Looping FLV stutters.

Hi All,
I'm experiencing a frustrating issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated:
I am looping a FLV (with Alpha) in a SWF. The FLV is an animation created in After Effects. In After Effects the animation was created to loop seemlessly (no jerk or stutter...a smooth repetitive cycle), however, when I loop it with the SWF, it stops for a split second at the end of its 8 second run before it starts over again. How can I make it loop smoothly without that stutter when it begins again?
I'm using Flash CS5.5. I export the flv from After effects and link that from the swf. Here's the Actionscript3 code I'm using to play and loop the flv:
import fl.video.*;
//Video component instance name
var flvControl:FLVPlayback = display;
var flvSource:String = "loopingFlv.flv";
//Loop the video when it completes
function completeHandler(e:fl.video.VideoEvent):void
flvControl.addEventListener(fl.video.VideoEvent.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
//Set video
flvControl.source = flvSource;
Here is the short animation for you to see:
-you can see the stutter every 8 seconds. (I'd also like it to start moving upon load...without that initial pause...but maybe that's too much to ask.)
Thanks for the help!

I've encountered a glitch that I believe is due to my looping code based upon your code above. Below is a stripped-down version of my movie that demonstrates the problem: The child MC with the looping code in it will vanish. This happens only intermittently (maybe every other browser reload or so after somewhere between 4 and 40 secs).
I didn’t notice the problem before because it only happens in .swf mode (when viewed thru a browser). I never see the problem in authoring mode. I’m hoping you might have some insight about how to prevent the 'vanishing MC' problem so I can use your code which does a great job of seamlessly looping my FLV animated movie clips.
Here’s the bare-bones test swf:
-I linked the source files from the top of that page, if you have time to test it.
What I’m doing:
I put the following code on an layer in frame 1 of a child movie clip. This movie clip has a FLVPlayback component in it called, ‘childMovieClip.’
import fl.video.*;
var index:int = 0;
childMovieClip.addEventListener(fl.video.VideoEvent.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
childMovieClip.source = "central_2.flv";
function completeHandler(e: fl.video.VideoEvent): void
    childMovieClip.visibleVideoPlayerIndex = index;
function readyNextPlayerF():void
    output1.text = "loop index: " + index; // For troubleshooting output to stage
   childMovieClip.activeVideoPlayerIndex = index;
    childMovieClip.source = "central_2.flv"; //assign the source
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Message was edited by: paul_james123

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    Given your Code:
    import fl.video.VideoEvent;
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    When you say use "my name instead of flv in the code" do you mean use the name of my project or the name of my flv video file?
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    import zzz.video.VideoEvent;
    function videoCompleteF(e:Event){
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    I thought I tried that but maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean. Here's what I'm doing:
    -From my main timeline I select: Insert > new symbol
    -Name it "childMC"
    -drag the FLVPlayback component from the library to the stage
    -Set the Properties of the flvPlayback component so that its source is the FLV in the same folder
    -On the FLVPlayback's layer in the timeline: extend the frame to span 20 frames (click on frame 20 and hit F5)
    -select that span and rt click and choose 'create motion tween'
    -click on the flvPlayback object on the stage so the Properties window reflects the flvplayback's properties
    -select the last frame and change the x and y scale so it's bigger
    -hit the return key to preview: I see the flv grow as the playhead moves from the first frame to the last frame (looks fine)
    -now go back to the main timeline
    -create a new layer in the timeline
    -find the just-created "childMC" in the library and drop it onto the stage (and into that new layer)
    -Control > test movie
    The childMC on the main timeline stage does not change in size as it does when I preview from the tweened movie clip's timeline. The movie clip on the main timeline plays ..but just stays the same size on the stage.
    What am I doing wrong?

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    Hi Macnimation,
    The tutorial is helpful only if you are using some Flash Authoring tools to write your playback client (which is playing back the video from the FMS at your side). In that case, inside your client code, there must be a NetStream object ns, and a statement like ns.play(filename, 0, -1), where filename is the name of your final video which you have created by combining the various videos you want to play.
    So to create a playlist (as described in the tutorial), you need to modify the ns.play() statement. If your video files are named A.flv, B.flv, and so on, while the short intro video is named X.flv, you can write the following sequence of statements to create  a playlist:
    ns.play("X", 0, -1, true);
    ns.play("A", 0, -1, false);
    ns.play("X", 0, -1, false);
    ns.play("B", 0, -1, false);
    The last parameter (true/false) is the reset parameter. For the first time, it is true, to indicate that reset the play and start playing stream X immediately. For the following statements, it is false, indicating that play the stream A after the previous stream (i.e. x) is completed.

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    Last edited by kelnoky (2011-03-31 22:06:45)

    I think that happens when flash crashes. It happens to me if I use it a lot for a prolonged period of time - like whole day watching movies / listening to music via flash-based players.
    The sound stutters just like in your case and it goes away after I restart the browser.
    As long as it involves flash, you will suffer as I don't know any way of permanently fixing it. You can move to html5-based media or download the videos and watch them from your hard drive.

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    Here are a few ideas off the top of my head:
    Try playing the file using a different xtra, sometimes different ones will work better.  If you have Director 11.5, there is a native flv playback xtra.
    You can build a player easily in Flash using the flvPlayback component, then bring that into Director as a swf.
    Once you have the video in Director, try making the member Direct To Stage (DTS).  If it is already DTS, try making it not DTS.
    Make sure the video is not transparent, and nothing in Director overlaps the video... in fact, when the video is playing, nothing should be moving at all, and try to keep the amount of code that is running to a minimum.
    Try lowering your video's data rate further or try using a different codec.
    Using VBR (Variable Bit Rate) compression often makes the video appear to play smoother.
    Try compressing the flv with different software.  FFMpeg, for example, is free and does a very good job, often better than the Flash Video Encoder that comes with Flash/Creative Suite.

