LR2 stalls, hangs, crashes, etc.

I've been using the LR2 trial rather intensely over the past couple of days. I was hoping to avoid upgrading, but after looking at the Adobe Camera Standard profiles, the output sharpening, the gradient filters, etc. it won me over. I haven't actually bought it quite yet though, and I'm starting to second guess myself due to a whole host of random issues it seems to be struggling with (coming from a long-time LR1 user).
- Unexplained slowness sometimes in generating web photo galleries. It's generating a gallery as I write this in fact, and I just watched it spend ten seconds on writing a single HTML file. It spent about the same amount of time writing a CSS file. It hasn't even started on exporting images, and it's been running for over five minutes now. The web gallery preview area clears and refreshes every so often. I have no idea why, and that's obviously not normal behavior. At this rate, it's going to end up taking 15+ minutes to generate a gallery with thirty images in it - all from low-res old digital camera JPEG files so it's not even converting from RAW or anything like that.
- Sometimes the web gallery generation will appear to not do anything at all for quite some time. i.e. I press the Export button, enter the folder name, hit Save, and... nothing seems to happen. If I look in the output folder area, I'll see that it has actually created the new folder and a 'content' subfolder but done nothing else. There's no discernible activity, and I can poke around in other parts of LR just fine. If I'm patient, it may actually start doing something in a couple of minutes. Or it may not, and I'll end up restarting LR instead. Who knows.
- Painfully slow importing of JPEGs. I had about 150 old JPEGs from a three megapixel digital camera to import. It took over ten minutes to import half of them, and at that point LR froze entirely. I had to kill the LR process manually, restart the program, and import the rest... which took another ten minutes. Though it did at least finish that batch.
- Other hangs. I did a mass application of the new Adobe Camera Standard profile to a bunch of RAW photos, and wanted to refresh their preview images. So I left it doing this overnight. Unfortunately it hung somewhere along the way, so it only got about 15% of them done. So I restarted it that morning to do the same thing... and came home from work to discover that it had hung again. *sigh* I have no idea how many attempts it would actually take to get all the preview images updated.
- I've also had some issues where I'd start something running within LR, and the entire application would start flashing out of existence and then back periodically. This might happen a half dozen times, before I get sufficiently annoyed and minimize the application hoping that it might actually continue its work.
Now it doesn't always do these things. Since I started writing this, I have in fact managed to generate a couple more web galleries which were created very quickly with no problems. I have no idea why it was an issue for the other galleries. What it means unfortunately is that I have no faith in LR2 for anything. Each time I generate a web gallery, I'm going to be crossing my fingers hoping it behaves itself. Similarly for just about any major operation, or even a simple import. That's no way to work.

Jeff, thanks for your comment that deleting the preference file is "troubleshooting 101" (
Jeff Schewe, "LR2 stalls, hangs, crashes, etc." #3, 7 Aug 2008 1:33 pm)
My question is this:
Given the words "preference" and "file" but with no knowledge of the actual file, how do I find it?
I'm not asking
i where
it is, I'm asking
i how
I would find it if I didn't know.
I tried:
Using LR help
Going to LiveDocs (a link on the LR help page)
typing "ls -R | grep -i pref"
(which gave me AgPrefUtils.lua, AgPreferencesWin.lua,
LrPrefs.lua, PrefsWindow.lua from within
searching these fora
posting a question in these fora and waiting 48 hours
googling "adobe lightroom preference file", which took
me to an Adobe knowledgebase article that finally told
me the file would be in
~/Library/Preferences on Mac OSX.
Given that I've seen it referenced many times, I'm surprised that in my hour of need it was so difficult to locate. I politely suggest that there is at least a case for putting a link to the knowledgebase article in the help files.
I actually think Adobe need to acknowledge that not everyone is online all the time, and perhaps include a comment along the lines of the "troubleshooting 101"
i in the LR help files!

