Macbook crashes before booting CD

Hi all!
July 27th I went on vacation by plane and ofcourse I fully charged my 2010 Macbook Pro for the 9 hour trip in the plane towards my destination.
While on the road the the airport, I quickly had to check something on my Macbook and it was working perfectly fine. I did not boot it up again untill I sat in the plane. This is where I noticed it took an awful long time to get passed the Apple Logo while I could hear it work like a madman and going crazy hot.
I eventually just gave up and hold on to the power button to shut it down. I did not have my Mac OS X Snow Leopard installation CD with me and no further knowledge on any of the things I could do before I had internet access.
What I did on my vacation when I had internet access was:
Reset PRAM
Hardware Test
See if it could actually find my Hard Drive
Did reset it, but still I could not get passed the loading screen.
Hardware Test showed no results in the quick test, but showed an error in the long test. The error message: 4SNS/1/40000000: TCOP-85.250
It could find my Hard Drive
Now I was still stuck with a broken Macbook untill I got home a week later.
The first thing I did was put in the CD and boot it up. I did various things:
Reset PRAM again
Verify and Repair Disk
Verify and Repair User Permissions
Reinstall Mac OS X without erasing the Hard Drive
Did reset, but nothing else.
Verify showed it needed repair because of corruption of multiple files, and I did. It repaired succesfully.
Verify, again, showed it needed repair, and I did. Repaired succesfully aswell.
Reinstalling the OS... This is where it got weird, really weird. Sometimes the HD would not even show up (this happened multiple times, even when going to Disk Utility), sometimes it said it would save my files and settings, but most of the times it would not even say this. I also never got the option to wipe or save my files. My user manual said a button, called Options, should show up. I have never seen it to date.
So when I could continue with reinstalling, it would always fail. I looked up what it could be, and I tried several things:
Put on a hard drive
Turn off all the optional installation options
I could not do #1 because my External Hard Drive was not usable with my Mac and had no place to wipe it, so I was forced to do #2.
And guess what. IT WORKED!
After it installed, I instantly reset the PRAM one more time to be sure. My macbook booted up again and it worked somewhat ok. It missed some apps (app store and stuff), it stuttered often, and it froze for a few seconds every few minutes. I thought it was still doing stuff from the installation or something, I don't know, I just somewhat ignored it.
When I tried to install software updates, it completely crashed. I had to again use my CD and repair the Disk to even use my Macbook again. I did not even bother updating the machine again after this. But yesterday it started stuttering a lot more when I was watching a show on my Macbook. It eventually froze, and I could again not boot it. I went to sleep, and this morning it booted up normally. After a few minutes, it completely froze again (the gray screen with: "you have to restart your computer" came up aswell) and now I can't even boot the CD anymore. It goes to the grey screen, as explain in the brackets, before it even reaches to the CD. I am completely stuck now.
Could this be extreme corruption on the disk, or a hardware failure?
I could not find what the error means, that the hardware test gave me. I see different things, ranging from my Logical Board to the Fans to the Memory.
So if anyone knows, thanks in advance

My game center and boot camp crashes, i have tried safe boot, single user mode to check hard disk and disk utility to repair permissions.
I restarted my computer and tried it again and again but it keeps crashing after i choose how much gbs i want on the windows partition.
All i want is windows and mac on one macbook so i can run windows and mac apps.
(i've also tried parallels desktop app, still didnt work)

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    My game center and boot camp crashes, i have tried safe boot, single user mode to check hard disk and disk utility to repair permissions.
    I restarted my computer and tried it again and again but it keeps crashing after i choose how much gbs i want on the windows partition.
    All i want is windows and mac on one macbook so i can run windows and mac apps.
    (i've also tried parallels desktop app, still didnt work)

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    She could have a bad hard drive. There have been certain model drives in MacBooks failing recently.
    MacOSG: MacBook Seagate hard drives catastrophically failing >>
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    Have an iPhone or iPod touch? Enter in Safari on it for 'mobile Mac support.'

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    The 'ideal' battery status is a full charge but once you get an indication that the battery has some life in it it you should be ready to go.  Obviously keep the power adapter in until at least a a full charge is achieved.

