Locking File Name

Hello, I've tried to search every way I can come up with, but couldn't find anything and am hoping someone here can help.
2 different magazine companies I send ads to change the file names after downloading them off of their FTP site.
So, they sometimes run the wrong ads, or don't know what we're talking about when referring to an ad we would like them to pick up from past months.
I've told them to stop doing this, and they won't.
Recently, this has become a problem because they have run the wrong ads.
I'm looking to idiot proof this, and one solution I've come up with is locking the file name to prevent them from having the option of making up their own names for the ads, but I don't know if that's possible.
If it is, I'm hoping someone can let me know how to do it.
Also, I'm wondering if this is a standard practice, and am very curious why it would be done in the first place.

Is there a way that you can add a comment or a form field that contains the original date/filename/etc and lock that comment?
It wouldn't print and you would have to test on another machine, but I *think* only the creator can unlock the comment (again I could be wrong).
Then you could state, please print add with "xxxx" in the comments field...may work if they are smart enough to not alter it, but who knows. And then if they make a printing error, it's all on them.
And no it's not common practice to change the name of a customer's art file. If I need to make adjustments I keep the file name the same and add my initials to the back, so that I know that's the one I have 'fixed'.
Another option is for you to request a proof each time or just resend the art file each time.

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    When you installed iTunes on your work computer, then connected your iPad to that computer, it wiped what was on the iPad, then put the iTunes library (nothing) from the work computer onto the iPad. You can try copying the iTunes folder from your home computer over to your work computer, but since the apps were bought with a different account, they may not load or update properly.

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    You can use any name.in general you will download files from bank with date(if it is today 10/13/08).

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    Maybe some help here:
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  • File name too long cannot copy (cont'd)