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    This seems to happen now and then. It's not consistent, but when it happens it is obviously annoying. Up to the point where aerendercore is running flat out while it's using all 24 threads on my MP6,1 12-core. Then it suddenly stalls and the aerendercore process falls down to using around 8% cpu as seen in Activity Monitor.
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    I've also noted that if I switch user accounts that this problem goes away for a while but will eventually re-occur.
    Maybe a pref file gets corrupted, but dunno...
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    Jeff, thanks for your comment that deleting the preference file is "troubleshooting 101" (
    Jeff Schewe, "LR2 stalls, hangs, crashes, etc." #3, 7 Aug 2008 1:33 pm)
    My question is this:
    Given the words "preference" and "file" but with no knowledge of the actual file, how do I find it?
    I'm not asking
    i where
    it is, I'm asking
    i how
    I would find it if I didn't know.
    I tried:
    Using LR help
    Going to LiveDocs (a link on the LR help page)
    typing "ls -R | grep -i pref"
    (which gave me AgPrefUtils.lua, AgPreferencesWin.lua,
    LrPrefs.lua, PrefsWindow.lua from within
    searching these fora
    posting a question in these fora and waiting 48 hours
    googling "adobe lightroom preference file", which took
    me to an Adobe knowledgebase article that finally told
    me the file would be in
    ~/Library/Preferences on Mac OSX.
    Given that I've seen it referenced many times, I'm surprised that in my hour of need it was so difficult to locate. I politely suggest that there is at least a case for putting a link to the knowledgebase article in the help files.
    I actually think Adobe need to acknowledge that not everyone is online all the time, and perhaps include a comment along the lines of the "troubleshooting 101"
    i in the LR help files!

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    Tom, <br />
    I am glad it is working again after following Moses's advice.
    You say give us volunteers better ammunition, would help with troubleshooting. Well one thing you could have done along those lines was to follow the prompts to include full troubleshooting information in your question.
    You have marked the thread solved and so it appears running in safe mode with plugins disabled solved the issue for you. That is commonly seen in searches as a troubleshooting step because it is useful. Firefox is highly customisable something people like, but the downside is all the various addons do not always work well in every situation and combination.
    The action was only intended as a troubleshooting step, but you may well have more than one single issue here and may need further help sorting that out. I appreciate you are frustrated & not swearing '''at''' ''Moses'' but you are probably more likely to find help if you tone down the language.
    I can not be sure yet but probably most of you problems are not directly related to the upgrade of Firefox from Fx28 to Fx29.

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    In any case, whenever this happens, it means in all practicality PS CC is not working, so I either kill it or it's crashed.
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    I did upgrade my NVIDIA card (from GeForce GTX 260 [with current driver] to GTX660), just in case it was a factor (maybe kept it from crashing as fast? hard to tell... but it's still an unworkable problem). You can see from my Sys Info shown here from the PS CC Help menu  that it should be more than sufficient for any PS CC task, and it's running the latest driver:
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 14.2.1 (14.2.1 20140207.r.570 2014/02/07:23:00:00) x64
    Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
    Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:14, Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2
    Physical processor count: 4
    Processor speed: 2664 MHz
    Built-in memory: 16379 MB
    Free memory: 12453 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 14697 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 60 %
    Image tile size: 1024K
    Image cache levels: 4
    Font Preview: Medium
    TextComposer: Latin
    Display: 1
    Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1200, right=1920
    OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    OpenGL Drawing Mode: Advanced
    OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.
    gpu[0].Renderer="GeForce GTX 660/PCIe/SSE2"
    gpu[0].Vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
    gpu[0].glGetString[GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION]="4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler"
    I work on digital-photography files, and use a layer mask in almost every file, so this relatively-recent bug is a big PITA, having to switch back and forth between CS6 and CC!
    Until there's a fix... is there a way to roll-back my PS CC version to BEFORE the JAN 15, 2014 update?

    I am not qualified to comment on technical issues; I'm just a user whose son in IT is my 'technical support department.' (But he's not much of a PS user.)
    I'm pretty sure, however, that all my Prefs were set to the same things BEFORE the Jan 16, 2014 PS CC update as after (unless the update itself changed something I was unaware of... the settings APPEARED to be the same but I can't easily locate my notes of what my Prefs were from long ago).
    And they were the same as the PS CS6 I have had installed on this same system for a very long time, with older video card with older driver, with newer driver; newer video card with newest driver, etc. Yet after that CC update, CC has not (until this workaround) worked re 'the masking bug' for me, yet CS6 has always worked just the same.
    So I conclude that the only variable (other than the video card upgrade I did in an attempt to solve this and of course those Windows auto-updates) in this scenario IS something to do with PS *CC*, and after Jan 16, 2014.
    As for restarting the machine vs. restarting PS, well, PS is the major player of my system, so when I shut that (and LR) down, I might as well 'clean things up' by Restarting. BTW, I am in the habit of closing and reopening PS (CC or CS6) whenever I finish with a file and load another, in order to get back some of that memory which PS never seems to want to let go. (This is not new to the latest versions, I think. My son says it's a 'memory hog'? ;-) ) I track its memory use in Windows' Task Manager and find that seems to let it 'refresh' itself. (See, I told you I'm not a technical person. ;-) ) But I do not think this has anything to do with the bug. Just a quirk of PS. Like when a tool goes all wonky (for example, its little icon becomes just a 'plus' sign even though the tool is still performing correctly, it's telling me, I think, that it would like to be restarted. And that makes it feel all better... I mean, tool icon reappears.)
    Anyway... it's up to Adobe to figure out IF and what may be wrong with PS CC -- it still doesn't work for me as I had it configured at first, and I think it should, right? -- and to fix that... PLEASE. SOON.

