Locking MS Exchange account

I installed Mountain Lion this past Friday and have noticed that my Exchange account is getting locked out. This happened starting Friday after the install into today. Has anyone else had this issue.

Parrish Jones wrote:
Thanks for reply. I have an email account that shows in the section for synching mail. I use Apple Mail for all e-mail. However, the MS Exchange account does not show.
You use Apple Mail for this account? Not sure why it is not showing up in iTunes.
Obviously, iTunes recognizes the Mail program or the other account (an IMAP) wouldn't show. But if, MS Exchange takes care of the synching, iTunes may be supurfluous for it.
Your emails servers take care of all syncing of emails.
Email messages are not sync'd thrrough iTunes.
The only thing the option in iTinbes does is sync the account info (servers, username, password) so you don't have to create the account manually on the iPad.
If it is already set up on the iPad, this option does nothing.

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    please help me find out the solution to the problem.
    My iphone 4S was not able to fetch mails from the server ( outgoing and incoming)
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    No one seems to be hearing what Big Q is saying.
    He can pair his iPhone to his Macbook, but cannot CONNECT. He's NOT asking for alternative solutions, like Wi Fi.
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  • What is an exchange account

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    Mr. Sampson, 
    I don't think you understand the problem, so I will explain more clearly using way to much of my actual work time. 
    I have no problem with my employer or microsoft requiring a poaasword or with my employer requiring me to change that e-mail password.  The problem occurs when the e-mail feature controls the entire iPad, and locks you out from all other functions unless you know the new password.  In the past, when I had to change the password, the only effect was that my e-mail would not download and I could not send from the iPad, but I could use the other apps.
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    2.  The Cancel button in this pop-up should actually work...to clarify: you should have the option of ignoring the prompt to update your e-mail password, but still be allowed to use other features on you iPad.  Right now, if you select "Cancel" the same pop-up just keeps coming.  That sounds like a pretty bad glitch to me.
    I am not sure if you work for Apple, but hopefully this clarification of the problem will prompt Apple to DO SOMETHING TO FIX THIS APPLE problem.

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    Thank you for your time and consideration!

    Did the user change their password recently?
    A user complained about not being able to log in with correct credentials (on outlook 2010) while at home. His password had expired, and when he came in this morning, he changed it. We then tried to set up his exchange account on his iPhone, which gave us the "Unable to verify account information" message. When I learned of the password change, I looked in our Active Directory and sure enough, his account had been marked as "Locked". I unlocked it, and voila! He added his account without any further problems.
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    Applications -> Utilities -> Disk Utility has the option to repair permissions, which should be given at least 2 hours to finish. Sometimes this fixes launching issues with Mail.
    Applications -> Utilities -> Keychain Access lets you delete mail passwords which will be obvious what they are from the Keychain program. You may simply be able to repair the keychain which that program has the option of doing to fix your problem with Mail.
    Users -> yourname -> Library -> Mail and Mail Downloads folders store all your locally stored e-mail.
    Users -> yourname -> Library -> Preferences -> com.apple.mail.plist
    stores all the account setting information (not the actual mail) so you have to re-establish the account.
    Message was edited by: a brody

  • HT1277 Mail keeps asking login credentials for a removed Exchange account

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    Basically, the fix is to put all your mail passwords in a separate, always-unlocked keychain.
    Here is how to do this:
    1) Open keychain access, go to File -> New Keychain. I named mine Mail. Save it in your keychains folder (default), and give it a password.
    2) Right click the new keychain and select "Change Settings for Keychain". Here, uncheck the "Lock after" and the "Lock when sleeping". The latter can be left on if you don't mind re-typing your password every time your computer goes to sleep (can also be more secure if you don't lock your whole machine when sleeping).
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    4) Now lock your primary keychain (the one in bold) and run a test by checking your mail. If no dialog pops up asking for your keychain password then it was a success!

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    No, not really.  I can't take you up on your advice and use delegates.  The use case excludes PC all together - there is no computer nearby to be used.  In my case they need to make and receive phone calls, be able to transfer calls, and have
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    2. Phone shows error about "Exchange integration" as we discussed above.  Due to interface design choices this means that "menu" button is obscured form view.  That makes it impossible for uninformed user to transfer a call.
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    How can I send email using two different email address that both link back to my one exchange account on my Ipad mini? 
    On my PC I simply have a master return email address and use a POP for the secondary address.  Both are through the one exchange account without a problem.  I need to be able to do the same on my Ipad.

