Low hum when converting analog to imovie

I'm trying to convert from Sony Handycam Hi8 analog to iMovie, using a Canopus ADVC-300. I get a low hum when I connect which gets worse when I press play. The hum is not on the original tape. Not sure what's causing this, but may be the cables? Here's what I'm using:
Out of Handycam: Svideo plus a mini-A/V output with red and white RCA at other end.
Out of convertor: firewire
I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks.

If the hum is not on the original tape, then it is probably caused by one of these issues. Check them out 1 by 1:
1 - a/v cable plug(s) not completely seated - check at the camera & at the ADVC
2 - camera audio out not set correctly (check the camcorder menus for the audio out setting ... usually you can toggle between headphone and a/v ... the wrong setting will generate hum ... you may need to try both settings)
3 - a/v cable is bad - try another cable
4 - ground loop ... three possible causes ...
• if you are running your ADVC and camcorder both on A/C power. Try running your camera just on battery, no A/C plugged in
• if you are running the ADVC on its power brick, disconnect the brick. The ADVC should still work via power from the FW cable - provided you are using the ADVC's 6-pin FW connector to connect it to your Mac
• both of the above
5 - some other audio device connected to your Mac at the same time as your ADVC
6 - ADVC is bad

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    I have the ADVC-100 (older model) and ADVC-110. They are identical except that the ADVC-110 does not come with an AC power adapter. Currently sells for about $220USD. If all you need to do is convert from HI8 tapes, the ADVC100/110 will do the job quite nicely.
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    Hi Rick,
    I am extracting the material from the dvd directly using handbrake. The file that handbrake creates lands on the desktop. I then ammend the end of the filename from mp4 to m4v. Following this I click and drag the file onto the itunes icon in the dock. I can then download it to the ipod no problem. The dropouts occur no matter where I play the file. In other words, on the desktop (with QT), in the itunes library and on the pod.
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    See also:
    4. Frequently Argued Questions
    4.1 Isn't 720 the real width of a 4:3 image? If not, then why are 720 pixels sampled instead of 711 or 702 (or whatever)?
    720 pixels are sampled to allow for little deviation from the ideal timing values for blanking and active line lenght in analog signal. In practice, analog video signal - especially if coming from a wobbly home video tape recorder - can never be that precise in timing. It is useful to have a little headroom for digitizing all of the signal even if it is of a bit shoddy quality or otherwise non-standard.
    720 pixels are also sampled to make it sure that the signal-to-be-digitized has had the time to slope back to blanking level at the both ends. (This is to avoid nasty overshooting or ringing effects, comparable to the clicks and pops you can hear at the start and end of an audio sample.)
    Last but not least, 720 pixels are sampled because a common sampling rate (13.5 MHz) and amount of samples per line (720) makes it easier for the hardware manufactures to design multi-standard digital video equipment.

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    Not sure what you mean by "breaks up in places".
    In iMovie4, the maximum clip size is 2 gigabytes. When importing from a camera or converter, iMove will just start a new clip ever 9 1/2 minutes (2 gb), but you don't lose a single frame.
    If you're getting irregular breaks, including the loss of video (may be hard to tell, if it's only a frame or two), you either have a cable problem (maybe just not plugged-in securely) or a VHS tape that is a bit out of synch. For that, you might need Time Base Correction, where the hardware will basically ignore the synch data on the tape and replace it with it's own. There are VCRs and video converters that have TBC built-in, but they're more expensive. There are also separate pieces of gear that do only that. I dunno whether digital cameras are available that do this.
    First, I'd see if it happens with other tapes, then try another VCR, before spending megabucks on more gear.

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    Not really. Depending on the numbers used, an HD file typically contains 6.5 to 9 times as much information as an SD version of the same video. As Appleman stated, AVCHD is highly compressed, typically having a data rate in the 100-120 Mbps range but wrapped in an MPEG container so as to reduced the required bandwidth to a measure comparable to that of SD files much less highly compressed.
    If there anyway that i can reduced the size? ie, only copy the files from camcorder directly instead of importing them from iMovie Would that help?
    Sure, you could copy the files to your hard drive or even use "Archive" option to move the files to you hard drive. This would take up much less space on your hard drive. But in the latter case the files could not be edited until you imported them into iMovie '09 which would, of course, turn them into AIC/AIFF files the same as if you had directly imported them into the application. In the former case, the files would not editable in iMovie '09 unless or until you manually convert them to an "edit" compatible compression format. But in this case you have the option of choosing what compression format and settings to use. You could, for instance, turn them into Motion JPEG or Photo-JPEG files for editing which would produce files smaller than AIC files. (SD files would be roughly half the size of AIC versions but I have never run any tests on HD files to see what king of ratio or quality you might end up with.) On the other hand, if you use a codec like H.264/AAC which allows you to set the target data rate limit, setting it low will make very small files of poor quality, moderate files of fair quality, or larger files of reasonable quality -- but the choice is entirely yours. Basically, the lower the data rate, the smaller the file and the poorer the quality. If you are importing at "full" resolution, then switching to 960x540 would also greatly reduce your editing files. Once again, the choice is yours. You must determine if file dimensions/resolution, file quality, or file storage space is most important to your work flow.