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    after i decompiled the original file, many of the existing flv files were already set to loop. i know this because when exported to swf the swf file would loop. now when i went ahead and went into each flv file to edit a couple things, when i went to export them to swf, the swf files wouldn't loop. mind you, some of them did loop, and some of them did not loop. the ones i have edited are all supposed to loop and i cannot figure out what it is thats preventing some of the flv or exported swf files to loop. all i did was take out a few unnecessary frames from the beginning of each flv and nothing more. i am pretty new to Flash and do not know anything about coding and know very little about flash settings.
    i figured that selecting the "loop playback" option in the control drop down menu might help seeing as the flv file does loop when played in the editor, but again when exported to swf the swf file does not loop. what confuses me the most is that some of the exported swf files do loop. ALL of the exported swf files need to loop and my guess is that in order to make that happen, something in the flv file needs to be set correctly.
    can someone please assist me with this issue? if there is a way to simply loop an existing swf file that does not loop, can someone tell me how to do that? any help with this problem is greatly appreciated and i appologize if something like this has been asked before.... i just couldnt stand looking through 22 pages of search results to find the exact solution to my problem
    thank you!!!

    You can use shortDesc property. Something like
    <af:commandToolbarButton text="Some Button"
          id="ctb1" shortDesc="This button does something.."/>-Arun

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    I've tried some scripts which I've found, but I cant get it to work.
    Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
    Many thanks!

    Well yes, you can loop the video using the FLVPlayback, but I think you are missing the point of the 50kb google ad limit.
    When you use FLVPlayback, you must also use an external .flv file. So besides the <50kb .swf file, you will also have the >700kb .flv file. You cannot just use the .swf. So together, those two files put you way over the 50kb limit.
    Best wishes,

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    A second option is to use a NetStream video play. This is a much more powerful and versatile way to control video.
    Looping back to any point in the video is very easy.
    All it takes to get started with NetSteam is to go to the Library panel top bar, in the far right is a tiny menu icon....click and open it, choose new video, actionscript controlled. A video (icon) will appear in the Library.
    Drag the video unto the stage, position and set dimensions as needed. Give it an instance name of "video_screen".
    All you need now is a little actionscript:
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    /* Name of your video, with correct path, goes here */
    the example path assumes that the video file is named "video1.flv" and is in the same folder as the Web page... edit both as needed.
    Test at this point to insure it's working.
    Now to loop add this to the actionscript:
    ns.onStatus = function(info) {
      if(info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop") {
      trace("Video complete")
    This example will trace "Video complete" at the end of the video and then "seek" back to 60 seconds into the video and "play" again from that point.
    While it doesn't seek to a frame, you can figure out what time corresponds and use that.
    If you are interested in trying this method, I'd suggest you set up a new, blank Flash doc and test on there. then exact size and placement is no issue. Just get the video playing and looping. Then implement in the real project.
    Best wishes,

  • Warning for Continuous Looping External flv or f4v as2

    Malfunction issued in Continuous Looping External flv or f4v in as2 from containers created in Flash Professional CS6 with code
    on (complete){
    solution: always make a new document!
    Mystic problems with x times resized documents, at media 2 or 3 times play and then not playing external fly/f4v

    kglad wrote:
    if all your buttons are attached to the same parent:
    on(press) {
      s = new Sound(this);
    on (release) {
        i = -100;
        s = new Sound(_parent);
    on (release) {
        i = -100;
        s = new Sound(_parent);

  • FLV Array question - final flv file looping

    So the first part of my question was kindly and quickly
    answered by Rothrock. But I've got a new question that has arisen.
    When I set these up as an array it's ignoring the settings in the
    parameter field for autorewind which is set to false and it's
    looping the last movie file in the array. Is there anyway to avoid
    this by adding a snippet of new code to this code below:
    import mx.controls.MediaDisplay;
    flvURL = new Array();
    flvURL[1] = "preroll_live.flv";
    flvURL[2] = "atlas.flv";
    flvURL[3] = "jones_outro.flv";
    counter = 1;
    my_FLVplybk.contentPath = flvURL[1];
    var listenerObject:Object = new Object();
    listenerObject.complete = function(eventObject:Object):Void {
    if (counter == flvURL) {
    counter = 1;
    my_FLVplybk.contentPath = flvURL[counter];
    my_FLVplybk.addEventListener("complete", listenerObject);
    Preferably I'd like to either:
    Have the movie reset to an array file of my choice but not
    auto play or just Stop the movie on the final frame.
    Any help here will be greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks!

    Anyone have any ideas on this...let me know if you need more

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    At this point I'm willing to pay in bacon double cheesburgers. If you halp me fix this I'll send some Burger King coupons your way.
    Thank you!

    Thank you PZ. I did go through the whole tutorial to see if I was missing something. No luck yet.
    The file I recieved was a mov file (I'm not dealing with a fla file at all). I'm opening the mov file in Flash CS3 and convert and export as flv or swf. Iv'e tried both.
    The only thing I have not done yet was try uploading my file to my remote hosting service to see if a browser will loop it there. I've been doing my previewing in DW CS3 and hit the "view in browser" button.
    If I upload the file to my remote server, would anybody be willing to look at the code and give me a hand in figuring out why it won't loop?
    Thank you and I have read all the past questions about this issue on the Adobe forum's and have tried everything I can possible find.

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