Losing colour in clips

I am having a problem when editing. I imported clips put them on the timeline but didnt finish editing. I went back in the next day and the clips i didnt finish editing showed as flickering black & white and colour and it does not correct it when i render the video. Can anyone help?

Thank you for your information.
The 16:9 vs 4:3 can cause some issues, but is not likely to cause a color shift. Being on PAL, you actually have a bit more "built-in" control on output, than we NTSC-folk.
Do you have any Effects added to these problem Clips?
You indicate that the color/gamma was correct, when you did your Capture. Was it still good, when you first dragged these Clips to the Timeline? Was it ONLY after you closed and reopened the Project, that you encountered the shift? If you were to drag one of those Clips to the Timeline, next to one of the problem ones, would it look correct? If so, can you do a screen-cap of this side-by-side comparison? Hint: use the little "camera" icon in the lower-middle of the Toolbar in the editing screen to attach the screen-cap, so it will appear in the body of your post, and not have to go through queue. Also, I'd suggest doing the screen-cap as a BMP, or high-quality (say 9 on the Photoshop quality scale), so the image is as clear, as is possible. Please add annotations so we can readily see the "before" and the "after."
The behavior that you describe is odd, and that is why I'm still asking questions.
The only thing that comes to mind would be a video display issue, but this should be universal and should not be selective, as you describe.
While you're helping us work through this, please check your video driver for any updates. Windows has just released some updates and hot-fixes, and these can mess up video drivers. That is about the only thing that comes to my mind, as a possible cause. Again, this would be a global change and would not be at all selective.
Good luck,

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    I have found this information in this Apple doc:
    Multiple Edits: This layout only appears if your screen resolution is set to 1280 x 854 or higher. This layout is useful for comparing three clips in a sequence in a row for color correction. At the top of the screen, from left to right, are the Viewer; a Tool Bench window with a Frame Viewer tab showing the previous edit point; the Canvas; and another Tool Bench window with a Frame Viewer tab showing the next edit point. The Browser and Timeline are on the bottom, with the Tool palette and audio meters to the right of the Timeline.
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    while(this["b" + (i++)]) {
    this["b" + i].onRollOver = function():Void {
    this["b" + i].onRollOut = function():Void {
    delete this.i;

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    myColor = new Color(this);
    this["b" + this.i].onRollOut = function():Void {
    myColor = new Color(this);
    delete this.i;

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    >screencast program Jing Pro...  Premiere doesn't usually like to play nice with mp4's 
    My CS5 works perfectly with the MP4 files from my wife's Flip HD camera... so I don't think such a blanket statement is correct
    There IS, however, a history of problems with screen capture programs... which seems to be related to exactly how those programs manipulate the codec they use

  • Losing changes and clips

    Hi. I'm brand-new to the forum and delighted to find a place that might help solve my FCX problems!
    1. I edit for days, saving constantly. If I quit the program, many of the changes are lost; some renamed clips in the browser are no longer renamed;
    2. Occasionally get the message "Autosave error: unknown file" or a similar error message when I manually save;
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    I use FCX 4 on my iMac. Please help.

    Thank you for your information.
    The 16:9 vs 4:3 can cause some issues, but is not likely to cause a color shift. Being on PAL, you actually have a bit more "built-in" control on output, than we NTSC-folk.
    Do you have any Effects added to these problem Clips?
    You indicate that the color/gamma was correct, when you did your Capture. Was it still good, when you first dragged these Clips to the Timeline? Was it ONLY after you closed and reopened the Project, that you encountered the shift? If you were to drag one of those Clips to the Timeline, next to one of the problem ones, would it look correct? If so, can you do a screen-cap of this side-by-side comparison? Hint: use the little "camera" icon in the lower-middle of the Toolbar in the editing screen to attach the screen-cap, so it will appear in the body of your post, and not have to go through queue. Also, I'd suggest doing the screen-cap as a BMP, or high-quality (say 9 on the Photoshop quality scale), so the image is as clear, as is possible. Please add annotations so we can readily see the "before" and the "after."
    The behavior that you describe is odd, and that is why I'm still asking questions.
    The only thing that comes to mind would be a video display issue, but this should be universal and should not be selective, as you describe.
    While you're helping us work through this, please check your video driver for any updates. Windows has just released some updates and hot-fixes, and these can mess up video drivers. That is about the only thing that comes to my mind, as a possible cause. Again, this would be a global change and would not be at all selective.
    Good luck,

  • Losing colour

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    But I found I've lost a lot of colour and video quality, in the next image the FCP window is the top and the exported movie at the bottom:
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    As David says. Use Quicktime 7 Pro to view your result not Quicktime X.
    Quicktime 7 Pro should be in your Utility folder if you are looking for it.

