Long process on shared server?

I built an application that has 2 scheduled tasks. One of
them sends
e-mails to a list on a daily basis and the other completes an
The number of records is getting larger and these tasks are
because they exceed the timeout set on the ColdFusion or web
I'm using a shared hosting environment at Network Solutions
and it's
unlikely I'd be able to increase the timeout.
This application is built using ColdFusion Components.
I had heard of a asynchronous gateway I might be able to use,
again, I don't know if I'd be able to set that up on a shared
Does anyone have any ideas, aside from getting a dedicated
I thought about maybe instead of performing all these
requests in a
single page call, but instead, scheduling each request a few
from each other, but I don't know if CFSCHEDULE will allow
hundreds of
entries at a time.

I do not know how this plays in shared hosting environment so
use with
extreme caution. But you can use the <cfsetting
requesttimeout=""> tag
at the beginning of a page to specify how long that page has
to run,
somewhat overriding the setting given in the administrator.
But I could
see hosting companies controlling this tag for what it could
do to the
performance of their servers if misused.
Async gateways are a good option if they are available to
you. They do
require the 'enterprise' level of CF. Gateways are not
included in the
'standard' edition. They also require some CF-Administrator
configuration, but nothing more then a scheduled task or DSN
configuration does.

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    I am little confused to justify the number of users that may be best to use dedicated server process or shared server process.
    Kindly advice.

    In addition, make sure you account for administrative issues. It's a lot more challenging to trace applications using shared server connections. Shared server configurations also tend to introduce a variety of gotchas into a DBA's world-- at a minimum, most articles you find on the internet tend to ignore any shared server specific issues. That's one of the reasons that I tend to be of the opinion that if you have to ask, you probably don't need to enable shared server.

  • Reg : Shared server process or dedicated server process

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    How do we know whether our DB is running in dedicated server process or shared server process.
    I assume that, you are asking about the view of Oracle Processes in different OS Platform.
    In a UNIX environment, Oracle processes (also other DB Processes) can be viewed as individual system processes.
    On Windows platform Oracle Processes  (also other DB Processes) are implemented as threads that run within one common Oracle operating system process, oracle.exe (e.g. in DB2, db2syscs.exe process). These processes are not visible when you list processes at operating system level.
    Bhavik G. Shroff

  • Shared server config issues

    Dear experts,
    Below is my environment details:
    DB: Oracle 10gR1 Base (
    OS: RHEL 5
    I have configured shared servers as shown below:
    1) Set the following parameters
    circuits (not configured)
    2) Changed TNS parameter as below
    3) lsnrctl services
    the output of this command shows dispatchers ready
    Now coming to the issue, when i connect to the database using new tns alias, i see "NONE" displayed under "SERVER" column of the V$SESSION view. It should have been SHARED.
    Appreciate your help in this regard.

    In Shared Server configuration when we see value 'NONE' , it means there is no task being processed by shared server for that session. The server column will infact show status of 'SHARED' if there is some task being processed at that particular time by the shared server process for that session. Hence to check the status, fire some big query and then check the server status .
    you can check the shared server as
    select server from v$session where machine='XXXX' ;--neeraj                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Shared server/dedicated server process doubt?

    when oracle database is not configured for shared server is it compulsay to include SERVER=DEDICATED clause in the connect descriptor.?

    is it compulsay to include SERVER=DEDICATED clause in the connect descriptor.?No, the MTS is defined at startup time, via the MTS parms.
    Here is a sample of shared server definition in the init.ora file:
    # Multi-threaded Server parameters
    However, be aware that the MTS is not a panacea, especially at times when you want to invoke a dedicated process for your program. For Pro*C programs and I/O-intensive SQL*Forms applications, or any batch processes that have little idle time, you may derive better performance using a dedicated listener process. For shops that segregate task into online and batch modes, the DBA sometimes create separate listeners—one with the MTS and another for dedicated connections.
    Hope this helps. . . .
    Donald K. Burleson
    Oracle Press author

  • Shared Server Process

    I have one query regarding Shared Server Process.
    1)Why SHUTDOWN needs dedicated server process and not shared server process?
    Thanks in advance