    This is a continuation of the post started September 01, 2009, with the last post on
    October 17, 2011 named File name too long cannot copy
    Since this is an ongoing unsolved issue, and the thread was locked, it continues here.
    It is ever so easy to create a long file/path using explorer.exe as will be shown below.
    What needs to be solved is, what is an easy way (no, not by listing out all the files in a directory to a text file and counting characters), perhaps using a shell extension, to find out which files in a directory and it's subdirectories will be (or were)
    too long to copy, (and then perhaps even copying those over either intact or renamed)?
    Maflagulator said:
    I'm running the 7100 build...enjoying it except for one big thing:
    While attempting to copy 402gb from my main storage volume onto a spare 500gb drive (for the purpose of changing to a new RAID array) I've come across something that I would expect a Windows 98 OS to give me.
    It tells me that a file has TOO LONG of a file name, then provides with two unhelpful options: SKIP or CANCEL
    I never had XP give me an issue like this at all, so what gives? And while some specific files did have long file names (such as for songs, etc.) it had 7 issues with folders stating that their name was too long, but in fact they were not since they were
    titled '07-06-07' for the date that I dumped the audio files in them. However, they may have contained FILES with long file names though.
    Anyone else get this same situation? Perhaps the RTM version does not do this? Can anyone verify this regarding their install of the RC or the RTM?
    It made it through 400gb out of the 402gb transfer.
    I'm just happy to see that it doesn't spazz out about an issue like this until it has done all the other transfers that it can do because it saves the issues it has with files until the very end. In XP it would spazz about it the moment it came across it
    causing the transfer process to halt.
    Since long path/file names can so easily be created on Win7, it might be useful to see a typical way this happens, which might then give clues how to work with them.
    In Windows Vista, we learnt from:
    File names and file name extensions: frequently asked questions that:
    Windows usually limits file names to 260 characters. But the file name must actually be shorter than that, since the complete path (such as C:\Program Files\filename.txt) is included in this character count.
    In Windows 7, we are told here:
    File names and file name extensions: frequently asked questions that:
    It depends on the length of the complete path to the file (such as C:\Program Files\filename.txt). Windows limits a single path to 260 characters. This is why you might occasionally get an error when copying a file with a very long file name to a location
    that has a longer path than the file's original location.
    From the Windows Dev Center - Desktop, we read about Maximum Path Length Limitation here:
    Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces
    This helps us understand why a folder can be a maximum of 244 characters, from the defined 260 length of MAX_PATH as follows:
    260 minus C:\ (3) minus <NUL> (1) = 256
    256 minus 8.3 file name (12) = 244
    We also learn there that: The Windows API has many functions that also have Unicode versions to permit an extended-length path for a maximum total path length of 32,767 characters.
    And we read the claim that: The shell and the file system have different requirements. It is possible to create a path with the Windows API that the shell user interface is not be able to interpret properly.
    There is also a comment below this document that reads: In a previous iteration of this document, it is mentioned that The Unicode versions of several functions permit a maximum path length of approximately 32,000 characters composed of components up to
    255 characters in length. This information is now gone.
    So we are in a position where the file system and Windows API can create long path/flies that the shell cannot handle.
    But then we need to be able to handle it, so a little exploration might lead to a better understanding of how to do this.
    For most tasks being performed on long folder/files, Windows 7 and other Windows programs balk when the Path+Filename length > 260
    Let's create a long path/file.
    Create a folder called A at the root of a Drive.
    Create a sub-folder of A called: B
    Create a sub-folder of B called: C
    Make a FILE in sub-folder C called (no spaces or break, one long continuous string): 123456789A123456789B123456789C123456789D123456789E123456789F123456789G123456789H123456789I123456789J 123456789K123456789L123456789M123456789N123456789O123456789P123456789Q123456789R123456789S123456789T
    Rename sub-folder C to the string (no spaces or break, one long continuous string) (The actual directory created will be slightly shorter than this full length): 123456789A123456789B123456789C123456789D123456789E123456789F123456789G123456789H123456789I123456789J
    123456789K123456789L123456789M123456789N123456789O123456789P123456789Q123456789R123456789S123456789T 123456789U123456789V123456789W123456789X123456789Y123456789Z
    Rename sub-folder B to the same full string above. (The actual directory created will be slightly shorter than this full length but 2 characters longer than the step above.)
    Rename folder A to that same full original string. (Again the actual directory created will be slightly shorter than this full length but 2 characters longer than the step above.)
    You now have the lovely file placed at (the breaks are just so it fits into the screen):
    C:\123456789A123456789B123456789C123456789D123456789E123456789F123456789G123456789H123456789I123456789J 123456789K123456789L123456789M123456789N123456789O123456789P123456789Q123456789R123456789S123456789T 123456789U123456789V123456789W123456789X1234\ 123456789A123456789B123456789C123456789D123456789E123456789F123456789G123456789H123456789I123456789J
    123456789K123456789L123456789M123456789N123456789O123456789P123456789Q123456789R123456789S123456789T 123456789U123456789V123456789W123456789X12\ 123456789A123456789B123456789C123456789D123456789E123456789F123456789G123456789H123456789I123456789J 123456789K123456789L123456789M123456789N123456789O123456789P123456789Q123456789R123456789S123456789T
    123456789U123456789V123456789W123456789X\ 123456789A123456789B123456789C123456789D123456789E123456789F123456789G123456789H123456789I123456789J 123456789K123456789L123456789M123456789N123456789O123456789P123456789Q123456789R123456789S123456789T 123456789U123456789V123456789W123456789X123456.txt
    You have a folder length of over 700 and a file length of over 250 for a total of over 950
    However you will notice that each folder, when created, could only be a maximum of 247 charachters including the path (example C:\ , & C:\A , & C:\A\B
    This only applies backwards, that is up the path. It did not matter what was further down the path.
    Now, you can't easily access or rename the file, but you can rename the folders easily.
    For best results, start renaming from the top of the Tree, working down the subfolders, because renaming from down up will limit you, and in fact won't work if the folder lengths are too long.
    So how might knowing this help us?
    Well, to copy this long_file from the C:\ drive to the D:\ drive, and keeping the path structure, this should work:
    Note the name of the top folder. Rename it to something very short, say: A (Make sure C:\A does not exist)
    Note the name of the 2nd folder. Rename it to something very short, say: B (Make sure C:\A\B does not exist)
    Note the name of the 3rd folder. Rename it to something very short, say: C (Make sure C:\A\B\C does not exist)
    Make sure D:\A does not exist - then copy the A folder on disk C: to disk D: (which gives you D:\A\B\C\long_file
    Rename D:\A\B\C to D:\A\B\Original_3rd_Folder_name
    Rename D:\A\B to D:\A\B\Original_2nd_Folder_name
    Rename D:\A to D:\Original_top_Folder_name
    Rename C:\A\B\C back to their original names, in this same reverse order starting with C, then B, then A
    Note: If using Explorer, at some points you might have to press the F5 refresh key.
    This is of course how you might copy such long path/files without using the other more "easy" techniques for the "normal" everyday user like:
    sharing a sub-folder
    using the commandline to assign a drive letter by means of SUBST
    using AddConnectionunder VB to assign a drive letter to a path
    using the "\\?\" prefix to a path string to tell the Windows APIs to disable all string parsing and to send the string that follows it straight to the file system
    and so on.
    See how simple Windows can be for Dummies!
    But then, how can we know that files to be copied exceed this MAX_PATH? Or also after a copy has taken place, know exactly which files that have NOT been copied because of exceeding the MAX_PATH limit, and then a procedure to copy these either by renaming
    them, or by copying them intact as they are?
    There have been suggestions to use
    LongPathTool, but this does not have a facility to check a series of folders and tell you which files are going to be caught by the error when copying. So once a copy has taken place using Windows 7, one does not know which files did not get copied, and
    where exactly they are located.
    Neither does the free
    Old Path Scanner do that. It can only check for overly long directory paths, but misses out when the directory path is within limits, but adding in the file name puts it out of bounds.
    So, as shown above, it is ever so easy to create a long file/path using explorer.exe
    So, what then is an easy way (no, not by listing out all the files in a directory to a text file and counting characters), perhaps using a shell extension, to find out which files in a directory and it's subdirectories will be (or were) too long to copy,
    (and then perhaps even copying those over either intact or renamed)?

