Looking for an algorithm

I'm trying to make an algorithm that writes the following:
1   0
2   1
3   2
4   3
5   3
6   4
7   5
8   6
9   6
10   7
11   8
12   9
13   9
14  10
15  11
16  12
17  12
18  13
19  14
20  15The numer to the left is just a counter. The number to the right is a variable that counts upwards
based on the counter.
Anyone got any nifty ideas? And, before anyone hints at it: I have tried, but I'm not very good at this kind of thing :-)

Sure. I forgot to post what I really wanted to to, because I first posted the question in another forum.
Well. It's supposed to be an algorithm that makes these columns, simple because I want it rather than just typing in a lot of variables. The left column is a counter, which represents the level. The right one is the BAB, which is supposed to be as the column I posted first, based on the level.
                    for(int i=0 ; i<=level-1 ; i++) {
                         bab = i ;
                         if ((i+1)%4 == 1)
                         bab = i-1 ;
                         System.out.println((i+1) +" " +bab) ;               
                    }This gives this output;
1     -1
2     1
3     2
4     3
5     3
6     5
7     6
8     7
9     7
10   9
11   10
12   11
13   11
14   13
15   14
16   15
17   15
18   17
19   18
20   19The pattern for the second column is supposed to be this:
when the counter reaches a number which is devidable with 4 (4,8,12 and 16), the next counter number
is supposed to be the same, ie. not increment. Then on the next counter thereafter it should continue counting.
I've got some of it, as you can see, but the problem is that when it continues it increments 2 instead of 1. (counter 6 should be give 4, and not 5).

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    A general knapsack problem solver is overkill here if one just wants to find a combination that fits 'perfectly'. If the list of numbers is small (< 100), a simple exhaustive search will do fine (read: it's fast). Have a look at the following sample class that solves this particular problem. Note that the set of numbers is a set of integer numbers, because floating point numbers don't add up well; in particular large and small numbers added will result in very inaccurate sums.
    kind regards,
    public class Comb {
         private int   u; // index of used numbers sofar
         private int   s; // the sum to be found
         private int[] c; // the candidate numbers
            // given a set of numbers and a sum, instantiate a solver
         public Comb(int[] c, int s) {
              this.c= c;
              this.s= s;
              this.u= c.length;
            // yes, swap two elements in array c
         private void swap(int i, int j) {
              int t= c;
              c[i] = c[j];
              c[j] = t;
    // use the number at index i as a try
         private void use(int i) {
              swap(i, --u);
    // unuse the number at index i
         private void unuse(int i) {
              swap(i, u++);
    // proccess (e.g. print) a current solution
    // note that this method could throw an exception if
    // just one solution is needed.
         private void solution() {
              for (int i= u; i < c.length; ++i) {
                   if (i < c.length-1)
    // find all solutions to this problem
         public void find(int t) {
              if (t == 0) // ready?
              else if (t > 0) // still more to do?
                   for (int i= 0; i < u; ++i) {
    // solve the example problem ... == 11
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              int c[]= { 5, 3, 6, 8 };
              int s = 11;
              new Comb(c, s).find(s);

