Logic behind partition locations

Is there any documented logic behind the default locations for the boot drive partitions. I'm having a debate with some other System Admins and can't locate any documentation on this.
Nothing critical here, just looking for info.

Partitions have logic, optimal partitions configuration will give you best performance and highest security.
All Unix/Linus systems have the same partition layout logics.
First partition is allways for boot loader (Lilo, Grub and etc.), second is /boot for operating system.
Next usually comes / (root), /swap, /tmp and in some cases /opt (for Solaris).
/swap, /tmp amd /opt can be just directories or partitions, even /boot can be just a directory, however it is good to place all these on seperate partition for good order.
Also, if you have additional hard drives, you can put /swap and /tmp of seperate HD for better performance.
Actually, every directory on root (/) can be partition or even a seperate device.
For example you have a lot of users and you don't want that they will save their files on HD with OS, you can mount their home directories from a seperate HD.
In the minimal partitions layout for Unix/Linux, usually you need only partition for boot loader and root. However, separate partitions for important thing can do this job more ellegantely.

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    1. Programs don't quit when you close the window.
    That's really more a matter of what you're used to. It comes down to a programming decision as to what Apple and Microsoft considered to make sense. MS thinks that if there are no open windows, you're done using the app. Apple thinks you aren't necessarily done yet, as others have mentioned. I certainly wouldn't want Photoshop to quit every time I closed the last open image I was working on. Would be nice though if Safari would quit when I close the last open browser window. It's quick to relaunch if you really weren't done with it, so wouldn't be much of a bother to have it shut down with the last window.
    2. Menu bars are on the desktop.
    Makes way more sense the Microsoft's approach of repeating the same file menu on every open document in a program. How many places do you need to see File, Options and other common menu headings?
    2. Menu bars are on the desktop.
    Related to number two. The forward app is the only one you can directly work in, so why not have the menu bar change to reflect the choices for that application? When you go back to the previous app you were in, the menu bar changes back. So what loss of functionality is there? It comes back to not having menu bars on every single open window. There's no need or purpose for it.
    3. No delete key.
    Backspace does the same thing.
    4. No Cut command.
    Command+X, not Ctrl+X. This is Mac, not Windows. There's also very little need to ever do this from the keyboard. If you're moving files that are on the same drive/partition, then just drag and drop from the target folder window to the source. It's automatically a move. If going from one physical drive or partition to another, it's automatically a copy. Press and hold the Command key during the drag to make it a move.
    Besides, you don't really think Windows cuts the entire folder or file contents into RAM, do you? If your computer has 4 GB of RAM, and you cut 12 GB of data, it of course can't possibly fit in the clipboard. All Windows does when you do a cut is visually remove the files and folders from the screen. If the items are going to a location on the same drive/partition, it does the same thing as if you did a drag and drop move. The file table is simply updated to reflect the new file or folder locations. If it's to a different drive/partition, it then performs a copy then delete action, same as OS X.
    5. Launching Apps from the Finder.
    A program is just as much a file as any other file. It takes up space on the drive. The OS of course knows what to do with it when you double click an app. Same as it knows what to do when you double click a document related to an app. Windows is no different. An .exe file is also just as much a file as a .doc file. The .exe extension tells Windows to try and treat it as a program to load into RAM. It's not just a simple placeholder. The program has to be made up of something.

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    $$ begin of global - insert your declaration only below this line  -
    $$ end of global - insert your declaration only before this line   -
    The follow definition is new in the BW3.x
         RECNO   LIKE sy-tabix,
    FORM startup
      TABLES   MONITOR STRUCTURE RSMONITOR "user defined monitoring
               MONITOR_RECNO STRUCTURE RSMONITORS " monitoring with record n
      CHANGING ABORT LIKE SY-SUBRC. "set ABORT <> 0 to cancel update
    $$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line        -
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    values of lead program definition in datapackage.
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          /BIC/TLDNR = <LS_/bic/at07_o00600>-/BIC/TLDNR
          /BIC/TLDPRGFTE = <LS_/bic/at07_o00600>-/BIC/TLDPRGFTE
          BINARY SEARCH.
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    if abort is not equal zero, the update process will be canceled
      ABORT = 0.
    $$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line         -
    Thanks in advance

    it's retrieve data from table /BIC/AT07_O00600
    and add to data package, so your records will be more than from source
    hope this helps.

