Log out automatically

I just wiped my time capsule harddrive clean and start a new backup, I am backing up 68gb of data, it takes quite a while even I use network cable, my macbook pro just logged out by itself, I cannot resume after log in, how can I prevent that? I have set never shut off harddrive and display in the power preference. Any idea? Thanks Alex

Sorry you are still having this issue. Forgive me for not suggesting this in your earlier thread but try this...
*Delete The PowerManagement .plist*
The Energy Saver settings are saved in the PowerManagment .plist. Go to...
delete this .plist and then reboot your Mac. It should be recreated with default settings.
Now try backing up and seeing if it falls asleep again.
Let us know if this resolved your issue.

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    Open your Skype account settings page:
    If your Skype account is linked with Microsoft account, then try to unlink them.

  • Powerbook logs out automatically

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    Anyone have any ideas?
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Double check the Security settings in the System Preferences panel.
    Make sure the item titled "Log out after ... minutes of inactivity" is unchecked.
    G4/667 Desktop (Digital Audio) and Pismo G4/550   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   Tower: 1 GB RAM; Pismo, 768 MB/60 GB 5400 RPM HD

  • Please Help. Getting logged out automatically, cant see why!!

    Hi all
    If we leave our Mac for any time and let it go to sleep sometimes when it is woken up you are greeted with a black screen with a plain text message in blue (which is not in a window but directly on the background) which says...
    "You have only one minuet left to use your computer.
    Please close your documents and quit your session to avaiod data loss.
    Click to continue."
    When you click to continue we are returned to our respective account and can continue to work for a Minuet after which time the account is logged out and the Mac returns to the Log-in window.
    I have no idea why this is happening and it is getting rather annoying.
    First let me say that the auto log-out feature in the Security Sys Pref IS disabled! I haven't installed any new Software recently which is likely to do this.
    This morning it happened in my wifes account and I checked the log files in Console for any messages which might help. The system.log stated that "??? crashed". There was an entry written to CrashReporter ???.crash.log at the time the logout occured which I include below...
    Host Name: Derek-Arridges-Computer
    Date/Time: 2006-01-08 09:40:26.128 +0000
    OS Version: 10.4.3 (Build 8F46)
    Report Version: 3
    Command: ???
    Path: ???
    Parent: ??? [0]
    Version: ??? (???)
    PID: -1
    Thread: Unknown
    Exception: EXCBADACCESS (0x0001)
    Codes: KERNINVALIDADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x068dd6b8
    Unknown thread crashed with PPC Thread State 64:
    srr0: 0x0000000090461368 srr1: 0x100000000200f030 vrsave: 0x00000000c3fc0000
    cr: 0x42048024 xer: 0x0000000020000000 lr: 0x00000000903d412c ctr: 0x00000000903d38fc
    r0: 0xffffffffffb6b6b6 r1: 0x00000000f0313fb0 r2: 0x00000000a0375290 r3: 0x00000000069ab5ae
    r4: 0x0000000000000220 r5: 0x00000000068dd6b8 r6: 0x0000000000000c00 r7: 0x0000000000000000
    r8: 0x000000000000001f r9: 0xffffffffff000000 r10: 0x00000000069ab5af r11: 0x00000000068dd6b8
    r12: 0x0000000000000063 r13: 0x0000000000000000 r14: 0x0000000000000000 r15: 0x0000000000000000
    r16: 0x0000000006420e30 r17: 0x000000000640ab40 r18: 0x000000000640afd0 r19: 0x0000000000000000
    r20: 0x00000000f0314960 r21: 0x00000000a319c554 r22: 0x0000000000000001 r23: 0x000000000640aff0
    r24: 0x00000000a0374cd4 r25: 0x0000000000000001 r26: 0x0000000000000220 r27: 0x0000000000000c00
    r28: 0x0000000000000064 r29: 0xffffffffff000000 r30: 0x0000000000000000 r31: 0x00000000904612c8
    Binary Images Description:
    This log entry is not very helpful at all. It seems to me like a system component crash??
    There are 4 user accounts on my Mac. Mine, my Wifes, my Daughters (which is strongly restricted using Parental Controls) and a Test User Account. I have not had a chance to see if the same happens in the Test Account yet...
    What is the "System Events" Application? It is in my wifes account login items but not mine which I find rather strange.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Will do that. However I think I might have found out what is causing it. I have Watcher installed which will time different users computer use. It will also allow you to assign users so much time for each user befor they will be logged out. I think I have had a prference set wrongly and that is what is happening. After 23hrs 59min any user will be logged out. I have reset the pref and will see what happens.
    Thanks for your help amyhow...

