Log View Link Disappeared

Hi All,
I used to be able to access the Log Viewer via
Systems Administration >> Support >> Portal Runtime >> Log Viewer (EP 6.4 SP12)
However I can't find it on SP15.  I have super_admin access.
I have a work around by creating an URL iView.  with the URL >>/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.portal.runtime.admin.logviewer.default
or entering

Hi Brian,
the Log viewer you are searching for is gone because of too many apps providing the same functionality (visual admin, NWA, standalone log viewer etc.)

Similar Messages

  • Log Viewer Link

    When we migrated to NW04 Sp15 the Log Viewer Link from System AdministrationSupport disappeared. How can I view the portal log?, I don´t have access to the server, for that reason I want to see the log from the portal. Are there a way to see again the link Log viewer or exist another way to see the log?
    Thanks in advance for your help
    Maria Teresa

    I also faced the same problem.
    The link is missing in SP15. you can still access the log view with the following URL.
    consider rewarding points.

  • Log View Window disappeared

    When I right clicked on "Float" of my Log Window, it just disappeared. When I do a Alt + Tab, I can see one more Window, but it is not opening. Where is it gone? How to get it back? Can somebody please help? Thanks.

    Bala, you can open the log window by selecting the View->Log menu option.

  • Oracle.jbo.NoDefException: JBO-25002: View link Definition not found

    Hi All,
    I am using Jdev .I created an normal JSPX and created master details table.When i am running this page .in the log i am getting this error.
    [07:43:32 AM] Redeploying Application...
    oracle.jbo.NoDefException: JBO-25002: Definition oracle.fod.storefront.link.BrowseProductsWarehouseStockLevelsLink of type View Link Definition is not found.
         at oracle.jbo.mom.DefinitionManager.findDefinitionObject(DefinitionManager.java:495)
         at oracle.jbo.mom.DefinitionManager.findDefinitionObject(DefinitionManager.java:413)
         at oracle.jbo.mom.DefinitionManager.findDefinitionObject(DefinitionManager.java:395)
         at oracle.jbo.server.MetaObjectManager.findMetaObject(MetaObjectManager.java:749)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewLinkDefImpl.findDefObject(ViewLinkDefImpl.java:135)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl.resolveViewLinkAccessorAttribute(ViewDefImpl.java:8076)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl.processViewLinkAccessors(ViewDefImpl.java:8258)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl.processAccessors(ViewDefImpl.java:8067)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl.getViewCriteria(ViewDefImpl.java:1563)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewCriteriaManagerImpl.initViewCriteriaManager(ViewCriteriaManagerImpl.java:66)
         at oracle.jbo.common.BaseViewCriteriaManagerImpl.getViewCriteriaClause(BaseViewCriteriaManagerImpl.java:444)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.resetDefaultAssocConsistent(ViewObjectImpl.java:11897)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.removeViewLink(ViewObjectImpl.java:1923)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewLinkImpl.setDef(ViewLinkImpl.java:156)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.removeChild(ApplicationModuleImpl.java:1033)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ComponentObjectImpl.remove(ComponentObjectImpl.java:329)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.removeViewLinks(ApplicationModuleImpl.java:4301)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.resetState(ApplicationModuleImpl.java:4636)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationPoolMessageHandler.doPoolMessage(ApplicationPoolMessageHandler.java:322)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.doPoolMessage(ApplicationModuleImpl.java:8651)
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.sendPoolMessage(ApplicationPoolImpl.java:4405)
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.sendPoolMessage(ApplicationPoolImpl.java:4376)
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.removeResources(ApplicationPoolImpl.java:2901)
         at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool.destroy(ResourcePool.java:656)
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.destroy(ApplicationPoolImpl.java:2920)
         at oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePoolManager.destroy(ResourcePoolManager.java:163)
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.PoolMgr.destroy(PoolMgr.java:86)
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.PoolMgr$1.scopeInvalidated(PoolMgr.java:66)
         at oracle.adf.share.ADFScopeHelper.fireScopeInvalidated(ADFScopeHelper.java:49)
         at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigImpl.releaseResources(ADFConfigImpl.java:676)
         at oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigFactory.cleanUpApplicationState(ADFConfigFactory.java:432)
         at oracle.adf.share.weblogic.listeners.ADFApplicationLifecycleListener.postStop(ADFApplicationLifecycleListener.java:96)
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.BaseLifecycleFlow$PostStopAction.run(BaseLifecycleFlow.java:351)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
         at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:121)
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.BaseLifecycleFlow$LifecycleListenerAction.invoke(BaseLifecycleFlow.java:199)
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.BaseLifecycleFlow.postStop(BaseLifecycleFlow.java:95)
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.HeadLifecycleFlow.unprepare(HeadLifecycleFlow.java:290)
         at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment$1.previous(BaseDeployment.java:1233)
         at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.previousState(StateMachineDriver.java:167)
         at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.previousState(StateMachineDriver.java:159)
         at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment.unprepare(BaseDeployment.java:495)
         at weblogic.application.internal.EarDeployment.unprepare(EarDeployment.java:58)
         at weblogic.application.internal.DeploymentStateChecker.unprepare(DeploymentStateChecker.java:205)
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.AppContainerInvoker.unprepare(AppContainerInvoker.java:117)
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.AbstractOperation.silentUnprepare(AbstractOperation.java:689)
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.RedeployOperation.unprepareDeployment(RedeployOperation.java:193)
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.RedeployOperation.doPrepare(RedeployOperation.java:114)
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.AbstractOperation.prepare(AbstractOperation.java:217)
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handleDeploymentPrepare(DeploymentManager.java:747)
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.prepareDeploymentList(DeploymentManager.java:1216)
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handlePrepare(DeploymentManager.java:250)
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentServiceDispatcher.prepare(DeploymentServiceDispatcher.java:159)
         at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.doPrepareCallback(DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.java:171)
         at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.access$000(DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.java:13)
         at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer$1.run(DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.java:46)
         at weblogic.work.SelfTuningWorkManagerImpl$WorkAdapterImpl.run(SelfTuningWorkManagerImpl.java:528)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:201)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:173)
    <13 Aug, 2012 7:43:36 AM IST> <Warning> <J2EE> <BEA-160195> <The application version lifecycle event listener oracle.security.jps.wls.listeners.JpsAppVersionLifecycleListener is ignored because the application Storefront-11 is not versioned.>
    Any suggestion what would be the possible solution for this.

