Mac osx boot drive

I want to mac a usb boot drive for my 2012 mac mini. Can I do it?

Do you wish to install Mountain Lion on the external drive or do you want to clone your existing startup drive to the external drive? The latter is fairly easy to do:
Clone Lion/Mountain Lion using Restore Option of Disk Utility
Boot to the Recovery HD:
Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
     1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu then press the Continue
     2. Select the destination volume from the left side list.
     3. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
     4. Check the box labeled Erase destination.
     5. Select the destination volume from the left side list and drag it
         to the Destination entry field.
     6. Select the source volume from the left side list and drag it to
         the Source entry field.
     7. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
Destination means the external backup drive. Source means the internal startup drive.
The former is a little bit more difficult:
Install or Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion from Scratch
Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
Boot to the Recovery HD:
Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
Erase the hard drive:
  1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
  2. After DU loads select your external HDD from the left side list.
      Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
  3. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on
      the Erase button and wait until the process has completed.
  4. Quit DU and return to the main menu.
Reinstall Lion: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion and click on the Install button. Be sure you have selected the external drive as the target.
Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible
            because it is three times faster than wireless.

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    it is in fact quite simple.
    Install the new harddisk and the use Disk Utility to pertition/format it using Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as file system and GPT as partition table.
    Then use either SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner to clone your current OSX to the new HD.
    Reboot your Mac holding down the 'Option'-key and choose the new OSX to boot from.
    Verify all is there and working and then use System Preferences - Startup Volume to set the new HD as the default Startup Volume.
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    Yes, and what version of Mac OS  are they booting?
    >> They will boot the OS that is on them, but not a later one.

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    Use the 500 for a system backup clone then.
    If you want to and have $150 then I recommend this for the system actually (you don't need 1TB and even if you did use a 1TB which are now $120, I would 'short stroke' and use just 1/3 to 1/2  for the system anyway.
    Western Digital WD2500HHTZ 250gb Sata 6gb/s 3.5 Hd
    check reviews of the new WD 10K VR ~200MB/sec

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    Did this just start, and if so, have you added any software or hardware recently? First, unplug any hardware you have plugged into any port.
    Have you tried:
    A safe boot: Reboot, holding the shift key down. This does some disk maintenance and doesn't load login items, amongst other things. Does this work? If so, try a normal reboot right after, does it work now?
    Insert the first OS X DVD you have, and reboot holding the C key down. This will boot from the DVD. If you can do this, bring up disk utility from the utilities menu, and fix permissions and repair the disk. Does the repair indicate that anything was done? Any issues identified? Can you boot normally now?

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    There will likley be no discernable difference.
    If you do not have a drive in the first bay, it may change the airflow slightly, as it will no longer act as a dam to improve the airflow of the intake fan.

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    lahz wrote:
    I have a new Mac Pro.  I would like to simply pull the boot HD of my old MP (a 1.1), and stick it in the new one (a 5.1 hex).  Bad idea?
    I did what you're asking about using the same hardware and found that it booted just fine. However, I immediately ran a Lion upgrade and that Lion boot disk has run like a champ ever since. Since I was careful not to let software update do over my printer drivers, I also managed to keep some Epson legacy drivers that made the printer that worked on the 1,1 still usable. And that method also retained most of my software registrations so I didn't have to deal with the vendors.
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    What do you think is the problem. I use Onyx to clean my system and the system is updated. Disk repair tool also says that everything is ok.
    Is re-installation the only way?