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    [email protected]
    Polygons.java :
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    public class Polygons extends Applet
    Image image;
    int polyWidth = 100;
    int polyHeight = polyWidth;
    int polyOfsX1 = 100;
    int polyOfsY1 = 100;
    int polyOfsX2 = 250;
    int polyOfsY2 = 100;
    int polyOfsX3 = 100;
    int polyOfsY3 = 240;
    int polyOfsX4 = 250;
    int polyOfsY4 = 240;
    Polygon octagon;
    Ellipse2D.Double ellipse;
    GeneralPath ornament;
    BufferedImage imageBuf1, imageBuf2, imageBuf3, imageBuf4;
    public void init()
    image = loadImage("background.jpg");
    private Image loadImage(String name)
    MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
    Image image = getImage(getDocumentBase(), name);
    tracker.addImage(image, 0);
    for ( ; ; )
    try { tracker.waitForAll(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
    if (tracker.checkAll())
    return image;
    public void createPolygons()
    double sqrt2 = Math.sqrt(2);
    int m1 = (int) (polyWidth / (2 + sqrt2));
    int m2 = (int) (polyWidth * sqrt2 / (2 + sqrt2));
    octagon = new Polygon();
    octagon.addPoint(-m2/2, -(m1 + m2/2));
    octagon.addPoint(+m2/2, -(m1 + m2/2));
    octagon.addPoint(+(m1 + m2/2), -(m2/2));
    octagon.addPoint(+(m1 + m2/2), +(m2/2));
    octagon.addPoint(+m2/2, +(m1 + m2/2));
    octagon.addPoint(-m2/2, +(m1 + m2/2));
    octagon.addPoint(-(m1 + m2/2), +(m2/2));
    octagon.addPoint(-(m1 + m2/2), -(m2/2));
    ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(-polyWidth/2, -polyWidth/2, polyWidth, polyWidth*3/4);
    ornament = new GeneralPath();
    int l = polyWidth/2;
    int m = polyWidth/16;
    int s = polyWidth/32;
    ornament.moveTo(+0+0, -l+0);
    ornament.quadTo(+0+s, -l+0, +0+s, -l+s);
    ornament.quadTo(+m+0, -m+0, l-s, 0-s);
    ornament.quadTo(+l+0, +0-s, l0, +0+0);
    ornament.quadTo(+l+0, +0+s, l-s, 0+s);
    ornament.quadTo(+m+0, m0, +0+s, +l-s);
    ornament.quadTo(+0+s, l-0, 0+0, l0);
    ornament.quadTo(+0-s, l0, +0-s, +l-s);
    ornament.quadTo(-m+0, m0, -l+s, +0+s);
    ornament.quadTo(-l+0, +0+s, -l+0, +0+0);
    ornament.quadTo(-l+0, +0-s, -l+s, +0-s);
    ornament.quadTo(-m+0, -m+0, +0-s, -l+s);
    ornament.quadTo(+0-s, -l+0, -0+0, -l+0);
    public void createImageBufs()
    Graphics2D g2d;
    Composite saveAlpha;
    // Figure 1
    // Create image buf and get context
    imageBuf1 = new BufferedImage(polyWidth, polyHeight,
    g2d = (Graphics2D) imageBuf1.getGraphics();
    // Fill with transparent color
    saveAlpha = g2d.getComposite();
    g2d.fillRect(0, 0, polyWidth, polyHeight);
    // Draw figure
    g2d.translate(polyWidth/2, polyHeight/2);
    g2d.fillRect(-polyWidth/2, -polyHeight/2, polyWidth, polyHeight);
    // Figure 2
    // Create image buf and get context
    imageBuf2 = new BufferedImage(polyWidth, polyHeight,
    g2d = (Graphics2D) imageBuf2.getGraphics();
    // Fill with transparent color
    saveAlpha = g2d.getComposite();
    g2d.fillRect(0, 0, polyWidth, polyHeight);
    // Draw figure
    g2d.translate(polyWidth/2, polyHeight/2);
    g2d.drawImage(image, -polyWidth/2, -polyWidth/2, null);
    // Figure 3
    // Create image buf and get context
    imageBuf3 = new BufferedImage(polyWidth, polyHeight,
    g2d = (Graphics2D) imageBuf3.getGraphics();
    // Fill with transparent color
    saveAlpha = g2d.getComposite();
    g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.CLEAR, 0.0f));
    g2d.fillRect(0, 0, polyWidth, polyHeight);
    // Draw figure
    g2d.translate(polyWidth/2, polyHeight/2);
    g2d.drawImage(image, -polyWidth/2, -polyWidth*5/8, null);
    // Figure 4
    // Create image buf and get context
    imageBuf4 = new BufferedImage(polyWidth, polyHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE);
    g2d = (Graphics2D) imageBuf4.getGraphics();
    // Fill with transparent color
    saveAlpha = g2d.getComposite();
    g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.CLEAR, 0.0f));
    g2d.fillRect(0, 0, polyWidth, polyHeight);
    // Draw figure
    g2d.translate(polyWidth/2, polyHeight/2);
    g2d.drawImage(image, -polyWidth/2, -polyWidth/2, null);
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    g.drawImage(imageBuf1, polyOfsX1 - polyWidth/2, polyOfsY1 - polyHeight/2, null);
    g.drawImage(imageBuf2, polyOfsX2 - polyWidth/2, polyOfsY2 - polyHeight/2, null);
    g.drawImage(imageBuf3, polyOfsX3 - polyWidth/2, polyOfsY3 - polyHeight/2, null);
    g.drawImage(imageBuf4, polyOfsX4 - polyWidth/2, polyOfsY4 - polyHeight/2, null);
    Polygons.html :

    Think you'll be lucky to find anything in the forum on push down automata. Do a search on google, perhaps with the keyword "parser" or "grammer checker" thrown in. There may well be whole books devoted to it!

  • Looking for an efficient data structur & search algorithm

    Hi all
    i have a list of digits (international phone network prefixes) with some hundreds to some thousends entries. An entry may be in the form
    I.e. this might be 001, 0041, 00317545, 00317548, 00317549 and so on. Regarding the last three examples, it might even be that there is an additonal 0031754.
    What i need a a data structur that allows to match these prefixes against a phonenumber.
    I.e. if i have the phonennumber 001123456789 it would match the prefix 001. If i had 00317549111 it would match 00317549.
    The easiest way would be to but all prefixes into an Vector or similar and loop over all entries, trying to match the phonenumber with startsWith(). But this wouldn't always result in a absolutely perfect match, since, i.e. for the phonenumber 00317549111 the check against the prefix 0031754 would return a match even if there was a more specific match with the prefix 00317549. But more than that, this simple algorithm is not very efficient.
    So i am looking for a more efficient way/pattern to do this. I thought about a kind of tree structure, starting with 00 in the top level, than provding [1-9] in the second level, and [0-9] from third level on. Then on every node it would either store if there is a matching prefix on that level, or if there is a prefix starting with that digits on a lower level or if there is no prefix on that level or any lower.
    I.e. when i have the phonenumber 00317549111 it would start at the top level with 00. That would be ok. On the next level it would check if there is a node for digit 3. If there is, it would go one level deeper and check if there is a node for digit 1. If yes, again it would go one level deeper to check if there is a node for digit 7. If that algorithm comes to a level where, for the request digit, it get's a prefix indicator rather than a node indicator, the algortihm would know, that a matching prefix was found and that there is no more specifig match on deeper levels.
    One thing i forgot to mention - the prefixes might be read once during startup/init and there it might take some time for building up the datastructur - i don't care about that. But, when running, then the maching process should be as efficient as possible, that's the most important point for me.
    What do you think about a pattern like this? Could this be efficient? Do you see other patterns, that might be easier to implement and that might be faster/need less memory?
    Thanks a lot for your help.
    Cheers, Frank

