Logging into InDesign after renewing membership

I have renewed my creative cloud membership but I still can't log into InDesign. I click "try again" and wait the required 15 minutes, but nothing. Can this process be expedited at all?

Hi Hannah,
Please refer to the help document below:
Renew, extend, or restart your membership

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    This bit:
    " . . . mail SACL is not enabled; error = 2 . . ."
    is telling you Service Access Control List (SACL) is not enabled for that user. You can either do this using Server Admin > Server Name > Access or using the Server App > Users > select the User > click on the Gearwheel > Edit Access to Services. Tick the box.
    If you create users using WGM no services are enabled for that User by default. If you use the Server App to create users, services should be enabled by default for that user. It's recommended you always use the Server App to create Users and Groups.

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    just the general error saying cannot login, no real explanation given
    Although your message isn't mentioned in the symptoms, let's try the following document with that one:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store

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    <br>      at oracle.cabo.servlet.event.BasePageFlowEngine.handleRequest(Unknown Source)
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    <br>      at oracle.cabo.servlet.ui.BaseUIPageBroker.handleRequest(Unknown Source)
    <br>      at oracle.cabo.servlet.event.BasePageFlowEngine.processForwardRequest(Unknown Source)
    <br>      at oracle.cabo.servlet.event.TrivialPageFlowEngine.getPage(Unknown Source)
    <br>      at oracle.apps.oam.servlet.ui.oamPageFlowEngine.getPage(oamPageFlowEngine.java:128)
    <br>      at oracle.cabo.servlet.event.BasePageFlowEngine.handleRequest(Unknown Source)
    <br>      at oracle.apps.oam.servlet.ui.oamPageFlowEngine.handleRequest(oamPageFlowEngine.java:370)
    <br>      at oracle.cabo.servlet.AbstractPageBroker.handleRequest(Unknown Source)
    <br>      at oracle.cabo.servlet.ui.BaseUIPageBroker.handleRequest(Unknown Source)
    <br>      at oracle.cabo.servlet.PageBrokerHandler.handleRequest(Unknown Source)
    <br>      at oracle.apps.oam.servlet.ui.OAMServlet.doGet(OAMServlet.java:215)
    <br>      at oracle.apps.oam.servlet.ui.OAMServlet.doPost(OAMServlet.java:159)
    <br>      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:521)
    <br>      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:588)
    <br>      at org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.processRequest(JServConnection.java:456)
    <br>      at org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.run(JServConnection.java:294)
    <br>      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:479)
    <br> </blockquote>
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    (INFO) balance: continuing to ora-apps.world:16000
    (ERROR) balance: 852 internal servlet error in server ora-apps.world:16000
    (ERROR) an error returned handling request via protocol "balance"
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    Is the error occured only when log into OAM?

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    Please help.

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    Thanks for the info on policy settings.
    Let's see: I had 8.1.5 installed and I tried the update to 10g but only works from 8.1.7 or 9i, so then uninstalled and re-tried to do fresh install in a different home (OraHome10 vs OraHome8). That didn't go so well--it changed my 8i somehow so 8i would no longer work. Then I tried fresh install of 9i with a new starter DB--couldn't get into that DB. So uninstalled 9i, uninstalled 10g, uninstalled 8i, deleted every reference to Oracle on my computer, registry, etc., and re-tried 10g. I even went and bought a registry cleaning tool to zap things to make sure it was clean. It looked like it installed fine, provided me with starter DB but I just can't get into it. I'll let you know if the policy setting works.
    I'm trying to look on the bright-side and say that we are learning a lot!

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    -frustrated safari user

    I, too, have this problem. I have used Macs for years and have never had this problem before. It has just started and I'm not sure if I did a Safari update recently which might have created the issue. From reading on-line posts, this apparently has existed for years and now it is just my turn.
    Firefox works fine; I stay logged in on Firefox 'forever' but I prefer Safari. If it continues, I'll be using Firefox.
    MacBook Pro; OS 10.6.8; Safari 5.1.5

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    You log into and out of accounts in Settings/FaceTime.
    You can contact devices logged into the same Apple ID as long as they are configured with different email addresses.

