Low voltage measuring

would measure a voltage in the order of 8.4 mVrms +/- 7% using the ni PCI-6143 card.  is that this choice will meet my needs?
is that twisted wires are required to do this kind of measurement ?

Hello Nebyl,
First of all i'll suggest you to answer in french (as we're here in the french part of the forums). If you accidentally went to the wrong part of NI Forums, i'll ask you to post here (if my following answer doesn't answer your first question) : http://forums.ni.com/t5/Multifunction-DAQ/bd-p/250
Pour résumer, vous auriez besoin de faire des mesures autour de 8 mVrms (+/-7%) avec la NI-6143, et vous hésitez à vous procurer un cable torsadé.
La carte pourra sans aucun doute faire la mesure. Au niveau du bruit, votre carte NI-6143 possède 8 entrées différentielles, ce qui réduira déjà le bruit par rapport à une masse référencée. Ensuite, le besoin d'un câble de réjection de bruit naîtra probablement de vos conditions de mesure. Si vous réalisez vos mesures dans un environnement relativement perturbé par un champ EM, ou que votre capteur/générateur de signal est loin de votre acquisition (longueur de cable >2 mètres), vous aurez un bruit d'autant plus grand, et dans ce cas un câble torsadé sera de mise. 
La carte NI6143 possède des accessoires adaptés à ce genre de mesure : http://www.ni.com/pdf/products/us/04_3512_301_101d​.pdf
Enfin, je vous suggérerai de faire quelques tests sans câble torsadé, et voir si la mesure est satisfaisante.
Eric M. - Application Engineering Specialist
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified LabWindows™/CVI Developer

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    The 1327 is a terminal block that acts as a front end for 1120D 1121 or 1125 measurement modules from the SCXI product range, the 1327 on its own can't make any measurements.
    Inside the terminal block are a set of DIP swtches per input, these can be set to 1:1 (for low voltage measurement) or 100:1 for the higher (up to 300V measurement). When you switch them to 100:1 make sure you also make this change in MAX to the module accessory on a chanel by chanel basis otherwise you will get some very strange readings when taking measurement, MAX doesn't automatically compensate for the DIP switch positions, you have to alter this as a seperate step - Mike

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    Go to Solution.

    If you have a sine generator (15Hz migth be hard for the soundcard ) you can do a calibration of your transformer.
    (If only the voltage amplitude is of interest , use a isolated DMM as reference and run your generators)
    Or you buy a isolation voltage sense amplifier. (weidmueller, phoenix, wago, ...)
    Greetings from Germany
    LV since v3.1
    “ground” is a convenient fantasy
    '˙˙˙˙uıɐƃɐ lɐıp puɐ °06 ǝuoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ ǝsɐǝld 'ʎɹɐuıƃɐɯı sı pǝlɐıp ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ'

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    thanks advance
    Go to Solution.

     I used a setup shown in Fig. 1 to measure potentials of 121 electrodes (120 zinc wire and 1 iron wire, 1mm in diameter, embedded in epoxy resin, each electrode allowed one surface exposed) in NaCl solution against a reference electrode (with a constant potential). The HI line of DMM was connected to r0 and the LO line was connected to the reference electrode.  
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    2. I connected one pin Ribbon cable (25 zinc wire connected to switch terminal). When the demo was run, I found that the potential was constant and about -0.56V, as shown in Fig.3.  
    3. When two pin Ribbon cables (50 zinc wire connected to switch terminal) were connected to the switch, similar result was obtained, which was shown in Fig 4.  
    4. When three pin Ribbon cables were connected to the switch, the potential of c135 fluctuated, which were shown in Fig 5 a-c.
    Fig.5 (a)
    Fig.5 (b)
    Fig.5 (c)
    We conclude that the number of the Zn wires have an effect on the Fe potential measurement using PX I 2535. But why not using PXI 2532 ?We also found other interesting phenomenon: when one or two pin Ribbon cables were connected to the switch (25 or 50 wire electrodes connected to the 2535), the waveform of the potential of c135 (Fe wire) can be affected by the nearby body action, e.g. stand up and sit down, go by the test table. The waveform changes were similar to the Fig.5.  I’d like to know the reason for this phenomenon and how to prevent it? Thanks advance.
    problem about measurement.pdf ‏113 KB

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    Go to Solution.

    Did you stop your VI when changing voltages?  It would make since if you did since the chart will retain its memory while the table's Express VI is reset with each run.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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    Is it magsafe adapter issue?