    I would really have gone for your first approach. With mperemsky5's approach you have the loop with (potential) n iterations (Let n be the length of the number) and in each iteration to compute the hash-code for the string which again takes time proportional to the strings length.
    The tree approach takes time equal to the length of the prefix and is imho not more complicated.
    Perhaps this way:
    public class DigitTree
      private class Node {
           private Object content;
           private Node[] children = new Node[10];
      private Node root = new Node();
      public DigitTree() {
      public void addPrefix(String prefix, Object value) {
           char[] numberChars = prefix.toCharArray();
           Node node = root;
           for (int i=0; i<numberChars.length; i++) {
                int number = numberChars[i] - '0';
                if (node.children[number] == null) node.children[number] = new Node();
                node = node.children[number];
           node.content = value;
      public Object match(String phonenumber) {
           char[] numberChars = prefix.toCharArray();
           Node node = root;
           for (int i=0; i<numberChars.length; i++) {
                int number = numberChars[i] - '0';
                if (node.children[number] == null) return code.content;
                node = node.children[number];
           return node.content;
    }The method addPrefix lets you add a prefix to the tree. The content-Object can hold a String or whatever to identify the prefix. If your data is not complete (i.e. if there are numbers for which no prefix exists) you might want to initialize the content-object of a node with a default value (e.g. "not found").
    The method match lets you look up a prefix for a given number and returns the Object associated with the prefix..
    The code was not tested.

  • New(?) pattern looking for a good home

    Hi everyone, this is my second post to sun forums about this, I initially asked people for help with the decorator and strategy pattern on the general Java Programming forum not being aware that there was a specific section for design pattern related questions. Since then I refined my solution somewhat and was wondering if anyone here would take a look. Sorry about the length of my post, I know it's best to keep it brief but in this case it just seemed that a fully functional example was more important than keeping it short.
    So what I'd like to ask is whether any of you have seen this pattern before and if so, then what is it called. I'm also looking for some fresh eyes on this, this example I wrote seems to work but there are a lot of subtleties to the problem so any help figuring out if I went wrong anywhere is greatly appreciated. Please do tell me if you think this is an insane approach to the problem -- in short, might this pattern have a chance at finding a good home or should it be put down?
    The intent of the pattern I am giving below is to modify behavior of an object at runtime through composition. In effect, it is like strategy pattern, except that the effect is achieved by wrapping, and wrapping can be done multiple times so the effect is cumulative. Wrapper class is a subclass of the class whose instance is being wrapped, and the change of behavior is accomplished by overriding methods in the wrapper class. After wrapping, the object "mutates" and starts to behave as if it was an instance of the wrapper class.
    Here's the example:
    public class Test {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              double[] data = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
              ModifiableChannel ch1 = new ModifiableChannel();
              // ch2 shifts ch1 down by 1
              ModifiableChannel ch2 = new DownShiftedChannel(ch1, 1);
              // ch3A shifts ch2 down by 1
              ModifiableChannel ch3A = new DownShiftedChannel(ch2, 1);
              // ch3B shifts ch2 up by 1, tests independence from ch3A
              ModifiableChannel ch3B = new UpShiftedChannel(ch2, 1);
              // ch4 shifts ch3A up by 1, data now looks same as ch2
              ModifiableChannel ch4 = new UpShiftedChannel(ch3A, 1);
              // print channels:
         public static void printChannel(Channel channel) {
              for(int i = 0; i < channel.size(); i++) {
                   System.out.println(channel.get(i) + "");
              // Note how channel's getAverage() method "sees"
              // the changes that each wrapper imposes on top
              // of the original object.
              System.out.println("avg=" + channel.getAverage());
    * A Channel is a simple container for data that can
    * find its average. Think audio channel or any other
    * kind of sampled data.
    public interface Channel {
         public void fill(double[] data);
         public double get(int i);
         public double getAverage();
         public int size();
    public class DefaultChannel implements Channel {
         private double[] data;
         public void fill(double[] data) {
              this.data = new double[data.length];
              for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
                   this.data[i] = data;
         public double get(int i) {
              if(i < 0 || i >= data.length)
                   throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Incorrect index.");
              return data[i];
         public double getAverage() {
              if(data.length == 0) return 0;
              double average = this.get(0);
              for(int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
                   average = average * i / (i + 1) + this.get(i) / (i + 1);
              return average;
         public int size() {
              return data.length;
    public class ModifiableChannel extends DefaultChannel {
         protected ChannelModifier modifier;
         public void fill(double[] data) {
              if (modifier != null) {
              } else {
         public void _fill(double[] data) {
         public double get(int i) {
              if(modifier != null)
                   return modifier.get(i);
                   return super.get(i);
         public double _get(int i) {
              return super.get(i);
         public double getAverage() {
              if (modifier != null) {
                   return modifier.getAverage();
              } else {
                   return super.getAverage();
         public double _getAverage() {
              return super.getAverage();
    public class ChannelModifier extends ModifiableChannel {
         protected ModifiableChannel delegate;
         protected ModifiableChannel root;
         protected ChannelModifier tmpModifier;
         protected boolean doSwap = true;
         private void pre() {
              if(doSwap) { // we only want to swap out modifiers once when the
                   // top call in the chain is made, after that we want to
                   // proceed without it and finally restore doSwap to original
                   // state once ChannelModifier is reached.
                   tmpModifier = root.modifier;
                   root.modifier = this;
                   if(delegate instanceof ChannelModifier)
                        ((ChannelModifier)delegate).doSwap = false;
         private void post() {
              if (doSwap) {
                   root.modifier = tmpModifier;
              } else {
                   if(delegate instanceof ChannelModifier)
                             ((ChannelModifier)delegate).doSwap = true;
         public ChannelModifier(ModifiableChannel delegate) {
              if(delegate instanceof ChannelModifier)
                   this.root = ((ChannelModifier)delegate).root;
                   this.root = delegate;
              this.delegate = delegate;
         public void fill(double[] data) {
              if(delegate instanceof ChannelModifier)
         public double get(int i) {
              double result;
              if(delegate instanceof ChannelModifier)
                   result = delegate.get(i);
                   result = delegate._get(i);
              return result;
         public double getAverage() {
              double result;
              if(delegate instanceof ChannelModifier)
                   result = delegate.getAverage();
                   result = delegate._getAverage();
              return result;
         public int size() {
              //for simplicity no support for modifying size()
              return delegate.size();
    public class DownShiftedChannel extends ChannelModifier {
         private double shift;
         public DownShiftedChannel(ModifiableChannel channel, final double shift) {
              this.shift = shift;
         public double get(int i) {
              return super.get(i) - shift;
    public class UpShiftedChannel extends ChannelModifier {
         private double shift;
         public UpShiftedChannel(ModifiableChannel channel, final double shift) {
              this.shift = shift;
         public double get(int i) {
              return super.get(i) + shift;