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    Before I bring it back, again (and they change the motherboard, again ?), anyone has any idea on what could be the real reason of these crashes ?
    Here is a picture of what I get when it crashes :

    Ah, so the "multicolored twinkling lines" display is a prominent point you do have showing up. An appointment with that evidence in hand is necessary.
    There is an advantage to running the Apple Hardware Test prior to going in, so that you can report the results. Any report at all by the Test indicates a flaw or failure of some sort, and is likely to result in immediate action of some sort by Apple. Without the Test results, you usually must rely upon duplicating the problem, or at least the symptom, which at least you now have with your photo.
    Hopefully, you have backed up any saved data that is important to you. Backing up the OS is not important, as it will be replaced if the logic board, video component, or even the entire unit, is replaced.
    I know it's a lot to ask in these times, but if you don't have one, it might be worth it to get portable (2.5-inch) USB storage for back-up. I got a good one with lots more space than my MacBook has (so I can back up everything at once) at Costco under $100, and I'm sure you can find the same most anywhere.
    If set up correctly, a USB backup can be used to boot an Intel-based Mac, which can be very useful for diagnostic purposes, as booting from it will quickly differentiate a hardware-based from software-based issue. Good luck.

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    i'm following the disscussion since i've notice that my problem is very similar to UptownTopRanking. My macbook freezed when i was uptading (4 uptade at the time including Mac OS X). I shut it down by pressing the power button for few seconds.
    And after the computer no longer boots and freeze on the grey screen.
    I've tried the solutions proposed on the apple support page but it still not working.
    When i saw this topic, i tried to do the same, archive and install the Mac OS X program with my original CD.
    The problem is that everytime I'm trying to install it, the program stop after few minutes an ask me to reboot because and error occured. The Error message says : (i'm translating from french)
    The installation program didn't succeed to install some files in the "/Volumes/MacintoshHD". Contact the editor of the program to have some help.
    And then they ask me to restart the computer, and when i'm trying to intall again, the installation process is still crashing..
    Is there anything i can do?

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    Interval Since Last Panic Report:  152 sec
    Panics Since Last Report:          1
    Anonymous UUID:                    A57408DC-841D-406F-8FF9-380E4C3B6437
    Sun Apr  8 17:18:12 2012
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x2a0663): "Spinlock acquisition timed out: lock=0x45d85e0, lock owner thread=0x2000, current_thread: 0xd2873d4, lock owner active on CPU 0xffffffff"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1504.15.3/osfmk/i386/locks_i386.c:374
    Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x7bafb7c8 : 0x21b837 (0x5dd7fc 0x7bafb7fc 0x223ce1 0x0)
    0x7bafb818 : 0x2a0663 (0x59ccb0 0x45d85e0 0x2000 0xd2873d4)
    0x7bafb858 : 0x279ec7 (0x45d85e0 0x1 0x849088 0x7b946c1c)
    0x7bafb898 : 0x272ba8 (0xd8ab280 0xe60000 0x0 0xa50)
    0x7bafbab8 : 0x274fbb (0xd8ab280 0xe60000 0x0 0x8000)
    0x7bafbb98 : 0x5601ff (0x2fdb520 0x11e60000 0x1 0x7bafbc34)
    0x7bafbc58 : 0x56052a (0xd74bf00 0x0 0x2ed05005 0x1)
    0x7bafbc78 : 0x7b9898e2 (0xd74bf00 0x0 0x200 0x0)
    0x7bafbd28 : 0x7b989b1d (0x5f8ee4 0xe000002 0x7bafbec4 0x0)
    0x7bafbd48 : 0x30d6a4 (0xe000002 0x7bafbec4 0x0 0x2ed05)
    0x7bafbdd8 : 0x2ff592 (0x7bafbdfc 0x3 0x7bafbe28 0x58a167)
    0x7bafbe28 : 0x2f45e1 (0xd8a8784 0x7bafbec4 0x0 0x7bafbf54)
    0x7bafbe78 : 0x49f5f9 (0xd67ef60 0x7bafbec4 0x0 0x7bafbf54)
    0x7bafbf18 : 0x49fd75 (0x7bafbf54 0xd67ef60 0x11e60000 0x1)
    0x7bafbf78 : 0x4f82fb (0xd649540 0xce82e28 0xce7d134 0x1)
    0x7bafbfc8 : 0x2a251d (0xce82e24 0x0 0x2a17ab 0xce82e24)
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace (with dependencies):
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: fsck_hfs
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun  7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_I386
    System model name: MacBookPro7,1 (Mac-F222BEC8)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 30863821997
    unloaded kexts:
    loaded kexts:          201.6 - last loaded 1982567428          303.8          201.6          201.6          2.6.1          2.6.8          1.6.4          31.1          1.0.0d1          1.4.0          2.1.7          423.91.27          428.42.4          4.7.3          3.0.5b8          4.2.4          4.2.4          4.2.0          1.5          1.3.1          160.0.0          1.3.6          1.7          1.3.6          1.4          142.6.0          1          0          2.1.14          142.6.0          2.4.5f3          2.4.5f3          2.4.5f3          207.7          4.2.0          2.6.7          2.6.8          2.6.8          1.6          1.6          1.6.1          402.1          4.2.4          3.9.0          1.2.6          2.6.8          2.0          2.0.6          320.1          4.2.6          1.10          4.2.4          1.11          4.2.4          2.2.7          1.4.0          1.6.6          1.1          6          1.0.0d1          289          1.6.3          1.3.6          2.6.5          1.3.0
    Model: MacBookPro7,1, BootROM MBP71.0039.B0B, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.62f6
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 320M, NVIDIA GeForce 320M, PCI, 256 MB
    Memory Module: global_name
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x8D), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 2.4.5f3, 2 service, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Serial ATA Device: FUJITSU MHY2080BH, 74.53 GB
    Serial ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898, 7.8 GB
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8507, 0x24600000 / 2
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8403, 0x26100000 / 2
    USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x06600000 / 4
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8213, 0x06610000 / 5
    USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0x06500000 / 3
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x0236, 0x06300000 / 2

