Lost desktop files

When we closed out an imaging program, we noted that all the files and folders on the desktop were gone. just the Hard drive icon was there. There was maybe 15 folder with several GB total on the desktop. But the desktop was clean. The trash still had a lot of old files/folders, but nothing from the desktop was in the trash. This is very serious, and I'm wondering if anyone knows how a iMac could selectively delete so many files, w/o emptying the trash.

When we closed out an imaging program...
What does that mean? Does it mean that you quit the program? What program was it?

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    I have exactly the same problem. I have tried Applejack and TechTools Pro to correct permissions and the files are still unaccessible.
    The computer is a 2x3 GHz Dual-core Intel Xeon w/16GB Memory, running OS X 10.4.10.
    I too would greatly appreciate a hint on how to access these files.

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    Driver Management concluded the process to install driver ssudbus.inf_x86_302ec72745f0f50d\ssudbus.inf for Device Instance ID USB\VID_04E8&PID_6860\3C1461E0 with the following status: 0x0.
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    Hi CcjNZek,
    In case we have misunderstanding, please explain a bit about the following questions:
    1. Do you mean that we lost some files when we failed in the process of transferring files by Bluetooth?
    2. What do you mean about the sentence ‘usb'd to a pc’?
    3. Do you use the phone to connect the Bluetooth? If so, please check if you have backed up those files.
    We could check the default folder of the file transfer.
    As we use the Windows 8.1, we could use the File History to restore your file in the Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, and Desktop folders and the OneDrive files available offline on your PC.
    Best regards,
    Fangzhou CHEN
    Fangzhou CHEN
    TechNet Community Support

  • Lost desktop

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    If there is any chance of recovery at all your best bet is Prosoft Data Rescue 3. There is a free trial to see if it can recover what you need. But don't do another process on that drive until you've downloaded and run it.
    That means that ideally you should use another bootable drive to download and run Data Rescue. Or booted from another Mac in firewire mode. Also, there is always the option of ordering or going to the store to  purchase the DVD. Then running from the optical drive.

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    2.firefox restart
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    *"the thing that puzzles me more is the system's weird failure caused afterwards. why to delete the desktop files?"*
    You need to boot from your install disk and check the hard disk using Disk Utility.
    Insert Installer disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu (Panther and earlier) or Utilities menu (Tiger and later) and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    (Check S.M.A.R.T Status of HDD at the bottom of right panel. It should say: Verified)
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    When you are finished with DU, from the Menu Bar, select Utilities/Startup Manager.
    Select your start up disk and click Restart
    If you cannot boot from your install disk, try booting in Safe Mode
    Did you repair the disk with DiskWarrior as mentioned here?
    *"Volume check failed.*
    *Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit (-9972)"*
    Did you repair disk then?

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    Cloud backup plans can slow your Mac down, and if used simultaneously with your Mac's networking, or you have an unreliable internet connection, could be the cause of your freezes.  You may be better off seeing if turning off iCloud temporarily helps.   This can especially be a problem with non-Apple routers whose firmware may not be up to date.   Multitasking with backups can lead to corruption of your backups.  Time Machine should only backup to hard drives twice the capacity of the original, otherwise it spends a lot of time trying to discover which archives to eraes to maintain room.  Here are some other options:
    Energy Saver can also create problems for backups, as it takes a moment for the Mac to recognize the connection.  Use screen saver instead of Energy Saver when backing up.  System Preferences lets you control both.   Putting hard drives to sleep when backing up is ill advised.

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    Hi Pat,
    I filled it out directly from the blank PDF online, and never got a chance
    to save the whole document.  I did however save it about 1/2 way through,
    but yet cannot find that 1/2 of the document either.  Thanks.