    jduprez wrote:
    unless you sell your design better, I deem it is an inferior derivation of the Adapter pattern.
    In the Adapter pattern, the adaptee doesn't have to be designed to support adaptation, and the instance doesn't even know at runtime whether it is adapted.
    Your design makes the "modifiable" class aware of the modification, and it needs to be explicitly designed to be modifiable (in particular this constrains the implementation hierarchy). Overall DesignPattern are meant to provide flexibility, your version offers less flexibility than Adapter, as it poses more constraint on the modifiable class.
    Another sign of this inflexibility is your instanceof checks.
    On an unrelated note, I intensely dislike your naming choice of fill() vs _fill()+, I prefer more explicit names (I cannot provide you one as I didn't understand the purpose of this dual method, which a good name would have avoided, by the way).
    That being said, I haven't followed your original problem, so I am not aware of the constraints that led you to this design.
    Best regards,
    Edited by: jduprez on Mar 22, 2010 10:56 PMThank you for your input, I will try to explain my design better. First of all, as I understand it the Adapter pattern is meant to translate one interface into another. This is not at all what I am trying to do here, I am trying to keep the same interface but modify behavior of objects through composition. I started thinking about how to do this when I was trying to apply the Decorator pattern to filter some data. The way I would do that in my example here is to write an AbstractChannelDecorator that delegates all methods to the Channel it wraps:
    public abstract class AbstractChannelDecorator implements Channel {
            protected Channel delegate;
    ...// code ommitted
         public double getAverage() {
              return delegate.getAverage();
    ...// code ommitted
    }and then to filter the data I would extend it with concrete classes and override the appropriate methods like so:
    public class DownShiftedChannel extends AbstractChannelDecorator {
         ...// code ommitted
         public double get(int i) {
              return super.get(i) - shift;
           ...// code ommitted
    }(I am just shifting the data here to simplify the examples but a more realistic example would be something like a moving average filter to smooth the data).
    Unfortunately this doesn't get me what I want, because getAverage() method doesn't use the filtered data unless I override it in the concrete decorator, but that means I will have to re-implement the whole algorithm. So that's pretty much my motivation for this, how do I use what on the surface looks like a Decorator pattern, but in reality works more like inheritance?
    Now as to the other points of critique you mentioned:
    I understand your dislike for such method names, I'm sorry about that, I had to come up with some way for the ChannelModifier to call ModifiableChannel's super's method equivalents. I needed some way to have the innermost wrapped object to initiate a call to the topmost ChannelModifier, but only do it once -- that was one way to do it. I suppose I could have done it with a flag and another if/else statement in each of the methods, or if you prefer, the naming convention could have been fill() and super_fill(), get() and super_get(), I didn't really think that it was that important. Anyway, those methods are not meant to be used by any other class except ChannelModifier so I probably should have made them protected.
    The instanceof checks are necessary because at some point ChannelModifier instance runs into a delegate that isn't a ChannelModifier and I have to somehow detect that, because otherwise instead of calling get() I'd call get() which in ModifiableChannel would take me back up to the topmost wrapper and start the whole call chain again, so we'd be in infinite recursion. But calling get() allows me to prevent that and go straight to the original method of the innermost wrapped object.
    I completely agree with you that the example I presented has limited flexibility in supporting multiple implementations. If I had two different Channel implementations I would need two ModifiableChannel classes, two ChannelModifiers, and two sets of concrete implementations -- obviously that's not good. Not to worry though, I found a way around that. Here's what I came up with, it's a modification of my original example with DefaultChannel replaced by ChannelImplementation1,2:
    public class ChannelImplementation1 implements Channel { ... }
    public class ChannelImplementation2 implements Channel { ... }
    // this interface allows implementations to be interchangeable in ChannelModifier
    public interface ModifiableChannel {
         public double super_get(int i);
         public double super_getAverage();
         public void setModifier(ChannelModifier modifier);
         public ChannelModifier getModifier();
    public class ModifiableChannelImplementation1
              extends ChannelImplementation1
              implements ModifiableChannel {
         ... // see DefaultChannel in my original example
    public class ModifiableChannelImplementation2
              extends ChannelImplementation1
              implements ModifiableChannel { ...}
    // ChannelModifier is a Channel, but more importantly, it takes a Channel,
    // not any specific implementation of it, so in effect the user has complete
    // flexibility as to what implementation to use.
    public class ChannelModifier implements Channel {
         protected Channel delegate;
         protected Channel root;
         protected ChannelModifier tmpModifier;
         protected boolean doSwap = true;
         public ChannelModifier(Channel delegate) {
              if(delegate instanceof ChannelModifier)
                   this.root = ((ChannelModifier)delegate).root;
                   this.root = delegate;
              this.delegate = delegate;
         private void pre() {
              if(doSwap) {
                   if(root instanceof ModifiableChannel) {
                        ModifiableChannel root = (ModifiableChannel)this.root;
                        tmpModifier = root.getModifier();
                   if(delegate instanceof ChannelModifier)
                        ((ChannelModifier)delegate).doSwap = false;
         private void post() {
              if (doSwap) {
                   if(root instanceof ModifiableChannel) {
                        ModifiableChannel root = (ModifiableChannel)this.root;
              } else {
                   if(delegate instanceof ChannelModifier)
                             ((ChannelModifier)delegate).doSwap = true;
         public void fill(double[] data) {
         public double get(int i) {
              double result;
              if(delegate instanceof ModifiableChannel)
    // I've changed the naming convention from _get() to super_get(), I think that may help show the intent of the call
                   result = ((ModifiableChannel)delegate).super_get(i);
                   result = delegate.get(i);               
              return result;
         public double getAverage() {
              double result;
              if(delegate instanceof ModifiableChannel)
                   result = ((ModifiableChannel)delegate).super_getAverage();
                   result = delegate.getAverage();
              return result;
         public int size() {
              return delegate.size();
    public class UpShiftedChannel extends ChannelModifier { ...}
    public class DownShiftedChannel extends ChannelModifier { ... }

