Repeat/Loop FLV movie that is embeded in swf

Ive made a flash banner for my website. Inside the banner, i
have put a video. I imported the video using flash, and now it is
embedded in my swf file. The video is about 24 seconds long, I need
it to repeat over and over again, forever.
Is there any easy way I can do this? Im new to flash, and
this is a bit urgent. Thanks for the read guys, Olá from

i don't see a problem (with ff).

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    They are .MP4 and Imovie's site supports them?

    So what happens? Imports but doesn't play? No sound or no video? Error message? Does Quicktime play the clips?
    .mp4 files are MPEG-4 encoded, and iMovie and Quicktime in general can play such files. However, the MPEG-4 standard has different parts, and not all applications support the same parts. There might be some export options that you could play with when converting, or you could try to load it into another program on the Mac, like VisualHub or MPEG Streamclip, and re-export in a different way.

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    A custom component is like other components like buttons, scrollbars, etc.  except you get to define all the behaviors and states.
    Try this
    1. draw a sqaure
    2. right click and choose Convert Artwork to Component > Custom Component
    3. Now double-click the custom component to edit it
    4. Create a few states and modify the square in each state
    5. to exit editing the custom component double-click the white area of the artboard
    6. Now add a button to the app
    7. With the button selected go to the Interactions panel and choose "On Click, Play Transition to State" and pick a state of your custom component.
    Notice that in this example the application only has one state, but a custom component with multiple states was able to capture different appearances of the app.
    You can think of designing your app by breaking down the functional parts into custom components. For example: navigation bar, content area, ad area, etc.
    Regarding "export library":
    After creating a custom component or customizing a built-in component like button you will notice that the library will contain an item representing the definition of that component. When you export as an fxpl file, all components in your library are exported.

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                    var path:String = fontXML.@source;
                    var myEvent:IEventDispatcher = styleManager.loadStyleDeclarations(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.url.substring(0,FlexGl obals.topLevelApplication.url.lastIndexOf("/"))+"/"+path);
                    myEvent.addEventListener(StyleEvent.COMPLETE, function(event:StyleEvent):void{
                        var editManager:EditManager = textFlow.interactionManager as EditManager;
                        var itextLayout:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
                        itextLayout.fontSize = 20;
                        var fontName:String = fontXML.@name;
                        itextLayout.fontFamily = fontName;   
               "itext = " + itextLayout.fontFamily);
                        var flowLeafElement:FlowElement = textFlow.findLeaf(editManager.anchorPosition) as FlowElement;
    Can anyone please let us know what is missing in the implementation?
    Thanks in advance.

    My recommendation: unless you really care about ISWFContext implementations and the application domain issues, ignore Alex's post about embedded fonts.
    It is a nice discussion about the inner workings of the domain and security of how this works but it is imho broken and is an insane concept to require an ISWFContext to just use an embedded font. It also breaks runtime CSS loading that has fonts embedded in it because the Flex compiler (last I checked) was also busted – it doesn't include the function necessary to create within context the font embed so that it may be applied. You can't create an ISWFContext with a compiled CSS file.
    These issues were introduced in the last Flex SDK beta before FB4 was released in final form. There are multiple bugs logged against the issue of applying loaded font files to TLF text (in short, SWFContext is broken and you have to override GlobalSettings.resolveFontLookupFunction to return embedded or null, all the time).
    Here's some more details to get you started - with links to at least one of the SDK bugs that were filed:
    For example:
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.GlobalSettings;
    import flash.text.engine.FontLookup;
    GlobalSettings.resolveFontLookupFunction = function makeValid():String { return FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF };
    And you may need to do this after your font is loaded:
    Disclaimer: I haven't seen the latest Flex SDK release to see if this was fixed. I have an AIR application with native process that builds embedded font SWF files for use and stub code for FB4 usage but haven't updated to the latest SDK yet to see if it's working properly.
    Anyhow, your best bet is to look at the Flash Builder forums. I think this is/was a Flex team issue, not TLF.

