Loosing context setting in AMImpl

I have created a custom OAF page which runs in apps.
When I call pl/sql packages I seem to loose the context setting.
So I tried something and I see a difference in behaviour when:
I do
     - create a method in AMImpl
          This method does the call to the pl/sql (Oracle callable statement)
     - create a method in CO to call method in AMImpl
     - call method in CO from processFormRequest
or I do
     - call pl/sql in processFormRequest (Oracle callable statement)
I loose the context when I call the pl/sql from the AM.
When I call the pl/sql from processFormRequest, the context is not lossed. The pl/sql runs in proper org settings and finds data.
Why is that? Do I need to do something additional to keep that context?

No problem. Here it is:
in PFR
System.out.println("in SettleBatchesCO, processFormRequest, checking for supported actions ");
OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
// Check for the RebuildBatch button
if (pageContext.getParameter("RebuildBatch") != null)
System.out.println("in SettleBatchesCO, processFormRequest, RebuildBatch : before rebuilding batch");
rebuildBatch(pageContext, webBean);
System.out.println("in SettleBatchesCO, processFormRequest, RebuildBatch : after rebuilding batch");
public void rebuildBatch(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
String currBatchId = pageContext.getParameter("SearchBatchId");
System.out.println("in SettleBatchesCO, rebuildBatch : currBatchId : " + currBatchId);
if (currBatchId == null || ("".equals(currBatchId.trim())))
throw new OAException("XXFSS", "XXFSS_SETTLE_NO_BATCH");
// Process the modified transaction data
OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
Serializable[] parameters = { currBatchId
HashMap resultRebuildBatchMap = (HashMap)am.invokeMethod("rebuildThisBatch", parameters);
String rebuildStatus = (String)resultRebuildBatchMap.get("RebuildStatus");
String rowCount = (String)resultRebuildBatchMap.get("RowCount");
System.out.println("SettleBatchesCO, rebuildBatch, rebuildStatus : " + rebuildStatus);
System.out.println("SettleBatchesCO, rebuildBatch, rowCount : " + rowCount);
// Set the status of the batch back to SELECTED
Serializable[] statusParameters = { currBatchId
HashMap resultStatusBatchMap = (HashMap)am.invokeMethod("setStatusOfThisBatch", statusParameters);
String resultSetStatus = (String)resultStatusBatchMap.get("SetStatusStatus");
String processedStatusRows = (String)resultStatusBatchMap.get("RowCount");
System.out.println("SettleBatchesCO, rebuildBatch, resultSetStatus : " + resultSetStatus);
System.out.println("SettleBatchesCO, rebuildBatch, processedStatusRows : " + processedStatusRows);
} // rebuildBatch
/**Se the status of the batch by calling the stored package procedure for it
public HashMap setStatusOfThisBatch( String BatchId
, String StatusCode
throws SQLException
HashMap setstatusBatchHash = new HashMap(2);
System.out.println("settleARbatchesAMImpl, setStatusOfThisBatch : setStatusOfThisBatch (+) ");
OracleCallableStatement callPLSQLStmt = null;
try {
// Put your PL/SQL block in a String variable.
String plsqlStmt = "begin xxfss_ar_stlmnt.p_update_status \n" +
" ( :1 \n" +
" , :2 \n" +
" , :3 \n" +
" ); end;";
OADBTransaction txn = getOADBTransaction();
// Pass the PL/SQL block to the callable Statement
callPLSQLStmt = (OracleCallableStatement)txn.createCallableStatement(plsqlStmt, 1);
// Fill the input parameters
callPLSQLStmt.setString(1, BatchId);
callPLSQLStmt.setString(2, StatusCode);
// And register the output parameter types
callPLSQLStmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.VARCHAR);
// After execute you can get the value of pl/sql block output
String RowCount = callPLSQLStmt.getString(3);
System.out.println("settleARbatchesAMImpl, setStatusOfThisBatch : after call to update ");
setstatusBatchHash.put("SetStatusStatus", "SUCCESS");
setstatusBatchHash.put("RowCount", RowCount);
} catch(SQLException sqle) {
String errorMessage = sqle.getMessage();
setstatusBatchHash.put("SetStatusStatus", "FAIL");
setstatusBatchHash.put("RowCount", -1);
throw new OAException("Setting the status of this batch has failed: " + errorMessage );
System.out.println("settleARbatchesAMImpl, setStatusOfThisBatch : setStatusOfThisBatch (-) ");
return setstatusBatchHash;
} // end setStatusOfThisBatch
/**Do the rebuilding of the batch by calling the stored package procedure for it
public HashMap rebuildThisBatch( String BatchId )
throws SQLException
HashMap rebuildBatchHash = new HashMap(2);
System.out.println("settleARbatchesAMImpl, rebuildThisBatch : rebuildThisBatch (+) ");
OracleCallableStatement callPLSQLStmt = null;
try {
// Put your PL/SQL block in a String variable.
String plsqlStmt = "begin " +
" xxfss_ar_stlmnt.p_rebuild \n" +
" ( :1 \n" +
" , :2 \n" +
" ); end;";
OADBTransaction txn = getOADBTransaction();
// Pass the PL/SQL block to the callable Statement
callPLSQLStmt = (OracleCallableStatement)txn.createCallableStatement(plsqlStmt, 1);
// Fill the input parameters
callPLSQLStmt.setString(1, BatchId);
// And register the output parameter types
callPLSQLStmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);
// After execute you can get the value of pl/sql block output
String RowCount = callPLSQLStmt.getString(2);
System.out.println("settleARbatchesAMImpl, rebuildThisBatch : after call to update ");
rebuildBatchHash.put("RebuildStatus", "SUCCESS");
rebuildBatchHash.put("RowCount", RowCount);
} catch(SQLException sqle) {
String errorMessage = sqle.getMessage();
rebuildBatchHash.put("RebuildStatus", "FAIL");
rebuildBatchHash.put("RequestId", -1);
throw new OAException("The rebuilding of this batch has failed: " + errorMessage );
System.out.println("settleARbatchesAMImpl, rebuildThisBatch : rebuildThisBatch (-) ");
return rebuildBatchHash;
} // end rebuildThisBatch
thanks again