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    Hello everyone.
    Lately my browser has been hanging/crashing on multiple websites. It doesn't matter what browser I use which is the odd thing! A browser always crashes at around the same time (about a second or two into loading). I am constantly force-quitting browsers and restarting them. I feel like it has something to do with Flash because the crashes occur whenever I visit Youtube, Myspace music pages or other sites with Flash applets on them (such as my blog where I have embedded videos).
    Here are a bunch of sites my browser hangs on. Maybe you can find something in common with them all?
    And of course, everything runs smoothly when visiting sites with basic HTML, Javascript, etc. I can search Google, use Wikipedia, use Flickr, go to my website at, go to my business website at, browse, use this forum, etc.
    I've tried updating and reinstalling adobe flash player, restarting my computer, repairing permissions, using software update, etc. Restarting actually temporarily fixed the problem but within a few hours of browsing, it started happening again.
    Any ideas?!
    EDIT: I was able to go to and successfully watch videos there. Now I'm even more confused.
    Message was edited by: angelhair00

    Try resetting Safari. From the Menu Bar, click Safari/Reset Safari. Select the top 5 buttons and click Reset.
    If that doesn't help, try Open DNS Click the computer icon and follow the instructions.
    Also try deleting this file.
    /Users/YourName/Library/Preferences. Drag that file from the Preferences folder to the Trash, empty the Trash and restart your Mac.
    Go here for information on background maintenance.
    Make sure you have available disk space. Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon. Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. Make sure you always have a minimum of 10% to 15% free disk space at all times.
    If none of the above helps, post the most recent crash log.
    How to locate a crash log:
    1. Open Finder.
    2. Click "Go" in the menu, then select "Go to Folder".
    3. Copy and paste this path into the Finder dialog:
    4. Click the Go button.
    5. Finder opens the folder containing the crash log. Look for a the crash file with a date field that looks like the most recent.

  • Getting hang/crash problem when I try to close browser window from applet

    I have a small Apllet that has a button that calls a Javascript function in the opening window, to close the window in which it is loaded.
    The Applet window is a PopUp window from one of my application's window. First time I start my application and load that Applet the button works fine. It calls the Javascript method and the Method closes the window using the self.close() method.
    But now if I open the applet window again and click on the button to close the windows, it hangs. I put in trace statements and saw that it hangs on JSObject.getWindow() window.
    I am using JDK Plugin 1.4.2_07 and 5.0 , if I work out on IE browser, it works fine.But when I use firefox or mozilla it gives problem of hanging/crashing.
    Note that in case of 1.4.2_07 this problem experienced some times but in case of 5.0 it gives always for other than IE browser.
    Please, if somebody could give me some clue about why this would happen, I will really appreciate that. and code related to this is given below
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import netscape.javascript.JSObject;
    public class TestApplet extends JApplet implements ActionListener{
    protected JButton closeButton = null;
    protected JSObject win = null;
    private JFrame frame = null;
    private boolean alreadyClosed = false;
    public void init(){ = JSObject.getWindow(this);
    this.closeButton = new JButton("Close Browser Window");
    frame = new JFrame("Test Frame");
    frame.setSize(300, 400);
    frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    alreadyClosed = true;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
    public void stop() {
    if (!alreadyClosed) {
    alreadyClosed = true;
    private void closeLaunchedBrowser() {
    final TestApplet thisObject = this;
    Runnable r = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    try {
    JSObject win = (JSObject)JSObject.getWindow(thisObject);
    if (win != null && win.toString() != null) {
    //"close", null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    Thread t = new Thread(r);

    I am waiting for any reply. I have tried for all these below options still I am getting Problem. I heard this is because of javascript, it wont call methods more times .Thats
    why I need other than JSObject or java script solution.If some one know anything about this or any modifications I have to made for the below options to avoid that problem please let me know.
    // URL durl = new URL(thisObject.getCodeBase(), "test/CloseMe.htm");
    // System.out.println("URL :" + durl.toString());      
    // thisObject.getAppletContext().showDocument(durl);
    //     thisObject.getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL("javascript:window.close();"), "_self");
    //"close", null);
    //Object[] args = { "close", new Integer(50) };
    //"setTimeout", args);
    //win.eval("setTimeout("close", new Integer(50));");
    If it is the problem of JRE I just need it should work on 1.4.2_01 or higher.

