Macbook air not booting as fast?

i have the 2010 11 inch macbook air. with their SSD's theyre known to boot up super fast (roughly 15-30 seconds), however, mine takes up atleast a minute. is there something i can do to restore the boot up times?

do u have loads and loads of files/programs installed. if you do, try and uninstall all of the ones you dont or bareley use. also, when you shut your computer down, make sure you untick the box to say 're open all programs at startup.'
if you want to see what programs you have open, simply hold down command, option(alt) and esc at the same time, and close all the open programs you have open which you arent using.
hope this helps

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    Hopefully you have a backup to have your files safe?
    Or you can boot from an external disk to then be able to access the files on the internal SSD?
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    Install Mavericks, Lion/Mountain Lion Using Internet Recovery
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
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    Dear Apple-Friends! Dear Imola!
    Thank you so much for your Memorial Day Super Fast Answer. Nothing has helped though and right now the support line is closed as it is 11:10 p.m. local time. will call them tomorrow morning and see what we can do. But this ***** so much, I waited 2 weeks for the machine to arrive, almost two weeks 'cause I bought it the moment it arrived in the online store.
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    Spill Cleaning
    And, don't think that just because it was two teaspoons and not a glassful that there is a difference.
    Some liquid has just spilled into your Mac. What should you do?
    Immediately shut down the computer and unplug the power cord.
    Remove the computer's battery (if you can)
    Disconnect any peripherals (printers, iPods, scanners, cameras, etc.)
    Lay the computer upside down on paper towels to get as much liquid as possible to drip out.
    Note what was spilled on your Mac.
    Bring the computer into an Apple store or AASP as soon as possible.
    Don't try to turn it back on. Liquids can help electrical current move about the components of your Mac in destructive ways.
    Don't shake the computer (this will only spread the liquid around).
    Don't use a hair dryer on it (even at a low setting a hair dryer will damage sensitive components).
    Do not put in a bag of rice in as much as rice will get into the ports and optical drive and do further damage.

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    That folder with the question mark icon means that the MacBook can't find the boot directory. That can either mean it can't find the hard drive or the hard drive data is somehow corrupted.
    Put your install DVD into the drive and reboot. As soon as you hear the boot chime, hold down the "c" key on your keyboard (or the Option key until the Install Disk shows up). That will force your MacBook to boot from the optical drive.
    Once it has finished booting and you are at the Install screen launch Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. Is your Hard Drive in the list on the left?
    If it is then select the First Aid Tab run Repair Disk and if that repairs any problems run it again until the green OK appears and then run Repair Permissions.
    If your hard drive isn’t recognized in Disk Utility then your hard drive is probably dead.

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    and two endings of cable (one for data, other for power), of USB Type A
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    -after some time macbook air going to sleep
    -without waking macbook air, pull out the cable what connected into macbook air
    MacBook Air will not turning on.
    even after this instructions
    In nearest AppleStore they say that there is a problem with logic part of notebook,
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    In other words, they say what they will not searching the problem of this,
    they only will replace mother board.
    Would you suggest other solutions ?
    May be somebody else have this problem ?

    OK. I wasn't quite sure. So, the first thing to try is Resetting your Mac's PRAM and NVRAM followed by Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC). If neither can be effected then take it in for service as there has been a serious hardware failure.

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