  • Unable to open desktop file /usr/share/applications/redhat-email.desktop for panel launcher: No such file or directory

    Dear Experts,
    Please note that I am facing a chllenge while confiuguring the VNCServer on the local test Server. The Local Test Sver OS Version is Redhat Enterprise Linux Server 
    Release 5.5 32-bit. Please review the following error message and advise me on how to fix the vncserver issue.
    [root@test .vnc]#  cat xstartup
    # Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:
    exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
    gnome-session &
    [ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
    [ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
    xsetroot -solid grey
    vncconfig -iconic &
    #xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
    twm &
    [root@test .vnc]#  cat /etc/sysconfig/vncservers
    # The VNCSERVERS variable is a list of display:user pairs.
    # Uncomment the lines below to start a VNC server on display :2
    # as my 'myusername' (adjust this to your own).  You will also
    # need to set a VNC password; run 'man vncpasswd' to see how
    # to do that.
    # DO NOT RUN THIS SERVICE if your local area network is
    # untrusted!  For a secure way of using VNC, see
    # <URL:http://www.uk.research.att.com/archive/vnc/sshvnc.html>.
    # Use "-nolisten tcp" to prevent X connections to your VNC server via TCP.
    # Use "-nohttpd" to prevent web-based VNC clients connecting.
    # Use "-localhost" to prevent remote VNC clients connecting except when
    # doing so through a secure tunnel.  See the "-via" option in the
    # `man vncviewer' manual page.
    # VNCSERVERS="2:myusername"
    # VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 800x600 -nolisten tcp -nohttpd -localhost"
    [root@test .vnc]# ls
    passwd test.oracle.co.zm:1.pid  test.oracle.co.zm:3.log  test.oracle.co.zm:5.pid  test.oracle.co.zm:6.pid
    test.oracle.co.zm:1.log test.oracle.co.zm:2.log  test.oracle.co.zm:5.log  test.oracle.co.zm:6.log  xstartup
    [root@test .vnc]# more test.oracle.co.zm:1.log
    Xvnc Free Edition 4.1.2
    Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd.
    See http://www.realvnc.com for information on VNC.
    Underlying X server release 70101000, The X.Org Foundation
    Tue Mar 11 11:18:37 2014
    vncext:      VNC extension running!
    vncext:      Listening for VNC connections on port 5901
    vncext:      Listening for HTTP connections on port 5801
    vncext:      created VNC server for screen 0
    Could not init font path element unix/:7100, removing from list!
    localuser:root being added to access control list
    No profile for user 'root' found
    Window manager warning: Log level 32: could not find XKB extension.
    ** (eggcups:13671): WARNING **: IPP request failed with status 1030
    ** (eggcups:13671): WARNING **: IPP request failed with status 1030
    ** (nm-applet:13697): WARNING **: No connections defined
    Initializing nautilus-open-terminal extension
    Unable to open desktop file /usr/share/applications/redhat-email.desktop for panel launcher: No such file or directory
    Unable to open desktop file /usr/share/applications/openoffice.org-1.9-writer.desktop for panel launcher: No such file or directory
    Unable to open desktop file /usr/share/applications/openoffice.org-1.9-impress.desktop for panel launcher: No such file or directory
    Unable to open desktop file /usr/share/applications/openoffice.org-1.9-calc.desktop for panel launcher: No such file or directory
    [root@test .vnc]#
    Mohammed Abdul Muqeet

    Try these 3 solutions
    1. Did you start vncserver services as:
    service vncserver start
    2.Check that port 5901 has not been blocked by a firewall:
    # nc -vz localhost 5901
    You should get a connection and a termination. If you get an error, fix the firewall.
    3. service iptables stop
    Hope This Helps

  • My desktop files and folders no longer appear on the screen. I think this is a result of an iPhoto updating.  It appears (from getting info) that now Desktop is being treated like a normal file for which an application to open it must be supplied.  Help?

    My desktop files and folders no longer appear on the screen.  I think this is a result of an iPhoto updating.  It appears (from getting info) that now Desktop is being treated like a normal file for which an application to open it must be supplied.  Can anything be done?  Incila

    You are not going to be able to run your old system from the backup on this old computer as the hardware is incompatible.
    You need to get a new computer or a refurbished one.

  • You know that whole .desktop file security scare?

    It goes something like this:
    1) Open a malicious email attachment or go to a website with malicious javascript or whatever...
    2) A program is downloaded and executed with your permissions
    3) It edits ~/.local/applications/synaptic.desktop or whatever other popular program.
    4) In the new .desktop file it adds to the run command some nasty key logger, so now when you launch Synaptic (or pacman if someone were to attack Archers) it logs your keystrokes.
    5) Now it has your root password and can do whatever it wants.
    I just want to know: How likely is this, really??
    Can a website seriously just download and run a file without me knowing? I doubt Firefox would let that happen... Or could an email attachment be executed without me being able to read it first? I'm pretty sure it can't...
    I don't understand why people seem to be concerned about .desktop files...
    I'm not even worried about my Windows machine on my home network. My router is set to reject as much stuff as it can and all computers have remote log-ins disabled. The only security problem I worry about is that my Fiancee's online courses actually send .doc's through the net, which I've heard is bad practice.

