Looking for a ASP upload ext or code

With all the problems I have had with PureASP3... I need
something as backup
to support the pages I have already created...
I don't need all the bells and whistles like Pure ASP has...
I just need the
ability to upload files, and capture the path in the
Is there anything available in the form of ext or maybe
tutorial on how to
accomplish this?
DWMX - ASP - Access / SQL

Can download the code and modify for free. If this is behind
a secure area
and only you, then you'll be fine. Maybe think about
JavaScript if you have
many users...

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    "Campag" <[email protected]> wrote in message
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    > I've inherited as ASP/VB site. (Won't go into how I feel
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  • Creating code and I am stuck was looking for some help on what kind code..

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    This is a project for school and I have been searching everywhere for what to do. The assignment is to write a program that will randomly generate numbers for a Super 7 lottery. Each ticket is to display 3 sets of 7 numbers. The example we are given looks exactly like so
    Ticket 1
    23 12 34 12 25 13 21
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    etc etc etc etc
    Anyway the part I am stuck on is getting my array to display ascending order (small to big)
    I keep getting duplicate numbers and ive tried so many different parts of code to try and get no duplicate numbers
    also I can't the output to look like it does above. If I print a new line it always seems to do this:
    Ticket 1
    whereas I need it like the example I posted first.
    Here is the code I have so far and I am wondering if I am approaching this right? An array is the correct way to do something like this right?
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    public class Super72
         public static void main (String[] args)
         //create a scanner object
         Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
         //Display a title
         System.out.println("\n     Get your Super7 lottery numbers!\n");
         // Ask user how many tickets they purchased
         System.out.print("Enter the number of tickets you'd like to purchase: ");
         int numTickets = input.nextInt();
         //Display how many tickets user bought and a thank you
         System.out.print("\nThank you for your purchase! Here are your " + numTickets + " tickets:\n");
         //create an array for ticket 1
         System.out.println("\nTicket 1");
         int mySelect;
         int [ ] myArray = new int [7];
         for(int i=0; i < myArray.length; i++)
              mySelect = (int) (Math.random() * 47 + 1);
              myArray[i] = mySelect;
              }//end of for loop
         }//end main
    }//end classEdited by: KRollinz on Nov 11, 2007 11:30 AM

    GOT IT!! well sort of. I got my code to display 1 line of 1 ticket in order and no duplicates!!!
    Now I am stuck what should I be doing to get 3 lines? I already created 2 other arrays but when i output it cmd just sort of sits there and doesnt do anything so im not sure what that problem is.
    How should I approach outputting 2 more random lines?
    import java.util.*;
    public class SuperSeven
         public static void main (String[] args)
         //create a scanner object
         Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
         //Display a title
         System.out.println("\n     Get your Super7 lottery numbers!\n");
         // Ask user how many tickets they purchased
         System.out.print("Enter the number of tickets you'd like to purchase: ");
         int numTickets = input.nextInt();
         //Display how many tickets user bought and a thank you
         System.out.print("\nThank you for your purchase! Here are your " + numTickets + " tickets:\n");
         System.out.print("\nTicket 1\n");
         System.out.print("        ");
         //Array 1
         int [ ] myIntArray1 = new int [7];
              for (int i=0;i<myIntArray1.length;i++)
              myIntArray1= (int)(47*Math.random() + 1);
                   for(int check= 1 ; check < i; check++)
                   if(myIntArray1[i]== myIntArray1[check])
         //Array 2
         int [ ] myIntArray2 = new int [7];
              for (int a=0; a<myIntArray2.length; a++)
              myIntArray2[a]= (int)(47*Math.random() + 1);
                   for(int check= 1 ; check < a; check++)
                   if(myIntArray2[a]== myIntArray2[check])
         //Array 3
         int [ ] myIntArray3 = new int [7];
              for (int b=0; b < myIntArray2.length; b++)
              myIntArray3= (int)(47*Math.random() + 1);
                   for(int check= 1 ; check < b; check++)
                   if(myIntArray2[b]== myIntArray3[check])
              for (int i=0;i<myIntArray1.length;i++)
                   System.out.print(myIntArray1[i] + "\t");

  • Looking for Free FTP uploader

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    Personally, I like Fugu:
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  • Color names in Java code format.  Looking for the 216 safe colors.

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    thanks for any help.