    I know that it says that it likes 1033 but..... when i had read around to upgrad my 15" people said it would work and would just clock the ram speed down from 1333 to 1033. I installed it and to a shocking suprise it didn't even clock it down to 1033. My frustration is that this 13" MBP is a year newer and isn't even wanting to boot with the ram. I would assume, and be glad with it booting and just clocking the RAM down. i wouldn't see why that wouldn't be a problem. Thank you though for youru suggestion.  Thanks - DJ

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    We have three computers in the house (iMac, MacAir and the new MacAir I just received) in addition to 2 iPhones and 2 iPads.  2 Macbook Pros are no longer in use (both crashed before home sharing could be deauthorized) but now I have reached my maximum device allowance (5), even though only 2 computers are currently active.  How can I reset the authorized computer numbers?

    You can de-authorize individual computers, but only by using those computers. Otherwise you can "deauthorize all" from your iTunes account.
    Open iTunes on a computer
    From the Store menu, select "View my Account..."
    Sign in with your Apple ID and password.
    Under "Computer Authorizations" select "Deauthorize All".
    Authorize each computer you still have, as you may require.
    You may only do this once per year.
    After you "deauthorize all" your authorized computers, authorize each one as required.

  • I backed up my macbook pro before they intalled a new hard drive but when I reinstalled, my book says it isn't compatible with Maverick and I can't get the last year of pictures or files back.

    I backed up my macbook pro before having a new hard drive installed. They installed Maverick for me, but now My Book says its not compatible and I can't restore my files and pictures from the external hard drive. What can I do?

    Simple if you have a complete backup of your old drive erase the new one and restore from your Time Machine backup. That will put your Mac back to exactly like it was before you had the hard drive changed.
    In all honesty I have no idea why most all the Apple stores upgrade every Mac that comes through to Mavericks.
    To do the erasing and restoring you need to either boot from the original system discs that came with your Mac or if it came with either Lion or Mt Lion use the Online Internet Recovery system. To boot to that at startup hold down the Command + Option/alt + r keys and keep them held down until you see a globe on the screen. Once thje Mac OS X Utilities screen loads use Disk Utility to Repartition the drive as one partiotion to remove all data from it. Then when that is done exot disk Utility and select Restore from Time Machine Backup. Have the TM backup drive connected before you start this process.

  • Macbook will not boot up after running Software Update

    My MacBook will not boot up after running Software Update (Security update + Java?) earlier today. I have only the gray start up screen + Apple logo + gear wheel constantly rotating. I have tried restarts several times and tried to start up from my original system DVD - this makes no difference.
    I called Apple support, tried resetting the power and PRAM - still no difference. He had no knowledge of other problems reported; although I note recent post may have same issue.
    I cannot get an appointment at my Apple Store before Monday.
    Any suggestions?