    The only possible solution here is to put the ViewDefination at the required place i.e. oracle.fod.storefront.link.BrowseProductsWarehouseStockLevelsLink.
    I will re frame the question for you. Is the file present at its desired location ? Can you do a clean build on the project and deploy again ?

  • Audit log viewer

    Hi to all
    I'm newbie to SQL Server.
    I'm trying to configure the server (Enterprise ver. 11) to track change regarding  insert/update/delete of records inside a simple single table.
    I dont know exactly what and how the audit features of SQL Server write and track, but I need a table where I can read the changes on some table or some field of that tables.
    I made some empirical temptatives.
    I created the Audit Server (on Security of database instance). Then I created the "Server Audit Specification"...where I specified UPDATE as type, OBJECT...my table, and entity... my user that connect to database (For this temptative I'm using
    a Access database linked/connected by ODBC. Work good because I see the changes made in Access, inside the SQL Management Studio).
    than I activated the Audit Server... then activated Audit Specification (on my database schema).
    I made some change on table... but I see empty the View Log Viewer.
    I try to configure the audit server as file or as application. I don't know if the problem is there.
    Could someone give me some basic/dummie suggestion?
    thank you.

    Alternately, you can create a trigger to audit the table and then write certain information to another table. Here is a sample code.
    create table demo
    ( c1 varchar(50)),
    c2 varchar(50)),
    create table audit_demo
    old_c1 varchar(50)),
    old_c2 varchar(50)),
    audit_UserID varchar(50)),
    audit_Timestamp datetime,
    audit_action varchar(50))
    create TRIGGER updDemo
    ON demo
    for UPDATE
    INSERT INTO audit_demo
    SELECT c1,c2,SUSER_SNAME(),GETDATE(),'update'
    FROM deleted
    insert into demo values('a','p')
    insert into demo values('b','p')
    insert into demo values('c','p')
    insert into demo values('d','p')
    demo for update trigger
    select * from demo
    select * from audit_demo
    update demo set c2='ppp' where c1='b'
    select * from demo
    select * from audit_demo
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

  • JDev11.1.1.4 IDE error:  not displaying view link in  service's Data Model

    I was trying to update master-detail relationship in the Data Model tab of the Service definition tab.
    Got an 'unexpected error happened' and Jdeveloper shut down.
    After I re-opened it, I do not see my adf view links under the packages in the Available View Objects multiselect in the Data Model tab of the visual editor for service definition file.
    Also there was an uncaught exception thrown:
    'Performing action Clean All [ from oracle.ide.......CodeEditor]
    Performing action Optn ... [  from  from oracle.ide.......CodeEditor]
    Uncaught Exception
    IllligalArgumentException: component not found in tabbed pane......
    Also in the message log:
    Business Components: Load error.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Click on the Proxy Service in your ALSB project to go to Proxy Service Configuration page. On this page, you will see an endpoint URI, something like /myservice. To get the wsdl in browser, use the URL like http://mymachine:7001/myservice?wsdl

