Locations messed up (v11)

Hi All,
I have got problems with data profiler, when startnug profiling:
DPF-0007: QA_LOCATION cannot be deployed because of validation issues
VLD-3050: The referenced Location is not set.
I had three locations:
QA_LOCATION (our source QA environment)
PROD_LOCATION (our source production environment)
PRF_LOCATION (or profiling DB)
The possible problem:
Since I did not use QA_LOCATION any more for profiling I unregistered it at the Control Center and then deleted it.
From that very moment the profiling for source tables PROD_LOCATION don't work any more.
What can I do about it? Is there a wrong DB Connector within the PRF_LOCATION?

The problem was a DBConnector in another Location, which still pointed to the deleted location.
- unregister this other location, so it is editable (in Command Center)
- click locations + , DBConnector, Right-Click
- now you can change where the DBConnector points to and enter a valid location
- register location again (in Command Center)
Now everything should be fine.

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    Hi Nikhil,
    It may depend on your client requirement for the required address style.
    as such there wont be any implicatons...
    You have a local and a global address styles, If a local address style exists for your country, it is displayed as the default.
    Otherwise, the international style is displayed.
    You can disable the local if you want the global format to be displayed.

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    I know how to stream just fine, that's not the problem. This is what i do to stream, i go to itunes > pref > advanced > uncheck "copy files to itunes music folder when adding to library." Boom, that works every time.
    This is not what allows you to stream... this allows you to put files (actually that path to the file) into the iTunes library without it being in the iTunes folder but that has nothing to do with streaming...
    having the external connected or not connected should not affect your ability to stream later when the drive is connected... i have a feeling you actually may not know how to get streaming working and are actually syncing.
    you have two ways to stream
    1) link the iTunes library to the appleTV to the as a purely streaming library or
    2) link the iTunes library to the appleTV as a syncing/primary library, go to the summary tab in iTunes and uncheck +show only synced items on appleTV+ (very important), then go to the media tabs in iTunes (click on appleTV under devices in iTunes tabs appear on the right) then turn off syncing for each type of media you don't want to sync
    the two above methods is how you stream... what you described in your post doesn't allow you to stream.

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    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Inline_autocomplete

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    You can Control-click on thumbnail in iPhoto and select Show File from the Contextual Menu. That will take you to the folder via the Finder where the file is located. However, do not delete or move them via the Finder because that will mess up the library and it's database. For a way to cull out some of the unwanted files see the following.
    What version of iPhoto are you running? If it's iPhoto 6 then the original files should be located in the iPhoto Library/Originals folder and it's subfolders.
    Are some of the photos you see in iPhoto small in pixel size, like 360 x 270 or so? If so then those are thumbnail files from the libraries that got imported as regular files. If that's the case, I suggest you start over with a new library as follows:
    1 - move the Originals folder from the iPHoto Library folder to the top level of your external HD (if that's where you ultimately want your new library to be).
    2 - Open the Originals folder and type Command-F.
    3 - set the search criteria to the following:
    Type = Image
    Size is less than 100KB
    4 - select the files found and drag to the Trash. Don't empty.
    5 - launch iPhoto with the Option key depressed and, when asked, opt to create a new library. Name the library and save it to the external HD.
    6 - drag the Originals folder on the external HD into the open iPhoto window.
    This culls out the small thumbnail files that were imported originally as regular files and imports the remaining full sized image files into the new library.
    Next you can run Duplicate Annihilator or iPhoto Diet to remove the duplicates that they are able to detect. There will be some that you may have to do by hand.
    There is a way to find similar file, image wise, and remove those that you don't want by running iView MediaPro on the Originals folder before importing into the new library. if you're interested in how, post back and I'll layout the workflow.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    Dell Laptop   Windows XP  

    As you've found, if you go ahead and use iTunes when
    the external drive isn't connected, iTunes defaults
    the library locations back to the C: drive....and
    messes up your iTunes library.
    Mmmm... actually, that shouldn't happen. I did this same thing for quite a while with no issues. It never moved all my files to a new "location" that way. Only thing that happens was that the library location setting got defaulted to C:, the file pointers themselves remained unchanged.
    I don't know how he accomplished this, but you are right that there's no quick fix.

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    Try the following user tip:
    iTunes for Windows "The procedure entry point: ?videoTracks@QTMovie@ [...] could not be located ..." error messages when launching iTunes

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    2 options.
    Within Lightrooms Folders panel, drag the folder you wish to move to the location you wish to move it to. You may have to add the folder you wish to move it to first.
    OR (probably easier)
    Move the folder in the Finder/Windows Explorer the in Lightroom right click on the folder (which is now missing) and select update folder location. Navigate to the folder and select choose

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    Thank you very much for your help.

    Read "be smart and beat the system" on the bottom of this page: http://www.computer-darkroom.com/lr_tracking_files/locate-lost-files.htm
    That even describes LR 1.

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    Tools > Options > Privacy > Location Bar: When using the location bar, suggest: Nothing
    See [[Smart Location Bar]]

  • Big fat library mess: duplicates / can't locate files / etc.

