Log SOAP traces

I'm using weblogic 9 and weblogic web services. I would like to know how to configure weblogic for logging SOAP messages to a file/console. I have had a look at weblogic's log4j configuration but could'nt get any result.
Thanks a lot!

I'm using weblogic 9 and weblogic web services. I would like to know how to configure weblogic for logging SOAP messages to a file/console. I have had a look at weblogic's log4j configuration but could'nt get any result.
Thanks a lot!

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    제품 : SQL*NET
    작성날짜 : 1999-07-30
    1. NET8에서 trace를 왜 사용하고 어떤 component들에 trace를 할 수 있나요 ?
    Trace의 특징은 네트워크을 수행하게 될때 network event들을 기술한다
    즉 trace와 관련된 일련의 문장들이 자세하게 생성된다.
    "Tracing"의 운영으로 log파일에 제공되어 있는 것 보다 NET8의 component들의
    내부적인 정보를 보다 많이 얻을 수 있다.
    이러한 정보는 에러의 결과로 인하여 발생하는 동일한 event들로 파일들에
    결과가 생성되어 이를 이용하여 문제의 원인을 판단할 수 있다.
    주의 : trace의 기능을 이용하는 경우 충분한 disk space와 system
    performance의 현격한 저하를 가져올 수 있다.
    즉 trace의 기능은 반드시 필요할 경우에만 사용할 것을 권한다.
    Reference Ducumment
    << trace의 기능을 이용하여 trace를 할수 있는 component들 >>
    * Network listener
    * Net8 components on the client and server
    * Connection Manager
    * Oracle Names Server
    * Oracle Names Control Utility
    * TNSPING utility
    2. 어떤 parameter들을 설정하면 trace 기능을 이용할 수 있는가 ?
    tracing을 하기 위해서는 특정 trace parameter들을 설정함으로써 가능하며
    아래에 주어진 방법들과 또는 utility들중 하나를 선택하여 설정함으로써
    사용할 수 있다.
    * Component Configuration Files
    * Component Control Utilities
    * Oracle Trace
    component의 configuration 파일을 이용하여 traceing parameter를 설정하려면
    1) component의 configuration 파일에 다음의 traceing parameter를 설정한다.
    - SQLNET.ORA for client or server, LISTENER.ORA for listener:
    2) 만일 component들이 수행중인 동안 configuration 파일의 수정이 있었다면
    변경된 parameter들을 사용하기 위해 component들을 다시 시작하여야 한다.
    component control utility들을 이용하여 trace parameter들을 설정하려면
    1) listener의 경우, Listener Control Utility(lsnrctl)에서 TRACE 명령어를
    이용하여 listener가 수행중인 동안에도 trace level을 설정할 수 있다.
    RC80:/mnt3/rctest80> lsnrctl
    LSNRCTL for SVR4: Version - Production on 01-SEP-98 15:16:52
    (c) Copyright 1997 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.
    LSNRCTL> trace admin
    Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=PNPKEY))
    Opened trace file: /mnt4/coe/app/oracle/product/8.0.4/network/trace/
    The command completed successfully
    LSNRCTL> trace off
    Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=PNPKEY))
    The command completed successfully
    LSNRCTL> exit
    2) Oracle Names의 경우, Names Control Utility(namesctl)에서 TRACE_LEVEL
    명령어를 이용하여 Oracle Names가 수행중인 동안에도 trace level을
    설정할 수 있다.
    주의 : Connection Manager의 경우, trace level은 configuration 파일인
    CMAN.ORA 에서만 설정할 수 있다.
    Oracle Enterprose manager(이하 OEM)에 있는 Oracle Trace는 trace parameter
    들을 설정하고 GUI를 통해 trace data의 형태를 볼수 있도록 하는 tracing tool
    3. Trace된 data를 해석할 수 있는 다른 utility들이 있다면 ?
    Trace Assistant를 사용하면 사용자의 *.trc 파일 (SQL*Net v2의 형식에 의해
    생성된) 또는 *.txt (Orace Trace 과 TRCFMT에 의해 생성된 출력물)을 통해
    trac된 정보를 해석할 수 있다.
    이 유틸리티 네트워크의 문제들로 인해 발생하는 문제점들을 진단하고
    해결하는 데 보다 많은 정보를 제공하여 사용자의 이해를 돕는다.
    * the source and destination of trace files
    * the flow of packets between network nodes
    * which component of Net8 is failing
    * pertinent error codes
    다음에 주어진 명령어를 수행하므로써 Trace Assistant 실행할 수 있다.
    trcasst [options] <filename>
    Trace Assistant Text Formatting Options
    -o Displays connectivity and Two Task Common (TTC) information.
    After the -o the following options may be used:
    c (for summary connectivity information)
    d (for detailed connectivity information)
    u (for summary TTC information)
    t (for detailed TTC information)
    q (displays SQL commands enhancing summary TTC
    -p Oracle Internal Use Only
    -s Displays statistical information
    -e Enables display of error information After the -e, zero
    or one error decoding level may follow:
    0 or nothing (translates the NS error numbers dumped
    from the nserror function plus lists all
    other errors)
    1 (displays only the NS error translation from
    the nserror function)