  • YouTube log-in link...FF4 & 5 refuse to go to that link, never a problem before

    Main YouTube page has a log-in link. Clicking the link to go to that screen invokes a bar at the top about switching to another page. I click OK but it dumps me back to the initial screen every time, refuses to go. I've tried starting with all plug-ins disabled, doesn't fix it.
    I had the same problem with USPS tracking in their link to ask for e-mail notification, just wouldn't go there, so had to use IE for that. As of today, the whole USPS tracking site has changed, so that is no longer a problem.

    -> Tap ALT key or press F10 to show the Menu Bar
    -> go to Help Menu -> select "Restart with Add-ons Disabled"
    Firefox will close then it will open up with just basic Firefox. Now do this:
    -> Update ALL your Firefox Plug-ins https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/
    -> go to View Menu -> Toolbars -> unselect All Unwanted toolbars
    -> go Tools Menu -> Clear Recent History -> '''Time range to clear: select EVERYTHING''' -> click Details (small arrow) button -> place Checkmarks on '''Cookies, Cache''' -> click "Clear Now"
    -> go to Tools Menu -> Options -> Content -> place Checkmarks on:
    1) Block Pop-up windows 2) Load images automatically 3) Enable JavaScript
    -> go to Tools Menu -> Options -> Privacy -> History section -> '''Firefox will: select "Use Custom Settings for History"''' -> REMOVE Checkmark from '''"Permanent Private Browsing mode"''' -> place CHECKMARKS on:
    1) Remember my Browsing History 2) Remember Download History 3) Remember Search History 4) Accept Cookies from sites -> select "Exceptions..." button -> Click "Remove All Sites" at the bottom of "Exception - Cookies" window
    4a) Accept Third-party Cookies -> under "Keep Until" select "They Expire"
    -> When using the Location Bar, suggest: select "History and Bookmarks"
    -> go to Tools Menu -> Options -> Security -> place Checkmarks on:
    1) Warn me when sites try to install add-ons 2) Block reported attack sites 3) Block reported web forgeries 4) Remember Passwords for sites
    -> Click OK on Options window
    -> click the Favicon (small drop down menu icon) on Firefox SearchBar (its position is on the Right side of the Address Bar) -> click "Manage Search Engines" -> select all Unwanted Search Engines and click Remove -> click OK
    -> go to Tools Menu -> Add-ons -> Extensions section -> REMOVE All Unwanted/Suspicious Extensions (Add-ons) -> Restart Firefox
    You can enable your Known & Trustworthy Add-ons later. Check and tell if its working.

  • Cannot set user query to view "{0}" because it is a destination in a view link

    Hi - I have 2 programatically view objects. I have created a viewLink between them and I am getting the error:
    Cannot set user query to view "MyView2" because it is a destination in a view link.
    Does anyone know what are the methods I need to implement? I have follow the Frank Nimphius Post: Oracle ADF: Service, Please! and it is working fine. However, after seeing this example: Decompiling ADF Binaries: Building programmatically managed business components - Part 2 - I realised that I am missing some other stuff to make the view link work. There are too many methods and its quite difficult to understand and digest all classes and methods etc.
    Anyone can please point me in the right direction?

    Which version are you using? Could you maybe turn on logging (http://blog.goverco.com/p/psmalogging.html) and post content of log file if you still have the issue...
    Also, remember that even though you set credentials in the PARAM section, these values are overwritten by the ones specified on the properties of the MA - so make sure that you specify correct creds on the MA. Specifying creds directly in the script makes
    for an easy way of testing from the PowerShell prompt, but not for running the script from the MA / Run Profiles
    Regards, Soren Granfeldt
    blog is at http://blog.goverco.com | facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheIdentityManagementExplorer | twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/MrGranfeldt

  • Af:tree Using View Links

    I have created two af:tree components. Based on similar conditions but on different database tables.
    I have no issues in displaying one tree. I am able to expand the tree and go to second level and so on.
    But for my second tree component when i try to expand the top most level, I am not seeing any values.
    I have enabled debug logs in my JDev to see the query that gets run and found out that the bind variable is getting a junk value.
    The bind variable should typically get the id of the value that i am trying to expand. I am able to see values correctly being passed in my earlier tree (the one that is working fine).
    I have tried to compare both the VOs and View links and could not find any.
    Please help me in resolving this issue.