    I have several issues. Failed to find my answers online in forums here. Help requested.
    Recently migrated from another Mac. Moved library manually. 2 issues going on.
    1. In the actual media folder where the songs are stored, each artist>album folder has duplicate song files (ending in 1.mp4). These duplicates need to be cleaned up in bulk and mass deleted.
    2. I successfully exported my old playlists and reimported them into new system and they show up fine in iTunes. When I click on one of the tunes though I get the familiar "song could not be used because original file could not be found" and the ! icon appears. This is a commonly discussed issue. However common solutions don't seem to apply.
    When I click "locate" from this dialog box and manually go to the tune, it plays fine after that. So then, how can I do this for the entire library to avoid doing this 1200 times?
    These common solutions don't seem to be the best path.
    1. Consolidating library. Library location is already pointing correctly inside of preferences.
    2. Opening itunes while holding down option key. When I do this, and then select "Choose library" and navigate to my media folder, I get a notice that the "itunes library file" can't be found.
    Any more solutions out there? Why do I hate itunes file mgt. so much? I'm actually a technical person. Have wasted hours on this.
    As a nuclear option... Is there a way I can uninstall itunes completely and start from scratch?

    1. In the actual media folder where the songs are stored, each artist>album folder has duplicate song files (ending in 1.mp4). These duplicates need to be cleaned up in bulk and mass deleted.
    [Dougscripts|http://dougscripts.com/itunes/scripts/scriptcount.php?sortBy=Name&o p=y] - Many itunes scripts, including various ones for dealing with duplicates in various forms. The best way is not to just handle them in bulk form. I have some "duplicates" that are really very different versions of the same work by the same artist and I would not want them automatically deleted on this basis. Some of my duplicates are also the same track on different albums, and again I need both copies in order to keep both albums intact.
    2. I successfully exported my old playlists and reimported them into new system and they show up fine in iTunes. When I click on one of the tunes though I get the familiar "song could not be used because original file could not be found" and the ! icon appears. This is a commonly discussed issue. However common solutions don't seem to apply.
    When I click "locate" from this dialog box and manually go to the tune, it plays fine after that. So then, how can I do this for the entire library to avoid doing this 1200 times?
    There isn't a single simple solution to this. Solutions follow two paths. One is to get your old library working (which you seem to have tried). The other is to simply create a new library and start all over again, losing some things such as playlists, play counts, ratings in the process.
    As a nuclear option... Is there a way I can uninstall itunes completely and start from scratch?
    Are all your music files in pretty much one folder or series of folders? If they are you could just start itunes with a new, blank library by holding down the option key, then drag all your files to the library window.

  • Pasting text into "Location" field produces messed-up results

    Almost every time I copy a string of text containing a street address from an email, website, etc., and paste it into the "location" field in a new iCal event, I end up with 2 or more little ovals that each contain pieces of the address, usually out of order.
    For example, I was just invited to something taking place at "2151 California St., NW, Apt. 403" -- iCal turned this into three ovals, reading:
    (2151 California St.) (Apt. 403) (NW)
    My only recourse seems to be to open TextEdit, paste the string into there first, edit out all the commas, and copy the edited string and paste that into iCal. That's a lot of work for a very simple task. Would there really be a downside to just allowing a text string to appear the way it was pasted?
    Also, I could really use a "cancel" button when creating a new event. Sometimes I accidentally double-click on a date, creating an unintended event, and I have to click "Done", then delete the new event. It's a small thing, but it's a little annoying.

    Hi Sean,
    This only happens for me in a Google CalDAV calendar. In local calendars it works as expected.
    It appears that the software (possibly a combination of iCal and GCal) is deciding it is a list of items and if you re-open the event after you can see it replaces the comma for a semi-colon. This is compounded in that Google Calendar add exclamation to signify the address isn't found.
    To delete an accidental event, try pressing the 'esc' key then the 'delete' key.
    For both of these you may get better results telling Apple (http://www.apple.com/feedback/ical.html), as this is a user to user forum.
    Best wishes
    John M

  • Sqlldr v11 Unable to locate character set handle for character set ID

    Good day,
    Having recently migrated to a 11g oracle database( from 9i on a test server, running SQL loader gives/throws the above error.
    I've seen a few posts about this but with pretty vague explanations, below is what my bash profile looks like though and i compared NLS_PARAMETERS to another server that already has version 11 running.
    # .bash_profile
    # Get the aliases and functions
    if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
            . ~/.bashrc
    # User specific environment and startup programs
    export ORACLE_SID=mtctst
    export ORA_NLS10=$ORACLE_HOME/nls/data
    export ORACLE_BASE=/oracle/app/product
    export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/client/11.2.0/dbhome_1
    #export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/client/9.2.0
    export PATH
    #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64
    #PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/X11; export PATH
    #export PATH
    umask 002
    unset USERNAMEYour assistance will be appreciated.

    The complete command as follows:
    sqlldr userid=user/password@alias control=myctlfile.ctl log=$logfile discard=$CUR_DIR$oldfilename.discard bad=$CUR_DIR$oldfilename.bad silent=feedback errors=10000000I'm running the command on the database server that gives the following error with log entries:
    File found: gsmoly2012080612005072206
    SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon Aug 6 16:36:09 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
    SQL*Loader-282: Unable to locate character set handle for character set ID (178).
    after main file sqlldr before test if sqlldr was successfull: gsmoly2012080612005072206
    in mystring_risk before assign can_continue = blank: PBXOG,,26492092,,,120806,115829,120806 115829,22,,811274127,,,,,,0,,,WORK/gsm/data/gsmoly2012080612005072206,9833407,OLY.GSM  ,
    SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon Aug 6 16:36:18 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
    SQL*Loader-282: Unable to locate character set handle for character set ID (178).
    value of can_continue after sqlldr of risk file: F

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    I've gone through all of the preference tabs, the tool tabs, and i don't know what i can do to get rid of it.

    Hi Julie,
    In the upper left hand corner of the window, click on the green button, or drag the window open from the lower right hand corner.

Maybe you are looking for

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