    1)Why SHUTDOWN needs dedicated server process and not shared server process?
    Because Oracle maintains the connection for the user performing the shutdown until the shutdown is complete and their is still more work to be performed after the shared server processes are shutdown.
    If you look at the shutdown part of the alert log when a shutdown is performed you will see that the dispatchers and shareds servers are shutdown before the database is closed and dismounted. There would be no more connection if a shared server were being used.
    Consider the example shutdown log from this article
    Find the portion that shows these steps
    All dispatchers and shared servers shutdown
    Wed Aug 15 18:24:35 2007
    SMON: disabling tx recovery
    SMON: disabling cache recovery
    Wed Aug 15 18:24:35 2007
    Shutting down archive processes
    See how the CLOSE is issued AFTER the dispatchers and shared servers are shutdown?
    See how the SMON service is still running?
    If you then look at the very end you will see this
    Stopping background process VKTM:
    That last background process is described in chapter 9 (Process Architecture) in the Database Concepts doc
    •VKTM (virtual keeper of time) is responsible for providing a wall-clock time (updated every second) and reference-time counter (updated every 20 ms and available only when running at elevated priority).
    Grandfather time is the last process to be stopped.
    When your time comes to an end - you too will be 'shutdown' (chances of a successful recovery are not good even with extensive logs).
    Here's hoping that your personal shutdown is 'normal' and not 'immediate' or 'abort'!

  • On 10.9 - I can no longer open, copy or preview files on a shared server

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    If I open an application and use File/Open and select files from the server they open fine, but I need to be able to use finder & preview...
    I think the above issues might have something to do with permissions?
    Please help

    I've had the same issues. For me, trashing the permissions didn't resolve anything. The only work-around I've found is force quitting/relaunching the Finder. I have to do it every day, sometimes twice, but at least I can drag, copy and double click on files to launch an app.
    Hope that helps.

  • How to find if a SAP Application uses Shared server process ??

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    SAP Release : SAP ECC 6.0
    Oracle database Version :
    Can you please tell me how to find if my SAP application  with oracle  uses Shared server mode or Dedicated server mode for oracle database access??
    Arul S

    Hi Nick,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I am also pasting the output of "lsnrctl services"
    LSNRCTL for HPUX: Version - Production
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Services Summary...
    Service "R1Q" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "R1Q", status UNKNOWN, has 2 handler(s) for this service...
          "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0
             LOCAL SERVER
          "DEDICATED" established:269921 refused:0
             LOCAL SERVER
    The command completed successfully
    This looks like dedicated connection with the Oracle database..
    Can you please comment on this?
    Arul S

  • Shared server connections.

    we are running a third party application with an 11g database shared server configuration and OAS 10gR2. Dispatchers set to 10 and shared servers set to 100. When the database instance is started, the 100 shared server and 10 dispatcher sessions start up and I can see these processes with ps -ef. They show as ora_s0* processes and ora_d0* respectively.
    At some point after the startup of the application, it establishes a connection pool of 100 sessions (10 per dispacher). The process Id of these sessions correspond to the pids of the dispatcher processes not the shared server processes.
    The 100 sessions in the connection pool remain idle until a user logs on to the system. When a successful login is made, I see that about 8 of the idle sessions become active and remain so until the user finishes with the application and logs out.
    Questions :
    1. Is there a query I can do to show me the shared sherver sessions i.e. ora_s0* being used?
    3. Are the 100 sessions (in the connection pool) really the shared server sessions even though they show up with the pid of the parent dispatcher?
    2. I need to record the number of connections being made to the system over a period and how long each user is connected for, could you suggest the best method (including queries) of going about this task?
    Thank you.