    2 (displays error numbers without translation)
    만일 option들이 제공되지 않는다면 기본적으로 -odt -e -s가 지정되어 자세한
    connectivity, Two-Task Common, 에러 level 0 그리고 통계정보들이 tracing
    4. SQL*Net v2 tracing과 어떻게 다른가 ?
    Net8 tracing에서는 이전 버전인 SQL*NET V2에서 제공 되는 모든 option을
    포함하고 있고 Oracle Trace의 기능이 추가되었다.
    이것은 Oracle Trace Repository를 OEM 콘솔을 통하여 사용자의 trace 정보를
    관리할 수 있도록 허용한다.
    5. *.cdf와 *.dat은 어떤 파일 인가 ?
    *.cdf 와 *.dat 파일들은 Oracle Trace에 의해 생성되는 파일들로서 이 파일들을
    읽기 위해서는 반드시 trcfmt utility를 이용해야만 한다.
    trcfmt는 binary (*.dat와 *.cdf의 확장자) 파일내에 있는 data를 일반text
    (.txt의 확장자)로 정보를 추출한다. 이 tool을 사용하기 위해서는 다음의
    명령어를 이용하면 된다.
    $ trcfmt collection.cdf
    주의 : .cdf와 .dat파일이 존재하는 디렉토리가 아닌 곳에서 이 tool을 이용
    한다면 path가 포함되야 한다. 만일 하나의 .cdf 와 .dat 파일들내에
    여러 프로세스들의 traceing정보가 수집된다면 그것들은 process_id.txt
    의 이름과 함께 파일이 추출될 것이다.
    6. trac관련 configuration은 어떤 것이 있으며 설정할 수 있는 parameter는
    무엇이 있는가 ?
    || SQLNET.ORA Parameters ||
    Purpose: Controls the destination directory of the Oracle
    Enterprise Manager daemon trace file
    Default Value: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace
    Available Oracle Enterprise Manager Installation Guide
    Example: DAEMON.TRACE_DIRECTORY=/oracle/traces
    Purpose: Turns tracing on/off to a certain specified level for
    the Oracle Enterprise Manager daemon.
    Default Value: 0 or OFF
    * 0 or OFF - No trace output
    * 4 or USER - User trace information
    Available Values
    * 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    * 16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace
    Available Oracle Enterprise Manager Installation Guide
    Example: DAEMON.TRACE_LEVEL=10
    Purpose: Specifies that only the Oracle Enterprise Manager daemon
    trace entries are logged into the trace file.
    Default Value: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace
    Available Oracle Enterprise Manager Installation Guide
    Example: DAEMON.TRACE_MASK=(106)
    Purpose: Controls the directory for where the log file is written
    Default Value: Current directory where executable is started from.
    Example: LOG_DIRECTORY_CLIENT=/oracle/network/trace
    Purpose: Controls the directory for where the log file is written
    Default Value: Current directory where executable is started from.
    Valid in File: SQLNET.ORA
    Example: LOG_DIRECTORY_SERVER=/oracle/network/trace
    Purpose: Controls the log output filename for an Oracle client.
    Default Value: SQLNET.LOG
    Example: LOG_FILE_CLIENT=client
    Purpose: Controls the log output filename for an Oracle server.
    Default Value: SQLNET.LOG
    Example: LOG_FILE_SERVER=svr
    Purpose: Indicates the level at which the NAMESCTL program should
    be traced.
    Default Value: OFF
    Values: OFF, USER, or ADMIN
    Purpose: Indicates the file in which the NAMESCTL trace output is
    Default Value: namesctl_PID.cdf and namesctl_PID.dat
    Purpose: Indicates the directory where trace output from the NAMESCTL
    utility is placed.
    Value: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace
    Indicates whether a process identifier is appended to the
    Purpose: name of each trace file generated, so that several can
    Value: OFF
    Values: OFF or ON
    Purpose: Control the destination directory of the trace file
    Default Value: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace
    Example: TNSPING.TRACE_DIRECTORY=/oracle/traces
    Purpose: Turns tracing on/off to a certain specified level
    Default Value: 0 or OFF
    * 0 or OFF - No trace output
    * 4 or USER - User trace information
    Available Values
    * 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    * 16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace
    Purpose: Control the destination directory of the trace file
    Default Value: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace
    Example: TRACE_DIRECTORY_CLIENT=/oracle/traces
    Purpose: Control the destination directory of the trace file
    Default Value: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace
    Example: TRACE_DIRECTORY_SERVER=/oracle/traces
    Purpose: Controls the name of the client trace file