  • Looking for an application that has great time stretch capabilities

    Hello all,
    I have Logic Pro 8 and I am still learning its capabilities. I do alot of sound design stuff and am looking for a spectacular time stretching application. I've fiddled with Logic's time stretch algorithms but so far I'm not thrilled with the results. I'm interested in really stetching things out to create new sounds. Here is a great example from Nine Inch Nails. It's a remix of Eraser off of Further Down The Spiral.
    This particular remix version is called "Erased, Over, & Out." Here is an amazon link to have a listen.
    The vocals are EXTREMELY stretched out and take the form of a pad almost.
    He is actually saying, "Erase me." Keep in mind the original vocal is only about 3 seconds long. I'd like to provide that example but the Amazon sample isn't long enough to get to that part. Maybe download it to listen. It's called Eraser, it's from "The Downward Spiral" album. (1994)
    Now, does anyone know if Logic is capable of getting this good a result like the sample I provided? I've seen PT Elastic Time stretching capabilities and it sounds awesome, at least what I've heard from their demo video on elastic time. Can the same results be achieved in Logic Pro 8?
    If not, what plugin do you recommend that could achieve this EXTREME time stretching stuff. Or, does anyone know what Nine Inch Nails used to get that effect on the vocals for that particular remix? I just think it's a limitless tool for sound design, but right now I'm feeling limited in the sound quality department. I know I can keep stretching and stretching and stretching the sample region but that sounds a digital mess when I get it to the point were I want it, so please, don't suggest I do that, unless you know a way to make it sound REALLY GOOD in Logic using the algorithms that come with the program. Step by step info would be lovely.
    Thanx in advance...

    ported to the Mac
    it's on my other Mac
    is their a Mac version?
    It seems a safe bet, eh..?
    I'm pretty sure the mac link was posted to that thread I linked to, it's where I found out about it...
    http://www.bigbluelounge.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=35638&highlight=&sid=c2dcbfd c2af80e0fdf9da04b91319e1d