    // Since I could not find it, I pasted it up myself.
    // Since I think it is useful and cool, I am sharing it.
    import java.awt.Color;
    Java class of the standard non-standard "safe" browser colors.
    View and choose colors grouped by color at
    or others.
    Colors in this alpha ordered list are presumed to correspond.
    public class Colors {
    public static final Color AliceBlue = rgb("F0F8FF");
    public static final Color AntiqueWhite = rgb("FAEBD7");
    public static final Color Aqua = rgb("00FFFF");
    public static final Color Aquamarine = rgb("7FFFD4");
    public static final Color Azure = rgb("F0FFFF");
    public static final Color Beige = rgb("F5F5DC");
    public static final Color Bisque = rgb("FFE4C4");
    public static final Color Black = rgb("000000");
    public static final Color BlanchedAlmond = rgb("FFEBCD");
    public static final Color Blue = rgb("0000FF");
    public static final Color BlueViolet = rgb("8A2BE2");
    public static final Color Brown = rgb("A52A2A");
    public static final Color BurlyWood = rgb("DEB887");
    public static final Color CadetBlue = rgb("5F9EA0");
    public static final Color Chartreuse = rgb("7FFF00");
    public static final Color Chocolate = rgb("D2691E");
    public static final Color Coral = rgb("FF7F50");
    public static final Color CornflowerBlue = rgb("6495ED");
    public static final Color Cornsilk = rgb("FFF8DC");
    public static final Color Crimson = rgb("DC143C");
    public static final Color Cyan = rgb("00FFFF");
    public static final Color DarkBlue = rgb("00008B");
    public static final Color DarkCyan = rgb("008B8B");
    public static final Color DarkGoldenRod = rgb("B8860B");
    public static final Color DarkGray = rgb("A9A9A9");
    public static final Color DarkGreen = rgb("006400");
    public static final Color DarkKhaki = rgb("BDB76B");
    public static final Color DarkMagenta = rgb("8B008B");
    public static final Color DarkOliveGreen = rgb("556B2F");
    public static final Color Darkorange = rgb("FF8C00");
    public static final Color DarkOrchid = rgb("9932CC");
    public static final Color DarkRed = rgb("8B0000");
    public static final Color DarkSalmon = rgb("E9967A");
    public static final Color DarkSeaGreen = rgb("8FBC8F");
    public static final Color DarkSlateBlue = rgb("483D8B");
    public static final Color DarkSlateGray = rgb("2F4F4F");
    public static final Color DarkTurquoise = rgb("00CED1");
    public static final Color DarkViolet = rgb("9400D3");
    public static final Color DeepPink = rgb("FF1493");
    public static final Color DeepSkyBlue = rgb("00BFFF");
    public static final Color DimGray = rgb("696969");
    public static final Color DodgerBlue = rgb("1E90FF");
    public static final Color Feldspar = rgb("D19275");
    public static final Color FireBrick = rgb("B22222");
    public static final Color FloralWhite = rgb("FFFAF0");
    public static final Color ForestGreen = rgb("228B22");
    public static final Color Fuchsia = rgb("FF00FF");
    public static final Color Gainsboro = rgb("DCDCDC");
    public static final Color GhostWhite = rgb("F8F8FF");
    public static final Color Gold = rgb("FFD700");
    public static final Color GoldenRod = rgb("DAA520");
    public static final Color Gray = rgb("808080");
    public static final Color Green = rgb("008000");
    public static final Color GreenYellow = rgb("ADFF2F");
    public static final Color HoneyDew = rgb("F0FFF0");
    public static final Color HotPink = rgb("FF69B4");
    public static final Color IndianRed = rgb("CD5C5C");
    public static final Color Indigo = rgb("4B0082");
    public static final Color Ivory = rgb("FFFFF0");
    public static final Color Khaki = rgb("F0E68C");
    public static final Color Lavender = rgb("E6E6FA");
    public static final Color LavenderBlush = rgb("FFF0F5");
    public static final Color LawnGreen = rgb("7CFC00");
    public static final Color LemonChiffon = rgb("FFFACD");
    public static final Color LightBlue = rgb("ADD8E6");
    public static final Color LightCoral = rgb("F08080");
    public static final Color LightCyan = rgb("E0FFFF");
    public static final Color LightGoldenRodYellow = rgb("FAFAD2");
    public static final Color LightGrey = rgb("D3D3D3");
    public static final Color LightGreen = rgb("90EE90");