    What I've read about it has a nasty tweak, a properly crafted .desktop file could launch a dialog asking for your/root password, at that time it wrecks havoc in the system and open the add/remove software, updates or whatever is it disguised to do and the user doesn't realize what just happened.
    Of course there is always the other option of running as user and do whatever it can, if the creator is smart and lucky enough he/she will be able to put a nasty payload on the autostart list and the user can have a zombie machine without even knowing.
    It doesn't need to break the system to do a lot of damage, wiping or stealing data from the user account is enough. Of course, this has a higher probability of happening if you run and/or install everything you find in untrusted places without proper review first.
    The thing is that there are so many distros and so many versions of each distro, each with slightly different settings, DEs, browsers and whatnot that I guess it still isn't worth the bother unlike with platforms where everyone uses the same browser, possibly the default settings that come with a clean system install and worse, no security updates/patches.
    Add to this the complete lack of good sense and the common (and somewhat accepted I guess) practice of using cracks and keygens for you know what and you start to understand how come at least some users keep getting the same problems over and over again.
    These days with linux it is extremely easy to keep the system up to date with the latest security fixes, users tend to look free alternatives to payed programs and look first in the package manager to see if it is already available, this alone helps a lot, add a dose of good sense and you should be good to go.

  • TS4605 Hi, I was working in WORD on a file containing huge data. My machine just hung up one day while working and now I seem to have lost the file how do I get it back.  Please HELP me.

    Hi, I was working in WORD on a file containing huge data. My machine just hung up one day while working and now I seem to have lost the file how do I get it back.  Please HELP me.

    Well, iCloud has nothing to do with this.
    Do you have the built-in backup function Time Machine running on your Mac?
    See: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1427

  • I replaced my hard drive and I backed up my files on an external hard drive but when I reloaded my iweb to my imac none of my files were on it so I can't make changes to my Published web site have I lost my files what can I do

    I replaced my hard drive and I backed up my files on an external hard drive but when I reloaded my iweb to my imac none of my files were on it so I can't make changes to my Published web site have I lost my files what can I do

    By default iWeb keeps its data in (user)/Library/Application Support/iWeb in a file named Domain. Without this file you cannot proceed (other than by recreating the site from scratch using the published version as a reference) so you need to locate it on the original disk.
    To confuse matters, Apple have hidden the user’s Library folder in Lion and Mountain Lion to casual viewers, in an attempt to stop new Mac users messing their machines up. To access it, in the Finder go to the ‘Go’ menu and hold down the Option (Alt) key; the Library folder will appear as a choice.

  • Lost the 'file, edit' etc'task bar on the left side of my mail menu.  my upper left screen reads 'welcome to lightroom moblie.  I never had nor can use these.  how do i back to basic LR and upper left task bar?

    I have lost my 'file,edit, ...' task bar from the upper left side of my LR screen.  My upper left corner now reads something about welcome to Lightroom mobile. ( I have never had or used the mobile version and I can't use it anyway. )  When I push my mouse pointer up again the top of the screen the 'file, edit,...' does not reappear and stay as it has been doing for the last 3 years.  How can I get it back?  And, maybe what did I do so I can avoid this from happening again?  Thank you.  (I am not PC knowledgeable, please bear with me.)

    Does the menu bar appear when you move your mouse pointer to the top of your display. If so then you could change the behavior of Lightroom via the menu Window->Screen Mode
    Hope that helps

  • My computer broke and i lost all files including ITunes. what happens to all the stuff purchased already. will this appear in itues when i download it agian? how can i save the music on my ipod and transfere it over to the new itunes?

    my computer broke and i lost all files including ITunes. what happens to all the stuff purchased already. will this appear in itues when i download it agian? how can i save the music on my ipod and transfere it over to the new itunes?

    Unfortunely, all movies and songs purchased in iTunes will be lost...you'll have to purchase them again! Any applications you've purchased, you can download again for free.
    Music Rescue is a program you can use to transfer any and all data (music, movies, pictures..) from your iPod to your computer, and iTunes.

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