  • Problem logging into RV110W after initial setup

    Hello Community!
    I hope someone here is familiar with RV110W setup and use. I followed the Quick Start instructions to setup this router and all appeared to be fine. I clicked "Finish" at the end of the web-based setup and expected to get to the configuration interface to set a new Admin username and password instead of leaving the defaults it came with. Instead, it presented the same login window I got on initial connection to the default IP URL. I tried the default login and password and it fails. I am not even certain I should be trying to connect this way because as part of setup I used recommended setting to allow for DHCP, so the default IP URL may no longer be valid.
    No matter the reason, I cannot connect to this device to manage it. I put the CD in and launch the autorun and it opens an HTML document with Notepad on my desktop which is useless.
    I do not want this device on my network with defaul passwords and so I am not using it at this time. Since the instructions have separate section for changing the Admin account/password I assumed that the password the setup acsked me to set was something different, but I tried using this to login anyway and it also fails. When I type in the default 5 character password and click login it appears to epand the password to many more characters and then gives me a failure message. This is bizarre behavior and I am at a loss for how to proceed. I tried using the reset switch in the hopes I could start over, but this did not help.
    Can anyone on this forum help with this?
    Sincere regards,

    Hello Gregg,
         Sounds like when you ran the wizard you changed the password and why the default doesn't work. You can always do a ipconfig though and find out what your default gateway is and that is what you used to log into the router.
    The information you have provided though is kind of random at this point so I am not really sure what steps you have done when you ran the wizard. When you are holding the reset button how long are you holding it in for? You need to hold it in for 30+sec's at least. Also the "recommended setting to allow for DHCP" sounds like it could be just talking about on the WAN side and not your LAN.
    I wouldn't bother using the CD though. Counting on what you want to do you may not need to run the wizard anyway's. I would just navigate through the GUI and make your changes that you want if you think that could be easier. If you want to change the default password to log into the router I would go under the administration page and if you wanted to add security on your wireless go under the wireless section. I think when you log into that router for the first time it will ask you to change the log in password by default anyways.
    I hope that information helps you out. If all else fails just factory reset the unit and start over.
    Clayton Sill

  • Develop Mode Disabled after Renewing Membership

    After using a Lightroom Trial Membership, I renewed with a One Year Membership.  But now when I open Lightroom, I see a message saying that Develop Mode is disabled and to renew my membership to reactivate Develop Mode.  What do I need to do so Lightroom allows me to use Develop Mode?

    I have the exact same problem, 2 months into my 1 year subscription and its now disabled with -0- explanation or fix. what the hek adobe? This is beyond frusturating, I have work on hold now because of this.

  • Unable to log into Presence after AD migration

    Presence CUPC clients receive 'Invalid User ID or Password' when attempting to log in.
    System was working fine prior to migration from Windows 2003 AD to Windows 2008 AD which necessitated a change to the LDAP Host Configuration IP Address.
    Dashboard and troubleshooter show no problems with one exception: XCP directory service, which I think is normal.
    Serviceability shows three CUP services Not Running, but I'm fairly certain this was the case prior to the migration:
    1. Cisco UP XCP XMPP Federation Connection Manager
    2. Cisco UP XCP Message Archiver
    3. Cisco UP XCP Directory Service
    I've tried to start them in any case, but they won't start - they proceed to Starting then back to Not Running.
    All Network Services in Serviceability are running.
    CUCM Publisher is running and is reachable/connected/successful.
    Rebooted Presence, no change.
    Any ideas? Something else I need to update?
    Thanks for your help,

    Thank you for your help.
    We discovered that the LDAP settings had not been updated in CallManager (and Unity Connection for that matter) although they were correct on the Presence server. After updating the CallManager settings, the users were able to authenticate. This doesn't seem right to me though, since Presence isn't using CallManager to proxy AD authentication requests is it?

  • Cannot log into iCloud after upgrading to Yosemite

    I have 3 iCloud accounts on my mac for various family members but after the upgrade I cannot get the iCloud account to log in. It just keeps asking for the password.
    Any ideas?