    Default Value: SQLNET.CDF and SQLNET.DAT
    Example: TRACE_FILE_CLIENT=cli
    Purpose: Controls the name of the server trace file
    Default Value: SVR_PID.CDF and SVR_PID.DAT
    Example: TRACE_FILE_SERVER=svr
    Purpose: Turns tracing on/off to a certain specified level
    Default Value: 0 or OFF
    * 0 or OFF - No trace output
    * 4 or USER - User trace information
    Available Values
    * 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    * 16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace
    Example: TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT=10
    Purpose: Turns tracing on/off to a certain specified level
    Default Value: 0 or OFF
    * 0 or OFF - No trace output
    * 4 or USER - User trace information
    Available Values
    * 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    * 16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace
    Example: TRACE_LEVEL_SERVER=10
    Used to make each client trace file have a unique name to
    Purpose: prevent each trace file from being overwritten with the next
    occurrence of the client. The PID is attached to the end of
    the filename.
    Value: OFF
    If the session is in an Enhanced Discovery Network with a
    Purpose: Names Server, this parameter forces all sessions to go
    through a Connection Manager to get to the server.
    Value: FALSE
    Values: TRUE or FALSE
    Example: USE_CMAN=TRUE
    || LISTENER.ORA Parameters ||
    Purpose: Controls the directory for where the log file is written
    Default Value: Current directory where executable is started from.
    Example: LOG_DIRECTORY_LISTENER=/oracle/traces
    Purpose: Specifies the filename where the log information is
    Default Value: listener_name.log
    Example: LOG_FILE_LISTENER=lsnr
    Purpose: Control the destination directory of the trace file
    Default Value: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace
    Example: TRACE_DIRECTORY_LISTENER=/oracle/traces
    Purpose: Controls the name of the listener trace file
    Example: TRACE_FILE_LISTENER=lsnr
    Purpose: Turns tracing on/off to a certain specified level
    Default Value: 0 or OFF
    * 0 or OFF - No trace output
    * 4 or USER - User trace information
    Available Values
    * 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    * 16 - WorldWide Customer Support trace information
    || NAMES.ORA Parameters ||
    Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files
    from a Names Server trace session are written.
    Value: platform specific
    Example: names.trace_directory = complete_directory_name
    Purpose: Indicates the name of the output file from a Names Server
    trace session. The filename extension is always.trc
    Value: names
    Example: names.trace_file = filename
    Purpose: Indicates the level at which the Names Server is to be
    Default Value: OFF
    Example: names.trace_level = OFF
    indicates whether each trace file has a unique name, allowing
    Purpose: multiple trace files to coexist. If the value is set to ON, a
    process identifier is appended to the name of each trace file
    Value: OFF
    Example: names.trace_unique = ON
    names.trace_file = names_05.trc
    CMAN.ORA Parameters
    Value: NO
    Example: TRACING = NO
    7. listener.log 파일에 loggin정보를 남기지 않게 하는 방법이 있나요 ?
    고객이 개발하여 사용중인 application에서 NET8을 이용하여 접속하거나 접속을
    종료하는 경우 listener.log에 이와 관련된 정보가 남으며, 수 많은 사용자가
    접속을 하게 되므로서 급속하게 listener.log 파일이 커져 $ORACLE_HOME이 있는
    file system이 꽉 차서 데이터베이스가 hang이 되는 결과를 초래하는 경우가 있다.
    고객들은 listener.log에 write할수 있는 메세지의 양에 제한을 두기를 원하는
    경우가 있으나 이러한 기능은 제공되지 않는다. 하지만 listener의 logging은
    ON 또는 OFF는 설정을 통해서 가능하다.
    Net8에서는 listener.ora에 "LOGGING_(the listener name)=off"를 설정하게
    되면 listener의 logging을 멈출 수 있다.
    물론 설정후 listener stop후 재기동을 하셔야 변경된 paramerter에 의해
    이 기능이 enable됩니다.
    참고 : SQL*NET 2.3.x 에서도 이 parameter가 유효한가요 ?
    물론 사용이 가능합니다. NET8에서 사용하는 것과 동일하게 parameter를
    listener.ora에 설정함으로서 가능합니다.
    이 parameter는 listener의 전체 logging을 disable하는 parameter로 일부만
    여과하여 logging할 수 있는 기능은 아니다.
    이 parameter는 NET8에 알려진 parameter로 SQL*NET 2.3.x manuals에 나와
    있지는 않지만 정상적으로 사용할 수 있다.