  • IPhone: Using embedded QT movies that either Loop or Loop Back and Forth

    Hi to everyone,
    I'm working on a very simple iPhone app:
    it has several buttons that launch different QuickTime movies embedded in the application, that will either Loop or Loop Back and Forth.
    The desired looping behaviour is already set within QuickTime itself (those settings are available in QuickTime's View menu).
    So far it doesn't seem to work, as the iPhone's SDK doesn't seem to recognize these QuickTime settings of Loop or Loop Back and Forth.
    I've been trying to find advanced documentation on the matter, with no luck.
    Does anyone knows if it's possible to create an iPhone application that has embedded QuickTime movies that either Loop or Loop Back and Forth?
    If it is possible to do so, can you please post some code (or links) explaining how to proceed?
    If the feature is not currently supported, does anyone knows if it will eventually be supported by Apple (maybe in a future SDK revision)?
    While I don't know the entire context the SDK engineering team has to contend with, it seems to me it should be rather simple for Apple's iPhone SDK to simply accept the settings already put in place inside a QuickTime movie.
    Many thanks in advance for any feedback on this!

    Well, my programmers have come back to me and the news is not good.
    The QTMovieLoopsAttribute is not supported in the SDK's QT Kit.
    I'll now call it SDK's *QuickTime Kit Lite*, if you don't mind.
    *QuickTime Kit Lite*, the key audio/video toolbox available for development of applications on the iPhone through the SDK, provides a single option:
    a Play / Stop button.
    The only other thing available (I think) is the option to hide the play/stop controller. That's it.
    Apparently, there are several unofficial, private frameworks that give access to lower-level QuickTime functions and that may provide a way to actually loop videos, but chances are that an app using these unofficial frameworks would get rejected by Apple upon submission for the store.
    I'm still waiting for more info and the final word from my programmers, but from the looks of it, this is going to be a show-stopper shortcoming of QT Kit Lite, as far as my project is concerned.
    I'm probably going to have to fold my project and wait (hope) for an eventual upgrade to the SDK's QT Kit.
    By the way, does anyone knows if there is a way to communicate with Apple and request new features for inclusion in future revisions of the SDK?
    Upgrading the QuickTime Kit librairies to include the video Loop and Loop Back and Forth Attributes would be my first (and only) request.
    many thanks to all!

  • How to set a loop on an .flv so that an exported .swf loops?

    hi there. i am using Flash CS4 and I would like to know how to set a loop in an flv file so that when it is exported to swf, the movie will loop. Basically i have taken an existing interactive flash movie and have decompiled it into its individual flv counterparts. what i intend to do is take out all the nonsense from each flv file and then reconstruct the flash movie, export each file to swf and then convert each swf to avi or some other video format. to do this i will be using sothink swf to avi converter which allows you to convert swf files to avi files. this program allows you to convert swf files that loop by looping the swf file for as long as you want until you stop it, in which a video file is created from "the recording"
    after i decompiled the original file, many of the existing flv files were already set to loop. i know this because when exported to swf the swf file would loop. now when i went ahead and went into each flv file to edit a couple things, when i went to export them to swf, the swf files wouldn't loop. mind you, some of them did loop, and some of them did not loop. the ones i have edited are all supposed to loop and i cannot figure out what it is thats preventing some of the flv or exported swf files to loop. all i did was take out a few unnecessary frames from the beginning of each flv and nothing more. i am pretty new to Flash and do not know anything about coding and know very little about flash settings.
    i figured that selecting the "loop playback" option in the control drop down menu might help seeing as the flv file does loop when played in the editor, but again when exported to swf the swf file does not loop. what confuses me the most is that some of the exported swf files do loop. ALL of the exported swf files need to loop and my guess is that in order to make that happen, something in the flv file needs to be set correctly.
    can someone please assist me with this issue? if there is a way to simply loop an existing swf file that does not loop, can someone tell me how to do that? any help with this problem is greatly appreciated and i appologize if something like this has been asked before.... i just couldnt stand looking through 22 pages of search results to find the exact solution to my problem
    thank you!!!

    You can use shortDesc property. Something like
    <af:commandToolbarButton text="Some Button"
          id="ctb1" shortDesc="This button does something.."/>-Arun

  • Can Premiere create a Quicktime movie that loops?

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    I know I can set Quicktime Player to loop movies continuously but I want the loop built in.
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    Thanks for helping!