  • Java Program destroys Linux Server Display or Server logs out Automatically

    i am facing problem when my servlet program is running.
    my servlet starts a process at server which is a simple java program which publishes PDF,
    XML, RTF files and lates long to run for about 45 minutes.
    i give a call to a shell file on the server (Red Hat Linux 9.0) which in turns calls a java
    program that runs on gnome-terminal.
    i have started Tomcat from SSh for that i have exported DISPLAY (Environment variable) from
    .bash_profile. i need to do this because i need graphics environment (X11 Windows) for jfor
    which is used print jpeg images in PDF and RTF reports.
    Some time my server display gets destroyed or the server gets Logout automatically, when my
    process is running.
    following is sode to start a gnome-terminal
    strCommand="gnome-terminal -x /root/PWAppSh/StartPartialRunOff.sh PartialRunOffApp "+
    strpubType + " "  +  strGroupNumber +" "+ id + " " + Cur_Time+" "+ strPubDate +" "+
    strFromDate +" "+ strToDate ;
    p = rt.getRuntime().exec(strCommand);
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(strRootPath
    + "/pw/WEB-INF/classes/pid.txt")));
                             pid= "";
                             while((pid = br.readLine()) != null)
                             System.out.println("#Get Process ID:"+getPid);
                             FileOutputStream fos = new
                             Stdout_Stderr errorGobbler = new
                                  Stdout_Stderr(p.getErrorStream(), "ERROR");
                             // any output?
                             Stdout_Stderr outputGobbler = new
                                  Stdout_Stderr(p.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT",
                             // kick them off
                             // any error???
                             int exitVal = p.waitFor();
                             System.out.println("StartRunoff ExitValue: " +
    exitVal);shell script that get executed from servlet is as followes
    cd /
    cd /share/Tomcat-4/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31/webapps/pw/WEB-INF/classes
         echo $$ > pid.txt
         echo "Path: `pwd`"
         echo "Process ID:" $$
         chmod 777 pid.txt
         echo Redirecting ProcessID
         echo "Current shell : " $SHELL   
         exec java -server -Xmx256m -Xoss200M PW/Runoff/$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7setting that i have done in .bash_profile file
    export DISPLAY HOSTcan any one suggest or any solution to problem why my linux server Logsout ar display gets
    destroyed when my Program is runnig on Gnome terminal.
    kindly help me,
    Thanks in advance for ur most important suggestion or solution.

    Sounds a lot like a bug in some of the native libraries you use (or even in AWT). Try looking into your log files (especially for X and for your tomcat) to find out if any error messages are printed.
    Additionally there are X servers out there that don't need any concrete display hardware to run (Xvfb comes to my mind, but IIRC there are more modern alternatives available). Usign that might or might not solve your problem, but would be a good idea either way.

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    I am sorry to tell you that Apple does not provide a downgrade path for iOS. There are unsupported methods for doing so, but we are forbidden to provide that information on these forums.

  • Safari Automatic Log out??

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    I do not know much about "locking" a PC, hvdel, but if you are still using Snow Leopard, in System Preferences, in the Security pane, under the General tab, there is a setting to automatically log out after X minutes of inactivity. Near the top of that pane, there is a check box that allows you to require a password after sleep or the screen saver begins.
    If you log out, any open programs must close.  However, you can put the computer to sleep and that will not quit any programs.
    So what you can do is uncheck the automatic log out option and instead use the Energy Saver options in System Preferences to put the computer to sleep after 10 minutes.  Then you can go to the General tab in the Security settings pane and check the box requiring a password immediately after sleep or screen saver begins.
    Then the computer will go to sleep, but no one can wake it up without a password.  So, in effect, you are locking the computer without logging out.

  • Auto log out

    I am not sure why this is happening but it seems in the last couple weeks, my PB will log out after a period of inactivity. It's only happened a couple times, and I haven't sat around to determine the sequence of events. I just leave the computer alone (normally, I close the lid when I am not around it) for a half hour or so, come back, and the log in screen is there.
    It's only a minor glitch, but I can't find a setting that seems like it would stop the computer from logging out automatically...
    PowerBook G4 15in 1.67 GHz / eMac (original)   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   1 GB RAM; Airport; Photoshop; iPod 5th Gen (black)

    Open the Security pane of System Preferences and uncheck the box that logs you out after a period of inactivity.

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    How do I change my settings on my MacBook Pro using OS X 10.6.8 so that I can download OS X Lion on a very slow internet connection. Periodically, the operating system is logging out automatically during the download and I have to restart the download.