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    Thanks, Stretch.

    Ah....forget to mention I'm also using Light Rays effect on the text.......not sure if that might make a diference.

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    I keep getting "error during rendering/encoding of menus/slideshows" message.  I have been burning DVD's in exactly the same way for the past 12 months and mostly on my MacBook which is 3 years old.  Obviously I'm using iDVD.  I purchased an iMac about a year ago and moved to use this for dvd burning without problem.  A few months ago (approximately) I started to experience problems with burning with the error message above.  I tried everything including starting the whole process from scratch right down to capturing the movie clips from my video recorder into iMovie, then using them in iDVD.  Still the same message came up.  I lost count of how many times I repeated the process with different clips and variations and the same thing happened.  This was also the case with my MacBook and my husband's iMac.
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    I took my 27" iMac to an apple shop and asked them to assist me while I use the same technique as I always had.  The same message came up so they tried using my clips in one of their mac's.  The same message. They tried it with different clips and the same message.  The only way we could get theirs to work was with a magic DVD which did not produce what I needed and was limited with only one page. 
    I now cannot use any of my Mac's for the intended purpose that I bought them for - to produce good media for my work!  It was suggested that I purchase some non Mac software to burn DVDs which defeats the object of having a mac with iDVD in my opinion.  I have a book on iDVD which is very informative and have followed the process to the letter and checked all the trouble shooting and still no remedy.  It was mentioned that an up-date may have caused the problem on all my macs.
    I feel that this issue should be addressed by Apple as a matter of correctness.
    I now find that on the net there are many posts in forums and such like with exactly the same (almost word for word) problems.  Please Apple, keep/regain your good name and sort this out.
    Jayne Connelly

    Thanks Bengt W for your attention to this matter.  So much appreciated.  And thanks for putting me right on the aim of forums (new to this).  Although, you may regret asking for more information.  I've added everything I can below.
    The process I used is as follows:
    Import recorded clips of between 5 and 15minutes each from my video recorder into i
    Edit the clips (remove unwanted start and endng)
    Add title to front of clips
    ‘Share’ them to ‘movie’ (export using QuickTime)folder in .mov format individually
    Open iDVD and ‘create new project’
    Select ‘favourite’ theme that I have set up forall my work dvd’s (this has been used successfully many times and I’ve triedwithout using the favourite them).
    Add 2 submenus for each group of clips
    Select submenu  - drag and drop between 3 – 6 clips in each of the twosubmenus
    Change title colours on clips
    Dragand drop image into drop zones where required
    In‘map’ view I check for any yellow warnings before burning to disc
    In an attempt to remedy the problems I’ve tried the following:
    Try new DVD discs
    Try different themes (favourites and standardones)
    Change images in drop zones
    Start whole process again even from importingfrom camera again
    Two other completely different computers (iMacand MacBook) with iDVD
    Go to apple shop and use their computers to doin iDVD
    Try with one clip and no menu pages added
    Use a clip that I already have that did notoriginate from my camera
    Turn computer off and restart
    New hard drive
    New optical lense (thing)
    New DVD burner
    Saving to disc image rather than dvd disc
    Other points:
    I also have a ‘flip’ and ‘iPhone’ whereI’ve imported footage camera which, although limited, records and makes videoclips and burns them to DVD through iDVD without problem.
    For example, I have just gone through steps 5 - 11 using some clips that were already imported from my iphone to iPhoto and dragged across.  I used a theme that I've used before which has failed and added one sub menu page where the clip went.  It burned to disc image successfully.
    The startup disc, I believe will have no space issues asit’s a new hard drive with no use apart from this.  That could have been an issue before (I didn’t check it) butnot now.
    Other technical stuff that I don't understand but you may:
    I have…… Mac OS X Version 10.6.7 with all updates onit.  Processor 2.8 GHz Intel Corei7.  Memory 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3.
    iDVD version 7.1.1
      Model Name: iMac
      Model Identifier: iMac11,1
      Processor Name: Intel Core i7
      Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
      Number Of Processors: 1
      Total Number Of Cores: 4
      L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB
      L3 Cache: 8 MB
      Memory: 4GB
      Processor Interconnect Speed: 4.8 GT/s
      Boot ROM Version: IM111.0034.B02
    SMC Version (system):            1.54f36
      Firmware Revision:     3AHB
      Interconnect:    ATAPI
      Burn Support:   Yes (AppleShipping Drive)
      Cache:    2048KB
      Reads DVD:    Yes
      CD-Write: -R, -RW
      DVD-Write:   -R, -R DL,-RW, +R, +R DL, +RW
      Write Strategies:  CD-TAO,CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
      Media: Toshow the available burn speeds, insert a disc and choose View > Refresh
    If you can solve this you are better than the 'apple geeks' in the shop and the service technicians in the service centre (and of course me but that's no achievement). 
    Eagerly awaiting your reply.