    user8869798 wrote:
    we are running a third party application with an 11g database shared server configuration and OAS 10gR2. Dispatchers set to 10 and shared servers set to 100. When the database instance is started, the 100 shared server and 10 dispatcher sessions start up and I can see these processes with ps -ef. They show as ora_s0* processes and ora_d0* respectively.
    At some point after the startup of the application, it establishes a connection pool of 100 sessions (10 per dispacher). The process Id of these sessions correspond to the pids of the dispatcher processes not the shared server processes.
    The 100 sessions in the connection pool remain idle until a user logs on to the system. When a successful login is made, I see that about 8 of the idle sessions become active and remain so until the user finishes with the application and logs out.
    Questions :
    1. Is there a query I can do to show me the shared sherver sessions i.e. ora_s0* being used?You can use v$shared_server s, v$circuit c, v$session n
    with this as joining condition- s.circuit = c.circuit and c.saddr = n.saddr
    3. Are the 100 sessions (in the connection pool) really the shared server sessions even though they show up with the pid of the parent dispatcher? you can query server column of v$session to check if they are shared or dedicated.
    2. I need to record the number of connections being made to the system over a period and how long each user is connected for, could you suggest the best method (including queries) of going about this task?
    I see only ash the option for you, else you need to have your own scheduled script/procedure that would gather that information.
    Thank you.

  • Not able to get Shared Server Mode to work in XE

    The server is an HP Dual CPU Xeon, 4 GB RAM. 120GB HD.
    Oracle XE reports the following:
    SGA 768 Target, 768MB Current.
    PGA 256MB Target, 55MB current (when there are a small number of client connections)
    The application and database work properly with a small number of connections, but
    memory usage goes way up on PGA when I start to add more connections.
    I have tried to set up the Oracle server in "Shared Server Mode" , but it appears
    that I was unsuccessful.
    From what I can tell, the oracle listener does not seem to be fowarding the incoming requests to the shared server dispatchers, but
    instead it is deciding to kick off a dedicated server process to handle each client request.
    In other words, it is working in dedicated server mode.
    I am stumped as to what needs to be done next. From what
    I can tell from reading documentation this should be working.
    Please advice as to what else I can do to get things working.
    Here is additional information:
    The parameter SHARED_SERVERS is equal to 4.
    parameter dispatchers=(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=XEXDB)
    max_shared_servers, max_dispatchers, shared_server_sessions have no values.
    Output of lnsrctl utility:
    LSNRCTL> services
    Services Summary...
    Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0
    Service "PLSExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "PLSExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0
    Service "XEXDB" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    "D000" established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:1002 state:ready
    DISPATCHER <machine: CO_DB, pid: 5844>
    Service "XE_XPT" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0 state:ready
    Service "xe" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0 state:ready
    The command completed successfully
    ILSNRCTL> status
    Alias LISTENER
    Version TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Produ
    Start Date 18-SEP-2007 16:06:55
    Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 1 min. 33 sec
    Trace Level off
    Security ON: Local OS Authentication
    Default Service XE
    Listener Parameter File E:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\network\a
    Listener Log File E:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\network\l
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    Services Summary...
    Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "PLSExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "PLSExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "XEXDB" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "XE_XPT" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "xe" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    The command completed successfully
    The contents of the spfile2init.ora file:
    *.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=XEXDB)'
    The contents of listener.ora:
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
    (ORACLE_HOME = E:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server)
    (PROGRAM = extproc)
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = CLRExtProc)
    (ORACLE_HOME = E:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server)
    (PROGRAM = extproc)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myhostname)(PORT = 1521))
    The contents of tnsnames.ora
    XE =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myhostname)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID = PLSExtProc)
    (SID = CLRExtProc)
    The contents of sqlnet.ora:
    # This file is actually generated by netca. But if customers choose to
    # install "Software Only", this file wont exist and without the native
    # authentication, they will not be able to connect to the database on NT.

    I don't think it is supported because of XE multiple cpu usage limitations but "shared server" is not documented in the XE documentation - http://www.oracle.com/pls/xe102/ranked?word=%22shared+server%22
    so you may want to follow this guide for setup and try -
    Best Regards,
    H.Tonguç YILMAZ
    My Oracle blog
    "Never believe all you read or hear! Just because it is printed or someone is more experienced doesn't mean it is TRUE.."

  • How to set up a basic file sharing server for my small architectural business?

