LSO-Automatic triggering of Notification forms

    When an attendee is booked for a Firmly planned course automatically three forms are getting triggered.
how do I control this triggering or rather how do I restrict the forms from triggering.
Can anyone help me in this issue.
Vishnu Priya

In spro>Training and event management>SAP learning solutions>Training management>Day-to-day activities>Correspondance>SAP script based correspondance>Output control options>Specify user-specific output control options
In the above mention node in the "Medium" field if we select the option "No Output" then notification forms are not triggered automatically.

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    In spro>Training and event management>SAP learning solutions>Training management>Day-to-day activities>Correspondance>SAP script based correspondance>Output control options>Specify user-specific output control options
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    In the role give Authorization object P_ORIGIN for Infotype 0, 1 and 2. with Authorization level as R (read)
    This will resolve your issue then no need to give sap_all authorization
    Good Luck
    - Ashish

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    Hi Ulfsch,
    Thank you for posting on the Adobe Forums, kindly try the step mentioned below.
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    go for online help.
    Open u r form builder and press F1 u will find all built-in triggers.
    check the following link for all documents.
    If its Correct/Helpful please mark it thanks.

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      Set AcroExchAVDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
      OK = AcroExchAVDoc.Open(Filename,"")
      Set PDDoc = AcroExchAVDoc.GetPDDoc()
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          FieldName = Field.Name
          Set f = jso.getField(FieldName)
          f.value = "Hello"
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    If you set the font size of the text field value (not the caption) to zero then the text will shrink to fit.  This can be set in the font palette.  But this can reduce the text so small that it can't be read.  If you are developing a dynamic form then you can set the text field to expand to fit (in the layout palette), just make sure the containing subform is set to flowed, when the user exits the field it will expand to fit all text.

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    Kindly check the belwo path
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         Basic Functions
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                Maintain Output Determination Procedure
    in the billing out put procedure  check against the billing out oput condition type  any  tick is  maintained in  the manual only

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    Is this an expected behaviour? I don't really want to spam operators with unnecessary mail every time an alert gets forwarded to an external system. Any ideas what can cause the issue and how to avoid it?
    while( $true )
    $alerts = $conn.GetMonitoringAlerts()
    if ($alerts.Count -gt 0)
    $conn.AcknowledgeMonitoringAlerts($( Get-Date ))
    foreach( $alert in $alerts )
    .... send alert info to JIRA ...
    Start-Sleep 60

    The way I see it the call acknowledgeMonitoringAlerts change something in the alert without changing the resolution state.  Scom process every even on every change so it get re-submit to all the subscription rule.  Since the resolution state
    is still "new", it send a new email.
    You got 2 choice :
    1- you do not update the alert when you transfert it
    2- In you script you update the resolution state of the alert to something else (not "new").

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    What is the procedure for the automatic SMS/Mail notification in case of local auto-reaction method?
    Thank you very much!

    Dear Team,
    As I have understood, you want to be informed each time a satellite system is not up and running ?
    Option 01
    1. Install the CCSMPING agent in SOLMAN
    2. Create your satellites systems through RZ21 - Technical Infrastructure - Availability Monitoring - Configure CCMSPING ...
        Create all satelittes systems ...
    3. Then, from SOLMAN_WORCENTER, in SYSTEM Monitoring, you have the status of each satellites systems created
        in RZ21 (point 2).
    This option will not advised when a satellite system is down. But from one WEB page, you will have the status of all satellites systems.
    Option 02
    1.Install the CCSMPING agent in SOLMAN
    2. Create your satellites systems through RZ21 - Technical Infrastructure - Availability Monitoring - Configure CCMSPING ...
        Create all satellites systems.
    3. RZ20 - SAP CCMS Monitor Templates - Double-click on "Availability and Performance Overview"
        Open "Availability" - Then, all satellites systems which have been added under point 2 will appear.
    4. Select one satelitte system
    5. Open "Availability"
    6. Select "ABAP: Checked by CCMSPING.<solman-hostname>.00"
    7. When selected, click on "Properties" button.
    8. Then, you assign here an auto-reaction method - for example :
    9. Copy this method to Zccms_send_alert_to_alm_ccms_containerv4.
    10. In this method, add you email address.
    11. Then, check that job "SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP is running. This job collects data in the CCCMS (RZ20).
    12. Then, the alert will be automatically sends to your email adress.
    Hope it helps ?
    Best regards

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            could anyone pl tel me  how to send a mail with leave notification form.Thanks in advacne!!!
    Edited by: Ranganayahi Chandirasekaran on Apr 11, 2008 11:34 AM

        Leave notification for this u can check this site,

  • Problem With the Triggers while migrating Forms from 5 to 6i

    When I open the version 5 fmb file in Forms 6i, some of the triggers in the form level triggers and also in data block, are having red arrow marked on them and they seem to have no code in them. So when i compile the form then those triggers are shown as errors and when I close those triggers, they are deleting.
    The error looks like this..
    Error 103 at line 2, column 1
    Encountered the symbol "END" when expecting one of the following:
    begin case declare end exception exit for goto if loop mod null pragma raise
    return select update while with <an identifier>
    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> <<
    close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback
    savepoint set sql commit <a single-quoted SQL string>
    And finally the form will compile with out any errors. But when I run the form getting error again saying,
    FRM 10221: Cannot read file

    the forms migration assistant tells you about v2 styles triggers (even if they are not migrated ; ) )
    take a look at :
    [url]Using the Oracle Forms Migration Assistant
    Raises a warning in the Form module's log if V2-style triggers are found.
    There is also a point you must look at.
    In a former project I made a migration from forms 4.5 to 10g and there was foms-level triggers applied at let say the block level or item level (I cant remember exactly) and this is not permitted anymore in 10g.
    Again the forms migration assistant Provides warnings about triggers defined at incorrect levels.
    Hope this helps
    Edited by: JeanYves Bernier on Mar 10, 2011 9:10 PM

  • Automatic triggering of idoc for Personal Actions T Code (  PA40 )

    Hi Experts,
    I wanted to do automatic triggering of idoc after performing Personal Actions by transaction PA40.
    Needed some info .
    Thanx in Advance,

    Hi Pradipta,
    You can use the change pointers for this.  Just check for what fields you want to trigger an IDOC.  But this can not be triggered immediately.  You have to run RBDMIDOC frequently.  It will take the input as messaeg type and generate the IDOCs.
    Before that please check if the change pointers are activated for this message type or not.

  • My browser hides automatically when run my form ?

    hi all ,
    xp sp3
    database 10g rel2
    developer 10g rel2
    jre6 and jinitiator installed together
    when trying to run a form , my browser appears , then closed automatically ,without running the form , or any message or error ?

    The browser is likely crashing due to a conflict. Be aware that JRE 6 is only supported for use with Forms I would recommend that you ensure the Forms version has been patched to and I would also recommend uninstalling Jinitiator. If that does not correct the problem, likely the conflict is caused by another browser add-on. This is most commonly caused by an add-on toolbar. For example, Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. Close ALL open browsers and uninstall the add-on toolbars then reboot and retest.
    Also, take a look at the Forms 10 certifications for client side.

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