Looking for a good CLI Instant Messenger.

I'm only interested in MSN protocol.
Thank you in advance for your attention.

CenterIM doesn't do unicode, which might be a showstopper for you. Personally I +1 bitlbee. It's the best solution for the cli that I've found.

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    The Contacts application will print envelopes and is already on your iMac. See this Apple article for information on how to do it.
    Best of luck.

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    https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pdf-expert-5-fill-forms-annotate/id743974925?mt= 8
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    Ah. I'm surprised, but there we go.
    Have a look here ...
    (courtesy of googling 'OSX free multitrack recording software')
    Didn't have time to do more than skim, but 'Ardour' looked promising. Protools is the only one I've used, the full product is one of the industry standards, but the free 'lite' version listed here seems to be limited to 2 in/out as well.
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    G5 Dual 2.7, MacMini, iMac 700; P4/XP Desk & Lap.   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   mLan:01x/i88x; DP 5.1, Cubase SX3, NI Komplete, Melodyne.

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    You are only addressing other iPad users here & no Apple employees. We have no way of knowing, so you'll have to wait until iOS 6 is released.
    Here's some general info.
    Working with Notes and Documents on the iPad – Alternatives & Suggestions
    http://ipadacademy.com/2012/04/working-with-notes-and-documents-on-the-ipad-alte rnatives-suggestions
     Cheers, Tom

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    Stock lock screen does not normally support 3rd party widgets so you wont find any third party players that allows you access while on lock screen..  As for the player I perfer Meridian Media Player Revolute from https://market.android.com/details?id=org.iii.romulus.meridian&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsIm9yZy5paWkucm9tdWx1cy5tZXJpZGlhbiJd

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    Really sorry to hear about this, particularly when you're putting your life on the line. But Apple cannot track your iPhone in any way unless you had set up Find My iPhone prior to it being lifted.
    It's possible that AT&T might be able to do something, but it's probably that they cannot track it, or will not without a request from an authorized law enforcement agency, but rather would only disable the device. You'll have to try and find a way to contact AT&T directly and ask if they can do anything to help you; the chances of any AT&T employee in a position to help you spotting this thread it pretty small.
    Good luck, stay safe, and come home soon.

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    Htown Rush wrote:
    Thanks, the problem is I'm getting spam (spoofing) that is from me saying it was sent from my iPhone with my iPhone signature.  Ive reset my password on my mail, but that's pretty sketchy either way.  And it's being sent to my contacts as well.  Trying to eliminate all the possibilities and this is my first iPhone so I'm still a noob.
    Sadly, spoofing doesn't really require much hacking, All a spammer would need to use your email address for spoofing would be your email address. If it's also being sent to your contacts, your email account may well have been hacked. But that would have happened on the server level. Your phone wouldn't have been involved. Unfortunately, once the miscreants have your contact list, changing your password will not get that back. Changing the  password to something strong may help prevent future misuse.
    Best of luck.

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    I've been very happy with 1Password, though I haven't used the iPhone component (not having an iPhone).
    Disclaimer: any product suggestion and link given is strictly for reference and represents my opinion only. No warranties express or implied. I get no personal benefit from the sale of any product I may recommend in any of my posts in the Discussions. Your mileage may vary. Void where prohibited. You must be this tall to ride. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear. Preservatives added to improve freshness. No animals were harmed in the making of this post.

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    Message was edited by:

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    Thanks & Regards,
    Pavan Kumar N

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    i really miss IDM in windows and thats why sometimes i need to switch to vista to start my downloads.
    thanks for any advice or help

    Look for them at VersionTracker or MacUpdate.

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    New MacBook owner.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    http://www.barebones.com 's Textwrangler. Use http://www.anybrowser.org/ as a guide for good HTML composition.
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Maybe you are looking for

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