    I have no idea if I have posted in the correct area as this is my first forum post within the apple support community!
    I have been using a 21.5" imac running 10.6.8 for the past 5 years to run my small home based architectural design business. I have been using the internal hard drive & backing up the necessary data to a simple usb external hard drive. I am now looking to firstly purchase a new imac 27" retina and purchase new autocad lt 2015 for mac software. I am looking to have another imac (my old mac) running in conjunction with the new mac. I want both macs to be able to access the same data and am slightly unsure what is the best way to achieve this.....As my old mac is currently only running snow leopard and an old version of autocad for mac 2011 it wont run on any more recent OS. Essentially i believe I have 2 main options with this.... (1) I Accept that I have to purchase 2 no. autocad lt 2015 licences @ a cost of £2300. Or option (2), I only run autocad on the new mac as this will be the primary station and the old mac used for primarily for admin & accounts. I have also recently discovered that it is possible to rent autocad licences for £300p/a which may also be another option (3)!
    I previously had a problem where my hard drive failed on my mac & lost all data on the internal hard drive, luckily I had been backing up all data regularly to my external hard drive and now loss occurred! Obviously with any new system I want to ensure that my data is safe!
    I currently utilise about 250GB of data for business operations but this will obviously grow with time.
    In the future I would like to have the option of potentially being able to access the network data remotely via macbook pro whilst abroad although at this stage this really isnt my primary objective. Although I believe I could achieve this through apple remote desktop.
    I suppose I should provide some information with regard to the required speed of the system...I regularly open 50-100 photos at the same time totalling around 250-500MB. I would like the system to be able to handle this fairly easily.
    I have been trawling through forums and to be honest they are totally confusing me. I have also spent time on the phone to the apple business team and have also discussed my objectives with a member of the apple team in store.
    There have been various options advised to me and I really do not know which is the most appropriate route forward.
    1 - Using a mac mini as the file server and linking the 2 mac devices to this and backing up the mac mini to an external hard drive to ensure no loss of data.
    2 - Using a time capsule as a file server and linking the 2 mac devices to this and backing up the TC to an external hard drive to ensure no loss of data.
    3 - Using the new mac hard drive and linking the 2 macs via thunderbolt (old mac does not have thunderbolt and so I guess I would need another new mac?!) and then backing up the data to a time capsule.
    4 - Using a RAID based server and linking the 2 no. macs.
    Sorry to ramble but any advice really would be greatly received!

    Hi sblemings,
    Welcome to the community.
    I think with your scenario you should ask yourself, how complicated do you want the setup to be and how much time would you have to be able to resolve an issue should one occur with this setup.
    All the options that have been advised would work but they come with complexity and therefore time.
    1 - Using a mac mini as the file server and linking the 2 mac devices to this and backing up the mac mini to an external hard drive to ensure no loss of data.
    2 - Using a time capsule as a file server and linking the 2 mac devices to this and backing up the TC to an external hard drive to ensure no loss of data.
    3 - Using the new mac hard drive and linking the 2 macs via thunderbolt (old mac does not have thunderbolt and so I guess I would need another new mac?!) and then backing up the data to a time capsule.
    4 - Using a RAID based server and linking the 2 no. macs.
    Sorry to ramble but any advice really would be greatly received!
    option 1
    Would be a way to achieve what you want, it would centralise your files and you would only need to backup your file server (as long as all the files you wanted backed up were on it). This could be achieved either using the client and sharing various folders or using Server which would give you more options than you would possibly need.
    option 2
    This is exactly like option 1 except that you wouldn't have to administer another mac however you may limit any future growth.
    option 3
    This option I probably wouldn't pick, you could achieve this with firewire and use a firewire to thunderbolt adapter (saves you having to buy a new iMac)
    option 4
    This option would, depending on your RAID level, give you disk redundancy but remember you would still need to back this up, as RAID is NOT a backup solution.
    I would also ask is there a pressing need to keep the old iMac in service and complicating things by having a server / NAS? Could you not just transfer all your information over to this and continue with the one backup? I would say that doing it this was would be the simplest way of achieving what you want from what I can take from your question.
    As for remotely accessing your data, if you have the right hardware the way to achieve this would be to use a VPN and connect back to your data. However a potentially easier way for you ,would be to use a service like logmein or teamviewer to connect back.
    Hope this helps, and by all means any questions please ask.
    How to set up a basic file sharing server for my small architectural business?