    You must be logged in using the Apple ID used to purchase iPhoto or to set up your Mac - If you are logged in with the Apple ID that was used to purchase iPhoto or to set up the computer if it came preinstalled then quit iPhoto, backup your iPhoto library  and drag the iphoto application to the trash (do not empty the trash yet) and then go to the App store and install iPhoto
    If this does not allow you to upgrade then you need to contact App store support  - link i son the right of the app store window

  • Cannot log into NI1742 after it is set to automated inspection

    I have in my possession a NI1742 Smart Camera.  Once I set the camera to full automation, I
    cannot log back into the camera through the Ethernet port. 
    The steps I have done:
    Go to the Target Tab
    --> Target Options --> Startup --> Start Inspection when
    The only way I was able to disable the automated inspection is
    by resetting the camera.  However this
    deletes the uploaded program. 
    I have the standard manual.  Is there another manual that I'm not reading?

    You cannot have a popup window work in a Run LV step when run on a target. The VI is actually run on the target, so you won't see the VI on your host machine. This is why the User Input step is not available for RT targets. I like your tab control to show the different states and achieve a popup like experience. One thing that could save some memory is to remove all the Calculator steps you have before each Update Custom UI step. It looks like you are trying to set the tab control in this step (i.e. setting a property node to a constant), but it doesn't actually do anything (except take up memory and processor time) because the Set Custom UI step is what will actually change the tab control value. So deleting all the unnecessary steps should free up some memory and run faster.
    To help with the target not being responsive when running in inspection mode, you should put a delay any place where the inspection could loop repeatedly very quickly. It looks like you have delays in lots of places, and I'm not sure all of them are needed, but at least you give plenty of time for target to respond to outside connection requests.
    Another idea instead of trying to implement a bunch of user interaction in the UI running on the target is to make a UI on your host machine and use the new VBAI API to control just inspection that runs on the target. This way the target doesn't need to handle all the login/password/user interaction that is probably more natural to handle in Windows VI or C app where you can have popup dialogs, and based on the UI interaction on the host side, you use the API to tell the target to run an iteration of the inspection and you can set shared global variables before hand so when the target does run, it can use values set from the host side in the inspection. I realize this is a big change from the inspection you have already, but I think it could have a lot of advantages:
    - VBAI focuses on what it does best...automated visual inspection and leaves UI interaction/admin logging in control to a programming languages that is easier to accomplish this (i.e.LabVIEW).
    - Makes your inspection smaller so it takes up less memory and you don't have to worry about running out of memory as easily.
    - Makes it easy for your application to grow and include multiple smart cameras/targets all controlled with one UI.
    - Makes you inspection a lot easier to read so not so much of the state diagram has to deal with user access/password types of interaction.
    Some of the down sides include:
    - reworking inspection to seperate UI interaction and username/password log in code from visual inspection
    - need to synchronize updating variables from host to target with UI interaction/logging in...shared variables work pretty well, but they are not meant to be deterministic or synchronous (i.e. no gaurntee that a variable you set first will be updated first on target, so even though you set params before you set a flag to start inspection, the start inspection flag may be updated on the target before the params are). There is a Flush Shared Variable VI that can help avoid this problem though, but just wanted to make sure you knew this was something to look out for and handle by using the Flush Variable VI.
    Anyway, something to think about. Thanks for including your inspection, very helpful to see how you're using VBAI.

  • Can't log into CC after Mac 10.7.1 update

    This only seems to be happening on my tower after the update yesterday. Laptop seems to be working fine.
    The Creative Cloud desktop app just shows a blank white rectangle. I've tried reinstalling to no avail.
    When I try to open any CC app (e.g. Photoshop CC), it says I need to log in. When I try I get an error message like the follwing (differnt error codes each time I try).
    There was an error with this action. Try again later.

    Attached are screen shots of by CC Desktop app and the error message I get after trying to authenticate when opening any CC app (Photoshop in this case).
    Also, I was being dumb...I'm running the very latest versions of OS X (was loking at the listings for "MacOS X Updates" in stead of further down the installation list at "OS X Udates). The update last week was the "OS X v10.8.5 Supplemental Update" that I installed on 10/10. As I think I mentioned...I updated on my laptop as well and can still access my CC apps there...I'm not sure I've logged out of CC and back in since the whole password thing though.

Maybe you are looking for