Long time setting up Server after Restore

Used Time Machine to restore my computer to the boot drive and all seemed to go well except for
the Server. When starting it, it starts to update which says it should take a few mins, but its been stuck
on checking DNS configuration since last night.
Any ideas?

I didnt get the exact problem. Time Machine should not take this time to restore. Try to do things again hope it will work else  try deep freeze server restore software for the same.

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    Backing up to: /Volumes/MyBook-Mac/Backups.backupdb
    Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
    Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:kFSEDBEventFlagMustScanSubDirs|
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    Backup failed with error: Not enough available disk space on the target volume.
    Message was edited by: Delmonte3161

    Delmonte3161 wrote:
    Had my 500GB HD on my iMac fail. After being replaced by Apple, I performed a restore from 1TB time machine backup. After this was done, I set time machine back up to back up to this 1TB drive. I want it to append to the previous backups. However, the backup fails due to "backup is too large for the backup volume". It doesn't seem to want to append to previous backups but thinks this is an entirely new backup, which I guess is mostly true. I suspect this has to do with UUIDs of the new and old drives,
    yes, that's correct. TM will make a full backup after a full system restore on a new hard drive because the UUIDs of the new drive is different from the old one.
    you may try the following hack to get around it
    But I make no promises about how well it works.
    but I'm not sure how to correct it (I'd prefer not to just wipe the backup disk and start over). I migrated backups before from one extenal HD to another but can't remember what I did... If anyone has steps to fix this, let me know em. Thanks.
    Here's the time machine log:
    Starting standard backup
    Backing up to: /Volumes/MyBook-Mac/Backups.backupdb
    Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
    Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:kFSEDBEventFlagMustScanSubDirs|
    Starting pre-backup thinning: 506.55 GB requested (including padding), 502.31 GB available
    No expired backups exist - deleting oldest backups to make room
    Error: backup disk is full - all 0 possible backups were removed, but space is still needed.
    Backup Failed: unable to free 506.55 GB needed space
    Backup failed with error: Not enough available disk space on the target volume.
    Message was edited by: Delmonte3161

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    If you are using Project Server 2013 on premise I would recommend using T-SQL against the dbo. schema in the Project Web Database for your reports, this will be far quicker that the APIs. You can create custom objects in the dbo. schema, see the link below:
    It is not supported to query the SharePoint content database directly with T-SQL or add any custom objects to the content database.
    Paul Mather | Twitter |
    http://pwmather.wordpress.com | CPS |
    MVP | Downloads

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    Hello, thanks for answering
    there is my simple cfg
    macpro has
    I added to /etc/hosts the following lacalhost stockserver
    when I did it - everything works fine & fast, but I can not add every computer to hosts, course some times I bring some new & it takes IP from DHCP, I think it is clear.
    And about your last question -
    It takes about 25 sec from i hit enter until it takes back to the shell prompt.
    but when it done it display that traceroute done for less 1 sec!
    Because traceroute is diagnostic tool, usually people don't use it to really work, the same delay happen when I try to connect to file share. It does not matter afp / smb / nfs / even ftp.
    When first time I looked this I was try trace route for diagnostic porpoise - it delayed too.
    So - now it is clear that it is dns/netbios/dejavue problem - but how I can fix it?!
    I have not any Idea.
    Some Addition - I thougt when I try reach anything by IP it makes reverse lookup
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    lacalhost:~ alexpronin$ nslookup
    ** server can't find REFUSED
    lacalhost:~ alexpronin$
    but answer become imidetely !
    it seems system try get answer some other way
    sorry my poor english, it is not my native language

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    Any ideas on why they take so long to log in?
    As far as I know, no updates were pushed out on Friday or of last week some time.
    Any help would be great.
    Thank you!

    I suspect the HD has crashed. Locate the original disc 2 that shipped with the computer and run Apple's Hardware Test in extended mode 2-3 times. If it reports errors take it in for service, if you don't have the discs then take it in for service.