  • When we go for shared Server environment?

    When we go for shared Server environment from Dedicated server mode?
    When we have to choose thi shared Server mode?
    Which is the optimized way?

    > When we go for shared Server environment from Dedicated server mode?
    You do not. It is not one or the other - it is using both correctly. You want shared server sessions to service applications (any, from web/app servers to flat clients) that are OLTP in nature. They fire off short-and-sweet SQLs that takes a second or three to execute.
    A shared server pool of a few processes can service a very large number of clients.
    You want to use dedicated servers to service OLAP type clients. They fire off complex SQLs that can tie up the server processes for several minutes at a time.
    And that in a nutshell is how to apply the two. It is not Shared Servers versus Dedicated Server. It is about using The Right Tool For The Job. Nothing more and nothing less.
    As for Windows, I will not really bother quickly with shared server connections. On Windows both shared and dedicated servers runs as threads in the main Oracle executable process image.
    There is thus very little resource saving by reducing the number of threads as the footprint of a thread is tiny in comparison to a brand new process. The amount of resources saved by a reducing the number of dedicated server threads is not significant. If anything, Oracle on Windows has shown to scale better than Oracle on Linux in this regard. (refer to [url http://www.perftuning.com/pdf/Comparison_Oracle_Windows_Linux.pdf]A Comparison of Oracle Database 10gR2 Real Application Cluster Performance on Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition x64 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux x86_64 from the Performance Tuning Corporation).
    And this is exactly the opposite of how Oracle behaves on Unix. Each server process is a physical kernel process. This means that a servicing a 1000 concurrent sessions with a 1000 dedicated server processes, each consuming memory and resources, are expensive. Conversely, supporting a 1000 concurrent sessions with a 100 shared server processes is (almost) 90% cheaper.
    This makes Shared Server a desirable option to use to scale OLTP sessions on Unix-based systems (or any platform where Oracle does not use multi-threading but multi-processing).
    PS. As the Linux kernel support Posix threads (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_POSIX_Thread_Library), it begs the question as to when Oracle is going to support multi-threading on Linux instead of multi-processing.. or at least give us the option to choose.

  • Need to create a Database in Shared Serve Mode

    Please help me in Creating a Manual Database in Shared Server Mode. (I am a Student and It is a Learning Process).
    I am able to Create Database (Without DBCA) in Dedicated Mode and I have no doubts in that.
    What are the parameters i need to specify
    Please post me Helpful Links

    Poorna Prakash wrote:
    Please help me in Creating a Manual Database in Shared Server Mode. (I am a Student and It is a Learning Process).
    I am able to Create Database (Without DBCA) in Dedicated Mode and I have no doubts in that.
    What are the parameters i need to specify
    Please post me Helpful LinksYOu need to understand that ... as far as the database is concerned ... it's not an either/or situation between dedicated and shared server. Setting shared server parameter like DISPATCHERS simply allows the database to handle shared server connections. But it is up to the client to specify which method it wants, and the database will always allow dedicated server connections.