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    2. How does the "one sided interval width" affect my results and analysis time?
    3. Can I calculate the RMS voltage with FFT?
    4. Is there a way to redce the size of my data file to a manageable size file so the RMS function will run quickly, yet maintain accuracy?

    Hi Dave,
    Just a thought, If you have a 60 Hz signal, then the 100 Khz is way overkill for the sampling rate,   If you would resample the waveform at  say 20 X 60 hz= 1200 Hz you should have the same details  that would be in the 100 Khz sample signal.  That should take substantially less time to do a RMS calculation on the resampled channel. The two commands are listed below. 

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    Note: Labview 8.6

    TanWal wrote:
    I have tried all the possible/ suggested ways I can think of to improve the reading. There seems to be little that can be done in AC. Even applying the fast filter did nothing to improve the time. I tried to do DC voltage measurement, then take a multipt read and use the Basic rms.vi to obtain an AC value but this is very inaccurate. It seems that this DMM is very limited in its speed for this type of measurment.
    I took a look in the spec. Forget the DC way if you have frequencies higher 80Hz....however if you have sampled waveforms do a tone detection (FFT based) or better a SAM (sinus approximation via min MSE) to get the best out of your data ( For FRF with sinus excitation). With RMS measurements you will measure hum and noise too, however you didn't tell us the uncertainty goal nor your DUT.
    I don't use this instrument but from the spec and my experience with HPs(agilent) you should be able to get 10 reading/s in AC mode BUT still have to wait for the settling of the AC filter after switching (I assume you use the front and rear input)
    I would encourage you to write a small state machine for the task and post it here.  
    Greetings from Germany
    LV since v3.1
    “ground” is a convenient fantasy
    '˙˙˙˙uıɐƃɐ lɐıp puɐ °06 ǝuoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ ǝsɐǝld 'ʎɹɐuıƃɐɯı sı pǝlɐıp ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ'

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    . I guess the first step is to download the driver for keithley2000 http://sine.ni.com/apps/utf8/niid_web_display.model_page?p_model_id=248. I want to go step by step. Please give me the main key steps on how to proceed on this problem and i will then work in detail based on your directions.
    How do i know that laptop  is recognizing the meter and RS232 connection is sound? What are the next key steps i need to work on? Please give the directions.

    For fast reading, it is important not to use the MEAS? command, but READ followed by FETCH? (if I remember correctly). Normally these DMMs operate at 1 PLC (power line cycle -> 50/60 Hz), so you need to adjust the NPLC (number of power line cycles).
    There is to options to work with the Keithley DMMs inside LabVIEW. You could use the LabVIEW drivers for the Keithley 2000, those can be found on ni.com and on the keithey homepage. Propably they only implement GPIB, the you need to make some modifications on them for RS232. The other option is to send the commands as found in the DMM manual via VISA.
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  • Low Voltage FB-DIMMs

    A question for Apple:
    Is the new 2008 Mac Pro compatible with low voltage (1.5V rather than 1.8V) FB-DIMMs?
    For example, these: http://www.acmemicro.com/estore/merchant.ihtml?pid=5236&step=4
    (I do realize that an Apple approved heatsink would have to be added).

    Why take a chance? they don't mention ECC. There are other places with good prices.

  • Low Voltage

    We have 2 Apple XServes and one of them is reporting Low Voltage on the CPU 1 Vcore at 1.21 volts. The second Vcore is reporting normal at 1.27 volts. The other XServe is reporting a normal voltage of 1.27volts on both Vcores.
    Is this anything to worry about and what exactly is going? Any help or thoughts would be very much appreciated!
    thanks in advance,

    The word from Apple on this is that the voltage core thresholds are somehow hardcoded into the CPU itself. If you compare one box to another, the thresholds can be different.
    While your number may not be out of spec for the G5 processor, it is possible to be out of spec for the thresholds preset in the processor. (Extremely annoying, no?)
    My experience with this required that we swap out processors to fix the problem. Little else we tried would fix it, as there is no way to change the thresholds that System Monitor sees.

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    Is this anything to worry about and what exactly is going?
    Please Help!
    Thanks to you

    Do you do anything else that uses both processors? I am just curious as to why only with Retrospect.
    Yes, a low voltage warning is something to take seriously. Most likely your CPU, MB or power supply are about to take a dive.

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