  • Timestamp in Java log and trace files.

    Hi SAP'ies
    Running PI 7.11 on AIX 6.3 we face an issue with the content of log and trace files from Java.
    The file DefaultTrace_00.0.trc is timestamped 18-05-10 11:16:15. (The same time as the time of the OS/AIX)
    Looking inside the file the last statement is timestamped 2010 05 18 09:16:15.
    How can we ensure that the content of these Java files are timestamped with OS time?
    Looking into ABAP files like dev_w0 the timestamp of the file and the content are equal.
    Best regards,
    Teddy Løv Andersen

    Hello All
    Best way to convert the default trace time is , visit the site
    here enter , for example if you have the following in default trace
    1345230317066   is time stamp , enter this in the above site to get the time
    Fri Aug 17 2012 21:05:17 GMT+0200

  • Logs and traces are not reflecting in NWA

    I have to check default trace files from NWA. and for this NWA->montiroing->logs and traces->defaualt traces(filter) but it is saying no logs found.
    Do I have to activate some setting?not sure of this.Can any one let me know what I have to do to make default traces to be shown in NWA.
    Thank you.

    First of all I think this might be because you have not logged in as SAP NetWeaver Admininstrator role.
    Check SAP Note [1166762|https://websmp130.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/sapnotes/index2.htm?numm=1166762]
    Form this note check that you have activated "Default Logger Param" in the Configuration > Miscellaneous area of Risk Analysis and Remediation.
    Also you will get few more notes at SAP if you want to activate specific logs.