    This is a not a "solution" ....but a "work around": a low tech fix....for error message "your file name is too long to be copied, deleted, renamed, moved" :
    1.   problem is this: the "file name" has a limit on number of characters.....the sum of characters really includes the entire path name; you gotta shorten it first (i.e, if the total number of characters in the file name + Path name are over the
    limit, the error appears).  The deeper your file folder sub levels are, the more this problem will come up, especially when you copy to a subfolder of a subfolder/subfolder of another path ...adds to character limit)
    2.  How do you know which combined file names + path names are too long if  you are in the  middle of a copy operation and this error pops up?  Some files copied but the "long files error message" says "skip" or "cancel" ... but not which
    files are the "too long" ones.  If you hit "skip" or "cancel" the "too long" files are left behind...but are mixed in with non-offender "good" "short name" files.   Sorting thru 1000s of "good" files to find a few "bad" ones manually is impractical.
    3.   Here's how you sort out the "bad" from the "good":
    4.    Let's say you want to copy a folder ..."Football" ...that has five layers of subfolders; each subfolder contains numerous files:
      C:/1 Football / 2 teams/ 3 players/ 4 stats/ 5 injuriessidelineplayerstoolong 
           There are five levels root "1 football" with subfolders  2, 3, 4 and lastly "5 injuries"
    5.    Use "cut" and "paste"  (for example to backup all five levels to a new backup folder):
           select "1 football" ....cut....select target folder....paste 
           ("cut" command means as the files are copied to the target destination, the file is deleted from the source location)
          Hint: avoid "cut" and "paste" to a target folder that is itself a sub/sub/sub folder ...that compounds the "characters over the limit" problem ...because the characters in the sub/sub/sub folder are included in the "file name
    character limit"...instead "paste" to a C:/ root directory.
           Suppose in the middle of this operation...error pops up: "5 files have file names that are too long"  Skip or cancel?
           select "skip"  ...and let operation finish
    6.    Now go back and look at the source location: since the software allows only the "good" "short name" files to be copied (and because you "skipped" the "bad" "Long name" files so they are not copied or deleted) ...all that remains
    in the source location are the "bad" "long name files" (because "good" ones were deleted from the source location after the "cut" operation...the bad ones stick out like a sore thumb.
    7.   You will find ....all that remains in source folders are: the "bad" "too long" files; in this example the "bad" file is in level 5:
          C:/ 1 football / 2 teams /3 players /4 stats /5 injuriessidelineplayerstoolong
    8.   select folder 5 injuriessidelineplayerstoolong (that's right...select folder, not file) gotta rename the folder first.
    9.  hit F2 rename folder..folder name highlighted...delete some of the letters in the folder name:
           like this:   5 injuriessidelineplayers  ....you should delete 'toolong'....from the folder name
    10.  then go into folder 5....and do the same operation ...with the too long file name:
            hit F2 rename file....file name hightlighted...delete some of the letters
               like this:  injuriessidelineplayers.....you should delete 'toolong' from the file name
    11.  Now..."cut and paste"  the renamed file to the target backup folder.  
    The Error message will pop up again if you missed any "bad" files....for example, it will indicate "5 files too long" ....then repeat process 5 times until you fix all of them
    12.     Finally, copy the target destination files back to the source location (when you are certain all source location file folder locations are empty) 
    Of course, this "makeshift" solution would not be necessary if MSFT would fix the problem...