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    Hi Madhuri
    This is tha Program logic behind copying object thru se38
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      DATA: l_request TYPE REF TO cl_wb_request,
            l_wb_todo_request TYPE REF TO cl_wb_request,
            l_object_name TYPE seu_objkey,
            l_object_type TYPE seu_objtyp,
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            p_key_component2 = rs38m-programm
            p_external_id    = l_object_type
            p_key            = l_object_name.
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      CREATE OBJECT l_request
          EXPORTING p_object_type =  l_object_type
                    p_object_name = l_object_name
                    p_operation   = p_operation
                    p_object_state = l_program_state .
          p_wb_request      = l_request
          p_wb_todo_request = l_wb_todo_request
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          no_tool_found     = 2.
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        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

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    Executed as user: DB0\sqlservices. Processing database: dbin [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) 
    Cannot shrink log file 2 (DB_log) because the logical log file located at the end of the file is in use. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 9008) 
    Processing database: DB_ [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0)  DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 2528) 
    Cannot shrink log file 2 (DB_log) because the logical log file located at the end of the file is in use. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 9008) 
    Processing database: DB [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) 
    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 2528) 
    Backup, file manipulation operations (such as ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE) and encryption changes on a database must be serialized. Reissue the statement after the current backup or file manipulation operation is completed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3023) 
    Processing database: DB_AC [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 0)  
    [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 0)  DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 2528). 
    The step failed.
    Please give any receomendations to avoid this error in future :
    Yangamuni Prasad M

    Hi Yangamuni,
    Are there any progress?
    Please have a look on the below threads with the similar issues as yours:
    The solution is change the recovery mode to SIMPLE, shrink log files and then change to the FULL recovery mode.
    Weilin Qiao
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

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    it's retrieve data from table /BIC/AT07_O00600
    and add to data package, so your records will be more than from source
    hope this helps.

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    To actually select the button that has focus (the outside highlight), hit the space bar.
    I suspect the rationale is something like this: they don't want to override the usual functionality of the buttons, but just offer a second or third way to select buttons.
    Many, if not most apps, particularly in the situation you describe, already have pretty solid keyboard shortcuts for the three buttons. Of course, "enter" for "Save", "esc" for "Cancel", and "command"-"d" almost always works for "Don't Save". From observation, of those people who use keyboard shortcuts in dialogs, this is by far the most common way they do it. I don't think I've ever seen anyone use the tab key in dialog boxes (and I think it's off by default except for navigating between text boxes).

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    Hi, Marlinespike - These are Knowledge Base keywords. A glossary of these keywords is here:

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    Pls do reply to me

    Materials management automatic account determination is a major integration point between FI & MM.  We will configure the a/c assignment for the processing key like BSX, WRX, GBB etc., BSX is used to determine the inventory a/c to which MM transaction are posted, WRX for GR/IR and GBB for Offsettings.
    Ex: You could use it to determine which inv a/c to use to increase inventory through a goods receipt or which inv a/c to use to decrease inventory through a goods issue. Just double click on processing key BSX and system will ask you for the chart of accounts for which you wish to configure the automatic a/c assignment. After entering the appropriate chart of a/c then system presented you posting procedure rules screen. Here you will get three different control indicators that you can set like Dr/Cr, Valuation modifier and Valuation class.

  • Logic behind ZMNG field of 2LIS__04_P_COMP datasource

    Hello Experts,
    Cab anyone please tell me How ZMNG field of 2LIS__04_P_COMP datasource populates...?
    what is logic behind ZMNG?

    ZMNG or target consumption quantity is basically requirements quantity
    on the basis of the quantity produced.
    Target consumption quantity
    Requirements quantity on the basis of the quantity produced.
    If the component quantity is constant for each order, the target
    consumption quantity corresponds to the requirements quantity, otherwise
    the target consumption quantity is calculated using the following
    Quantity of goods received * required quantity per order unit of measure
    order item quantity * ( order item quantity - quantity of scrap from
    an order item )
    make sure you have note 1497825 installed.

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    We have crontab alerts are enabled for the oracle database client connection.
    For Production databases the alerts are coming continuously until it gets connected.
    For QA databases it will throw the message that the oracle client connection fails and again it will prompt whenever it gets connected.
    Please let me know the logic behind these scnerions.
    Edited by: dm_ptldba on Feb 14, 2012 6:45 AM

    Thanks for the update, Sorry the question was not clear. let me put it in a clear way.
    Following is our crontab which alerts us if any database/listener goes down. But it alerts us only once for one successful/unsuccessful connection. For Eg: If the crontab not able to connect to the database for once then it throws an alert only once and waits for a successful connection.
    I would like to change the logic in this crontab in such a way that, it should keep on alerting us for all the unsuccessful connections and once or twice for successful connection.
    . /home/oracle/.bash_profile
    . /opt/oracle/cron/cron_email
    echo $ORACLE_HOME
    cat $sidfile | while read SIDNAME
    $ORA_BIN/sqlplus -s system/******@$SIDNAME 2> /dev/null >> $dboutfile <<EOF
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]
    if [ -f /home/oracle/scripts/${SIDNAME}-down.txt ]
    /bin/mail -s "Alert :Oracle database instance \"${SIDNAME}\" is up & connected..." [email protected] </dev/null
    rm -rf /home/oracle/scripts/${SIDNAME}-down.txt
    if [ -f /home/oracle/scripts/${SIDNAME}-down.txt ]; then
    echo "";
    touch /home/oracle/scripts/${SIDNAME}-down.txt
    echo ${SIDNAME} "not Connected ..."
    /bin/mail -s "Alert :Oracle database instance \"${SIDNAME}\" is down......" [email protected] </dev/null
    Thank you.

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    This will be a OAF customization, you have extend this oracle.apps.per.selfservice.absence.webui.AbsenceCO Controller.
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