LR 3 catalog questions

Ok.. I am embarrassed to say...
1. How do I change the mapping of my catalog backup.
2. how do I change my catalog settings location
for some reason, I did something as the files are now just dumping into a folder, not in any date folder or such.
in my folders, there are a lot of dates as in 2010-07-10  78 but the folder has a ? mark.
no photos there..
it shows lightroom 2 catalog 2 and I am now using LR3.
I am sure this is an easy item, but cannot seem to find how to edit the mapping.
thank you in advance

In your Lightroom directory you'll find your LR catalog, LR preview  file, backup directory with all backups if any.
If you have no images available when you open LR, probably the pictures are on another HD or in another place.. all images will be shown with a "?", concerned folders too.
The dated folders are on the picture side and shown in LR, without any "?" when pictures available. When no pictures available, you've to find them and remap your working catalog. Will be done in library section with right click on folder.. see User manual.
If you have a LR2 catalog and open your it with LR3, conversion is required (mandatory) to allow new format. But nothing to do with your pictures and adjustments of course. The new LR3 catalog will stay at same place under old LR2 catalog.
You don't have to change the mapping of your catalog backup, as long as your main LR catalog is not corrupted. In principle you can do it but what for ? The working catalog is probably not identical to the backuped one..
If you want to change your LR catalog location, just move or copy the whole directory. It's important to move the whole folder, particularly if you work with more than one catalog which is perhaps not in same location.. But you can, for security reasons, copy the backup catalog on other HD.
Hope this will help.

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    When you import a catalog, the Import Dialog will come up. Click copy to new location and Import. Lightroom will import using the existing folder structure as is.

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    You are actually exactly right.
    I spent the morning deleting all I had done on the NAS drive and exporting as a catalog with negatives to the NAS. It now has everything I wanted there including the history and collections.
    Took a while to get there, but works just fine now and I have two catalogs - one portable and one server based with the .ircat on the laptop for both. Not the most intuitive, but done.

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    The conversion process is pretty buggy. Make sure you do File > Catalog > Recover in PSE 4 before attempting conversion.  If that doesn't work, see steps 2 and 4 of this FAQ: alogs
    2. Now that I have re-installed 7, the old catalog I converted in May is still there. I need to delete this PSE 7 catalog in its entirety and reconvert my current PSE 4 catalog. When I try that, I get an error message that says "My Catalog already exists - use another catalog name". How do I get rid of the version 7 catalog from May?
    You can delete the old catalog by doing File > Catalog, selecting My Catalog, and clicking Remove.
    3. PSE 4 gave me the choice of showing my photos in either date sequence or in file name sequence within each folder. Does PSE 7  have the same ability to display in file name sequence? If so, I can't find it.
    Display > Folder Location

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    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes
    4. Yes
    5. Yes, you have to add it in your operating system first, and then add it to LR
    Having said all that, I point out that Lightroom is  NOT a file browser. It only knows about photos (and the folders that contain them) that have been imported into LR, and so you have to alert Lightroom properly of any changes that are made outside of Lightroom.

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    A single Lightroom catalog can support photos stored on multiple disks, even offline photos. If you want to move photos from one disk to another you can do the moves within Lightroom. If you choose to do the move in the OS then you can relink the photos. In short, it can all be done with a single catalog.
    See this:Adobe Lightroom - Find moved or missing files and folders

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    3 - Anyone have a step-by-step of how to deploy app to application catalog?
    Atenciosamente Julio Araujo

    1, Primaries, or separate site servers
    2, Yes, no problem with a package.
    -- My System Center blog -- Twitter

  • New User To Lightroom 3 - File / Catalog Questions?

    My first time out I did an " Import Photos " and all looks good, but I have some questions about where the image files are located?
    First my setup .....
    "C" drive contains all applications and operating system
    "G" drive contains iPhoto libraries and this is where I copy all files before doing anything with the.
    "G" is an external drive and allows me to easily move work between two different computers.
    I do "Import Photos" and pointed it toward the folder on the " G " drive labeled " Timonium Bike Show "
    All images were imported into LR3, but where are the physical files kept?
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    I plan to do most of the work in LR3, occasionally as needed going to an external editor.
    Catalog Names ...... Can I rename a catalog once it has been created, or only name it before it is created in the creation dialog box?
    Prior to LR3 I was using Apple's iPhoto for organization, and Adobe PSE 9 for editing.
    Thanks foir any and all help.