  • CLAD with MS in Electronics/Electrical engg looking for better opportunities

    Priyanka Chaudhary
    ob/4 wardens' residence medical boys hostel campus, near white church colony, Indore(M.P)-452001
    [email protected]
    Seeking position as Labview Developer
    Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
    University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.( G.P.A. 3.5/4.0)
    May 2010
    B.E. Electronics and Communications Engineering
    Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, India
    First Class with Honors G.P.A. 4.0/4.0
    June 2007
    Programming Languages: Labview (2011,2010,8.6),Simulink,VHDL, Verilog , C , C++, VC++, MATLAB C#,HTML, ASP.Net 4.0, Assembly Language
    Development and Simulation Tools: Labview, Xilinx ISE, ModelSim, MATLAB, MS office Suite, VS .Net
    Hardware: NI cRIOs, NI CDAQ, NI C-form thermocouple ,IEPE and strain gauge modules etc.,8085/8086 Processors, 8051/8951 Microcontrollers
    1)Assistant Manager, VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd. (OEM), Pithampur, July 2010-Present
    -Certified Labview Associate Developer (CLAD) [Serial Number:100-311-4045; Issue date: Dec 29,2011;Expiration date: Dec 28 2013]
    -Part of the software development team in the Vehicle Validation and testing Division
    -Developed and deployed software in Labview for Testing Rigs required in the Fatigue and Endurance Labs.
    -Attended Labview Core1 & Core2 training and preparing for Certified Labview Associate Developer exam (CLAD).
    -Projects include:
    --software development for Clutch endurance test using Master/Slave architecture;
    --system identification, iteration and drive-file generation from RLD for Cabin testing on Moog Controller;
    --Test Sequence generation for suspension leaf spring endurance and Front Axle endurance tests;
    --R&D of Stewart’s Platform(Multi-Axis Shaker Table) in Simulink using Pro-E/CAD model and validation of the model parameters for Rig development in Labview.
    --Single-handedly designed and deployed endurance test application on FPGA target using Labview 2011 using Modbus as communication protocol between variable frequency drives(ABB) and motors.
    -Designed software utility manuals for rig operators.
    2) IT consultant, Libsys Consultancy, Chicago, USA ,Sep 2010-March 2011
    -Worked as Dot net developer apprentice/consultant for client (Thomson Reuters ) in Minnesotta,USA.
    -Worked on Models –View-Controllers architecture to design Web applications.
    3)Graduate Research Assistant, University of Kentucky, May 2008 - Aug 2010
    Thesis : Spheroid detection in 2D images using Circular Hough Transform
    -Collaborated with National Cancer Institute and the dept. of Opthalmology to prepare High Content –High Throughput Screening Assay (3D-ECSA) analysis platform.
    -Ran an automated test bench with a motorized camera (VC++, MFC) for the assay analysis and image acquisition.
    -Synthesized data stochastically similar to original, to increase the databank.
    -Developed algorithm (MATLAB) to detect spheroids in data images using Circular Hough Transform.
    -Demonstrated measures to classify identified spheroids according to shape and symmetry.
    -Involved extensive application of Image Processing techniques.
    4)Graduate Assistant, Graduate Housing Resident Manager, University of Kentucky,Feb 2010- May 2010
    Responsibilities include, resolution of conflicts, inspections, attending to resident requests and acting as a bridge between the 100+ residents and housing body.
    1)Design and implementation of 2 special purpose processors,Spring 2008
    -Designed two special purpose processors in VHDL in Xilinx ISE
    -These were non-programmable and were designed to execute a repetitive custom logic
    -Simulation was done in ModelSim and tested on Xilinx Virtex 5.1 FPGA.
    2)Wireless Datacommunication between terminals using Frequency hopped spread spectrum,Spring 2007
    -Prepared and etched PCBs for circuit base;
    -Soldered HT-12 encoders/decoders, transceivers and PLL ICs to the PCBs to form a FHSS transceiver circuit
    -Involved electronics and communication principles.
    -Demonstrated the working of the units for duplex communication
    Correlation based swarm trackers for 3-dimensional manifold mesh formation
    SPIE April 13,2009. Vol:7340 2009
    Digital Signal Processing, Deterministic systems, Real-time Embedded systems, VHDL, Antenna Design, Solid state electronics,
    Electromagnetic field theory.
    Mobile Communications, Satellite Communications, Fiber Optics, Microwave Circuits, Data Compression and Encryption, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Microelectronics, Digital Logic Design, Electronics
    Priyanka_Chaudhary_resume_LABVIEW.pdf ‏130 KB

    Message Edité par salimo le 11-04-2009 04:36 PM
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Looking for a LABVIEW JOB (In EUROPE)>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    **The Best Way To Predict**The**Future Is To Invent It**

  • Anyone looking for Software Engineer(LabVIEW/C++) opportunity in Pittsburgh, PA?