  • Flash Builder 4.5.1 for Mac hanging/crashing during startup "Loading Workbench"

    I'm having ongoing trouble with Flash Builder 4.5.1 hanging/crashing during startup.
    Sometimes the following Terminal command fixes the issue:
    cd ~/Documents/Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\ 4.5/cascaded/308971/configuration/.settings
    rm org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs
    However this isn't a silver bullet solution, and sometimes the only way is to uninstall and reinstall FB4.5.
    But this is a major hassle, especially after 3 or 4 times!
    I am running Mac OS X 10.7 and have updated to FB 4.5.1 Premium and also installed Subversion/Subclipse as well as the BlackBerry PlayBook SDK.
    Problems seem to occur when working in SVN projects.
    I have also noticed that the Delete and Arrow keys and Right Click fails to work sometimes also.
    Is there a way to reset / clear FB 4.5 Prefs / Workbench?
    David Douglas
    Here is the console report below:
    /Applications/Adobe/Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\ 4.5/Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\\ Flash\ Builder\ 4.5 ; exit;
    !SESSION 2011-09-13 15:07:58.914 -----------------------------------------------
    java.vendor=Apple Inc.
    BootLoader constants: OS=macosx, ARCH=x86, WS=cocoa, NL=en_US
    Framework arguments:  -keyring /Users/david/.eclipse_keyring -showlocation
    Command-line arguments:  -os macosx -ws cocoa -arch x86 -keyring /Users/david/.eclipse_keyring -consoleLog -showlocation
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.resources 2 10035 2011-09-13 15:08:02.101
    !MESSAGE The workspace exited with unsaved changes in the previous session; refreshing workspace to recover changes.
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 2 0 2011-09-13 15:08:02.905
    !MESSAGE Warnings while parsing the commands from the 'org.eclipse.ui.commands' and 'org.eclipse.ui.actionDefinitions' extension points.
    !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.ui 2 0 2011-09-13 15:08:02.906
    !MESSAGE Commands should really have a category: plug-in='com.qnx.flashbuilder.multiplatform.qnx.ui', id='com.qnx.flashbuilder.multiplatform.qnx.ui.commands.OpenInfoCenter', categoryId=''

    Delete the Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 folder from your Documents (assuming you don't have anything valuable in there). That seemed to work for me, as I don't keep my projects in there but there were some temp files that were breaking it. You'll probably have to re-inport your projects.
    Adobe, I'm getting very sick of your (expensive) products wasting my time.

  • Sql Developer hangs/ crashes while debugging

    While happily debugging a piece of an SQL package using the remote debugger, I get a hang/crash on SQL devleoper. This occurs when I highlight a piece of code in the debugging window. The application freezes and has to be restarted using WindowsTaskManager.
    Is this a reported bug? I was not able to find any discussion on the OTN forums or a quick google.
    Oracle SQL Developer
    Build MAIN-09.87
    IDE Version:
    Product ID: oracle.sqldeveloper
    Product Version:
    Component     Version
    =========     =======
    Java(TM) Platform     1.7.0_17
    Oracle IDE
    Versioning Support
    OS is Windows XP
    Edited by: BillArms_GS on May 30, 2013 12:41 PM

    We monitor these forums, but it's a unofficial place for bugs to be reported. Enhancements and bugs can be reported to My Oracle Support. You can also post your ideas up for other users to vote up at
    And thanks

  • Remote Desktop Services Manager Hangs / Crashes

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    server 2003.
    Any valuable suggestion????

    As a test, please create a new domain admin user account, log on to the server with it, and then open RDS Manager.  Do you see the same issue with the new account?

  • Flash  problems, by hanging/crashing in win7 64bit ?compatibility

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    They're 100% fully compatible with Win 7. At least on my Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit machine, there are no problems with FF, Opera, Safari, Chrome or IE 10.
    Keeping BOTH Flash Player and Shockwave up to date, helps.
    Flash Player Uninstaller
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)
    Shockwave Player Uninstaller
    Shockwave Player 12 FULL Installer
    Use those to do a complete uninstall and reinstall.
    IF it still crashes frequently, check your other FF plugins to see if there's a conflict.

  • Forced or abrupt (crash etc) server shutdown - What is this?

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    07/08/01 14:55:29 Forced or abrupt (crash etc) server shutdown detected startin g recovery process...
    07/08/01 14:55:29 Recovery completed, 0 connections committed and 0 rolled back.
    Would be great if someone could shed some light as to whats going on.