  • Useful logs and trace files

    Hello experts, for our Netweaver AS administration, I am in charge of periodically checking logs and trace files. I would like to know which are the most useful logs and trace files and the information each one will hold. I am familiar with "DefaultTrace.trc", and as of today it is the only one I have used, but I believe I should also be looking at other logs and trace files.
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Pedro,
    If you are talking about JAVA only system defaulttrace is the best log/trace to look, there are other log files like application log, but maybe the best way to check you logs is using NWA (NetWeaver Administrator) on the following URL on your JAVA system:
    From there you need to go to Monitoring -> Logs and Traces and then Predefined View/SAP logs.
    My other recommendation is to change the severity level to ERROR for all you JAVA component within the Visual Administrator -> ServeNode -> Services -> Log Configurator -> Locations, otherwise it is possible that you see a lot of garbage on the defaulttraces. Anyway you can change the severity level per component, on demand, to investigate any possible problem.
    The work directory is very imporant and maybe you can also check the file "dev_serverX" that also will give you information about any out of memory conditions and garbage collection activity if you have these values set for the server node using the config tool:
    You can find more information on here:
    Hopefully this help you, let me know if you need more information,

  • External portal capturing internal portal URL in Log and trace file

    We are facing one issue in portal like we have two portals for internal (Intranet) and external (Internet) users.
    Once users logged in the application and try to get the information about mylink from the external portal link (internet) they should not get any information about the internal portal.
    But in log and trace file we can see the external portal link capturing the internal portal URL.
    We need to find, from where system capturing the internal portal URL.

    The tkproffed trace file is in seconds.
    "set timing" is in hh:mi:ss.uu format. So 00:00:01.01 is 1.01 seconds.
    You have to remember that most of these measurements are rounded. While your trace file says it contains one second of trace data, you know it's more.
    One excellent resource for trace files is "Optimizing Oracle Performance" by Cary Millsap & Jeff Holt. (http://www.amazon.com/Optimizing-Oracle-Performance-Cary-Millsap/dp/059600527X ) I thought I knew trace files before, but this book brings your knowledge to a whole new level.
    There is also an excellent WP by Cary Millsap ( http://method-r.com/downloads/doc_details/10-for-developers-making-friends-with-the-oracle-database-cary-millsap ) that gives you some insight.

  • How to configure logs and trace files

    Hello people,
       We have just implemented ESS-MSS, we have around 25000 people using this service and every 2 days my logs and trace file in server gets full and portal gets down.
    Please suggest how to solve this problem,how can i reduce trace and log files,,,,,any configuration or setting is there to configure this...please suggest and explain how can it be done.

    You can control what messages gets logged depending on the severity.
    This can be configured using Log Configurator, check this how you can set severity to different locations.
    Netweaver Portal Log Configuration & Viewing (Part 1)
    Praveen Gudapati

  • NWA - Logs and Traces Not available

    Hello All,
    I am unable to view the logs and Traces , When I am accessing it through NWA
    for example http:
    <server>:<port>\nwa ...... In Monitoring --> Logs and Traces --> when I select Default Trace , Its asks me for the setting up the data source , We select the data source and click on Apply . But the view still persists. On the server level, We can see the trace files. But on the NWA I am unable to.
    Can share some thoughts on this as for the reason and the resolution for the same . So that I can view the traces in NWA.

    Dear Ronniee
    It will come like that way. If you do not want to show then collapse the tray (Right side Rectange box)
    Once you open the Default Trance > Click on "Open Search" and here you can search with any options.
    OR you can directly access with URL /irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.portal.runtime.admin.logviewer.default it will only work if you login and then change the url as metioned above. You can search with FIRST Search option, it will check the all the available logs. You can metion "last day(s)" for searching latest result log.
    Hope it will helps
    Best Regards
    Arun Jaiswal

  • Unable to view logs and traces via NWA

    under netweaver administartion I am unable to see logs and traces .when click on the monitor and logs&traces getting the error : "cannot start plug-in".
    Path : NWA>monitoring>logs and traces.
    Please help me .

    Gopal's instructions are fairly clear about the post install steps. Log on to NWA and use the "Deploy and change"  option in the NWA TLN. You will now see a list of tasks organized by template and scenario. One of these under scenario NWA is configure NWA.
    (This is EP7, right?)
    (and I am impressed that he wants you to "avoid points if useful"!)