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    Which "camera settings" are you referring to?  CR will read the "as shot" white balance setting from the camera, but nothing else (e.g., Picture Control, sharpening, etc.).

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    import java.io.BufferedWriter;
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    * This is the bean class for the MasterTimerBean enterprise bean.
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    catch(Exception e)
    // Add business logic below. (Right-click in editor and choose
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    public String initializeTimer()
    String result = "\n\nInitializing Timer\n";
    // Create Your Timer
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    result = result+"Instantiating Timer Object\n";
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    result = result+"\nFlushing writer";
    result = result+"\nClosing writer";
    catch (Exception e)
    result = result+"\n"+e.toString();
    return result;
    I am calling initializeTimer() from a jsp page with a simple <jsp:useBean tag>.
    The program keeps returning that the context variable is not set(this is from the context!=null conditional in initializeTimer()). I am very confused, I thought that setContext(...) was called by the container upon instantiation (and thus should happen completely without any action from me).
    How am I able to call a session bean that has not had the context set?
    Any information is appreciated,

    thank you for your reply, rajeevm007.
    it seems that the question is really a problem now.
    i think i should update weblogic to the lastest version and confirm this question. if it still in there, it seems that we have to reset the global variables all manually. so, now, we are discussing that should we modify all the ejbs, or wait the next version of weblogic. :) of cause the second choice is a joke.
    no other good choice?
    maybe in the march of the next year....
    thank you again.

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    object []contextGUIDS = new object[] { };
    Commands2 commands = (Commands2)_applicationObject.Commands;
    // Set the toolMenu to HTML Context and it doesn't work
    string toolsMenuName = "HTML Context";
    // Set the toolMenu to ASPX Context and it does work
    //string toolsMenuName = "ASPX Context";
    Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars.CommandBar menuBarCommandBar = ((Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars.CommandBars)_applicationObject.CommandBars)[toolsMenuName];
     //Add a command to the Commands collection:
     Command command = commands.AddNamedCommand2(_addInInstance, "MyAddin1", "MyAddin1", "Executes the command for MyAddin1", true, 59,
      ref contextGUIDS, (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported+(int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled,
      (int)vsCommandStyle.vsCommandStylePictAndText, vsCommandControlType.vsCommandControlTypeButton);
     //Add a control for the command to the tools menu:
     if((command != null) && (menuBarCommandBar != null))
      menuBarCommandBar.Controls.Add(Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars.MsoControlType.msoControlPopup, System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing, 1, true);
     //If we are here, then the exception is probably because a command with that name
     //  already exists. If so there is no need to recreate the command and we can
     //  safely ignore the exception.
    Many thanks for any help on this.