    Roney-Banerjees-MacBook-Pro:~ roney$ ls -al@ /
    total 37581
    drwxrwxr-x@ 35 root admin 1258 Jan 31 10:16 . 74
    drwxrwxr-x@ 35 root admin 1258 Jan 31 10:16 .. 74
    -rw-r--r--@ 1 roney admin 15364 Jan 31 16:25 .DS_Store 32
    drwx------ 3 root admin 102 May 5 2010 .Spotlight-V100
    d-wx-wx-wt 2 root admin 68 May 5 2010 .Trashes
    -rw------- 1 root admin 48020 Jan 31 10:15 .comkaspersky_iswiftjournal
    srwxrwxrwx 1 root admin 0 Jan 31 10:16 .dbfseventsd
    ---------- 1 root admin 0 Feb 12 2010 .file
    drwx------ 17 roney staff 578 Jan 31 16:48 .fseventsd
    -rw------- 1 root wheel 458752 Jan 29 00:46 .hotfiles.btree
    drwxr-xr-x@ 2 root wheel 68 May 19 2009 .vol 32
    drwxr-xr-x 4 roney admin 136 Jan 10 02:03 All Mail
    drwxrwxr-x+ 105 root admin 3570 Jan 31 15:32 Applications
    drwxrwxr-x@ 15 root admin 510 Jan 10 02:04 Developer 32
    drwxrwxr-t+ 67 root admin 2278 Jan 30 21:15 Library
    drwxr-xr-x@ 2 root wheel 68 Oct 20 13:07 Network 32
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 136 Jan 8 20:10 System
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 60 Sep 15 18:59 User Guides And Information -> /Library/Documentation/User Guides and Information.localized
    drwxr-xr-x 6 root admin 204 Dec 20 19:52 Users
    drwxrwxrwt@ 3 root admin 102 Jan 31 16:16 Volumes 32
    drwxr-xr-x@ 39 root wheel 1326 Jan 8 20:08 bin 32
    drwxrwxr-t@ 2 root admin 68 Feb 12 2010 cores 32
    dr-xr-xr-x 3 root wheel 4375 Jan 31 10:15 dev
    lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 root wheel 11 May 5 2010 etc -> private/etc 32
    dr-xr-xr-x 2 root wheel 1 Jan 31 10:15 home
    -rw-r--r--@ 1 root wheel 18693813 Jan 4 15:22 mach_kernel 32
    dr-xr-xr-x 2 root wheel 1 Jan 31 10:15 net
    drwxr-xr-x 3 roney admin 102 Jan 10 02:05 opt
    drwxr-xr-x@ 7 root wheel 238 Oct 8 03:39 private 32
    drwxr-xr-x@ 67 root wheel 2278 Jan 8 20:08 sbin 32
    lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 root wheel 11 May 5 2010 tmp -> private/tmp 32
    drwxr-xr-x@ 14 root wheel 476 Sep 23 23:11 usr 32
    lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 root wheel 11 May 5 2010 var -> private/var 32
    Also - do I just do a repair permissions from Disk Utility?

  • SSD RAID0 as a boot drive on a Mac Pro

    I'm buying a Mac Pro early 2008
    I'm using Final Cut Pro and After Effects.
    Option 1: (5) drives
    1. OSX boot drive 80GB SSD (under the DVD drive)
    2. 32GB SSD RAID0 (scratch/render drive) bay 1
    3. 32GB SSD RAID0 (scratch/render drive) bay 2
    4. 1TB RAID1 (backup) bay 3
    5. 1TB RAID1 (backup) bay 4
    Option 2: (4) drives
    1. OSX boot drive 64GB SSD RAID0 (OS/scratch/render drive) bay 1
    3. OSX boot drive 64GB SSD RAID0 (OS/scratch/render drive) bay 2
    4. 1TB RAID1 (backup) bay 3
    5. 1TB RAID1 (backup) bay 4
    I've always had my OS on a separate drive than my scratch/storage disks. but I'm wondering if it's okay to RAID0 the OS and scratch/render drives together.

    Move the mirror RAID to external backup.
    Keep the OS and scratch volumes separate; as I said, keep to what you use to do, keep the OS separate. Yes, you should RAID both, but not together. No to option #2.
    If you work with 1-2GB files, 16GB RAM is essential (maybe more). I assume you bought 2008 to save a little over 2008 in part to have 8 DIMM slots.

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    Updating or re-installing Adobe Reader does not solve the problem. I can open .pdf documents without any error.
    Who can help ?

    I had already deleted the preference-file, but still the same error.
    There is another problem-report (, describing the same problem together with printing-problems.
    It turns out, that the filesystem on my internal hard drive (which is formatted case sensitive), is the troublemaker, as described in the 1771582 report, because I also can not install Adobe Photoshop CS3 on this iMac (wrong file system).
    It's strange, but ADOBE does not seem to support case sensitive formatted Mac OSX hard-drives, this causing trouble with Adobe Reader and Photoshop CS3 Install.
    I will re-format the Internal hard-drive (with no case sensitive) later and let you know the result

  • RAID 1 of boot drive without reformatting?