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    Thank you.

    tell me what software they used to achieve this.
    Apple sells iDVD on disk as part of iLife 11.
    Yes, there are programs that will put a movie on a DVD.   I have tried most of the other substitutes including Toast, Burn, and others.  None of them come anywhere near the ease-of-use and power of iDVD. IDVD is specifically designed to work with iMovie.
    With iDVD you can easily and quickly create DVDs with menus and graphics almost on the level of what Hollywood can do.
    IDVD is a wonderful piece of software and well worth the low cost of $40.
    IDVD remains a popular application in the Apple community. For a variety of obvious reasons Apple would prefer your movies to be stored on the cloud. Many people however prefer to have a physical copy, that they can possess, that is easily playable on over 700 million DVD players worldwide.

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    Tom -- the original analog tape was 8mm, recorded on a Sony Camcorder. In iMovie-09, I don't have any problem after having converted the analog tape to DV. It's becomes a problem (buzzing sound) when it export via XML into FCE4.0.1

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    Thanks much.

    Thanks to you both for the responses.
    I installed techtool, and then downloaded the current version, ran everything but surface scan (default setting is not to do this) and everything passed. I will probably do the surface scan overnight as I'm assuming that takes time. But, I guess it's a good sign that everything passed, though it leaves me wondering what all the humming is.
    Incidentally, it's NOT doing it right now, so it does turn off/on.
    Again, thanks.

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    When converting a .pptx file of 6MB to .pdf, the file size ballooned to 25MB. The original file was created on a PC. What happened? Why? How to fix? Thx.

    gssharpe wrote:
    What happened?
    Nothing much. Different formats.
    How to fix?
    Try editing the original file. Resample pics to a lower resolution, check out other graphics, check table borders (eliminate any dotted lines or borders), check font usage. When generating PDF, try Save As (instead of Print > Save As), although I don't expect that'll make much difference.
    Next, open the PDF in Preview, choose File > Save As, choose Format: PDF, Quartz Filterz: Reduce File Size. If that isn't enough, you can use ColorSync Utility to duplicate the Reduce File Size filter, and then edit it for a more aggressive size reduction. But keep in mind that size reduction means lower quality.

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    Windows 7
    Adobe Illustrator CC
    Adobe FrameMaker 12
    Acrobat Distiller XI
    Thank you so much in advance for your help.

    We use structured Framemaker, and insert the graphic as an element. It is a linked file, not imported. The files, as I mentioned, are AI files, not saved as EPS or a rasterized file type. It is a full vector .ai file.
    We have occasionally seen a similar problem when there have been overlays (to show dimension/shadows), but removing the overlay has solved the problem. What gets me, now, is that it is creating these seemingly random blocks in the graphics - as though parts of the illustration are being rendered as low-res bitmaps. In the PDF file, we can click on the poorly rendered section, delete it, and it removes a layer or two from the illustration, but the background is still intact (in other words, it doesn't leave a white gap).

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    OK, we're on common ground, that, although  I've thrown two press runs into the garbage, I haven't researched beyond -
    Lower case fi is a ligature; a separate glyph substituted for better spacing and appearance. In ID's preferences, you can toggle to show substituted glyphs. I cannot say if they are good or bad. From the Character Panel you can choose not to use ligatures.
    I do not know if I had a corrupt font or an incompatability between ID and AA. As a workaround I either opened the document on a different system, or turned off ligs.
    Notice how many errors I had in a directory based mostly in Southfield, for financial professionals.
    This problem would be better addressed in the ID forum.

  • No Audio When Converting Videos For iPod

    whenever i convert video files for my ipod they do not have audio. i have tried several programs, and none work. i have read other discussions about this, and found that MPEG Streamclip worked for other people, however whenever i try to convert using this program, it says "Error: Can't Prepare The Movie" Can anyone tell my why i can't convert these videos? i cannot figure it out. thanks alot.