    Hi James,
    I did a little change to your code and it works fine to add a command button to the .cshtml and .aspx code editor's context menu.
    public void OnConnection(object application, ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom)
    _applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
    _addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst;
    if(connectMode == ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_UISetup)
    object[] contextGUIDS = new object[] { };
    Commands2 commands = (Commands2)_applicationObject.Commands;
    // Set the toolMenu to HTML Context and it doesn't work
    string toolsMenuName = "HTML Context";
    // Set the toolMenu to ASPX Context and it does work
    //string toolsMenuName = "ASPX Context";
    Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars.CommandBar menuBarCommandBar = ((Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars.CommandBars)_applicationObject.CommandBars)[toolsMenuName];
    //Add a command to the Commands collection:
    Command command = commands.AddNamedCommand2(_addInInstance, "MyAddin1", "MyAddin1", "Executes the command for MyAddin1", true, 59,
    ref contextGUIDS, (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported + (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled,
    (int)vsCommandStyle.vsCommandStylePictAndText, vsCommandControlType.vsCommandControlTypeMRUButton);
    //Add a control for the command to the tools menu:
    if ((command != null) && (menuBarCommandBar != null))
    //menuBarCommandBar.Controls.Add(Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing, 1, true);
    command.AddControl(menuBarCommandBar, 1);
    catch (System.ArgumentException)
    //If we are here, then the exception is probably because a command with that name
    // already exists. If so there is no need to recreate the command and we can
    // safely ignore the exception.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Kind regards,
    Marco Laponder

    In your web app's sun-web.xml, add this property:
    <property name="crossContextAllowed" value="true"/>

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    Error: 500
    Location: /luc/validateLogin.jsp
    Internal Servlet Error:
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageContextImpl.java:460)
         at validateLogin_1._jspService(validateLogin_1.java:139)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:119)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java)
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.doService(ServletHandler.java:574)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.invoke(Handler.java:322)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(Handler.java:235)
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.service(ServletHandler.java:485)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(ContextManager.java:917)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(ContextManager.java:833)
         at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Http10Interceptor.processConnection(Http10Interceptor.java:176)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(PoolTcpEndpoint.java:494)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable.run(ThreadPool.java:516)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
    Root cause:
         at customerProfile.customerProfileBean.validateUser(customerProfileBean.java:135)
         at validateLogin_1._jspService(validateLogin_1.java:98)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:119)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java)
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.doService(ServletHandler.java:574)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.invoke(Handler.java:322)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(Handler.java:235)
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.service(ServletHandler.java:485)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(ContextManager.java:917)
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(ContextManager.java:833)
         at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Http10Interceptor.processConnection(Http10Interceptor.java:176)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(PoolTcpEndpoint.java:494)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable.run(ThreadPool.java:516)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
    And I've outputted the the following stuff:
    Unable to load driver java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
    java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
    Remember, this all works fine when I don't use the context.
    In my CLASSPATH, I point to the JAR file:
    Any ideas?

    try moving the mm.mysql-2.0.11-bin.jar file to %TOMCAT_HOME%/common/lib. This should make the classes available to all contexts.

  • Context based assignment - context filter to display roles

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    I assign the MX_CTX_TYPE to the roles. Roles having context type SYSTEM were well display. Then I add the MX_CTX_CONDITIONAL (by modifying the attr to allow assignment to MX_ROLE entrytype) to the same roles. But it seems that the filter is made at contexte type level and not value context level.
    1 : Do you think if it's possible to use context value as filter for displaying roles in step 2?
    2 : Do you know a way to filter on system for displaying roles in order to assign them to a user even if it's not a guided task? I tried to use the FIELD functionnality but it seems that it's not allow with the attribute type of MX_ASSIGNMENT.

    Also suggest that you have a look at the MX_ASSIGNMENT attribute on the user, for use in the WebUI. This attribute will allow you to see both role and privilege assignments in a WebUI task. This also has the "context" setting as you mentioned.
    John Erik Setsaas
    Development Architect IdM

  • Question about global context.

    I have this scenario:
    1) Context set within the application:
    a) user logins and identifies basic context info: company id, etc.
    b) Context is set in a package
    b) Views are the underlying datasource for application and they are created using context info. For example:
    Create view some_view as
    select * from some_table where company_id =sys_context('access_control_ctx','company_id')
    2) This works perfectly in a dedicated / persistent connection. However if ones tries to use connection pooling, like in a Web app, say Apex , this won't work as expected.
    3) An alternative is to use global context. However i have this question:
    (a) User a logs in to application and set values for company 1.
    (b) User b logs in to application and set values for company 2.
    How does global context works in this situation?. I mean, since every user needs a different value form company_id? How can one guaranties they both will point to their respective value without having to change the application security / access control?.
    Regards, Luis ...!