  • APEX error: Found dead shared server

    I frequently encounter an error when working with APEX. If I submit any change to APEX, fi a change on some page item, APEX asks me to whether I'd like to save the wwv_flow_accept URL. I then get a file save dialog. This doesn't happen all the time, but something like 2 out of 10 times I submit something.
    Looking at the database logs, I see an entry in alert.log with this information:
    Fri May 22 17:56:36 2009
    Errors in file c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\admin\xe\bdump\xe_s004_1948.trc:
    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [_npierr+487] [PC:0x5F22C3] [ADDR:0x4] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []
    Fri May 22 17:56:40 2009
    found dead shared server 'S004', pid = (18, 1)
    Looking into the respective trace file gives me this information:
    Dump file c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\admin\xe\bdump\xe_s004_1948.trc
    Fri May 22 17:56:36 2009
    ORACLE V10. - Production vsnsta=0
    vsnsql=14 vsnxtr=3
    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
    Windows XP Version V5.1 Service Pack 3
    CPU : 1 - type 586, 1 Physical Cores
    Process Affinity : 0x00000000
    Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:727M/1511M, Ph+PgF:1181M/2133M, VA:1428M/2047M
    Instance name: xe
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 18
    Windows thread id: 1948, image: ORACLE.EXE (S004)
    *** ACTION NAME:(PAGE 4311) 2009-05-22 17:56:36.625
    *** MODULE NAME:(APEX:APPLICATION 4000) 2009-05-22 17:56:36.625
    *** CLIENT ID:(CKH_DEV:2151496271973569) 2009-05-22 17:56:36.625
    *** SESSION ID:(29.4) 2009-05-22 17:56:36.625
    *** 2009-05-22 17:56:36.625
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [_npierr+487] [PC:0x5F22C3] [ADDR:0x4] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
    object line object
    handle number name
    267D174C 1275 package body APEX_030200.WWV_FLOW
    267D174C 5421 package body APEX_030200.WWV_FLOW
    267D174C 13366 package body APEX_030200.WWV_FLOW
    26521088 30 anonymous block
    ----- Call Stack Trace -----
    memory dump follows
    Has anybody an idea what is going wrong on my machine here?
    Best regards,

    I took a bit of time to dig deeper into this issue. I came to the conclusion that there is a bug in Oracle XE:
    If you connect to Oracle XE database using the EPG path and if you create a report that gets its data over a database link, the shared server processes used to connect to the database break.
    What I did to produce this error:
    I installed Oracle XE Universal Edition on a Windows XP system
    I then updated APEX to the latest version 3.2
    At the database I simply created a database link pointing to the same schema the APEX-application is running at. I tested the database link.
    I then produced a simple test application with just one Report (I also tried a PPR-report with the same result) that displays orders with a query in line with this:
    select o.order_id, i.order_item_id, i.quantity, p.product_name, i.unit_price, i.unit_price * i.quantity amount
    from demo_orders@ckh o, demo_order_items@ckh i, demo_product_info@ckh p
    where o.order_id = i.order_id
    and i.product_id = p.product_id
    order by o.order_id, i.order_item_id
    When I ran this application, I was sometimes able to see the report without an error, sometimes a shared server process broke. You can watch the processes breaking by opening the admin/bdump directory and see how the database writes trace files for the shared server processes.
    Interesting to see is that the error happens not only when you try to see the report. If you hit the edit page link while running the page or if you submit the page definition with the link query in it, the same is likely to happen. You can see this error happening when APEX offers you to download the call to wwv_flow or the f-procedure. The contents of this download then is:
    with some binary information in front of the message.
    Another bug I'd like to add came up when I was lucky to see the report with the PPR-template. I tried pagination but this wouldn't work. Looking into this, I found the following link:
    To my understanding this can't work at all if you look a the apostrophes. So how to proceed with this???
    This to me is a severe problem, as I wanted to utilize APEX as a frontend for a production database to report the contents. I was informed by Varad that a way around this is to use an Apache access to Oracle XE but as far as I'm informed, this forces me into a licenced version in order to be able to run mod_plsql.
    I read about the mod_owa-approach, but the programmers state that this is not compatible with APEX. So my question is: Do you have any suggestion on how to proceed with this?
    Edited by: j.sieben on May 27, 2009 5:41 PM

  • Configuring Database Server to Shared Server Architecture

    Hello! Sir/Madam,
    Presently Our server configuration is Dedicated Server Architecture, due to number of connections opening in the dedicated server, we are shifting our server configuration to the Shared Server Archiecture.
    Will any One send me what are the parameters as to be set to Configure to the Shared Server Archiecture.
    Thanking U with Regards,

    I would suggest also reviewing the DBA Administration manual Ch 4 Managing Oracle Database Processes using the Oracle® Database Administrator's Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) Part Number B14231-01 since it discusses the database parameter settings in some detail.
    Remember to increase the size of the SGA to handle the UGA areas moved from the PGA into the Shared Pool.
    I would consider continuing to use dedicated sessions for batch and any process that uses dbms_alert or other features that do not work well with shared server.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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