    Thanks for your reply. I have tried several different user accounts (all have local admin privileges to the workstation) with the same issue. The default save path does not get applied from the GPO to any of the users i've tried. Here's the steps I took
    per your suggestion:
    1. log on as a user who has never logged onto the workstation before.
    2. run gpupdate /force (entered y for yes when prompted to log off).
    3. Log back in as the user and open Office and check the default save path. It has not been changed to match the GPO setting.
    4. Check rsop to see if the policy was applied. Rsop states the gpo was applied successfully.
    I have attached the gpsvc.log file from a the session described above. The GPO Guid in question is: {DC3C93EC-7C28-48E9-BA38-FCA1E275A207}. Its common name is: U-Word 2013 Default Save Location. It's only setting is:
    Policies\Administrative Templates\Policy definitions(admx files retrieved from central store\Microsoft Word 2013\Word Options\Advanced\File Locations\Default File Location = Enabled\Documents = F:\
    -------gpsvc.log sections containing the aforementioned GUID start---------
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  ==============================
    GPSVC(410.df0) 09:10:51:186 GetGPOInfo:  ********************************
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  Searching <cn={DC3C93EC-7C28-48E9-BA38-FCA1E275A207},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=gc,DC=local>
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  User has access to this GPO.
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  GPO passes the filter check.
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  Found functionality version of:  2
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  Found file system path of:  <\\gc.local\SysVol\gc.local\Policies\{DC3C93EC-7C28-48E9-BA38-FCA1E275A207}>
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  Found common name of:  <{DC3C93EC-7C28-48E9-BA38-FCA1E275A207}>
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  Found display name of:  <U-Word 2013 Default Save Location>
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 ProcessGPO:  Found user version of:  GPC is 3, GPT is 3
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 ProcessGPO:  Found flags of:  0
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 ProcessGPO:  Found extensions:  [{35378EAC-683F-11D2-A89A-00C04FBBCFA2}{D02B1F73-3407-48AE-BA88-E8213C6761F1}]
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 ProcessGPO:  ==============================
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 ProcessLocalGPO:  Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 ProcessLocalGPO:  GPO Local Group Policy doesn't contain any data since the version number is 0.  It will be skipped.
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 GetGPOInfo:  Leaving with 1
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 GetGPOInfo:  ********************************
    -------gpsvc.log start---------
    -------output of gpresult /r-------
    Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System Group Policy Result tool v2.0
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1981-2001
    Created On 5/30/2014 at 9:24:08 AM
    RSOP data for GC\ssanders on OPTI9020-01 : Logging Mode
    OS Configuration:            Member Workstation
    OS Version:                  6.1.7601
    Site Name:                   Default-First-Site-Name
    Roaming Profile:             N/A
    Local Profile:               C:\Users\ssanders
    Connected over a slow link?: No
        Last time Group Policy was applied: 5/30/2014 at 9:10:47 AM
        Group Policy was applied from:      GCSBS.gc.local
        Group Policy slow link threshold:   500 kbps
        Domain Name:                        GC
        Domain Type:                        Windows 2000
        Applied Group Policy Objects
            Windows SBS CSE Policy
            Windows SBS Client - Windows Vista Policy
            Windows SBS Client Policy
            Update Services Client Computers Policy
            C-Create Syntiro Root Folders
            Default Domain Policy
        The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out
            Local Group Policy
                Filtering:  Not Applied (Empty)
            Windows SBS Client - Windows XP Policy
                Filtering:  Denied (WMI Filter)
                WMI Filter: Windows SBS Client - Windows XP
        The computer is a part of the following security groups
            NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
            This Organization
            Domain Computers
            System Mandatory Level
        CN=Stephen Sanders,OU=SBSUsers,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=gc,DC=local
        Last time Group Policy was applied: 5/30/2014 at 9:13:17 AM
        Group Policy was applied from:      GCSBS.gc.local
        Group Policy slow link threshold:   500 kbps
        Domain Name:                        GC
        Domain Type:                        Windows 2000
        Applied Group Policy Objects
            Windows SBS User Policy
            Windows SBS CSE Policy
            Small Business Server Folder Redirection Policy
            U-Word 2013 Default Save Location
            U-Office 2013 Disable Backstage
            U-Office Disable Start Screen
            U-Office Trust Center Settings
            U-Word Autorecover Location
            U-Word Autosave Interval
            U-Word Disable Capitalization First Word
            U-Word Set Arial Default Font
            U-Word UI Customizations
            U-Power Plan Settings
            Default Domain Policy
        The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out
            Local Group Policy
                Filtering:  Not Applied (Empty)
        The user is a part of the following security groups
            Domain Users
            CONSOLE LOGON
            NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
            This Organization
            Windows SBS Link Users
            Windows SBS Fax Users
            Windows SBS SharePoint_MembersGroup
            Windows SBS Folder Redirection Accounts
            Windows SBS Remote Web Workplace Users
            High Mandatory Level
    -------end gpresult output-------       
    Thanks in advance for any help. I also have a pps ticket open with Microsoft, but they're dragging their feet.

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