    Hi Frank
    Sorry for not being clear.
    Let me explain my issue clearly.
    I have a table with columns and values as below:
    1     | | A     | B
    2     | A | A1 | A2
    2     | B | B1 | B2
    I want the above table to be shown as below tree structure
    For this implementation, i created a View object that returns all the codes at level_id 1 (VO1) and a View Object that returns all the codes at level_id 2(VO2).
    I have a view link between these two where i bind the CODE1 of VO1 to FILTER of VO2. VO1 is the parent and VO2 is the child.
    Using VO1 i have created the tree (drag and drop) and in the edit tree binding dialog box i have added the rules appropriately.
    When i run my page, with debug logs enabled, I can see the A,B values coming properly in the UI. But, when i try to expand any of them, I do not see the A1,A2 or B1,B2 values.
    In the debug logs, I can see a junk value being passed when i try to expand rather than 'A' or 'B'.
    I have done a similar implementation with another tree component and it works fine as i can see proper values in the debug logs.
    I do not understand why the junk values are passed.
    Hope this explanation gives a clear idea about my issue.
    I am currently using JDev version.
    Thank you

  • Meta Chain is missing from Log view

    Dear Experts,
    I have a strange problem in Process Chains. In the Planning view a Meta Chain was linked to other one but when I execute the PC and goto the Log view one Meta Chain is missing.
    What could be the problem?
    Best solution weighs.....

    Please check whether the meta chain trigger option is selected or not.i think its happening meta chain trigger option is not selected, so only first chain is running and the subsequent chain doesnt get triggered.thats why in the log view its showing only one chain.

  • System log viewer

    Hi folks,
    I have change/transform an old shell script for archlinux :-)
    I consider anyone newbie find it useful...
    Here is a screen shot
    and the Download link
    #! /bin/sh
    # Archlinux and other minor changes Dec 13, 2006
    # by Constantinos Laitsas
    # dl: http://laitsas.com/download/logview.txt
    # logview by Luke Th. Bullock 1997
    # Minor changes Wed Feb 11 02:33:29 GMT+1 1998
    # added f_logview function Tue Apr 4 15:47:06 MEST 2000
    # Removed some sections, added others due to system changes.
    f_logview() {
    dialog --backtitle "User: `whoami` | Kernel: `uname -mnspr`"
    --title "System Log Viewer"
    --menu "Make your selection:" 19 45 12
    "WWW" "Web traffic log"
    "Error" "Web Error Log"
    "Mail" "Mail log"
    "Last" "Last 50 connections"
    "Messages" "System Message log"
    "Syslog" "System Log"
    "Pacman" "Pacman log"
    "Kernel" "Kernel Log"
    "PostgreSQL" "PostgreSQL log file"
    "MySQL" "MySQL log file"
    "Xorg" "Xorg log file"
    "Exit" "Exit Viewer"
    2> ~/.syslogs
    if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
    echo "Exit" > ~/.syslogs
    LOG="`cat ~/.syslogs`"
    if [ "$LOG" = "Exit" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "WWW" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Error" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Mail" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Last" ]; then
    last -50 > $TMP
    if [ "$LOG" = "Messages" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Syslog" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Pacman" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Kernel" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "PostgreSQL" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "MySQL" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Xorg" ]; then
    dialog --title "Viewing file: $VIEW"
    --textbox $VIEW 25 80
    if [ -f $TMP ]; then
    rm $TMP
    # End

    looks pretty nice, but I still prefer
    vi /var/log/Xorg.0.log
    But thats just me.

  • I cant see 'audit log report' link in my Site Collection Administration

    Hi i am configuring my sharepoint 2013, i want to use the audit feature, so i follow the steps
    View audit log reports
    To view an audit log report:
    On the Settings menu, click Site settings.
    Note    The Site Collection Administration section will not be available if you do not have the necessary permissions, such as by being a member of the default Site Collections Administrators group.
    In the Site Collection Administration section, select
    Audit log reports.
    but i cant see  Audit log reports at all!!!!!!
    any help is much appreiated!
    My server is windows server 2012 and i am not using sharepoint foundation version.

    i follow the steps in you website, that is the same website i referenced.
    it ask me to :
    On the Settings menu, click Site settings.
    In the Site Collection Administration section, select
    Audit log reports.
    but the question is that i can NOT find this 'Audit log reports' link to select , the question is not i can not open the file.
    the items in my Site Collection Administration is:
    Site Collection Administration 
    Recycle bin 
    Site collection features 
    Site hierarchy 
    Site collection audit settings 
    Portal site connection 
    Site collection app permissions 
    Storage Metrics 
    Help settings 
    HTML Field Security 
    SharePoint Designer Settings
    there is no 'Audit log reports'  link!