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    How can I verify that the restore process is underway?
    Go to Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backup. When the restore process is underway, the iCloud Backup setting is dimmed and you have the option to tap Stop Restoring.
    But when I look at the Settings > iCloud on my phone, there's no "Storage & Backup."  Instead, where that option should be, is a message at the very bottom of the page that says "Your iCloud account cannot be deleted because your iPhone is being restored."  This is the only indication I have that it's still restoring, but like I said, the apps have not shown improvement in their loading.  My phone has been back on wifi, connected to power source, & locked since 8:45am (it's now 9:45am).
    Is my phone actually restoring??? Or is there a glitch & it's stuck???  Please help!

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    We've also run Onyx to fix permissions, clean out all caches, etc.
    Any idea what file i can change, modify, or delete?
    Your thoughts would be much appreciated.

    Yes, but the issue is not with Lion directly; there seems to be something with the upgraded system, perhaps a legacy setting or pref... I've scoured the system to no avail. I'm actually about to reinstall 10.6 - wasted too much time on this issue.
    Thanks for your help.

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    I was able to successfully connect to the web hosting server yesterday before the update. Today, after the update I can no longer connect to the hosting server via FTP. Any suggestions?

    Check your site definition settings in Site > Manage Sites. 
    Nancy O.

  • Having a hard time rebooting iPhone 5 after restore from backup!

    Here is my problem, my new iphone 5 did a restore from backup from my 4S.  It took awhile because I have a lot of apps.  Unfortunately not all the folders were intact.  I heard that you have to do a double restore from backup.  Once I did my 2nd restore from backup, the phone goes through a reboot process.  I get the apple logo and then a blank screen.  I have tried holding the home and top button with and without it being plugged in.  I got it working and did a restore from backup again, thinking the folders would be restored.  It did not work again.  After trying about 5 or 6 times, I finally got the phone to come up again.  Unfortunately I still have not gotten my folders back they way it was.  It's partial and now I don't want to try to do another restore from backup.  So I guess itunes is still  not fixed in terms of restoring apps and folders they way it is supposed to be.  Anyone else have this issue?

    Sorry to say my friend, but any second you going to lose from that moment on is a lost second. I d like to wish you luck and after all said and done - get back here and tell me if I was wrong. BTW if those were text group messages, your phone was never a problem.

  • Time Machine going crazy after restore of a volume - UUIDs keep mismatching

    I have a MacPro (2006) with SnowLeopard.
    I use TM to backup most of the files from the system volume and 2 more disks called Enterprise1, 2 and 3 (yessss, I love StarTrek ).
    I have lots of data (pics, movies) spread out over these 3 disks (1 TB rough estimate).
    For TM I use a FireWire connected external "WD my book studio II" with 4TB. It has 2 years of history and is half used half free now.
    A few days ago one of my data disks crashed and I had to replace it with a new one. I installed the new disk and -maybe naive- named it like the crashed one.
    I successfully restored all data from TimeMachine to the new disk (TANK YOU APPLE).
    After that TM started to re-backup 360GB. Initially I was confused and cancelled the backup. I went to the Internet and found this to be the normal (but silly!) behavior. So I resumed TM backup. But now it wanted to backup more than 700 GB....?!?!
    I cancelled again, went to the Internet again, found lots of issues but no clear explanation, and so I decided to suffer through the pain and let things go their way.
    However, after the 700GB backup was done, it started another 360GB backup and after that one was done it continued with yet another 360GB backup....
    I installed the TM widget and found messages
    "Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Enterprise1"
    "Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Enterprise2"
    on all the events later than the restore. The strange thing is that I replaced only the volume Enterprise3. I did not touch Enterprise1 and Enterprise2.
    I did a TM reset as described in the trouble shooting guides, but without any success.
    How can I find out more about these UUIDs?
    Why could the ones that I didn't touch start to mismatch?
    Why does the mismatch not go away after successful(?) backup?
    Any help is highly appreciated (I really want to keep my backup history. It has been a extremely helpful quite a few times in the past)....

    Hm... Many people read my post, but nobody came up with any suggestions so far
    So I decided to fully erase my time machine drive by re-formatting it. I also did the full time machine reset (as described in the trouble shooting topic) and I re-started time machine.
    The first run went as expected: Full backup of everything I didn't exclude:
    Starting standard backup
    Backing up to: /Volumes/Tachyon3/Backups.backupdb
    Ownership is disabled on the backup destination volume. Enabling.
    Backup content size: 1164.8 GB excluded items size: 611.4 GB for volume Enterprise1
    Backup content size: 355.7 GB excluded items size: 14.3 GB for volume Enterprise2
    Backup content size: 306.6 GB excluded items size: 46.3 MB for volume Enterprise3
    No pre-backup thinning needed: 1.41 TB requested (including padding), 3.64 TB available
    Waiting for index to be ready (101)
    Copied 103.3 GB of 1201.4 GB, 311996 of 3022866 items
    Copied 234.0 GB of 1201.4 GB, 481177 of 3022866 items
    Copied 399.4 GB of 1201.4 GB, 482485 of 3022866 items
    Copied 484190 files (543.2 GB) from volume Enterprise1.
    Copied 552.1 GB of 1201.4 GB, 499974 of 3022866 items
    Copied 707.9 GB of 1201.4 GB, 619307 of 3022866 items
    Copied 856.6 GB of 1201.4 GB, 713178 of 3022866 items
    Copied 814524 files (883.7 GB) from volume Enterprise2.
    Copied 1014.9 GB of 1201.4 GB, 846954 of 3022866 items
    Copied 1188.7 GB of 1201.4 GB, 864139 of 3022866 items
    Copied 864441 files (1189.3 GB) from volume Enterprise3.
    No pre-backup thinning needed: 368.43 GB requested (including padding), 2.47 TB available
    Copied 969 files (4.9 MB) from volume Enterprise1.
    Copied 992 files (4.9 MB) from volume Enterprise2.
    Copied 172.2 GB of 305.7 GB, 41672 of 49964 items
    Copied 50909 files (305.7 GB) from volume Enterprise3.
    Starting post-backup thinning
    No post-back up thinning needed: no expired backups exist
    Backup completed successfully.
    BUT THEN CAME THE BAD SURPRISE: On the following backups time machine continued to execute full backups of 320 GB for the third volume again ...
    Starting standard backup
    Backing up to: /Volumes/Tachyon3/Backups.backupdb
    Node requires deep traversal:/Volumes/Enterprise3 reason:must scan subdirs|
    No pre-backup thinning needed: 368.56 GB requested (including padding), 2.47 TB available
    Copied 922 files (3.5 MB) from volume Enterprise1.
    Copied 945 files (3.5 MB) from volume Enterprise2.
    Copied 172.7 GB of 305.7 GB, 41644 of 49977 items
    Copied 50862 files (305.7 GB) from volume Enterprise3.
    No pre-backup thinning needed: 368.59 GB requested (including padding), 2.17 TB available
    Copied 2198 files (3.9 MB) from volume Enterprise1.
    Copied 2221 files (3.9 MB) from volume Enterprise2.
    Copied 171.1 GB of 305.7 GB, 42843 of 50013 items
    Copied 52138 files (305.7 GB) from volume Enterprise3.
    Starting post-backup thinning
    No post-back up thinning needed: no expired backups exist
    Backup completed successfully.
    ...and again...
    Starting standard backup
    Backing up to: /Volumes/Tachyon3/Backups.backupdb
    Node requires deep traversal:/Volumes/Enterprise3 reason:must scan subdirs|
    No pre-backup thinning needed: 368.63 GB requested (including padding), 2.17 TB available
    Copied 6064 files (23.4 MB) from volume Enterprise1.
    Copied 6087 files (23.4 MB) from volume Enterprise2.
    Copied 172.3 GB of 305.7 GB, 46769 of 49981 items
    Copied 56004 files (305.7 GB) from volume Enterprise3.
    No pre-backup thinning needed: 368.75 GB requested (including padding), 1.87 TB available
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Copied 131 files (427 bytes) from volume Enterprise1.
    Copied 154 files (427 bytes) from volume Enterprise2.
    Copied 17241 files (58.5 GB) from volume Enterprise3.
    Backup canceled.
    Of course I canceled the last one because there in no use to continue: Fully erasing the time machine volume and doing a full reset obviously didn't fix the problem.
    Any idea what could be the cause of this situation or what should be the next thing to try???

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