    Specific to APEX, you can use the v function to access APEX session state information (i.e. v('APP_USER') to get the currently logged in application user).
    If you are going to use a global context, you would need a session ID (or something similar) that is stored as a part of the global context to determine which session you are interested in. The global context would have A's data with A's session ID and B's data with B's session ID and before you get the context information, you would need to specify which session ID you are asking about.
    Tom Kyte has an example of using a global context

  • Mapping Mapwthdefault at tiem level -Values Missing in Queue context

    Here is the logic
    If (E1EDP19-IDTNR_EXTR is not empty and (E1EDP19-QULF)=001
    map IDT_EXTR to target Buyerpart
        if E1EDP19-IDTNR is empty and E1EDP19-QULF=002
      map const (SEE_DESCRIPTION) to target
    All context set to EDP01
    Target is mandatroy field
    1) data : If the 1st item level has the value IDTNR_EXTR and 2nd item level is not .
    In the else condition also QUALF is not matching to 002 so not getting the value for else condition in second item level  .
    So getting the error ItemDetail[2]/ns0:BuyerPartNumber. Values missing in queue context
    How can we add mapwithdefault to not to fail for mandatory field
    2 data I added mapwithdefault befoe else it worked for this data but failed for other test with 3 line items IDTNR_EXTR  values. 2nd line item was getting in target which is not
    Thanks for your help

    Here is udf i tried but not working as expected
    String output = new String();
    for (int i=0; i< qualf.length;i++)
          output =  idntex[i];
                 output =  ("Notes") ;
    if item has only one value of idtnext and 2nd line item also it is displaying same value it should be blank
    Thanks for your help

  • How to use Environment variables in Context Settings

    I need to set some Preferences using a Context, and in the value of the preference I need to use a path which may change depending on the OS.
    I need to use environment variables or java variables to create the relative path for the value.
    Is possible to access env variables from a Context Setting?
    Just to give an example, I'm trying to set the M2_REPO variable in the classpath settings in the preferences menu.
    to user.home + /.m2/repository
    How can I access the user.home from there?

    Hi Matias,
    Sure, you can use substitute-variables command for this purpose.
    See the example below:
    concat [substitute-variables "${system_property:user.home}" | str] "/.m2/repository"]
    Kind regards,

  • BPF Workspace context overrides EPM report Context

    Hi Experts,
    I am encountering a strange issue, where I am unable to refresh the report for a different context member. For example I have access to two entities A and B and the workspace context in BPF shows A.
    1) Open the BPF Activity(with workspace context set to entity A).
    2) Report opens with the entity selection as A.
    3) When I try to change the entity A to B (in Epmselectmember) and refresh, the report rollsback to entity selection A and refreshes for Entity A.
    Scenario 2
    1) Open the BPF Activity(with workspace context set to entity A).
    2) Change the context to B in workspace context. (refer to screenshot1)
    3) Open the report, refresh the report refreshes the data for entity B. (means i have access to the member B as well)
    4) Again if I try to change from B to A in the report , it is defaulted again to entity B.
    So what ever the context is in the workspace context that is overriden on the report context and doesn't allow to change. Context defined in hyperlinks

    This is how it should work. If there is a need to change the value of a dimension then context should not be set in BPF.
    It looks like your design is wrong here.
    While designing BPF, you need to identify the context dimensions and driving dimensions. These are the dimensions, which will be set from the BPF & Activity. Rest of the dimensions can be changed by user through EPM Context.
    Hope this helps!

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    what do you mean by "set play mode"?
    if you mean play mode as in "repeat", "shuffle" etc, its here:

  • Novell Client integrated login fails on reboot.

    I have LUM, NCL and CASA enabled and everything works just fine. I can log
    in as a user, save the profile, log in and out and get integrated login.
    The problem is that if i reboot SLED and try the same user that worked 30
    times in a row before it complains about "ncl_autologin[716]: Tree "" not
    found in miCASA." and fails to do the integrated login. If i look at the
    profile in the client everything looks just fine and i can login without
    errors if i supply the password again.
    In the Casa store i can see the tree and the password.
    I have SLP setup on the OES server and slptool on the SLED box connects to
    the OES server and works properly. All three buttons on the linux client
    works and finds trees, contexts and servers. I have reproduced the error on
    three different hardwares with different media for the install.
    Have anyone else reproduced this error? I have followed the documentation
    to the letter but integrated login still just fails after every reboot i make.
    Any ideas no matter how longshot is much appriciated, i just have to get
    this working.