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    I have a Pro L20 - PSL25E and i have recently been having problems with the screen, it has been intermittently flickering/losing colour and almost whiting out (when the colour fades white vertical lines start to appear).
    This seemed to become worse after i dropped it (only from about 2 feet off the ground not a big drop).
    I thought the sceen may be going, but the perfomance of the laptop seems to be affected when this is happening, the laptop has started to run very slow (the mouse tracks slow, programs I've clicked take ages to run and it sometimes freezes until it stops flickering) which had me thinking it might be a virus or perfomance issue.
    My screen drivers are up to date, i ran a full scan with McAfee, ran a system clear-up and a defrag.
    I was wondering if anyone knew whether this seemed like a problem with the screen connections and would need replacing or whether it could be repaired, or whether it was a perfomance issue?
    Any help would be much appreciate thanks!

    Sounds like the Graphics chip has a problem, which I think is a Mainboard replacement.
    You can get a quote for the repair at an Authorized Service Provider. There is an ASP list on the Toshiba website.

  • Upgrading from OX 10.3.9 to OX 10.5.4 for FCP Studio 2

    I hope this isn't a dumb question, but here goes. I have G5 running OX 10.3.9 and Final Cut Pro 4. Recently purchased Mac Box with OX 10.5.4 and Final Cut Express. I like the Leopard OX and decided to take the plunge and upgrade my G5 to the latest software packages. I upgrade my G5 memory to 8 GB in anticipation of upgrading to OX 10.5.4 and Final Cut Studio Pro. Ok, here's my dumb question.
    If I purchase the FCPS2 upgrade package, do I first need to install FCP4 onto my new OX 10.5.4 operating system (I plan to do a clean install, erasing the hard drive (leaving my second hard drive alone which has all of my FCP source files.)
    If I do have to first install FCP4 then the upgrade, (and here's the real question) is FCP4 compatible with OX 10.5.4. Or, can I skip loading the FCP4 and install just the upgrade. (sorry for the long complicated question, but I don't want to screw it up and risk losing my source clips that I have already loaded onto my second hard drive).
    Thanks for your help.

    If I purchase the FCPS2 upgrade package, do I first need to install FCP4 onto my new OX 10.5.4 operating system
    No. Just install the upgrade, then enter your FCP 4 serial number when prompted.
    FCP 4.5 is NOT compatible with OS 10.5 or later versions of QT.

  • Wish list for Premiere CS6

    Please invest in getting a good slow motion plugin bundled with premiere cs6, the current slow mo is choppy at best even with frame blending. Get twixtor or other bundled with cs6 please.
    There should be a button to deactivate all plugins/effects on all clips so playback can be seemless to review an edit. We can only currently do this manually by deselecting every effect on evey clip which takes forever, there should be a generic option for all effects enable/disableon all video in the sequence.
    Multicam needs to extend from 4 cameras to at least 8 or above as with most other NLEs
    Add some alpha based transitions in the effects transitions similar to pixelan transitions
    Particle effects similar trapcode particular for effects like smoke, fire, sparks etc.
    extention to lens flare with more control over flare, flare components, rays, glow ect
    A colour corrector that will balance colour between clips ergo you have 3 separate clips and the colour temp is slightly different in each, a fast solution is needed to balance all clips. If the shots are similar there should be a way that NLE can correct colour for both so individual clips match with aid of user. A sort of balance this clip to the colour in this other clip. Again basic colour correction is always used and a very time consuming process, simlifying this will help.
    Movie sound effects bank for online content. Many people spend hours looking for or creating simple movie sound effects for fighting, inanimate object collisions, effects for impact, wooshes, trailer effects etc.
    My oppinion soo far is Adobe CS suits are great and work well together, the software IS getting better so these are just my thoughts.