    Catalog Names ...... Can I rename a catalog once it has been created, or only name it before it is created in the creation dialog box?
    You can rename the catalog, but why bother? It doesn't matter what you call it.
    By the way, for beginners, the advice is to use only a single catalog for all of your photos. The only time you would need multiple catalogs (and thus specific catalog names) is if you had photos that absolutely needed to be separated, such as personal and work.

  • Catalog questions before I make this move

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    Actual location of RAW photos: /Volumes/photodump/photos/originals/[year]/[location]/[style]/[yyyymmdd]/
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    Your licence allows you to install LR3 on two computers at a time, and you're not limited by brand.
    Just copy your Lightroom catalogue (an lrcat file) and its previews file (lrdata extension) over to the other computer, and copy the images folder too (keeping the same folder structure).
    Now over on the Windows computer, double click the lrcat file and you'll see the folders show question marks. Click these, and choose to update the folder location to where they are on that computer.
    Once that's safely done, you've verified everything's OK and you've got backups, you can inflict whatever physical damage you wish on your iMac.

  • CCM 2.0 edit catalog question

    Hello group,
    We have several catalogs in SRM but now want to start using CCM and a master catalog. I've configured everything with the configuration fact book CCM 2.0. And can start editing the master catalog. But now I'm lost. I would like to have just one item in the catalog. Have read that you should upload schema's, but I don't know how to make csv's for that. I've made a schema and a catagory, and can assign new made fields to them, but I don't want to make a mapping from nothing. Now I also cannot get rid of the schema and try something else.
    Does anyone have a helpfull link or can anyone tell me what to do?

    <u>Please refer to the following links.</u>
    <b>CCM automatic upload of CSV files
    Re: Uploading in CCM
    Re: CCM 2.0 Sample file CSV
    Re: How to change an existing line item in CCM catalog using CSV file?
    Re: Date Problem in CSV 2.0 Format in CCM
    Re: How to change an existing line item in CCM catalog using CSV file?</b>
    - Atul

  • Lightroom 3 catalog question (newbie)

    I have been using bridge but recently installed lightroom 3. I wish to make one overall catalog containing all the images in my Images folder,a large C drive folder with numerous sub-folders. I restarted LR with alt key down (PC) and specified this folder. Now LR appears to be importing the same images repeatedly. Is this normal?

    No, it is not normal.
    I cannot figure out how you may have achieved the effect.
    But in order to savely arrive at your objective stated in your opening post, I would suggest you start all over again, like this:
    Just open Lightroom normally, then go to menu File-New catalog, specify your own meaningful name (e.g. "birdgeek LR master catalog") and point to where you want the new catalog to be saved. LR will relaunch with this new catalog.
    Then you can specify basic catalog settings in the menu Edit-Catalog settings.
    Then you import all your images ("Add") by pointing to the root folder where all your pictures to include are stored. On a PC this might be C:\Users\[your windows user name]\Pictures.
    Then leave LR alone for quite a while, depending on the number of files.
    LR will leave your images where they are, but create the thumbnails inside its database and render the previews.

  • Catalog Question

    My collection of photos is growing and I would like to put some of the pictures that I don't use all the time onto a portable hard drive for storage.  Is there any way to do this, or would I have to put those in a seperate catalog?  I would not have the portable hard drive plugged in all the time.  Thank you for your help!  I have the latest version of Lightroom 3

    No reason to put those photos into a separate catalog. Just move the folders you want onto the portable drive from within LR. This will keep the connection between your catalog and the actual image location. Just make sure the portable drive gets the same drive letter assigned every time you plug it in (assuming you're on Windows). If you don't know how to assure that, come back here and ask.
    You don't need to have the portable drive plugged in all the time. If it's offline, LR will show the folders missing, but you can still browse through the previews and see/work on metadata. You won't be able to do develop work, print or export images if the drive is not online.
    If you don't see the drive you want to move your photos to in the folder panel, create an empty top-level folder on it using Windows Explorer and then add this folder to LR using the little "+" right next to the word "Folders" and choosing "Add Folder ...". After that, you can drag/drop existing folders in the folder panel into this folder.