  • Calendar Recurring meeting Meeting workspace link disappears

    I established a recurring meeting, and set the parameter to establish
    a meeting workspace for each meeting. Prior to editing the meeting,
    the meeting workspace link appears on the meeting properties page
    (linked through the calendar.) Once I edit the meeting notes, the
    link disappears, however if I go into "edit" it then reappears.
    I also changed the date on one of the recurring meetings to be the correct date since the
    user changed the date for that meeting. An interesting thing happened. On the calendar webpart
    the link is shown below.
    If I clicked into the calendar and highlighted the same meeting the link is this:
    I cannot figure out why it is showing on one and not the other when the fields selected in
    the view are the same. The 3.1.1 link show the meeting workspace link, the link with just the 3
    does not. Is this a bug? Did I do something wrong?
    Sharepoint is not integrated with Outlook.
    I am using WSS 3 with SP2 on a Windows 2003 server.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    I have the same issue with similar symptoms, and wonder if there is any update. We are using SharePoint 2010. We have a meeting recurrence set up with a meeting workspace, and the calendar is sync'ed to SharePoint. One of the meeting dates changed, so I
    used Outlook to update the meeting time:
    > the meeting workspace updated and shows the correct date
    > the "ID" number shows "ID=10" on the calendar web part, and "ID=10.1.8" on the actual calendar view (this is the same as the original post say "3" on one view and "3.1.1" on another view.
    > Some users are able to see the hyperlink to the Meeting Workspace from both the Web Part and the Calendar views, while other users are unable to see the link from the Web Part view. In other words, clicking on the Meeting link in a calendar web part
    opens a page with all the meeting information, except the "Workspace" row is simply blank where the link should be.
    >> I set it all up, and I do not have the problem in IE (ver 10)
    >> my boss who has the same level permissions does not have the problem in either IE or Chrome.
    >> my coworker (who has slightly reduced permissions) is unable to see the link in the webpart in IE
    >> my client (with reduced permissions) is unable to see the link in the Web part using IE.
    So, this issue seems to be tied to the changing a meeting date after the recurrence and workspaces are both created. It may also be tied to permissions or browser version/settings. I agree with the "answer" in that accessing the information from
    the calendar view seems to work OK for all users in all browsers. I wanted to post this to track that the issue is not happening for all users, which suggests that there are other factors involved. I looked at this using 5 different profiles, and found only
    2 (one internal user and one external user) experiencing the problem. So, I question why this works OK for 60% of users, but not the other 40%. It makes me think that this could be fixed through a setting, either in the browser or the user profile. The "answer"
    was also provided ~6 years ago, so I wondered if there was updated information at this time.

  • PDK - Portal Log Viewer

    I have installed PDK in our development Portal (Portal Version EP6.0 SP18).
    After that I have assigned Java Developer role to myself.
    If I click any of the links under... Java Development ->Tools -> Nothing is visible on right side frame.
    Kindly advise me how to proceed.I am not able to debug using portal log viewer.

    Hi Pooja,
    Thank you for your reply.I have assigned Super Admin role to myself.
    Still I am not getting the right side page,If I click the links..

  • How ALBPMEngine logs can be read other than using log viewer

    Dear Friends,
    Can anybody help on How ALBPMEngine logs can be read other than using log viewer?
    Look forward for rsponse.

    Max Meilleur wrote:
    I would be interested in knowing how you can decouple the obpmlogviewer.exe app from the OBPM Enterprise installation.
    How can I send a simple .zip file to others and tell them: "hey, unzip (or install) this only and you will be able to read OBPM engine logs files on your local machine" ?
    The logViewer executable can't be run without an enterprise install (at least not easily decoupled), however, an alternative, would be to pass someone the .jnlp and some log files.... To do this, open up the process admin, and in the top right, is a link for 'Launch Log Viewer'. Open that, and then go to 'File - Save As', and this will save a java executable to your computer.
    I'm pretty sure you can pass that, and either an admin user and password to view 'live' logs, or just have them cancel the remote log, and open a local file....
    PS: I don't see any opbmlogreader.exe or .sh or .bet in the OBPM_HOME\bin directory. I am looking at OBPM standalone, and the only relevant files I can see are obpmlogviewer.exe , obpmlogviewer.lax , lax.jar. Am I missing something?
    MaxI too don't have the log reader, however I do remember it... I'm thinking the .sh might only be included in the linux distribution of enterprise, so I'm downloading that now to verify... I will let you know what I find...

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