    Ah, I should have made that clear.  My domain didn't come from google.  It was purchased at and is hosted at dreamhost, but I haven't used their email servers in years - I just route everything through gmail.  I actually have a bunch of domains (with websites).
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    If I split the accounts into two profiles and set the profile with the pop account as the default profile then I get the local contacts, but having to swap between profiles is a pain.
    Can anybody help?

    You don't need to access your e-mail account, just get into your Apple account and change the e-mail address. If you can't access your Apple account, then you have a bigger issue to contend with.

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    I've tried going back to a second profile, and it works fine.  Mail in Outbox from efforts above stay in Outbox.  If I pull them up, I can resend with no issue.
    I need to be able to send with multiple accounts in same profile to do other projects I'm currently working on.  Any ideas???

    I've setup multiple exchange accounts in Outlook 2010.  I receive fine for both accounts, but cannot send from second account.  Sent email goes to the Outbox and stays there.
    I've tried going back to a second profile, and it works fine.  Mail in Outbox from efforts above stay in Outbox.  If I pull them up, I can resend with no issue.
    I need to be able to send with multiple accounts in same profile to do other projects I'm currently working on.  Any ideas???
    I was able to fix this with Outlook 2010 Service Pack 1.
    Another area that I had to change was the inbox for that other account I created a rule to put in the primary inbox folder (email 2).
    After that the email was only checking one to send and recieve based on the highlighted account, so to resolved that I went to Send/Reveive Groups > Define Groups > Edit Account Properties and made sure they refresh every 1 minute(s).
    solutions are not always answers

  • Cannot send Mail from Search shortcut "email [name of contact]" with exchange account

    i have a Q10 with an exchange Account configured. Mail works fine from the hub but when i use the search feature of the q10 by typing "email [name of contact]" the compser opens but i cannot send. the account field is empty and when i press send the button gets greyed out. the email is not sent.
    the problem seems to be that the default-account setting is not recognised when you use the search-shortcut-feature of the q10. when i compose a mail from the hub the account-field is filled right.
    same problem has a friend of mine from another company. he also uses a different excahnge server/account.
    language: german
    exchange version: 2010

    I've got the same problem. It's a quiet annoying bug.

  • I have installed Mountain Lion 10.8.2 but still cannot get email from my work exchange account. I'd appreciate any help.  Thank you.

    I have installed Mountain Lion 10.8.2 but still cannot get email from my work exchange account. I'd appreciate any help.  Thank you.

    You can go to the Apple online store and purcahse a copy of Mountain Lion.  This will give you a redemption code, which you can use to download Mountain Lion from the App Store.  Unfortuantely, I'm not aware of any other way to legally purchase it.  I have never seen Apple release Muontain Lion on DVD.
    In terms of Apple Service, they just need the serial number of the machine to check the purcahse date.  It is usually correct, to within a few weeks.  A quick Google search should give you the correct number to dial.
    I hope this helps.

  • I have installed Mountain Lion 10.8.1 but still cannot get email from my work exchange account. I'd appreciate any help.  Thank you.

    I have installed Mountain Lion 10.8.1 but still cannot get email from my work exchange account. I'd appreciate any help.  Thank you.

    I would delete the account and try to re-enter it. Also, you have to let your firm's IT department know that you want to sync work email on your personal devices before they actually work.

  • How can I create subfolders in Mac Mail for an Exchange account?

    I use Mac Mail on OS X 10.8.4 to download my Exchange mail, which is hosted on Office 365.
    I can create folders inside existing subfolders in my Inbox, but if I try to create one as a first-level subfolder of the Inbox the option does not exist. Instead, it creates another top level folder and puts it at the bottom of the folder list, not inside the Inbox.
    Can anyone tell me how to add a normal subfolder to my Inbox?

    Exchange Basics
    The Inbox syncs more frequently than any other and should be kept as clean as possible. (this is the number one cause of problems with sync). Do NOT make subfolders under the Inbox.
    Exchange checks the server for updates every minute, any folder that has updates will subsequently be synced. Since Exhange has a limit on how many folders can be synced at a time, there can be a queue of folders waiting. The Inbox does get high priority so it will generally sync before other folders that also need to sync.
    Keep your folders under the 2GB limit. That's approx 6-10K messages per folder (does not include subfolders) Outlook does not export folders over 2GB as .mbox files
    Exchange  Header
      Folder A  <---this is wrong
    Deleted Items folder
    Folder A  <-- this is correct
    It's best to move folders using your web interface (OWA) but you can drag in Outlook and/or Mail.
    In Browser via OWA
    Because of the massive changes the process is best done in your browser. I would also put Mail into work offline mode during this process. After all is moved on the server via the browser, I would delete the Exchange account and let it all download correctly from the server.

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