  • Catalog backup (only catalog) question

    I have been using PSE 9 on Win7 64-bit for more than a year, but just recently I have started using Organizer.  Actually, I haven't started using it, but I have been experimenting with it using a test catalog that only has about 25 photos in it.  Before I start really using Organizer for all my photos and spend lots of time adding keywords and assigning star ratings to my photos going back years I want to make sure that I will be able to keep all of this work in the future when I change computers or buy a newer version of PSE/Organizer.
    Organizer has a catalog backup/restore function, but it also backs up all the photos, not just the catalog so I won't use it.  I currently have about 500gb of photos (raw from various cameras, jpegs from various cameras, and film scans).  I have 3 complete copies of the photos on 3 1tb external hard disks.  Of course, when I back up the catalog I do not want to also back up all my photos since I carefully back those up already and have 3 copies so I want to only backup the catalog.  The Organizer catalog is stored here:
    All Users: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\Catalogs\Catalog Name
    Current User: C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Elements Organizer\Catalogs\Catalog Name
    If I back up the Organizer catalog (the above folder) myself (without using the Organizer backup function) is that all that needs to be done?  For example, I have my photos on an external hard disk and those photos have been imported into Organizer, I add keywords/star ratings, and then I copy the Organizer catalog to a folder on the external hard disk to back it up.  I then replace my computer with a new one.  I install PSE 9/Organizer on the new computer.  I connect the external hard disk and copy the catalog from there to the proper folder on my new conputer.  When I start Organizer on the new computer will it use the catalog and everything will be as it was on the old computer?  I just want to make sure that copying that catalog is all that is required (along with having the photos in the same place on the same external hard disk -- same drive letter as when photos were imported).
    By the way, if I had an extra computer I would try this myself, but I only have the one I am using right now.  I hope someone knows the answer.  Thanks!

    Yes that should work provided you get the files all back in the same structure. People trying that method have had problems with differing file structures e.g. moving from XP (Documents & Settings/My Picture/Folder) compared with Windows 7 (User/Pictures/Folder) but if you are always using an external hard drive, you simply have to make sure the port on the new computer uses the exact same file path.
      If you right click on any thumbnail in organizer and choose show properties you can see the file path for each individual file.
    It could be something like F:\Vacation Photos\IMG_1234.jpg
    So you need to maintain consistency and always keep the external hard drive connected to the same port that corresponds with the drive letter F. Never swap the USB or connector around.
    The file you need to back up is catalog.pse9db
    If you buy a new version of PSE at the same time as a new computer you would need to install PSE9 first, then install the new version and upgrade the catalog.
    P.S. if you are gradually building your organizer catalog it will help in the future if you embed metadata as you go along. I suggest when you import a batch of photos that you tag them and create your albums etc. Then press Ctrl+A to select all and on the top menu click File à Write Keyword & Photo information to files. If for any reason your backup fails you can still import again with all your tags etc intact. it’s a good housekeeping habit to get into.

  • BE 9.1 for Netware catalog question

    Hi all,
    Anyone know of a way to view/print catalogs outside of BE? What I'm after is creating a file with the entire directory structure from a catalog. There is the catdump utility, but it looks like it is for the Windows version only. Or can I run that against a BE for Netware catalog?
    Thank you
    Len Bonk
    Network Analyst
    Community Unit School District 200

    Originally Posted by lbonk
    Hi all,
    Anyone know of a way to view/print catalogs outside of BE? What I'm after is creating a file with the entire directory structure from a catalog. There is the catdump utility, but it looks like it is for the Windows version only. Or can I run that against a BE for Netware catalog?
    Thank you
    Len Bonk
    Network Analyst
    Community Unit School District 200
    OK, found in the documentation that catdump can read any versionk's catalogs. I just have to find an eval copy of BE for NT 8.5 or 8.6.

  • Lightroom catalog question

    i need advice on the issue i encountered with importing a catalog into LR 2.5 and LR 2.6.
    i recently deleted a catalog file from a laptop hard drive. i used laptop on my recent trip and upon return transferred all the photos to my desktop machine where i run LR2.6. i forgot to transfer catalog file from the laptop. later i cleaned up laptop hard drive. when i realised what happened (about 3 months of hard labor of processing pictures) i used a recovery software (iCare Data Recovery) to recover deleted catalog.
    catalog file was found and supposedly recovered to hard drive.
    however, when i try to open this catalog (file-->open catalog) i get an error message "The Lightroom catalog "catalog name" is corrupt and cannot be used or backed up until it is repaired".
    i am given an option to Repair Catalog and upon selecting this option an error message comes up "The Lightroom catalog "catalog name" is corrupt and cannot be repaired at this time".
    any thoughts on this issue?
    thank you

    nop, did not work.
    i guess there is one positive consolation out of this disaster - i get to relive the wonderful holiday experience once again, although only in pictures
    thank you Victoria

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