    FAQ: How do I submit a bug report or feature request or otherwise give feedback about Premiere Pro?

  • Pro Res v HDV v SD comparison test

    Just incase anyone is interested, I have just completed a comparison test for checking the processing times for converting HDV footage into SD (ready for authoring). Having read up on the forum,the options of keeping things in native HDV , converting to 422 or downconverting to SD at the start, I thought I would try a like for like test and see how it came out, both from a processing time and quality viewpoint. (this is only my test, so please don't hammer me if you don't agree, I am only trying to share this basic test.
    Exactly 1 minute of footage was filmed on Sony Z1 as HDV
    The footage contained a mixture of static, and slow pan shots, to make it a bit challenging.
    Option 1 - Capture and edit using Pro Res 422
    Option 2 - Capture and edit using native HDV
    Option 3 - Down convert from HDV to SD via the camera, edit in SD anamorphic (don't groan just yet)
    All clips had the exact same transitions and filters applied
    These were 2 x cross dissolves, 1x 3way colour corrected clip, 1 x speed modification clip.
    All processed on a new MBP 2.53 with all settings left as default (hopefully a fair representation for many)
    The process was to export a self contained QT file, import into compressor (best quality), timed until the MPEG2 and AC3 file icons popped up as complete and ready for import into DVDSP.
    The time results were as follows:
    Option 1 (Pro Res422) - time taken to exp to QT = 131sec, Compressor encode time=371sec
    Total time 502 secs i.e 8m 22s with the QT file size being 731mb
    Option 2 (native HDV) - time taken to exp to QT = 197sec, Compressor encode time = 400 sec
    Total time 597 secs i.e 9m 47s with the Qt file size being 192mb
    Option 3 (DC to SD 1st)- time taken to exp to QT = 22 sec, Compressor encode time = 94 sec
    Total time 116 secs i.e 1m 56s with the QT file size being 219mb (strange as i thought it would be less than the HDV version, but there we go)
    All 3 options were then imported into DVDSP and the same settings chosen for burning a SD DVD and the 3 dvds then displayed on a 42"plasma (pioneer) and 42"LCD (sony bravia).DVD players Sony upscaling DVD connected via HDMI and Sony Std DVD non upscaling DVD player.
    6 people(1 x BBC camera man, 1 X editor and 1 x program manager, 3 x general public ) were then persuaded to view DVDs and pick what they thought was the best. None had any knowledge as to which was which.
    Results surprised me, in so much that most struggled to spot the difference!
    1 picked the Pro Res (stating they thought it was a little sharper)
    1 picked the native HDV, giving a similar reason
    4 said that they would be happy with either and couldn't see any concernable difference to pick one over another.
    Ok so maybe not a scientific test, and I am sure some will say oh but...if you had done this, or that, then the results would have been different, but hey I only did the test to see in a real world, what the differences are. Certainly the processing times varied hugely from 1m56s to 9m47s for the same 1 minute piece of film. Likewise the QT file sizes from 192mb (hdv) to 731mb (422).
    So if storage or time are really critical, I hope it may be useful to anyone with little HDV experience (like me) to make a decision. At least in this case, most people cannot tell the difference for it to be that important.
    I would like to hear if anybody else has had too much time on their hands to carry out similar tests and come up with the same or different results?
    This is after all only a tiny piece of the jigsaw.

    It offers better performance when editing. HDV is processor intensive, and can take longer to render, and a lot longer to compress into your final format. And HDV is an 8-bit 4:2:0 codec. While you can't change that going to ProRes, ProRes is 4:2:2 10-bit, and color correcting that gives you better leway with color...you can push things more. just a TAD more, as your color information is already whack.
    But if you intend to master back to HDV, do not go to ProRes. To go back to HDV you need to capture as native HDV.

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