LR5 license on two computers

can i use the same LR5 license  on my home and on my office computer?

Yes, the license is also cross platform PC and or Mac. With one in use at any point in time. There is no activate / deactivate process.
Just manage it yourself you just uninstall on one and install on another as many time as required.

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    Adobe CC or any perpetual previous version allows you to install & activate it two times (on the same computer or other different one).
    As per End user license agreement, only one computer can be used at one given time.
    Please refer to:
    Licenses and terms of use | Adobe
    Adobe - Adobe product license agreements
    Hope it helps you.

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    Hi Daniel,
    For any sort of payment related matter, kindly contact our support team via:
    If you are unable to use chat option kindly try below mentioned steps.
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    Atul Saini

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    A single Creative Cloud membership can only be installed on to two machines only and you are also able to use both of them at the same time . Thats a special exception that we have provided to our Creative Cloud customers.
    I hope this should help .
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    copy the entire iTunes folder (not just the iTunes music or media folder) to a portable HD such as this.
    voila, you have created a truly mobile library that can be used with anycomputer !
    on either machine, launch iTunes while holding shift, click on choose library when prompted, and select the iTunes folder on the external HD.

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    Best Regards,
    Svein A. Martinsen

    As you already indicated your awareness, you are allowed to install and activate Adobe software on two machines.  You should only need to install and then activate.  If you have the discs, then go that way.  I f you do not have discs, download the version(s) and use your serial number from your original purchase to activate.
    As far as changing from Windows 7 to Windows 8 goes, that's generally beyond the calling of folks here.  I personally would not upgrade an OS, having done it once in the past and regretting it every day after that - I now prefer to live with what came with the machine.  You might find older software is not compatible with Windows 8 and there is nothing anyone here can do to change that.

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    "B. Single User License. This License allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple Software on one Apple-labeled desktop computer and one Apple-labeled laptop computer so long as both computers are owned and used by you. You may use the Apple Software and any third party digital photo content contained in or otherwise included with the Apple Software, on a royalty-free basis, to create your own original digital photo products, however, the third party content is provided as part of the Apple Software bundle and may not be commercially or otherwise distributed on a standalone basis."
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    Each CC allows you to activate it two times, it can be on the same computer or different.
    So you can install &a activate it on two computers but as End user license agreement you can not work on them simultaneously.
    Creative Cloud Help | Creative Cloud / Common Questions

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    You need to put your photos AND LR catalog file (.lrcat) on the external drive, and make sure the external drive has the same device name or drive letter on both computers.
    I have been using LR this way for several years and it works fine as long as you MAKE A BACKUP of the external disk somewhere, in case you lose or drop/damage the external drive which is easy to do.  Nightly, or sometimes more than once a day, I copy all changes from my working external disk to another similar-sized external disk.  I have lost a disk, once, and dropped/destroyed a disk, once, but recovery is as easy as using what used to be the backup disk as the primary one, and buying a new disk for the backup device.  It does take some hours to copy the 1TB of photos to the new backup disk, but once that is done, it usually only takes a few 10s of minutes or less to copy what is new or changed each night.

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    Hi Jenni,
    You can use the same license on two of your own machines but make sure not to use it at the same time.
    Kartikay Sharma

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    I just read, that you can't install lightroom 5 on the same license on two different platforms because of different services provided.
    Is it possible to delete the PC-version and continue solely with the MacVersion!?
    kind regards, and thanks in advance

    Unless things have changed your Lightroom purchase can be used on two PC's, 2 Macs, or one of each.  You just need to download the Mac version and install it on the Mac.  You should not have to do anything with the PC installation.
    Lightroom - all versions

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    2. Im thinking about getting a new computer in a few months, can I easily then deactive my old computer and install the cloud on my new machine?

    Question # 1 answer:
    You do not have to make sure the programs are closed on the work computer. The license agreement is that you will not use the software on two computers at the same time.
    Question # 2 answer:
    As Amit has answered above. You have two activations. When you try to activate on a third computer you will be asked about deactivating on the others.

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