    Under Leopard, I was able to enable RAID 1 on a boot drive without having to move data, reformat, move data back, etc., using:
    +diskutil enableRAID mirror disk0+
    This has worked for me many, many times without issue.
    I'm now attempting this on a Mac Pro boot drive running 10.6.2 using:
    +diskutil appleRAID enable mirror disk0s2+
    But, it's not working. Actually, it's working in that it enables RAID 1 on the drive, but as a result, the Mac Pro will no longer BOOT from the drive. The drive is available (ie. I can access it if I boot from another drive with an OS on it, etc.) and the drive shows up in Startup Disk (in System Preferences) as a bootable drive, but it DOESN'T show up when I boot the machine holding down the option key. As soon as I delete the RAID, the drive is bootable again.
    Does anyone know if there's a way to enable RAID 1 on a boot drive under SL without the need to reformat? Other options/solutions (3rd party, etc.)?

    Hi Kristin,
    I'm seeing exactly the same problem, but I thought it was limited to having two raid sets and bless getting confused.
    My MacPro3,1 has two RAID mirror sets and it appears the wrong Boot OS X partitions are used.
    The volume I would like to boot from is a mirror of disk0s2 and disk1s2 and mounted at /Volumes/srvosx. Disk Utility successfully created the two Boot OS X partitions disk0s3 and disk1s3.
    Then I restored a working system onto the raid volume using asr.
    However, when using bless, it activates the Boot OS X partitions of the other raid set, which has no system installed. So this choice makes no sense at all. The other raid set is composed of disk2s2 and disk3s2 and mounted at /Volumes/data.
    This is the output I get from bless:
    bless --folder /Volumes/srvosx/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --setboot --verbose
    EFI found at IODeviceTree:/efi
    Mount point for /Volumes/srvosx/System/Library/CoreServices is /Volumes/srvosx
    Common mount point of '/Volumes/srvosx/System/Library/CoreServices' and '' is /Volumes/srvosx
    GPT detected
    Booter partition required at index 3
    System partition found
    Booter partition found
    Returning booter information dictionary:
    <CFBasicHash 0x100601210 [0x7fff702c5f20]>{type = mutable dict, count = 3,
    entries =>
    0 : <CFString 0x100019a60 [0x7fff702c5f20]>{contents = "System Partitions"} = <CFArray 0x100600c90 [0x7fff702c5f20]>{type = immutable, count = 1, values = (
    0 : <CFString 0x1006016a0 [0x7fff702c5f20]>{contents = "disk2s1"}
    1 : <CFString 0x10001a2c0 [0x7fff702c5f20]>{contents = "Data Partitions"} = <CFArray 0x1006012d0 [0x7fff702c5f20]>{type = immutable, count = 1, values = (
    0 : <CFString 0x100601830 [0x7fff702c5f20]>{contents = "disk2s2"}
    2 : <CFString 0x100019a20 [0x7fff702c5f20]>{contents = "Auxiliary Partitions"} = <CFArray 0x100601280 [0x7fff702c5f20]>{type = immutable, count = 1, values = (
    0 : <CFString 0x7fff702ae5b0 [0x7fff702c5f20]>{contents = "disk2s3"}
    Substituting booter disk2s3
    I can get it to boot just fine by manually populating the Boot OS X partitions, but this is a pain.
    I have tried to figure out what is going on from the bless source code at ootDataForDevice.c
    But since bless seems to get the information about the Boot OS X volumes from IOKit, I also checked the device tree with IORegistryExplorer (Developer Tools). Everything looks fine though.
    I wonder where the linking between the raid volume and its boot helper partitions is done. Clearly it does not work right in my case and I suspect it could also be the same problem in your case.

  • Configuring SSD as a boot drive

    I've finally ordered a six cores Mac Pro and I'm waiting for a SSD from OWC.
    I intend to use the SSD as a boot drive so I plan to copy the content of the Mac Pro boot drive with SuperDuper when I'll receive it and restore it to the SSD.
    I've read few comments here from users who says that could be a risky operation doing so due to the fact that a SSD doesn't behave as a regular hard disk. I'm a bit skeptical because it is a very common operation to backup and restore a boot drive.
    Anyone has used SuperDuper with an SSD ?

    Tom Nelson1 wrote:
    I don;t see why it would be a problem. But then again I'd be more inclined to just re-install using the DVDs that come with your new Mac Pro. After all you have no data to save at this point, so doing a fresh install is just a nice simple process.
    I'm not familiar with the Mac Pro and the supplied DVD. There is no special driver or configuration specific to the Mac Pro already installed on the HD ? The regular install DVD would do the job ? If so, you're right. It is a lot easier just to reinstall from the DVD.
    Many thanks.

