Logitech Dual Action and xboxdrv

I can't make it work. It is recognized, here's lsusb output:
Bus 006 Device 007: ID 046d:c216 Logitech, Inc. Dual Action Gamepad
I followed the wiki to mimic the Xbox 360 controller: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/joystick
So I determined my gamepad's input with evtest and then I tried to map it with:
sudo xboxdrv --evdev /dev/input/event1 \
--evdev-absmap ABS_X=x1,ABS_Y=y1,ABS_RZ=x2,ABS_Z=y2,ABS_HAT0X=dpad_x,ABS_HAT0Y=dpad_y \
--axismap -Y1=Y1,-Y2=Y2 \
--mimic-xpad --silent
Getting this output:
xboxdrv 0.8.5 - http://pingus.seul.org/~grumbel/xboxdrv/
Copyright © 2008-2011 Ingo Ruhnke <[email protected]>
Licensed under GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
conditions; see the file COPYING for details.
Your Xbox/Xbox360 controller should now be available as:
Press Ctrl-c to quit
But no new input device is created, no matter if I reboot. Am I missing something?

http://logitech-en-amr.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/logitechen_amr.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=2126&p_created=1108078895&p_sid=g1VSi nUi&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaW Rzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9MTMzLDEzMyZwX3Byb2RzPTg0NCw3JnBfY2F0cz0mcF9wdj0yLjcmcF9jdj 0mcF9wYWdlPTEmcF9zZWFyY2hfdGV4dD1kdWFsIGFjdGlvbiBtYWM*&p_li=&ptopview=1
I found it in the system profiler.
Looks like it is picking it up.
Looks like Logitech does not make any software for the MAC for the controllers.
Thanks for the help guys.
Message was edited by: SW4747

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    Hi baz,
    have you had a look on the Logitech website to see if there are any drivers for the pad.
    Maybe you must install specific drivers for the pad to work within games.
    That the System Profiler recognizes the pad doesn't mean that it will work as planned without drivers.
    Also if there are drivers make sure that these are Universal Binary so that they will work with your Intel iMac.
    Good Luck

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    jscal -c /dev/input/js0
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    I don't think you should care. The option you do care about is this one:
    PIDialogPlayOptions playInfo
    That is part of  PIActionParameters *actionParameters
    That is part of your PSActionsPlugInMessage that comes into your automation plugin entrypoint.
    This parameter has three options:
    a) always display the dialog,
    b) only display the dialog if you don't like the parameters you are given,
    c) never display a dialog (either return an error or proceed with best options but don't stop with a dialog)
    From the file menu, user selected, you should get option a (always). From the actions panel you should get option a or b. From scripting you can get all three options.
    There is also a property in PIProperties.h called propPlayInProgress but the above information should be what you need to do the correct thing with dialogs.

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    Hi Johan, actually the VRAM used by OS X is likely to be quite a bit more than just your screen resolution multiplied by 3 or 4, since each open window is composited offscreen for the shadow effects and for things like zooming (Ctrl-Mousewheel) and the "Genie effect".
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    The button on the top that you use to lock and unlock or put to sleep is the power button.  The button lower center of the screen is the home button...can be used to also wake from sleep and switch to the base home screen.
    Good to hear you are now able to lock rotation, even if you are not sure how you did it
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    The end result – I want to apply that droplet to all the PRODUCT_***.TIF files in a given folder, and end up with the same file names as before.
    Thanks in advance for your help!
    PS - I have no scripting experience in PS, but have written code in other applications/scenarios.

    Its great that your products are cutouts layers,  Its easy to put cutouts on backgrounds and even add layer style to the product layer to enhance the composite. Still cutouts have size and resolution as  do your background images. 
    When you make composites. A document that is place in or pasted into the current document will be resample to match the current documents DPI resolution to preserve the size of the document being place or pasted in size.
    Additionally if your using place if the document being placed in does not fit within the current document's canvas size. Photoshop may scale the image to fit within the canvas.  It depends on your user id Photoshop Preference setting.
    That means you need you handle the sizes involved.
    I would think that you would want the final composite to be the size of the background image.
    You need to know its size and dpi resolution.  You must use image size on your product image and make the image have the same dpi resolution and a size smaller then the background image.  Perhas they have the same dip resolution as the background and are smaller in size. If that the cast their size are good no image resize  is required,
    Then you need to use canvas size to make the document have the same size and resolution as the background image.
    You may want to center the product layer over the canvas however Canvas size will add canvas evenly around the produt layer's layer bounds when you leave the anchor point in the center. 
    When you then place in the background image it will not be resampled for it has the same dpi resolution as the current document and it will not be scaled for it is an exact canvas size fit.  All that remains to be done is  move the current placed layer below the  product layer 
    The document name is the product image file name opened by you or by Photoshop automate batch process.

  • How to:  using the Place command in an action and remembering the source filename...

    I have a large set of product, architecture, and other subject-specific photos, that I’m preparing for a new website; all to be placed in various galleries.
    For each photo, I want it to have the same background.  If I were doing this manually, I would simply “place” the subject photo into the background, and save it – back to the original photo name.
    In other words, doing this manually, PRODUCT_001.TIF gets placed into STANDARD_BKGRND.TIF, (thereby automatically correctly sizing and centering it), and then saving the result back to PRODUCT_001.TIF; either overwriting the original, or into a new folder.   (I have the original file somewhere else, and am working with an intermediate copy).
    But since I have several hundred photos, how do I create an action (and really – a droplet) that will save the resulting file to the desired name?  Typically placing photo ‘PRODUCT_001’ into photo ‘B’, alters photo ‘STANDARD_BKGRND’, so I can’t save the result back to ‘PRODUCT_001’.  Said differently, in a droplet, each time it's run saves the result back to the same filename 'STANDARD_BKGRND'.
    The end result – I want to apply that droplet to all the PRODUCT_***.TIF files in a given folder, and end up with the same file names as before.
    Thanks in advance for your help!
    PS - I have no scripting experience in PS, but have written code in other applications/scenarios. 

    Actions don't have access to the document name (where the file name is).  Scripts do, however.
    If your products are sequentially numbered, you're in luck.  You can overide the "Save as command" and make sure that your naming uses a sequence which you can set to the same starting number as your product. Here is an example of how to configure File -> Automate -> Batch (assume the set and action are your hand built one)
    Instead of "Document name" you'd type "PRODUCT_" per your example and choose a 3 digit Serial number.
    The "Starting Serial #" is where you can change if your products are numbered say, 101 and up.

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    I thought the libraries were the same.

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    Lisa Zheng
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    Iñaki Vila
    Communication component in ID is the same as sender side.
    could you share your sender configuration?
    Did you mean Tcode - SXMB_ADM and under that Sender/Receiver configuration
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    In ID steps are correctly defined.
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