    05/11/02 09:53:47 Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g ( initializedHi, doesn't that mean that your OC4J server has been recovered successfully and has initialized successfully? Try accessing the urls that were known to work. Any problem?
    You should see little message on the console from that point on unless you use the admin tool or you start oc4j with some debugging/profiling flags or something serious has happened.
    05/11/02 09:53:44 log4j:ERROR Could not find value for key log4j.appender.errorThis error is unlikely to be related to oc4j. You may start oc4j with one more java option:
      java -Dlog4j.debug=true -jar oc4j.jar
    to debug that error.

  • Forced or abrupt (crash etc) server shutdown detected, starting recovery

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    I got this message when I was pushing 1000 xml requests to a receiving servlet in Oracle10gAS Ver. Out of 1000 requests, few of the request were not being reached to the receiving servlet. I amm hoping the problem would be becuase of the server being restarted automatically.
    Could anybody who had faced this problem help me out as this is a showstoper and needs to be resolved ASAP.

    hi chchang,
    Have you solved your problem? If so, please let me know the solution.
    Since im facing the same sort of problem. But in out case, the forced shutdown operation occurs frequently (within 10 -15 mins).
    Thanks in advance..

  • CS - Scratch Disk Error, Hanging Crash

    Photoshop has started flipping out on me for no good reason. Anything can trigger this 'hanging crash'; it appears to be completely random and regardless of file size, color space, tools in use, or anything else.
    I get an error window, then the program locks up, spends at LEAST ten minutes failing to shut down (costing me a lot of idle time), and then finally closes. Force quitting will not speed up its 'crash' or stop it from beachballing. In addition, while it is taking its own sweet time to believe that it's been force-quit, it bogs down the rest of my machine so I can't hardly do anything else. Activity Monitor, however, will not show it as an active/running program.
    I've run Disk First Aid and scraped off the preference barnacles, but it doesn't help. There USED to be a way to make the scratch disk bigger (I thought maybe it might somehow be running out of space) but that doesn't seem to be an option anymore.
    This is the error window.

    Okay, so... I just installed CS4 a little while ago.
    I am STILL getting the same issues. Either it will just go into Spinnyball Neverland until I force quit it (which takes a good 10-15 minutes to even clear), or I get the exact same error message above.
    No other CS4 products cause this error.... JUST Photoshop. What the fel is its damage? Can't anyone tell me?

  • Macbook Pro Hangs/Crashes

    Hey there,
    I've upgraded to a new macbook pro last August. This thing keeps sticking/hanging/crashing, not sure how to describe. Everything just stops moving, nothing is responsive, even the cursor and buttons and if any sound is coming out it just skips like a broken record.
    When this first started happening i took it back to the Mac store where i got it b/c it also did some funky 8-bit video game looking glitches on the screen at the same time. They ran diagnostics, found nothing, but replaced the screen just in case which stopped the weird screen glitches but the laptop still kept freezing.
    Frustrated, i took it to another mac store who looked at crash reports and said Chrome was causing this. So i uninstalled it. And it did get better but still kept freezing without the screen glitches.
    This happens mainly while using photoshop, but not exclusive to that. Sometimes the tablet is off, and i am simply browsing Mail or Safari and it hangs or whatever.
    Every time this happens i have to force shut down.
    At this point i am not sure what is causing this. I've read up somewhere that it may be Wacom drivers which i have upgraded and reinstalled multiple times ( everytime i reinstall this helps it for a while and it doesn't freeze as quickly ). I am not sure if its the overall configuration of hardware vs software or what's happening but i really need help figuring this out b/c its disrupting my work and driving me insane.
    The setup is Macbook Pro 15 inch, OSX 10.8.2 , 2.3 Ghz i7, 16gb ram
    Any help resolving this would be greatly appreciated.

    have you tried resetting your MacBook Pro’s System Management Controller?

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    I should add, I've re-downloaded Firefox, but that doesn't look like it has helped any. Still get seemingly inexplicable crashes.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi, when I launch JDeveloper, it open the screen whith loadbar and close it immediatly. I have the following error : Product extension oracle.jdeveloper does not exist! Can someone help me? I have setup the zip install whith its own jdk Thanks, and s

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    I have over 90 GB of music in my iTunes how am I suppose to listen to it once my classic dies?

  • Exchange2010 SP3 RU4, database in a DAG setup fail error 3145

    We are an Exchange 2010 sp3 ru4 running on a hybrid Physical(MB servers) virtual (CAS/HUB servers) with 6 DBs' inonw DAG in a single site with local witness server. We experienced a failure on one of the DBs wit an error 3145 " Incremental seeding of