    On Fri, 17 Nov 2006 16:16:33 +0000, linuxjoe wrote:
    > [email protected] wrote:
    >> That is, CASA can store information both on
    >> disk and in memory
    > In your home directory you have a series of .miCASA files. Each file should
    > have a regular miCASA... file and then one that ends with the extension .IV
    I have those and they contain the correct information when i look in the
    CASA manager GUI.
    > Basically one is for persistance and one isn't. If only one is getting
    > created then you will loose your setting on reboot. I have seen this on
    > my own system and it is basically caused by deleting the .miCASA.. files
    > and then not restarting casa before you start to store secrets again. If
    > this is the case then you can delete you .miCASA files (you will loose
    > your secrets by doing this) and then logout and back in. You should then
    > see that two of each file is created. One regular one and one with a .IV
    > extension.
    > If this is not your issue and you have both types for each .miCASA file
    > then I don't know what the issue is.
    I have a group of users i try with and it looks the same on all of them
    regardless of what i do. CASA stores the info and when i reboot it looses
    something that i cant really see. I have three computers with SLED on now
    and they all look exactly the same when i look in CASA and compares the
    info on a rebooted and a non rebooted computer.
    I will do a trace on the .miCASA files and see if i can spot any
    differences between a rebooted and a non rebooted computer on monday.
    One question, does it work for you after a reboot?

  • Strange behaviour when using a custom errorpage

    When I create a standard JHeadstart application using the "HR" schema, add a custom error-page and force an error on a jspx page, the following happens:
    1. Force error on page (via an incorrect commandlink)
    2. Get custom error page correctly
    3. Restart the original page
    4. Again force the error on the page
    5. In the browser "Recursive error in error-page calling for /faces/pages/CXSError.jspx, see the application log for details." is displayed.
    What is going on?
    Extra information:
    The first time the error is forced, this is logged (just after the stacktrace in the log window):
    08-apr 12:04:45 DEBUG (JhsPageLifecycle) -Executing prepareRender, page=/pages/CXSError.jspx, pagedef=null
    The second time the error is forced, this is logged:
    08-apr 12:04:50 DEBUG (JhsPageLifecycle) -Executing prepareRender, page=/pages/DepartmentsVw1Table.jspx, pagedef=null
    Remco Moolenaar.
    This is the constructed error on a standard JHeadstart jspx page:
    <af:commandLink action="DeepLinkFile" id="testlink"
    immediate="true" partialSubmit="false"
    <af:setActionListener from="1"
    This is the error page:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.0"
    <jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="true" doctype-root-element="HTML"
    doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"/>
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" isErrorPage="true"
    import="java.io.CharArrayWriter, java.io.PrintWriter, java.util.Calendar, java.text.SimpleDateFormat, javax.faces.context.FacesContext"/>
    <f:subview id="errorpageview">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
    try {
    if (exception != null)
    CharArrayWriter charArrayWriter = new CharArrayWriter();
    PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(charArrayWriter, true);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    if (exception != null) {
    try {
    FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    This is web.xml:
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd" version="2.4" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee">
    <description>Empty web.xml file for Web Application</description>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

    This was an application module pooling, activation / passivation issue.
    After view objects had been set-up correctly, the problem disappeared.