  • What difference will upgrading boot drive make?

    What differences will I notice if I upgrade my boot drive from the 320 GB drive which came installed on my Mac Pro (2008 8-core 2.8 GHz)? I keep reading about people replacing their Mac Pro boot drives but can't find an explanation why.
    tx in advance

    Thanks for that. No I'm not unhappy with my 320 GB boot drive but was just wondering why so many seemed to be switching boot drives. I have a new 750 GB Samsung F1 (32 MB cache) which I have installed in my Mac Pro. If I made that my boot drive would I notice a difference in speed over my 320 GB drive? It would be a waste to ignore a possible speed gain if it could be easily achieved.
    This often mentioned barefeats boot drive comparison makes no reference to the standard 320 GB drive which comes in the standard Mac Pro.

  • Problem installing Mac OSX on my new MacBook hard drive...

    i am beside myself again...(i just visited my local Genius bar this afternoon). Any help would be most appreciated! :o)
    i purchased a 2.5 inch SATA Fujitsu 120GB laptop hard drive for my new MacBook. Followed the awesome* instructions on "how to replace/upgrade hard drive", and took out the original Toshiba HD. What the instructions* failed to mention was that i would eventually need to use a Torx screwdriver (star-shaped) to remove the caddy/carriage from the Toshiba HD. Got that the next day and replaced the Toshiba 80GB with my new 120GB Fujitsu drive..., it slipped into place nicely but i did notice that the Toshiba had four short wires protruding out to the right of the contacts, which my new Fujitsu didn't have... hmmmm...?!
    anyways, tried to install Mac OSX on the new drive, booted up with the install disc... went thru' chosing the language (English), agreed to the second step... but when it came time to install, there was NO icon at all in the box where i am asked where i want to install it!!!
    so i go to disk utilities, and see that my Fujitsu HD is indeed recognized, but none of the buttons in first aid are active... so i can't check it.
    i figured that had to do with the four little wires, so i replaced the original Toshiba and made a reservation with Genius Bar to ask for assistance.
    this afternoon, i explained my problem and was told the four wires have NOTHING to do with it... Lawrence (the genius) told me to (actually, first he said Apple does not recommend my doing this... and that i should go to a 3rd party computer store such as Dino to get help!) go back to disk utilities and partition, then erase this drive and then i will see the icon for this drive in the install box.
    Well i did everything i was told to do and... still, there is no icon for my Fujitsu HD! :o(
    I was able to partition, after which there was a disc0 under the Fujitsu drive on the left side of the disk utilities. When i go to system profiler, and click on ATA... it too shows the Fujitsu drive... but i cannot install because there is NOTHING to click on at the installation step! the "continue" button is not active and only the "back" button is actively mocking me!!!
    i know many of you have successfully upgraded your hard drive... what am i doing wrong? Would a different brand work better? I know Seagate is quite popular, and OWC sells a Western Digital version as well as a Hitachi... do those four little wires make a difference? Would the Seagate come with those wires???
    i am going crazy... thanks, and sorry for the long post, just wanted to let you know what i've done!
    blue skies,
    ps. please feel free to email me at [email protected] if you think that would be better! :o)

    ...after getting back from school, my MacBook was STILL in the process of verifying and "supposedly" repairing... since i was gone for over 10 hours, i finally assumed the drive was either defective or just incompatible, and quit disk utility.
    ...this morning i went out and bought a new Seagate 120GB SATA (they didn't have 160GB SATA drives, only 160GB ultra-ATA drives) 2.5 inch HD. This one DID have those four wires to the right of the contacts... (i don't know how important they are), and after changing and exchanging the Toshiba/Fujitsu HDs, it was a breeze putting in the new Seagate drive.
    Erased > patritioned > and sure enough, the icon showed up and the biggest smile showed up on my face as i finished installing! :o)
    I contacted the original seller of my fujitsu hd (it was a 2.5 inch, 120GB, serial ATA notebook drive) and he was kind enough to say "just pack it up and send it back for a refund!" (minus shipping and re-stocking fees of course! :o)
    Just wanted to mention that, the fujitsu hd WAS recognized by disk-utility and at the bottom left of the window it said that the fujitsu was "GUID partitioned"..., so i am still scratching my head as to why it didn't work?!
    I want to thank everyone that offered advice, it was helpful and i feel more comfortable with my MacBook after this trying and very frustrating episode! :o)
    blue skies,

Maybe you are looking for