    Hello, my name is Nicholas Ricchiuto and I am looking for a Software Engineer (LabVIEW/C++) for a company in Pittsburgh Called Acutronic.  If you know of any Software Engineers looking for work, please pass along my information below, I could sure use your help.  Thank you very much! -Nick
    Nicholas Ricchiuto
    B&V Stafffing Inc
    [email protected]
    ATE Software Engineer (Pittsburgh, PA –RIDC Park)You will be responsible for a challenging new product development. In this role you will implementcomplex automated test algorithms and data acquisition software for inertial sensors and MEMS(micro-electro-mechanical systems) inertial devices.Your roles/responsibilities will include:• Translate marketing inputs into detailed requirements and planning documents• Design, code, debug, document and maintain software code in LabVIEW and C/C++/C#.• Plan and execute software releases• Plan and accomplish goals relying on experience and judgment Your qualifications/skills should include:• BS in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or related field; MS preferred• 7+ years experience in automation, data acquisition, or related software development• Experience with National Instruments LabVIEW, Test Stand, and related tools• Experience developing user interfaces with National Instruments tools• Experience with defect tracking, configuration management and version control tools• Knowledge of C, C++, and real time operating system functionality a plus• Familiarity with all aspects of automation engineering including mechanical, electrical, controls, andinstrumentation disciplines• Experience with serial communication and networks in general• Experience integrating automation systems• Good knowledge of computer hardware and systems• Understanding of software process issues• Familiarity with SCRUM or other agile software development a plus• Experience in testing inertial sensors a plus• Must be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident

    Please post this to the LabVIEW Job Openings board.

  • Looking for Source Codes

    hi everyone!
    I am looking for source codes with the following characteristics:
    - significant data processing (like fft or image processing algorithms)
    - use of just a few classes and/or packages (it must not use awt or swing)
    - code is not so big (200 lines of code at most)
    - program is multithreaded (it is not necessary)
    If anyone could help me, I would appreciate a lot.

    Building a portfolio are we?

  • Experienced Professional Looking for LabVIEW Job offer anywhere in USA

    I am Sreekanth Komatineni from Virginia looking for some job offer. Here is my brief experience.
    Here is my Skillset.  
    Skills: LabVIEW, VB, VC++, C/C++, and Java with good customer interaction.
    Experience Summary:
    Over 7 years of Industry experience with 4yrs purely on LabVIEW in design and development of customized PC based Embedded Applications, Industrial automations, Data acquisition and Control Systems using LABVIEW 7.1/8.0/8.2/8.5 and NI DAQ Cards in the defense, manufacturing and telecommunication industries.
    Experience with PMD USB Interface cards, GPIB Interface, VISA and Serial I/O Interface, Code Interface Nodes, Call Library Function nodes to interface with third party and custom Dlls, Multi-channel Data acquisition, Software Triggering, Analysis of acquired data with mathematical algorithms, Controlling and Monitoring applications, MODBUS and ASCII, I2C, UART communication programming on PC side, good at PC based Automations.
    Willing to relocate anywhere in USA.
    Thanks and Regards
    Sreekanth. Komatineni
    [email protected]

    Hi Harold,
    Please see my email to you & proceed accordingly.
    Good luck!
    - Partha
    LabVIEW - Wires that catch bugs!

  • 4D Technology is looking for a software/controls engineer with a strong background in LavView

    Software/Controls Engineer
    Do you want to work on cutting edge technology? Are you the type of person who keeps up with new software and hardware technology in your spare time? If so, 4D Technology, a worldwide leader in innovative optical metrology products, has a position for you on our engineering team.
    4D is currently looking for a self-motivated Software/Controls Engineer to lead efforts in automation, image acquisition and data processing across several product lines. A successful candidate must demonstrate strong skills in software engineering and hardware interface. The ideal candidate will have experience with LabView, C or C#, image acquisition, hardware motion control and a strong commitment to producing quality products. This is a chance for you to be part of a diverse team delivering internationally recognized, innovative products, to learn new skills under the guidance of expert engineers, and to feel valued for your passion in delivering innovative, quality hardware and software.
    The essential responsibilities of this key position are:
    Rapid prototyping of hardware interfaces (motion control and image acquisition), data analysis algorithms, and GUI’s
    Architect, code and release automation hardware and software for custom products and applications
    Enhance and maintain existing LabVIEW and C applications
    Produce production line testing tools.
    Our team needs your enthusiasm and dedication to help us grow. We require a B.S. degree or higher in Engineering, Physics or Computer Science. The following skills and traits are highly desirable:
    Experience with hardware interfacing, motion control, image acquisition
    Solid knowledge of object oriented software design
    Proficiency with LabVIEW
    Experience with C#/.net and C++
    Experience with embedded processors, PCB layout, electrical design
    4+ years of practical work experience in engineering
    Capable of working both independently and as part of a team
    Excellent written and oral communication skills.
    This is an exciting opportunity to be part of successful and motivated team.  If you’re looking for a job that encourages creativity and innovation and you derive personal satisfaction from seeing your hard work result in commercial products that are used throughout the world, this is the place for you. Located in Tucson, Arizona, 4D Technology offers competitive a salary and a comprehensive benefits package.
    Reward yourself with one of the best moves of your career. Send your résumé to:
    Director, Human Resources
    4D Technology Corporation
    3280 E. Hemisphere Loop, Suite 146
    Tucson, AZ 85706
    FAX: 520-294-5601
    or email résumé to: HR @ 4dtechnology.com.