  • Help: can not regist application in HP-UX 11.0

    My application work fine in iAS SP3 for Win2000, but when I deployed it to
    HP-UX 11.0, It can not regist the application in HP-UX.
    can any onr help me, thanks
    Lu yanqiang
    the error message is:
    HotSpot VM warning: Setting of property "java.compiler" is ignored
    creating engine class space...
    loading jx2util...
    loading jx2util...done
    Connected to LDAP server on websvr.sh-catcher.com port 389
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoaderNonVersionable: EngineClassLoader
    constructer called
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoaderNonVersionable: ! NVCL CREATED at:
    ECS initializing engine class loader instance.
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: EngineClassLoader constructer called
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Base
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Base
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Root
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Root
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Current
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Current
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_CurrentEngine
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_CurrentEngine
    context= com.kivasoft.context.Context@6ee36c
    resolve property: GX.path.class GX_CLASSPATH SYSTEM_JAVA null
    resolve value: /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS
    resolve property: GX.path.class.core GX_CLASSPATH_CORE SYSTEM_JAVA
    resolve value:
    resolve property: GX.versionable GX_VERSIONABLE SYSTEM_JAVA
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: com.kivasoft.engine.IVersionable
    resolve property: GX.all.versionable GX_ALL_VERSIONABLE SYSTEM_JAVA 0
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: 0
    resolve property: GX.taskmanager.period GX_TASKMANAGER_PERIOD SYSTEM_JAVA 10
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: 10
    resolve property: GX.versionable.if.extends GX_VERSIONABLE_IF_EXTENDS
    SYSTEM_JAVA javax.servlet.GenericServlet;javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: javax.servlet.GenericServlet;javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    resolve property: GX.versionable.if.implements GX_VERSIONABLE_IF_IMPLEMENTS
    SYSTEM_JAVA javax.servlet.Servlet
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: javax.servlet.Servlet
    class_dir 4 AppPath: /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/compiled_jsp
    loading component...{7ee76a00-a999-11d1-a16f-006097594151}
    getting threadLocal obj
    loading component...{91f29740-16e1-11cf-96c8-0020afed9a65}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.thread.ModuleThread appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.thread.ModuleThread loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IModuleThread
    loading component...{91f29620-16e1-11cf-96c8-0020afed9a65}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderJ
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderJ
    loaded by primordial CL
    loading component...{ed049d80-b936-1548-e481-080020721767}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EJBBinder
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EJBBinder
    loaded by primordial CL
    EJBBinder: binder is GOOD..
    EJBBinder: context set obj for IID_IGXEBBinder
    loading component...{a84f0507-a912-11cf-aa6c-524153480000}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.gds.GDSModule
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.gds.GDSModule
    loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IGDSModule
    loading component...{c70f2c00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase
    loaded by primordial CL
    loading component...{c70f2d00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{c70f1a00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.principal.PrincipalModule appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.principal.PrincipalModule loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IPrincipalModule
    loading component...{35069f7a-0a09-1406-8f1a-0800208055c0}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{e7d37500-23bf-11d1-b6c2-0060082beecf}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{e7d37540-23bf-11d1-b6c2-0060082beecf}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{be5cfde0-cd9e-11d1-94aa-0060083a5082}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EBModule
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EBModule loaded
    by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IEBModule
    The current input file= testdb.xml
    About to start xml -> descriptor conversion process
    xmlToDescriptor- file name=testdb.xml
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application Client 1.2//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/application-client_1_2.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS J2EE Application Client
    1.0//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web Application 1.0//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASWebApp_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Enterprise JavaBeans 1.0//EN
    to uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASEjb_jar_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Persistence Manager 1.0//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Datasource 1.0//EN to uri=
    servlet name = testdb
    !!! parseWebAppFromDOM() just put in setServlet name = testdb
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application Client 1.2//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/application-client_1_2.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS J2EE Application Client
    1.0//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web Application 1.0//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASWebApp_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Enterprise JavaBeans 1.0//EN
    to uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASEjb_jar_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Persistence Manager 1.0//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Datasource 1.0//EN to uri=
    !!! handleIASServlet(): Get servlet name= testdb
    AppComponentDescriptor: com.netscape.server.deployment.WebAppDescriptor
    All EnvEntries name:
    All Ejb-refs:
    All Resource-refs:
    WebApp package name = testdb
    Enter setupPluginInfoInGDS()
    creating ServletPatternTrans entry, url= /testdb
    webapp ContextRoot= null
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    [01/Nov/2001 16:00:04:5] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load
    --- now put Web-app component descrptor into GDS
    webAppName = testdb
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    getClassDefGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getServletGDSKeyByGuid: return key: com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@540408
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getClassImpGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Now do some verification step and regenrate the web-app.xml.out file from
    GDS data
    getWebAppGDSKeyByPackageName: name to match= testdb
    got key to webapp= testdb
    enter WebAppCompGDSUtil.getDescriptorFromGDSByKey()
    About to process the <servlet-mapping> element
    GDSvalue name= /System/StaticServlet
    GDSvalue val= StaticServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue name= /System/JSPRunner
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunner
    GDSvalue name= /System/FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue val= SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue name= /fortune/fortune
    GDSvalue val= FortuneServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/StaticServlet
    GDSvalue val= StaticServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue name= /web/JSPRunner
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunner
    GDSvalue name= /web/FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue val= SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue name= /web/AdderAlias
    GDSvalue val= AdderServlet
    GDSvalue name= /testdb/testdb
    GDSvalue val= testdb
    getServletMappingFromGDS: url= /testdb, servlet= testdb
    About to process the context-param
    [01/Nov/2001 16:00:06:7] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load
    About to process the mime-mapping
    About to process the servlets
    GDSvalue name= testdb
    GDSvalue val= {eea893d3-d646-4f8e-8c6d-6f92a8563c46}
    GDSvalue name= testdb.jsp
    GDSvalue val= {eea893d3-d646-4f8e-8c6d-6f92a8563c46}
    The returned hashtable for servlets have: 2 entries
    About to process the servlet name= testdb.jsp
    About to process the servlet name= testdb
    About to process the tld
    The returned vector for taglib have: 0 entries
    Finished getting a wd from gd s!!!
    Now ready to write out WebApp xml file
    descriptorToXml: about to get all servlets
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 2
    DescriptorManager.getServletByGuidStr, ctx=
    Enter getServletFromGDS
    getClassDefGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getServletGDSKeyByGuid: return key: com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@76c74b
    load-on-startup value from GDS= 0
    number-of-singles value from GDS= 10
    DescriptorManager.getServletByGuidStr, ctx=
    write Xml to output file: web.xml.out
    Finished writing out j2ee xml file
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 2
    write Xml to output file: ias-web.xml.out
    Finished writing out IAS xml file
    Extracting JSPs from testdb.xml to /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/
    Processing input WAR 1
    Processing input WARi 21 testdb.xml
    Encountered exception java.util.zip.ZipException processing input file testd