    John T Smith wrote:
    I have never done this, but I think Encore will allow you to create a movie DVD where the final action of the timeline is to go back to the beginning of the timeline (I think this would be done by creating a DVD with no menu, just a timeline set as 1st play for auto start)
    But... ask in the Encore forum to be sure
    Thanks for responding. Sounds like learning Encore would be part of this solution. Will have to look and see later if thats even included in the Premiere I can use at work. 
    A looping Quicktime movie seems like such a simple concept - an Export checkbox: "loop infinitely".  Any ideas on why this is not something that could easily be implemented into Premiere, Final Cut, Director etc.?

  • Real Instruments play beyond end of repeated loop

    I've tried every google-fu trick I could think of to see if anyone else has had this problem.
    I record a real instrument (say an electric guitar riff). I drag/repeat/loop it 3 or 4 times. It plays properly.
    Then at some point I select it, and move it left or right.
    The part starts at the right time, but will repeat an extra time beyond the visible onscreen loop. Once this glitch occurs, neither resaving, shrinking/re-repeating, moving it around and then back to where I want it make the track end when it's supposed to.
    The only way I've found around it, is to end the repeat early and let the erroneous repeat play out, or just end the repeat entirely, and use cut'n'paste instead.
    This happens to me *all the time*... anyone else seen this or have a resolution?

    Thanks for the suggestions. I can't remember deleting any tracks... however, how would i check for "hidden" tracks?
    The funny thing is i can hear the effect returns for the real instrument tracks...tracks that are heavily reverbed i can hear a faint echo of the track. and like i mentioned the drum loop and software piano still play fine.
    And, I also see monitor activity in the real instrument tracks when i play the song. Everything looks normal, but of course, the sound isn't there.
    Thanks again for your help!
    Message was edited by: Ike the Longshoreman
    P.S. I just tried Unsolo all tracks and Unmute all tracks... still the same problem.

  • FLV content embedded in SWF not exporting correctly in In-Design CS6

    I have an FLV video embedded within a SWF file.
    The FLV video plays correctly in the SWF file when exported or previewed.
    When the SWF is placed into In-Design CS6 and then exported as an interactive PDF, the SWF operates normally (buttons and pages all working as in the original SWF) except the FLV video does not load at all.
    Can anyone advise what's going on?
    Thanks for reading!

    Hello Joe,
    That was a long posting, will start with the Buttons-question: can you check the action 'On Success' of those slide buttons? I couldn't see which version of CP you are using, it is in the properties. Default action is 'Continue' which means that the playhead will play further and finish the total duration of the slide timeline. Change this action to 'Go to next slide'. However for the Question slides you will not have so much control, sorry.
    As for the audio issue, I'm a lot less sure, need to know the version of CP first of all. You have to be sure that all patches are applied (certainly if you have CP5). Sometimes it helps to insert a small silence at the end/start of the slide: move the audio or video file to start 0,1sec after the start of the slide and make it finish 0,1sec before the end of the slide. Worth trying if this helps?
    PS: sorry, bit sleepy, you did mention it is CP5. You'll find the actions in the Action accordion of the Properties panel of the button.  And check your version, please, there was an important patch released in December. Use Help, Updates. is the present version.

  • FLV movies now poor quality

    Hi All,
    I'm really struggling with this. In the past using DWCS3 I
    have embedded FLV movie files into websites without a problem. For
    However, no matter what I do now with DWCS4, whenever I
    embedd an FLV movie, the playback quality is jerky and poor. For
    Even if I embed the first movie into a new page, it results
    in a jerky (as if frames are skipping) playback.
    I am not doing anything different. So, can anyone tell me if
    they experience the same issue or even what I can do to resolve it?