  • Logs and Traces

    Hi all,
    After I had install BP crm 7.0 on my sap portal I am testing commuinication from Sap poratl to CRM installation. When I test Partners and Accounts  or Sales or  Cycle Marketing or ... I get this error: 
    Portal runtime error.
    An exception occurred while processing your request. Send the exception ID to your portal administrator.
    Exception ID: 01:27_15/01/12_0006_29884850
    Refer to the log file for details about this exception.
    When I want to check the default trace log file in the http://<HOST>:<PORT>/nwa
    I get this massage:
    Logs and Traces 
    No records to display.
    Any idea how can I se mig log file on portal.

    You can use StandAlone logviewer for better look at the logs and the location is  /usr/sap/<SID>/JC<Instance number>/j2ee/admin/logviewer-standalone directory. .
    Please refer to below link on how to use it.

  • Logs and Traces - low performance

    I encounter a serious problem with application Logs and Traces in NWA. In that application we deal with predefined and custom views . The predefined views work perfectly, but when I run a custom view, it takes over 3min. to get any result. I can hardly imagine that there is nothing left to do.
    Has anyone encountered the same issue? Did you solve it?
    Thanks very much,

    Hi Denis,
    The tables mentioned above only log "technical" details of the logs and will not be helpful for your requirement.  The best way to view the device logs is via the Device Logs Monitoring.  It provides advanced search facility for the devices, whose logs you are interested in.  Additionally, once you have got the list of devices based on your search criteria, for a selected device, it is possible to filter out the logs for that device through the "Additional Logs Filter" button where you could filter based on the severity, time range and even by the user (client user) who was logged in the client when these log records were being logged.
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,

  • Logs and traces in NWA

    I have a question about Logs and Traces in Netweaver (7.0) Administrator. When I choose predefined view Default Trace, only messages from closed defaultTrace.[number].trc files are showed for example I don't see (and cannot find) any messages that are in defaultTrace.7.trc (which size is less than max 10240) but it works well for previous files.
    Regards, Jacek

    First of all I think this might be because you have not logged in as SAP NetWeaver Admininstrator role.
    Check SAP Note [1166762|https://websmp130.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/sapnotes/index2.htm?numm=1166762]
    Form this note check that you have activated "Default Logger Param" in the Configuration > Miscellaneous area of Risk Analysis and Remediation.
    Also you will get few more notes at SAP if you want to activate specific logs.

  • Redirect all logs e trace files.

    How can I redirect all the logs and trace files in the WebAS Java to a different directory?
    Tks for the help.
    José Simões

    Hi Jose,
                       You can't change the standard directory. So you better look for an work around.

  • Wadlogs not logging the traces for Worker role in Azure

    Hi Everyone,
    I have issue in logging the workerroles logs in Azure Wadlogs table for past 4 days to till. Actually before it was logging the trace logs for the worker role in same azure wadlogs table only. I have checked the space availability of the wadlogs table,
    it is showing enough space only. I don't y it is behaving like this for past 4 days to till. And I have the same environment setup for UAT also but it is working properly. Please suggest me to get out of from this issue.

      Make sure OverallQuotaInMB, should be at least 500MB less than the value specified in the sizeInMB attribute.
      Refer the Following article on troubleshooting common issues with WAD
      If the above link does not help, i would suggest you get a
    Support Ticket created since access to the instance and code may be required.
    Nithin Rathnakar

  • NWA logs and trace does not show the content of Default trace

    Hi All,
    The content which i see in /usr/sap/SID/DV*/j2ee/cluster/server0/log/default trace
    i am unable to see the same in default trace in NWA logs and traces,
    It is a 7.0 system..
    Coudl you please suggest.

    Is it newly built system? Please compare log and trace levels with other java systems in your landscape.
    You can give a try as following..
           1.      Goto NWA and click on Log Configurator service.
           2.      Switch to advanced mode.
           3.      Select the Location tab page.
           4.      Choose the location of default.trc file.
           5.      Save the configuration
           6.      Restart JAVA and see.
    Siva Kumar
    Edited by: Siva Kumar Arivinti on Jan 12, 2012 3:36 PM

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