    What is the version of app server on HP UX ? How did you deploy on the app
    server in HP UX using command line deployment or GUI tool ? Where are these
    errors shooting from, are these coming at the time of deployment or thrown at
    runtime ? What is the application type that you are trying to deploy ?, if
    possible send me the kxs and kjs log files please.
    lu yanqiang wrote:
    My application work fine in iAS SP3 for Win2000, but when I deployed it to
    HP-UX 11.0, It can not regist the application in HP-UX.
    can any onr help me, thanks
    Lu yanqiang
    the error message is:
    HotSpot VM warning: Setting of property "java.compiler" is ignored
    creating engine class space...
    loading jx2util...
    loading jx2util...done
    Connected to LDAP server on websvr.sh-catcher.com port 389
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoaderNonVersionable: EngineClassLoader
    constructer called
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoaderNonVersionable: ! NVCL CREATED at:
    ECS initializing engine class loader instance.
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: EngineClassLoader constructer called
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Base
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Base
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Root
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Root
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Current
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Current
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_CurrentEngine
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_CurrentEngine
    context= com.kivasoft.context.Context@6ee36c
    resolve property: GX.path.class GX_CLASSPATH SYSTEM_JAVA null
    resolve value: /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS
    resolve property: GX.path.class.core GX_CLASSPATH_CORE SYSTEM_JAVA
    resolve value:
    resolve property: GX.versionable GX_VERSIONABLE SYSTEM_JAVA
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: com.kivasoft.engine.IVersionable
    resolve property: GX.all.versionable GX_ALL_VERSIONABLE SYSTEM_JAVA 0
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: 0
    resolve property: GX.taskmanager.period GX_TASKMANAGER_PERIOD SYSTEM_JAVA 10
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: 10
    resolve property: GX.versionable.if.extends GX_VERSIONABLE_IF_EXTENDS
    SYSTEM_JAVA javax.servlet.GenericServlet;javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: javax.servlet.GenericServlet;javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    resolve property: GX.versionable.if.implements GX_VERSIONABLE_IF_IMPLEMENTS
    SYSTEM_JAVA javax.servlet.Servlet
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: javax.servlet.Servlet
    class_dir 4 AppPath: /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/compiled_jsp
    loading component...{7ee76a00-a999-11d1-a16f-006097594151}
    getting threadLocal obj
    loading component...{91f29740-16e1-11cf-96c8-0020afed9a65}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.thread.ModuleThread appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.thread.ModuleThread loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IModuleThread
    loading component...{91f29620-16e1-11cf-96c8-0020afed9a65}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderJ
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderJ
    loaded by primordial CL
    loading component...{ed049d80-b936-1548-e481-080020721767}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EJBBinder
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EJBBinder
    loaded by primordial CL
    EJBBinder: binder is GOOD..
    EJBBinder: context set obj for IID_IGXEBBinder
    loading component...{a84f0507-a912-11cf-aa6c-524153480000}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.gds.GDSModule
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.gds.GDSModule
    loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IGDSModule
    loading component...{c70f2c00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase
    loaded by primordial CL
    loading component...{c70f2d00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{c70f1a00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.principal.PrincipalModule appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.principal.PrincipalModule loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IPrincipalModule
    loading component...{35069f7a-0a09-1406-8f1a-0800208055c0}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{e7d37500-23bf-11d1-b6c2-0060082beecf}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{e7d37540-23bf-11d1-b6c2-0060082beecf}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{be5cfde0-cd9e-11d1-94aa-0060083a5082}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EBModule
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EBModule loaded
    by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IEBModule
    The current input file= testdb.xml
    About to start xml -> descriptor conversion process
    xmlToDescriptor- file name=testdb.xml