    Wodehouse posted in macromedia.dreamweaver
    > Hi All,
    > I'm really struggling with this. In the past using DWCS3
    I have
    > embedded FLV
    > movie files into websites without a problem. For
    > However, no matter what I do now with DWCS4, whenever I
    embedd an
    > FLV movie,
    > the playback quality is jerky and poor. For example,
    It isn't DW, but a combination of how you compressed the
    video, the
    speed of your Web servers, the speed of your (my) connection,
    and all
    the connections in between.
    In my case, both of those videos paused for buffering.
    FWIW, I see you compressed cupcakemakeandbake_VP6_512K.flv
    Video: 364 Kbps
    Audio: 128 Kbps
    For a total 492 K throughput rate. For my connection (basic
    typically 5 MB), I get my best results when I compress for a
    total of
    300 Kbps. Likewise for my clients, though I send those
    through a
    streaming server.
    And even though strangersinthenight.flv is compressed at a
    much higher
    rate, my connection to (talk-101) is
    much faster
    than my connection to (123-reg) -
    today. In
    fact, my tracert to timed out at 30
    hops twice
    while writing this.
    Try compressing the videos to a lower total throughput rate
    with the
    software you're using to create the .flv files.
    You could also try a test with the cupcake video on your server to see if it is running from a
    better host.
    I can tell you that my connection to
    from here
    California isn't ideal at this moment.
    Mark A. Boyd
    Keep-On-Learnin' :)

  • Inserting FLV videos that allow student to start and stop anywhere

    I am inserting flv videos that students need to be able to start and stop anywhere, and when the video reaches the end, the student clicks on the NEXT button to go to next slide.
    As long as the student lets the video play without any interruptions, the NEXT button appears at the end.
    THe problem I am having is that everything works except the NEXT button is not appearing at the end of the Video unless the NEXT button is visible for the whole time the video is on.
    If the NEXT button is visible during the whole time the video is showing, the student is able to skip the video without watching it.
    I need the students to view the whole video as part of the course.
    Is this possible?

    Your original post didn't mention that the students should be able to repeat a portion of the video again if they choose to do so. This of course complicates matters further as you would then need to show either one of the standard Captivate playbars or use a Playbar widget as you are doing now. However, this also opens up for the user being able to skip the video once again, so it's not the best solution.
    As I see it you have two options:
    1) Present the video without the playbar as I described in my first post. Add the next button at the end of the video. This will make sure that the video has been watched to the end before the user can continue to the next slide. Perhaps you could add a "Replay" button so that the user would be able to watch the entire video again simply by replaying the slide.You can create Start and Stop(Pause) buttons by inserting Smart Shapes or Regular buttons and assign an Advanced Action to Pause or Continue the project.
    2) Modify one of the Playbar widgets so that the scrubber and the next button isn't activated until a certain frame has been reached on that particular slide. Once this frame is reached the widget could activate Play and Scrubber allowing the users to navigate to the next slide or move around in the video. However, this requires extensive knowledge of Flash and Actionscript to achieve and it will also be a very troublesome approach as the frame numbers would change if you insert new slides (or extend / shorten existing slides) prior to the slide(s) containing the video. - Adobe Captivate Widgets, Tutorials, Tips and Tricks and much more..

  • How do I loop a movie for Apple TV

    I have looked at the archives and I cannot get it to work the way it is explained.
    I have saved a QT movie with Loop checked. It loops fine after it is saved before I send it to iTunes
    When I send it to iTunes it will not loop. For some reason when I create a Playlist with the movie in it and ask it to repeat it does not show up in the playlist when I want to send it to Apple TV.
    Any help would be appreciated..I'm getting frustrated!

    How did you do that?
    I have been waiting for a solution to loop my movie in Apple TV.
    What versions of iTunes, Apple TV, did you use?
    Thanks millions in advance...

  • Activity Window Shows "Forbidden" When Attempting to Play FLV Movies

    I've noticed a problem for the past few months using both Safari 2 and 3 that when I go to certain web sites with embedded FLV movies, if I click on the movie, I get an error at the bottom of the Safari window that tells me to check the Activity window. When I do, I see that the specific URL for the embedded movie shows a status of "Forbidden." However, if I click on the link to view the movie directly from the source site (not the embedded version), I have no problems. If I try the same thing in Firefox, the embedded movies always play fine. I'm running the latest version of Flash (just downloaded 9.0.115 today) and still have the issue. Any idea why a movie won't play when it's embedded but plays fine if you go to the site directly? What could be causing a response of "Forbidden"?