  • Reciever File Adapter - Temp File Name Scheme using Variable Substitution

    How can I create a temporary file that uses variable substitution? 
    We are having a problem with files merging when we write files using the "Use Temporary File" setting on the FIle Adapter.  So two independent files are merging into a single file.  We are not using the "Append" setting.
    We would like to use a Temp File Name Scheme that would append the message id onto the temporary file name. 
    Using variable substitution we created a msgid variable.  When added to the temporary file name using %msgid% the temporary file name is created with %msgid% in the name instead of the actual message id.  We put the variable into the "File Name Scheme" as well and the end completed file used the message id in the name.
    Any Ideas?

    HI Matthew,
    Why are you adding the message id into the temporary file??
    I understand that you want the output of the filename to contain message id .. and hence you are using variable substitution for the same.
    Temporary file name will anyways get overwritten by the actual file name (here the actual filename will be using variable substituion).
    So i suggest to achieve your scenario you can add any name in the temporary file and maintain the desired filename you require as output in the variable subsititution.
    Temporary File Name option actually acts as a lock - unlock mechanism from PI side while the file is getting written to the file server so that while PI is writting the file no third party application batch program picks it up.
    I hope this helps.

  • Error Creating lock file

    Hi Guys,
    I have created a sample Data Template and registered it with apps and then created a concurrent program and have run that it produces the XML output correctly .. (good upto here)
    Then i created a RTF template and attached the Data Definition to the RTF tempalte and to the Data Definition template i also attached a default xml data file
    when i click the preview it dosent show me the preview but it shows an exception
    oracle.apps.xdo.XDOException: Error creating lock file
    What could be the problem ?
    Tom ....

    Hi Chris ,
    Following are the details ..
    Executeable Name : XDODTEXE
    Concurrent program Short Name : DTFEMP
    Data Template Code : DTFEMP
    Rtf Template Code : DTFTMP
    Content of the Data Template
    <dataTemplate name="EmpData" description="Employee Details" Version="1.0">
    <parameter name="p_DeptNo" dataType="character" />
    <sqlStatement name="Q1">
    FROM scott.dept d, scott.emp e
    WHERE d.deptno=e.deptno
    AND d.deptno = nvl(:p_DeptNo,d.deptno)
    <group name="G_DEPT" source="Q1">
    <element name="DEPT_NUMBER" value="DEPTNO" />
    <element name="DEPT_NAME" value="DNAME" />
    <element name="DEPTSAL" value="G_EMP.SALARY" function="SUM()" />
    <element name="LOCATION" value="LOC" />
    <group name="G_EMP" source="Q1">
    <element name="EMPLOYEE_NUMBER" value="EMPNO" />
    <element name="NAME" value="ENAME" />
    <element name="JOB" value="JOB" />
    <element name="MANAGER" value="MGR" />
    <element name="HIREDATE" value="HIREDATE" />
    <element name="SALARY" value="SAL" />
    Please let me know if you need some more details ......
    Do i have to setup something before i can start using Data Templates to generate XML output for the RTF templates ?

  • Printing FILE NAME and DATE PRINTED?

    when i was on a mac i used to be able to have a default in the printer dialog so that every page printed showed the file name and the data printed. i would like to do this in the mac but i am guessing that this has to be done in either the specialized software dialog box or perhaps in a mac dialog box?
    in any event, can anyone help me figure out where i might find a place to do this? i haveadobe acrobat but i wold also like to do it in something like Preview as well.

    hotwheels 22 wrote:
    if i have documents coming that i print for a project and these are quite naturally coming from different software it i have no way now of being able to FIND this file in my computer when i am looking at it.
    Consider using Find from the File menu or Spotlight to search for the document. In one of your previous posts, you stated that you name documents with a date and name. Then perhaps search for the name. Also, with your method of naming documents, if the document is a letter, wouldn't the date on the letter and the person to whom the letter is addressed to give clues to the filename and thus finding it on your computer?
    this is a major organizational issue over here and customizing a template for all my various software should be unnecessary IMHO.
    I do not know how many documents you deal with but I do know that there a many organizations that deal with billions of documents. In addition, if you share documents with others or others with you, there is not a filenaming method that works for everyone. People adapt to each other. A date in a filename could have several forms such as month-date-year or year-month-date, two digits or four digits for year and so on and so forth.
    Are you saying it IS necessary to have this dual file type that has a Pages document which then prints a PDF?
    No. Please re-read  what I wrote and the Pages Help Center articles.
    also, is there in fact a way to save a PDF back out as a Pages document?
    Yes, re-read what I wrote (that which you quoted).
    "Acrobat has the capability to save a PDF in other formats such as Microsoft Word, which can be opened in Pages. That said IMO, a separate Pages document for each "custom" letter/report would not be necessary."
    alternatively i guess i could create a Pages TEMPLATE - that has a DATE in the header that automatically updates .../but/ i am realizing that this has the unfortunate consequence of having the DATE updated if i open the Pages document again
    But that is what you stated you wanted because
    ...and try to remember to SAVE AS this document with another name with the original FILE NAME but a NEW DATE. this does not always work and sometimes i write over the original accidentally.
    anyway, maybe the answer here is to create a Template for any new document type and simply use this template any time i need to create a PDF and then not save or delete the original Pages document but this seems a bit hairy and dangerous in terms of possibly losing a file if i forget to print to PDF or something.
    You have redundant backups, yes?
    It seems that your understanding of a template is different from what it actually is, its purpose and its use. If you have not already done so, try using one of the included Pages templates to create a document that you would reuse to get a better understanding of how it works and to help determine your workflow. What you wrote in the last post seems to be a lot of what ifs but not hands on experience with the software itself. My response was based on my experience of using many types of software and in particular to your questions, Pages and Acrobat. Perhaps you will find better responses in the Pages forum and for Acrobat there is a forum at the Adobe web site.
    is there a lock file functionality in Pages in Mountain Lion or was this in Lion?!
    Perhaps reviewing the tutorials for Pages or searching with Google would  help answer many of your questions.