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application Client 1.2//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/application-client_1_2.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS J2EE Application Client
    1.0//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web Application 1.0//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASWebApp_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Enterprise JavaBeans 1.0//EN
    to uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASEjb_jar_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Persistence Manager 1.0//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Datasource 1.0//EN to uri=
    servlet name = testdb
    !!! parseWebAppFromDOM() just put in setServlet name = testdb
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application Client 1.2//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/application-client_1_2.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS J2EE Application Client
    1.0//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web Application 1.0//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASWebApp_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Enterprise JavaBeans 1.0//EN
    to uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASEjb_jar_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Persistence Manager 1.0//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Datasource 1.0//EN to uri=
    !!! handleIASServlet(): Get servlet name= testdb
    AppComponentDescriptor: com.netscape.server.deployment.WebAppDescriptor
    All EnvEntries name:
    All Ejb-refs:
    All Resource-refs:
    WebApp package name = testdb
    Enter setupPluginInfoInGDS()
    creating ServletPatternTrans entry, url= /testdb
    webapp ContextRoot= null
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    [01/Nov/2001 16:00:04:5] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load
    --- now put Web-app component descrptor into GDS
    webAppName = testdb
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    getClassDefGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getServletGDSKeyByGuid: return key: com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@540408
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getClassImpGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Now do some verification step and regenrate the web-app.xml.out file from
    GDS data
    getWebAppGDSKeyByPackageName: name to match= testdb
    got key to webapp= testdb
    enter WebAppCompGDSUtil.getDescriptorFromGDSByKey()
    About to process the <servlet-mapping> element
    GDSvalue name= /System/StaticServlet
    GDSvalue val= StaticServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue name= /System/JSPRunner
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunner
    GDSvalue name= /System/FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue val= SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue name= /fortune/fortune
    GDSvalue val= FortuneServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/StaticServlet
    GDSvalue val= StaticServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue name= /web/JSPRunner
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunner
    GDSvalue name= /web/FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue val= SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue name= /web/AdderAlias
    GDSvalue val= AdderServlet
    GDSvalue name= /testdb/testdb
    GDSvalue val= testdb
    getServletMappingFromGDS: url= /testdb, servlet= testdb
    About to process the context-param
    [01/Nov/2001 16:00:06:7] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load
    About to process the mime-mapping
    About to process the servlets
    GDSvalue name= testdb
    GDSvalue val= {eea893d3-d646-4f8e-8c6d-6f92a8563c46}
    GDSvalue name= testdb.jsp
    GDSvalue val= {eea893d3-d646-4f8e-8c6d-6f92a8563c46}
    The returned hashtable for servlets have: 2 entries
    About to process the servlet name= testdb.jsp
    About to process the servlet name= testdb
    About to process the tld
    The returned vector for taglib have: 0 entries
    Finished getting a wd from gd s!!!
    Now ready to write out WebApp xml file
    descriptorToXml: about to get all servlets
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 2
    DescriptorManager.getServletByGuidStr, ctx=
    Enter getServletFromGDS
    getClassDefGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getServletGDSKeyByGuid: return key: com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@76c74b
    load-on-startup value from GDS= 0
    number-of-singles value from GDS= 10
    DescriptorManager.getServletByGuidStr, ctx=
    write Xml to output file: web.xml.out
    Finished writing out j2ee xml file
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 2
    write Xml to output file: ias-web.xml.out
    Finished writing out IAS xml file
    Extracting JSPs from testdb.xml to /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/
    Processing input WAR 1
    Processing input WARi 21 testdb.xml
    Encountered exception java.util.zip.ZipException processing input file testd

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