    public static final Color LightPink = rgb("FFB6C1");
    public static final Color LightSalmon = rgb("FFA07A");
    public static final Color LightSeaGreen = rgb("20B2AA");
    public static final Color LightSkyBlue = rgb("87CEFA");
    public static final Color LightSlateBlue = rgb("8470FF");
    public static final Color LightSlateGray = rgb("778899");
    public static final Color LightSteelBlue = rgb("B0C4DE");
    public static final Color LightYellow = rgb("FFFFE0");
    public static final Color Lime = rgb("00FF00");
    public static final Color LimeGreen = rgb("32CD32");
    public static final Color Linen = rgb("FAF0E6");
    public static final Color Magenta = rgb("FF00FF");
    public static final Color Maroon = rgb("800000");
    public static final Color MediumAquaMarine = rgb("66CDAA");
    public static final Color MediumBlue = rgb("0000CD");
    public static final Color MediumOrchid = rgb("BA55D3");
    public static final Color MediumPurple = rgb("9370D8");
    public static final Color MediumSeaGree = rgb("3CB371");
    public static final Color MediumSlateBlue = rgb("7B68EE");
    public static final Color MediumSpringGreen = rgb("00FA9A");
    public static final Color MediumTurquoise = rgb("48D1CC");
    public static final Color MediumVioletRed = rgb("C71585");
    public static final Color MidnightBlue = rgb("191970");
    public static final Color MintCream = rgb("F5FFFA");
    public static final Color MistyRose = rgb("FFE4E1");
    public static final Color Moccasin = rgb("FFE4B5");
    public static final Color NavajoWhite = rgb("FFDEAD");
    public static final Color Navy = rgb("000080");
    public static final Color OldLace = rgb("FDF5E6");
    public static final Color Olive = rgb("808000");
    public static final Color OliveDrab = rgb("6B8E23");
    public static final Color Orange = rgb("FFA500");
    public static final Color OrangeRed = rgb("FF4500");
    public static final Color Orchid = rgb("DA70D6");
    public static final Color PaleGoldenRod = rgb("EEE8AA");
    public static final Color PaleGreen = rgb("98FB98");
    public static final Color PaleTurquoise = rgb("AFEEEE");
    public static final Color PaleVioletRed = rgb("D87093");
    public static final Color PapayaWhip = rgb("FFEFD5");
    public static final Color PeachPuff = rgb("FFDAB9");
    public static final Color Peru = rgb("CD853F");
    public static final Color Pink = rgb("FFC0CB");
    public static final Color Plum = rgb("DDA0DD");
    public static final Color PowderBlue = rgb("B0E0E6");
    public static final Color Purple = rgb("800080");
    public static final Color Red = rgb("FF0000");
    public static final Color RosyBrown = rgb("BC8F8F");
    public static final Color RoyalBlue = rgb("4169E1");
    public static final Color SaddleBrown = rgb("8B4513");
    public static final Color Salmon = rgb("FA8072");
    public static final Color SandyBrown = rgb("F4A460");
    public static final Color SeaGreen = rgb("2E8B57");
    public static final Color SeaShell = rgb("FFF5EE");
    public static final Color Sienna = rgb("A0522D");
    public static final Color Silver = rgb("C0C0C0");
    public static final Color SkyBlue = rgb("87CEEB");
    public static final Color SlateBlue = rgb("6A5ACD");
    public static final Color SlateGray = rgb("708090");
    public static final Color Snow = rgb("FFFAFA");
    public static final Color SpringGreen = rgb("00FF7F");
    public static final Color SteelBlue = rgb("4682B4");
    public static final Color Tan = rgb("D2B48C");
    public static final Color Teal = rgb("008080");
    public static final Color Thistle = rgb("D8BFD8");
    public static final Color Tomato = rgb("FF6347");
    public static final Color Turquoise = rgb("40E0D0");
    public static final Color Violet = rgb("EE82EE");
    public static final Color VioletRed = rgb("D02090");
    public static final Color Wheat = rgb("F5DEB3");
    public static final Color White = rgb("FFFFFF");
    public static final Color WhiteSmoke = rgb("F5F5F5");
    public static final Color Yellow = rgb("FFFF00");
    public static final Color YellowGreen = rgb("9ACD32");
    public Colors() {  }
    private static Color rgb(String hexValue){
    return(new Color(
    Integer.parseInt(hexValue.substring(0, 2), 16),
    Integer.parseInt(hexValue.substring(2, 4), 16),
    Integer.parseInt(hexValue.substring(4), 16)));