    Hi sir,
    I am currently working in a MNC, as an engineer. I am keenly interested in Labview, and i know basics of it.
    Attached is my resume. I would like to work with Labview.
    Pooja karnani
    RESUME.docx ‏30 KB

  • Looking for tree drawing API

    I made a k-children tree algorithm in Java. Now I'm looking for a ready-made API/classes for drawing the tree.
    Anyone knows any good tree drawing APIs?
    I searched google for hours and couldn't find anything.
    Thank you

    Here are some links that you may find usefull:
    An interactive canvas component where you can paint any shapes:
    A graph library:
    Another graph library:

  • Look for XML Tutorial

    I am looking for a tutorial on laoding external images using
    XML. I created a menu with flash that lists catagories for products
    and a marketing banner with in the fash movie.
    I need to take those images and place them outside of the
    flash movie so the client can update the products or the image for
    the banner and also to reduce the size of the Flash .swf.
    I am not having anyluck finding a tutorial that will help me
    with this. I have downlaoded the XML basics from gotoand learn.com
    but it just was not what I am looking for.
    Thanks for your help in advanced,

    Ok, I don't yet see the underlying algorithm, but I am still

  • Help: looking for Serialization suggestions (on strategies and products)

    I'm looking for suggestions on how to tackle a Serialization issue. Suggestions on tools to use, and approaches for "do it yourself" coding are both needed.
    I need to serialize a large evolving codebase with a minimum of rewriting (overriding readObject... for each class is out of the question, likewise embeding metadata comments for all classes is also out of the question). Currently the codebase is using Java's default Object Serialization (to a binary array). This is completely unacceptable for the long term (object versioning and migrations are a nightmare).
    As such I've determined that JSX/JSX2 looks like a feasable solution (the pricing is nice; the mechanism wrappers readObject, writeObject (so a minimum of recoding); they automatically map objects back and forth and don't require Objects to be constrained (with meta data, being a given format (such as beans...))). I was leaning towards Object -> XML because:
    1) it is easy to read and therefore parse / upgrade / version
    2) it would fit into many different types of databases without need of specalized decompositions (just put the whole object in a data cell)
    however, management really wants to go Object -> tables. I am a bit leery about this but I keep hearing "we have no plans to move to any data technology other than RDB". Given those assumptions, it kind of pulls me in another direction. Namely a table serialization would have greatly enhanced performance (one could scan for objects with the highest value of some instance var quite quickly; with the other scheme it would be rather expensive...). So now I'm looking for suggestions on products that serialize Object -> table. The product at www.objectmatter.com looks like it might work well, but the licencing seems expensive. JSX/JSX2 might have Object -> table capability in the future but not now.
    Likewise, loathe as I am to reinvent a complex wheel, I am looking for strategies on rolling my own object -> table mapping code.
    On the one hand I think I might implement the serialization in a way similar to JSX (wrapper readObject...) as this would seem to give a direct route to the relevant instance variables.... On the other hand this would be even more slow than Java's current serialization, and I think I might go a bit blind parsing the binary stream. I could write some "stand-alone" that scans .java or .class files and auto generates a mapping file, then I could use some tool like Castor (however, given the complexities of some of my classes I think they might break Castor). The big problem is that my classes are complex and ugly (inner classes, anon classes...) so I get the feeling developing an algorithm for serializing them will be difficult and error prone. I was thinking of using Reflection and some guesses on getter/setters but now I'm thinking of using Java's security model (basically to turn all instance variables into "public" ones for my serialization routine).

    An update:
    Actually Castor didn't look as "full featured" as I originally thought...
    So for now I'm trying to write my own persistance manager. Its along the same lines as the article "Using Reflection to Automatically Map Objects to a Database" (which can be found at URL http://www.ajug.org/meetings/2001/DBMap.html ).
    The cool thing is that I have permission to make my work open source (I think that will help my company and others). My project goals are:
    1) create the persistance manager
    -the manager can be easily extended for any backing DB (within reason); so not just RDB but LDAP.... This will enable the user to easily "plug & play" DB technologies.
    -the manager will have a very simple (and limited) API similar to
    serialization. Basically one will be able to save, delete, and
    retrieve objects without needing predefined DB-Object mapping
    Likewise the user will be insulated from DB specific details.
    I am going to add a "context" which is basically a level of
    transactionalism (either the backing db supports it or you code it
    into your db wrapper layer).
    There will NOT be much in the way of query support.
    2) hook into existing "bridge" technologies
    -when I get done I want to see if I can get my auto-mapping & my
    persistence manager... to "cooperate" with stuff like Castor,
    Hibernate, OJB, TJDO.... This is a much lower priority but I see
    it as strategic for the long term growth of the project (it will
    enable users to transition from "dumb" auto-maps to "smart" custom
    ones seemlessly
    I'm going to open another thread about this on the forum.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Moved all files to bigger hard drive - now chaos in lightroom!

    After transferring all original files to different disk lightroom shows questionmarks on all folders as expected! Is there a shortcut to get lightroom back to understand where the originals are now or do I have to handle each folder seperately?

  • MS Word to Portal Page

    Hi. How do I open a document MS Word, in the form of pages, using content presenter? Now the document appears as a link. MS Word document is in the content server. IDB is set up. Thanks

  • What wireless solutions does the video pod support?

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  • PO copy in SRM 7 leads to short dump

    Hello, We are implementing SRM 7 Level 9 with ECS. Each time we are trying to copy one PO we get a short dump : http://XXX/sap/bc/webdynpro/sapsrm/wda_l_fpm_oif/ OBJECTS_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED_NO Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible. Method: