Long time to log in but fine after that

Anybody know why it would take users over a minute to login but after that speed is fine on Filr 1.1?

rob collins schrieb am Dienstag, 18. November 2014 14:36 in
novell.support.filr :
> Anybody know why it would take users over a minute to login but after
> that speed is fine on Filr 1.1?
The ESX send maybe the VM in 'sleep mode'(very low resources) because
there is no action before?

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    Hi fatem,
    Before going further, would you please let me confirm something more?
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    For your problem, firstly, I would like to suggest you contact Samsung to verify whether the BIOS upgrade would effect system ,
    Secondly, if updates configuration failed, can you access into system? if so, please check which updates configure failed.
    Thirdly, you can check WindowsUpdates log and CBS log to find the reason of this problem. if you had difficult to analyze these log, you can provide them to us.
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    Reset SMC.     http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964
    Choose the method for:
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    If you have more than ten or so files or folders on your Desktop, move them, temporarily at least, somewhere else in your home folder.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except keyboard, mouse, and monitor, if applicable. Launch the usual set of applications you use when you notice the problem.
    Step 1
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    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ If you’re running Mac OS X 10.7 or later, open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Activity Monitor in the page that opens.
    Select the CPU tab.
    Select All Processes from the menu in the toolbar, if not already selected.
    Click the heading of the % CPU column in the process table to sort the entries by CPU usage. You may have to click it twice to get the highest value at the top. What is it, and what is the process? Also post the values for % User, % System, and % Idle at the bottom of the window.
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    Step 2
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    Post relates to: Pixi Plus p8wu0 (AT&T)

    Hi tekis,
    Mac, ical can be set to sync with either a Yahoo! or Gmail account for both contacts and calendars.
    Contacts is simply set under Address Book Preferences.
    Gmail calendar sync is set using the following link:
    The only word of advice that I have is that Yahoo! contacts are read only.  I have made this work and enter all of my contacts that I get on the road as an email and send it to myself and enter the information at home.  Gmail contacts have no such restrictions.
    That being said, I now have the "family" addressbook synced on two smart phones, the family iPod Touch and both my Wife's and My logins on our Mac.  Data is updated easily on any of the devices and always accessible.
    It took me 2 months moving from a Treo 650 to get used to the cloud computing but I would be hard pressed to give it up now that I have been using it for almost 2 years.  Text messaging is one of the frustrating things on the Pre or Pixi with the inability to put a hard break in the conversation and skip a line.  The ability to receive updates to my office calendars and contacts on the road.... priceless.
    Hope this helps

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    I have about 50 video files to export, each 20 seconds to 2 minutes long. They all have Lumetri effects on them (I suppose that's what causes the problem).
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    Besides some dip to black and cross transitions the only other effect is a title layer with some static color effects on it, and 2 Lumetri effects (warm midtones and dream 1).
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    OS: Windows 7 64bit.
    I did update to the latest GPU driver last night - that didnt fix the problem.
    Since I noticed the fans becoming quite loud during rendering, I did put two Ice packs from the freezer on top of the case and pulled it away from the wall a little bit to allow for better cooling (and it did stay a lot cooler with the ice packs).
    I do also get funky looking frames inside Adobe Premiere after trying to watch the footage with the Lumetri filter for a while. I'll have to restart the program and it'll work fine.
    Any suggestions what I could do? Settings, or something? I dont want to attend to my machiene for so many hours, importing 2 video files at a time, having to review each of them for errors. I'd rather set it up once, and let them all render...

    @Peter Garaway:
    Thanks for the response.
    I use two Lumetri effects:
    Warm Midtones
    Dream 1
    Both applied directly to the clip of raw footage which is in the sequence that gets exported. There is actually one sequence, where I fixed some of the footage putting it into another sequence first, then the sequence into the final sequence that gets exported.
    All my clips have both Lumetri effects applied to them. The flickering took place randomly, but it would definitely get worse the more I attempted to render (the first 2 to 3 no problems, on the 3rd or 4th maybe a few flicker seconds in the middle, any more would be 100% flickering - if any flickering or only like a green solid...)
    Now Shrishti from tech support insisted the problem was within the sequence. And that kind of made sense, because once we successfully rendered one sequence, there would be no more trouble rendering it a second time, even if the program was already in flicker mode. And also for some reason while we were playing around with it when one sequence failed, even after restarting Media Encoder, it would fail again afterwards.
    However last night after it failed I would just try again, doing 2 at a time and it would be successful.
    Now I say it failed, but of course no errors no nothing... Just as in the result didn't look the way it was supposed to.
    Also I want to mention that especially when I kept it running after it failed (meaning you leave it runnning, producing only garbage) the fans of my computer kept running louder and louder. Not sure if it was the GPU or CPU. Rigth now it keeps rendering in Software mode and the fans are barely louder than under normal usage.
    I use the AMD catalyst driver which I downloaded from here:
    While Shrishti was trying a couple of different settings at one time the screen went dark, as it came back on there was a message coming from the windows tray, saying the display driver had crashed, but recovered. One time I also received a bluescreen message, which I will try to attach to this post.
    well i guess it doesnt have too much information on there other than... what is that? a memory address?
    This happened I believe after the first attempt with the updated driver (I updated from 13.3 to 13.4 )

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Don't remember

    Well, this worked on my desktop! But my problem is on my laptop. :-) I'm running XP, but there was no "Username" under Documents and Settings under the C drive. I did a search for those file names and it wasn't there. I found Mozilla Firefox folder under: C\Documents and Settings\ All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Mozilla Firefox. There are 2 - 1 is Mozilla Firefox (shortcut) and the other is Mozilla Firefox (Safe Mode). I did a Mozilla Firefox search and this is all that showed up.
    When I click on the shortcut link (the 1st one), it opens up 2 screens of Firefox. One is the "this is embarrassing" screen. The other is "Choose your Persona" screen. I closed it and reopened and it took me to my home page.

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