    To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to prevent the automatic downloading of the SD version when you buy an HD show.
    You can, if you wish, suggest that the ability to prevent the SD version from downloading through the iTunes feedback page. But since the SD version is needed for use on iPods and there at least at present is no mechanism for someone to download the SD version at a later time should they decide they need it, Apple may just continue to force the downloading of both versions. If they get enough feedback on the issue, though, they may figure something out.

  • Log out problem

    My machine logs out automatically after about 2 hours when left untouched.
    This is good for security I guess, but sometimes when i want to listen to music for example without using the mac it will still log out automatically. I have looked at the energy settings, have dragged the slider to never sleep but it still logs out by itself after 2 hours. Is there anyway round this?

    Open the Security pane of System Preferences and check whether the computer is set to automatically log you out after a period of inactivity.

  • Skype Logs out on Mobile and on Desktop version at...

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    on the desktop version ( tried on win7 and win after a few minutes or suddenly in the middle of a call.
    Can anyone suggest me a solution? It is not my hard or software. I am using Win 8.0 fresh install.
    And I am using LG G2 with android 4.0. on a new phone.
    THank you in advance!
    PS: Sorry if this is not the right section of the forum, wasnt sure where to post this as it is a multi platform issue with my account.
    Go to Solution.

    If your Skype account is linked with Microsoft account, then try to unlink them.

  • Guest users in WLC are not logged out after pre defined time.

      My customer wants to create guest users in wireless lan controller. We were successfully able to create that and it worked . But the problem is that to access the internet the users have to change the "proxy server" settings on the internet explorer. As a result the guest users are not logged out automatically after the pre defined amount of time. We enabled " by pass proxy server " settings in internet explorer also, unfortunately it didnt work too.
      If we disable the proxy settings in internet explorer customers were logged out, but the problem is that once the customer log in he will change the proxy settings in internet explorer to browse net  but wont get disconnect unless and untill he manually change the proxy settings in the internet explorer.
      Is there any other way to solve this issue? Can any one provide any alternative solution  if possible.

    Can you explain how your proxy server has anything to do with your wireless access duration?
    Does you proxy server have the logic that stops the internet access after a period of time? If so, I assume you turn proxy off in order to web-authenticate? If so, then you just need to tell the browser to not proxy for the virtual IP address of the WLC.   You'll never get redirected to the webauth page if you don't send a https request to it (as if, your browser is sending it the IP of your proxy server).

  • Airtunes Stops, Mac Logs Out User

    When using Airtunes (over Airport Extreme to Airport Express then through stereo system), everything works great for 45 minutes or an hour, and then suddenly stops. When I go to the Mac to see what's happening, I've been logged out automatically.
    I would normally think that it's because the computer is set to go to sleep after X minutes of inactivity, except that (1) it's not really inactive as long as music is playing, and (2) any other time the computer goes to sleep due to inactivity, the user is not logged out.
    Is this in fact due to the sleep setting, or is something else going on? Thanks.

    When using Airtunes (over Airport Extreme to Airport Express then through stereo system), everything works great for 45 minutes or an hour, and then suddenly stops. When I go to the Mac to see what's happening, I've been logged out automatically.
    I would normally think that it's because the computer is set to go to sleep after X minutes of inactivity, except that (1) it's not really inactive as long as music is playing, and (2) any other time the computer goes to sleep due to inactivity, the user is not logged out.
    Is this in fact due to the sleep setting, or is something else going on? Thanks.

  • Why does iTunes automatically sign me in to my acct. after I have logged out?

    This is very annyoing. I logged out for a reason - hello.
    It's bad enough that iTunes contiunally badgers you to sign in whenever you access your music library. But even worse, despite declining the multiple prompts to sign in, the system does so anyway... behind your back!
    And before I get the standard repsoneses, No I don't use iTunes Match, No I don't have Automatic Downloads enabled, in fact, I didn't even have wi-fi enabled at the time (it used my cellular data - which, BTW, is turned off for Music!)
    This becomes a big issue for me, because if I don't sign out of my iTunes acct. before synching my music, iTunes takes the liberty of renaming all my music to match their exact decsriptions in the store. Another rdiculous problem. So I've learned this work-around, the hard way, and now I have the magic login fairy to contend with.
    I've said it before it in several other posts, if a person doesn't use iTunes Match, Automatic Downlods, or store their music in iCloud, then don't touch my music.
    Anyone else have this issue?

    Yes. The screen is showing iPhone in Recovery Mode and needs to be Restored with current iTunes on computer.

  • I don't want to be logged into game center, but it automatically logs me in every time I log out. How do I stop that from happening?

    I am trying to disable my game center, but every time I log out of game center, it automatically logs me back in. How do I prevent this from happening?

    System Preferences - Mail, Contacts and Calendars - delete the Facebook account you see there, and/or add your own account.

Maybe you are looking for