    Happy Dance!! I purchased a TV Show and it solved everything. I like the product... now, but what a pain all around, with very little direction. Thank goodness for forums like this. What a nice way to outsource your support to you customers! If it helps anyone, this is what I went through to gt everything working across a wireless AirPort Extreme network (iMac source):
    1. Followed instruction out of the box, connected to network fine, established connection to iTunes fine, set up sync fine
    2. Couldn't play any purchased content on ATV (unauthorized), logged in about 5 times on ATV, which is a PITA, no luck
    3. Unplugged ATV, plugged back in, login in was successful
    4. White screen on video, couldn't play purchased music
    5. Purchased TV episode, everything played fine
    Between steps 4 & 5 I also unnecessarily did the following over the course of a day:
    1. Reset ATV
    2. Reset ATV to factory
    3. Removed ATV from iTunes
    4. Deauthorized/reauthorized Tunes
    5. Changes every video setting thinking that it was my TV, as Apple would never release a buggy product in the market
    Anyway, thanks for the hints, as now I'm liking this little piece of gear.

  • Looping FLV stutters.

    Hi All,
    I'm experiencing a frustrating issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated:
    I am looping a FLV (with Alpha) in a SWF. The FLV is an animation created in After Effects. In After Effects the animation was created to loop seemlessly (no jerk or stutter...a smooth repetitive cycle), however, when I loop it with the SWF, it stops for a split second at the end of its 8 second run before it starts over again. How can I make it loop smoothly without that stutter when it begins again?
    I'm using Flash CS5.5. I export the flv from After effects and link that from the swf. Here's the Actionscript3 code I'm using to play and loop the flv:
    //Video component instance name
    var flvControl:FLVPlayback = display;
    var flvSource:String = "loopingFlv.flv";
    //Loop the video when it completes
    function completeHandler(;
    flvControl.addEventListener(, completeHandler);
    //Set video
    flvControl.source = flvSource;
    Here is the short animation for you to see:
    -you can see the stutter every 8 seconds. (I'd also like it to start moving upon load...without that initial pause...but maybe that's too much to ask.)
    Thanks for the help!

    I've encountered a glitch that I believe is due to my looping code based upon your code above. Below is a stripped-down version of my movie that demonstrates the problem: The child MC with the looping code in it will vanish. This happens only intermittently (maybe every other browser reload or so after somewhere between 4 and 40 secs).
    I didn’t notice the problem before because it only happens in .swf mode (when viewed thru a browser). I never see the problem in authoring mode. I’m hoping you might have some insight about how to prevent the 'vanishing MC' problem so I can use your code which does a great job of seamlessly looping my FLV animated movie clips.
    Here’s the bare-bones test swf:
    -I linked the source files from the top of that page, if you have time to test it.
    What I’m doing:
    I put the following code on an layer in frame 1 of a child movie clip. This movie clip has a FLVPlayback component in it called, ‘childMovieClip.’
    var index:int = 0;
    childMovieClip.addEventListener(, completeHandler);
    childMovieClip.source = "central_2.flv";;
    function completeHandler(e: void;
        childMovieClip.visibleVideoPlayerIndex = index;
    function readyNextPlayerF():void
        output1.text = "loop index: " + index; // For troubleshooting output to stage
       childMovieClip.activeVideoPlayerIndex = index;
        childMovieClip.source = "central_2.flv"; //assign the source
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Message was edited by: paul_james123

  • How to change gain or volume of one sample or loops in GB that remains fixed to it?

    I am not talking about automation,nor am I talking about track volume.....
    automation is a change for a place....if you happen to move that loop or clip from that place the pitch volume or tempo change is gone.....I want to change the volume of that one clip ......that remains specific to that part no matter where you move it.....

    "fiddling' with those points and lines" is called creating "automation" and every pro user in Logic or any other DAW is doing that constantly. It is actually great that GB has this advanced feature (to some degree)
    But you are right, the command for muting a Region should be included in GB. The other command for applying a simple gain offset to a Region wasn't even possible in Logic until recently.
    If you feel strongly about specific features that should be available in GB, just send it to the GB Feedback. Most of the features are there (based on the underlying Logic code base). Apple just have to be convinced to enable a feature because they are convinced that most of the GB users need it.
    Hope that helps
    Edgar Rothermich
    'I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.'

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