  • Firefox doesn't reconvert special characters in the file names when download a file with any special characters in the file name

    <blockquote>Locking duplicate thread.<br>
    Please continue here: [/questions/815207]</blockquote><br>
    if i try to download a file with any special characters in file name (e.g. File_Name.pdf), it doesn't reconvert them from the "sanitize url" process and download the file an incorrect name (e.g. File%5FName.pdf).
    This is really annoying.
    Thank you for your patient

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * https://support.mozilla.com/kb/Safe+Mode
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]

  • Cannot save to this file name

    I am working with CS3. My problem is that everytime I hit save on a document I get the following error message:
    Cannot save to this filename. Please save the document with a different name or in a different folder.
    This message seems to be coming up everytime I go to rewrite a file. I hit ok and then hit the save button one more time and it saves the message.
    Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

    Are you saving to a network? Is a virus scanner/ protection tool running on your system? The issue most likely is caused by some of these processes locking files and only releasing them when you hit the save a second time (as the previous attempt will already cause a system request to update the timestamp)...

  • WEBUTIL: Uploading files with arabic file names to a BLOB column in DB

    I'm using webutil (webutil_file_transfer.client_to_db_with_progress)
    to store files in a blob field in a 9i database, I'm doing that using forms 9i.
    I'm successful in storing files with English names in the database, however if I want to store a file with an arabic file name , it doesn't get uploaded and the BLOB is empty. Is there any work around to solve this problem.
    I tried renaming the arabic file name to an english file name then uploading which was fine, but when I try to rename the file back to arabic, this step fails. I asked a friend and he said that although I'm renaming the file back to arabic in a statment after uploading, that doesn't mean that the upload has finished, i.e the file is still locked for upload that's why I can't rename it back to arabic, I can't rename it even if I try that directly from the operating system.
    can anyone help in solving this problem!!

    I'm using webutil (webutil_file_transfer.client_to_db_with_progress)
    to store files in a blob field in a 9i database, I'm doing that using forms 9i.
    I'm successful in storing files with English names in the database, however if I want to store a file with an arabic file name , it doesn't get uploaded and the BLOB is empty. Is there any work around to solve this problem.
    I tried renaming the arabic file name to an english file name then uploading which was fine, but when I try to rename the file back to arabic, this step fails. I asked a friend and he said that although I'm renaming the file back to arabic in a statment after uploading, that doesn't mean that the upload has finished, i.e the file is still locked for upload that's why I can't rename it back to arabic, I can't rename it even if I try that directly from the operating system.
    can anyone help in solving this problem!!

  • Help with delete duplicate locked files

    I'm kinda new at this so forgive me if I'm a bonehead.
    I made a contribute site, then wanted to disable check in
    check out. All the files have duplicate locked files remaining on
    server and they take eons to ftp. Is there an easy way to delete
    them all? I delete on server and they mysteriously are still there
    the next time I reupload files...I first thought it was a DWMX ftp
    problem, but same deal with GoLive.
    Yipes! Any help is appreciated.

    I have very limited experience with Automator, but my guess is it's not up to the task. I'm trying to do something similar in iTunes but the actions under Finder don't seem to work properly. ( If you select 'Find Finder Items' and set the Whose field to Extension and Is Equal To and use the parameter 'mp3' it seems to work as expected. If you set the Whose field to Name and Ends with it only returns directories.) I'm thinking I need to look into actual scripting. Anyone have thoughts on this?

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