    I am not sure what you mean when you ask what the "compression formats" are.The compression formet refers the manner in which the media was encoded and, by extension, how the media must be decoded. I.e., it determines which codec (encoder/decoder or compressor/decompressor) is to be used with the media file.
    If you can tell me where to find those i could tell you what they are. I can, however, play the video in itunes, quicktime, and MPEG Streamclip.Simnce the files are playable in QT, the most common place to look for codec information is in the "Show Movie Info" window following the "Format:" entry. E.g., it might say:
    Format: MPEG2 muxed, 640 x 480orFormat: Apple MPEG4 Decompressor, 320 x 240, millions
    AAC, Stereo, 48,000 kHz
    i also am not sure if there is audio in the source file.Do you hear any audio when the original file is played? If not and there is no audio track (or "muxed") information, then there may not be any sound for you to convert in the first place.
    how do i find out if it is muxed?If it is "muxed," the format entry we say so. In this case blocks of audio data and blockes of video data are interspersed in a single data stream (track). This is the normal way MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 audio/video data is synchronized. In addition, these formats commonly lose their audio content when converted using QT Pro, iTunes, iMovie, FCE, FCP, or other QT based "frame-to-frame" synchronized workflow. (In the case of MPEG-2 in MPEG Streamclip or QT, the QT MPEG-2 component must also be installed in order to convert the video data alone.)
    most of my videos that won't convert for an ipod are downloaded from the internet. how can i find out if they are corrupted or incomplete?Internet files should always be considered suspect -- especially if they come from a peer-to-peer source. Messages that indicated QT cannot open an otherwise fully compatible QT format is often the best indication that there is a corruption problem or that the files were improperly closed at one point or another.
    most of my videos that won't convert for an ipod are downloaded from the internet. how can i find out if they are corrupted or incomplete?Normally ypu would post them to a web site or FTP storage area and post the URL. If files were downloadedd from a particular web site (e.g., a QT movie trailer), simply post the URL for the particular web page.

  • Low quality when importing from camcorder

    I have an older camcorder (Sony TRV260, Digital8), and I noticed that when I import the footage into iMovie the quality is lower than when I watch it on my TV directly from the camera.
    Initially I thought that it's because the resolution of my iMac is higher, but even when I burn it on DVD it looks bad, almost pixelated.
    Are there any settings that I need to adjust?
    Any help is much appreciated. I have a whole bunch of tapes that I kept hoping that, once I get my iMac I will be able to edit and put them on DVD. Now I am really-really frustrated.
    What needs to be done?
    Many thanks in advance for your help.

    I got iMovie 06 but, when I tried to install it said that I should have iLife 08 installed.
    That's because you have iMovie 6.0.4 you want 6.0 > 6.0.3 ONLY 6.0.4 looks for iLife '08.
    You can get iMovie 06 in a number of ways. You cannot download it FROM APPLE any longer (it was free for a time). You can also find iMovie 06 on the iLife 06 install disc. You can buy iLife 06 on Amazon or eBay. WELL WORTH EVERY PENNY!
    iMovie 6.0.4 requires that iLife 08 is already installed. iMovie 6.0 thru iMovie 6.0.3 has no such requirement. There are no known functional differences between 6.0.3 and 6.0.4. If you install iMovie 06 from the iLife 06 disk it will probably be version 6.0 or 6.01. However you can update the software to 6.0.3 from Apple's Web site.
    http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/application_updates/imoviehd602combo .html
    If you want to have both iMovie 06 and iLife 09 (and most do) just install iMovie 06 first, then iLife 09. You are now UN-STOPPABLE!
    Also when you install iLife 08 or 09, iMovie 06 is not removed from the computer. Previous editions of iMovie were always un-installed when "upgrading" in the past. Apple leaves iMovie 06 on your system, because they want you to have it. iMovie 06 works great with iDVD 09.

  • Need converter - analog to digital via firewire

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    My Analog to DV passthrough settings memo:
    1. Take the tape out of the camcorder
    2. Connect the analog device's audio and video to the camcorder's minijack, use the S-Video jack for video if the output device supports S-Video
    3. Put the camcorder into VTR-mode
    4. Select A/V->DV out: ON, in VTR mode's menu choices
    5. Disable the info display on the the camcorder by toggling its DISPLAY button
    6. Put iMovie (or other DV application) to the Camera Mode
    The analog image should now appear on the camcorder's screen as well as on the iMovie's screen.
    Note that if you have a tape in the camcorder, you have to put the camcorder's VTR into REC mode (you may pause the tape) but this is not advisable because it produces wear to the tape.
    * Note that the SCART which comes with the European nEUtered TRV320E camcorder is Out-only.
    Is it possible to install iMovie 4 on an Intel iMac
    I believe iMovie 4 works only on PPC Macs.

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