  • Web Based Messageboard (JSP, XML, XSLT) - Just Looking For Advice Please!

    I have a general question - I am not looking for any code, just some advice if possible. I am studying on a Masters course and I have been given an assignment to do which I am having difficult getting started. I have worked a lot with Java up until now, however this is the first time I have had to JSP on my course.
    My current assignment is that I am required to create a simple web based message board, using JSP and XML, which allows users to post messages to the board, and also to reply to messages. The content of the message board is stored in an XML file, and there is no database involved. The message data needs to be formatted for viewing in a browser using XSL transformations.
    I am stuck as to how to go about starting the project, and this is all I am asking for advice in. I have created the basic XML file which has some preliminary data stored within it, and I have created an XSL stylesheet to transform this data, however I am stuck with the JSP. Do I need to create a seperate JSP page for each page of the website? How does this link in with the XSLT?
    I would welcome and really appreciate any advice, but I stress that I am not looking for anyone to give me any code or anything like that.

    You can use XSLT to convert XML to HTML. Then include this HTML in your JSP. Further on you've a plain HTML form with an input field for a message which you submit to a servlet. In the servlet validate/convert/whatever this message and add it to the XML file and then forward/redirect the request back to the JSP.

  • Looking for / adding a html logo to website

    Hi there,
    I'm looking for the html code for a flashing logo (ideally simulating neon) so that I can add it to my iWeb page that I am making for my music. Does anyone know if this is possible and have any advice or ideas on how I could achieve this? I'm presuming if I figure out the code then I can add it as an html snippet in iWeb.
    Thanks in advance
    Steve :o)

    A flashing logo can be anything. From a animated gif to Flash.
    HTML accomplishes nothing of that kind. You may have to use JavaScript.
    An animated gif is simple. Find or create one and use that. For Flash you need the proper object code and paste it in the HTML Snippet. [Here are some pages|http://web.mac.com/wyodor/iFrame> with an mix of codes.
    I usually browse the internet looking for website that use what I'm looking for. Then I study the code and pick what I need.
    To start, first define what it is you want to flash.
    [Search Google for flashing logo|http://www.google.com/search?q=flashing%20logo]

  • N8, Looking for Apps, GPS which will send sms auto...

    Hi there guys, I´m looking for a Apps, wich will send my location automatically every for example 10 minutes ?
    I  have to admitt I do not find it easy to find apps on Ovi Store
    Go to Solution.

    It isn't quite what you are looking for as it uploads location data to a website rather than sending sms but you could have a look at phonelocator periodic http://store.ovi.com/content/25892
    Searching the store using "phone locator " doesn't, as far as I can see, come up with anything closer to what you want but you could have look using that as the search.
    Not sure if an app sending so many sms messages would appeal to me, but I live in a country where operators interpret "unlimited " as xx messages per month.
    N8-00 pc059C9F6 Belle
    808 PureView pc059P6W5

  • Appcelerator has 2 positions - looking for IDE Sr. Developer and Sr. QE

    Here are the details of open positions. Send me your profile (to pinnamur at gmail dot com) if you are interested to work on the IDE tools in a fast growing and most visionary mobile company.
    - Sr. Software Engineer (Titanium Studio)
    Immediate opening for a talented engineer to work on our Titanium Studio team designing and building developer-focused applications created to make coding on the Titanium platform as simple and enjoyable as possible. Ideal candidates not only have experience as a software engineer writing code, but also have been involved in leading the architecture, design and implementation of best-of-class tools targeting the developer market.
    Define, design and implement exciting new product features in Studio
    Work closely with platform and cloud teams to expose new functionality to developers
    Review code and write unit tests
    - Lead/Sr. Software Quality Engineer - IDE
    We are looking for someone who loves to break code and work closely with engineering to make sure it gets fixed and released as a first-class product. You'll be owning the Appcelerator's Titanium IDE.
    • Create test plans and test cases for the Titanium platform
    • Evaluate existing test suites and identify improvements/tests that need to be written
    • Ability to clearly communicate expected behavior and steps to reproduce defects, including screenshots and supporting evidence
    • Work with software development team to help them identify source of and correct bugs and defects
    • Report and follow up on all defects found. Track and verify their resolution
    • Posses a willingness to learn new technologies, applications and techniques
    • Troubleshoot issues in our entire ecosystem (be they cloud, IDE, SDK or other)

    You pay for relocation or are you interested in telecommuters.
    Jelqing results

  • Looking for sample code of HOW-TO use EntityFacadeImpl class

    I have created the following using JDeveloper Ver
    1. Entity Bean
    Localinterface: userLocal.java
    Local home interface: userLocalHome.java
    Remote interface: user.java
    Remote home interface: userHome.java
    Bean implementation: userBean.java
    2. Facade Session Bean (auto generated by JDeveloper)
    I am looking for sample client code on how to make use the facade session bean.
    Thanks in advance.


  • I'm looking for an app that will allow me to upload my contracts and forms to my iPad, fill in a customer's personal information, sign them, save them and email them.

    I'm looking for an app that will allow me to upload my contracts and forms to my iPad, fill in a customer's personal information, sign them, save them and email them.  I looked at easySign, Filemaker, FM Touch, Sign Docs, Zosh, Exzact, Mi-Co

    FormConnect (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/formconnect/id432653695?mt=8&ls=1) can handle the filling out, signing, saving and emailing the contracts/forms but uploading the contract and the form is going to be a challenge because you’re dealing with paper documents that have to be scanned.  If you can convert the scanned documents into an OCR program, you might be able to copy and paste the contract without having to retype it but the form itself is probably going to have to be recreated.  Alternatively, you could use a document annotation program such as iAnnotate and mark up the contract with ink.

  • Looking for some good Arc and Circle drawing pdf code.

    Hi I am looking for some suggestions on how to draw circles and arcs using PDF. My arcs have recently started to be drawn as chords in Adobe Reader 9.1.1. I am looking for example code o this nature (I know this is not circle or arc code this is just an example):
    0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg
    1 w 98 -156 m 104 -154 l 104 -158 l 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg
    0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg
    1 w 398 -156 m 392 -154 l 392 -158 l 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg
    0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg
    1 w 98 -156 m 396 -156 l S
    BT /F1 10 Tf 243 -151 Td (1.5") Tj ET
    1 w 398 -196 m 392 -194 l 392 -198 l 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg
    i.e. actual PDF tokens.
    If you know of a website that feature such examples I would appreciate the URL too.

    Pardon me if I sound rude by suggesting that before you launch into an expensive printing job (which could result in disastrous consequences if you don't do it right) that you actually learn how to use the program first. You may also want to learn something about the offset printing process and how to prepare print jobs.
    Even many Illustrator novices know that there is no such thing as a background in Illustrator, in the sense that there is in Photoshop. You will need to PLACE your Photoshop background as a high resolution CMYK tiff in the provided template. That's the answer to your second question. I don't really understand your first question. Maybe someone else will. Are you simply asking, "where do I begin?" If so, then you REALLY REALLY need to read a book on how to use Illustrator. The Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book might be the place to start.
    "I'm pretty good with CPR. I'm helping a friend do his vasectomy and I already have all the equipment (scalpels, thread, etc.) I'm just having trouble figuring out where to cut."

  • Looking for a Flash Coder

    Hello! I'm looking for a Flash Coder/Designer to Create Quantity of 5 Flash Animations which pull dynamic text from a XML File.
    Here's the URL of the type of animation styles we like,
    Our finished animation graphics should have a fun look with easy interchangeable sponsors sponsors like the ones in these examples.
    The 2 types of animations we require are, one that will display dynamic polling information, the other will be text scrolling horizontally and vertically in a smooth manor.
    The selected designer will receive the .XML Files which the action script will pull the information from.
    We would like the following animations:
    1) Every time a new Text is added to the external XML file, that text is "SMACKED" on the screen, tiny from the distance to big on the screen, it will streak down the screen until it disappears off the bottom of the screen, this will be in a random manor, the text will have rotation angles of 140degrees. The font can be changed easily, as well as the background graphic. It should also contain a holder for a logo in the lower right hand corner which will jiggle whenever a new TEXT is detected.
    2) Every time a new Text is added to the external XML file, it will jump up from the lower part of the screen and stop at the top of the screen, every time a new text comes in, it will stack below that, bumping the top one up. This will happen infinitely. There should be a holder for a logo in the lower right hand corner, this logo should Blink everytime a new text is detected.
    3) Every time a new Text is detected is should scroll from right to left. In between each new text, a logo should scroll with the text. This scroll should easily be able to switch from right to left, and with logo and no logo.
    4) If possible to create a 3D effect, the actual REAL 3D effect that people use to watch with those RED and BLUE glasses. This text would fly in from the far distance and appear big on the screen, it should use Depth of field so the text appear to be flying out of the screen.
    5) Voting Poll Animation, should match the examples given in the URL.
    Thanks! Budget is about $200 total. If interested please email me [email protected]

    >>looking for a top flash developer with dream
    actionscripting skills
    Isn't everybody these days...
    Wrong place to post this ->

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    I had photos uploaded in "My Library" in photoshop express in 2011. I just signed in to look for them and I don't see them anywhere. Were they deleted?

    You can ask in that forum. Photoshop Express for Windows

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