    Still no success. When I hold down the option key when powering up I get the hard disk icon plus arrowhead (only). When clicking the arrowhead it goes to the gray screen + apple logo+ rotating gearwheel.
    This happens both with DVD in slot and without DVD. the DVD image is not coming up on screen. When I start up without DVD the hard disk icon appears promptly. When I start with DVD in the DVD is spinning for a short period before the hard disk icon appears. On clicking the arrowhead to hard disk icon the DVD spins again for a while then stops. Apart from the DVD spinning, both situations result in gray screen + apple logo+ rotating gearwheel.

  • After updating Airport software, Macbook will not boot

    I see others have updated with the new Airport software without incident, but not me.
    I just ran software update to install the Airport update (hoping it would cure the problem I've had -- and other users as well -- with the connection dropping every 5 minutes with Linksys routers [check the Airport discussion board for much discussion of this]).
    After installing, upon restart my Macbook will not boot fully. I get the Apple symbol, then the spinning gear symbol, then a light blue screen and that's it. After a while the fan comes on.
    Call it the light blue screen of death.
    All was working fine until the update.
    I have boot camp and I can boot into Windows.
    I have tried removing the battery and resetting the PRAM. No help.
    Sigh... Applecare is closed so I cannot call until Friday morning. Anyone have any suggestions of what I can try?
    I have my Mac hard disk backed up from a few days ago using Super Duper on a USB drive but I am reluctant to try booting from it as I fear corrupting the drive. Unfortunately I don't have my Mac system CDs with me as I am away from home at the moment.
    I just switched to the Mac 6 weeks ago after 3.5 years with a Dell laptop. Never had a single problem like this in all that time. But I still like my Mac.

    Well, I spoke too soon. Last night I was able to start up as described above, but this morning when I tried to start it did not even get to the Mac symbol. It just hung at a dark blue screen for several minutes.
    Tried restarting with the shift key held down but it would not go into safe mode. Just the dark blue screen.
    Resetting PRAM made it startup.
    But I'm pretty nervous about this.
    So, is there a way in Mac OS X to roll back to the system before the update? In Windows XP this is very simple under System Restore. I have the impression OS X doesn't have this feature and won't until next year with Time Machine.
    And I see now I'm not the only user with this problem.

  • How do I Install Windows XP on my MacBook w/o Boot Camp?

    I just purchased a new MacBook right before Leopard came out. I guess I missed the window to download Boot Camp Beta to install Windows XP because it has now expired. I am a bit ticked off that I didn't get Leopard with my laptop purchase already since it came out within days after I made my purchase. Is there a way to install XP without Boot Camp?

    "...Is there a way to install XP without Boot Camp?..."
    There is (use Google) but trust me - by the time you are finished, you'll wish you could just buy Leopard and get those 2 or 3 days of your life back....!
    Bootcamp is soooo nice to use because it partitions so easily and it offers special drivers that you will need for Mac keyboards and such. Drivers can be searched for online and found which KINDA do the job, but not as well.
    If you are really in need, you can find an old Bootcamp 1.3 version on the 'net. It is saved to some software download mirror site (again - use Google). You possibly are taking chances with those saved downloads because they MIGHT be tampered with. Also 1.3 is out-of-date. The out-of-date problem can be fixed by temporarily setting your Mac clock back a few months. If you have decent skills and computer experience it might be worth the gamble. If not - get a job! With a decent hourly wage you can just purchase Leopard from Mother Mac in no time!

  • Macbook will not boot OS X

    This is my first post around here, so I'm a bit of a newbie (obviously).
    I have a black Macbook which dual boots XP and Leopard. I was using the Basilisk II emulator this morning to run System 7.5.5. I changed the resolution of the screen and then the mouse stopped working. I managed to quit to the desktop then went to the Terminal to kill off the process. It told me that I wasn't allowed due to the admin changing my shell permissions. I decided to log out to try and resolve the problem and it went to Welcome Assistant. I quit that and the Mac shut down. On rebooting, I got the OS X boot screen for about 2 minutes then the computer clicked and rebooted. I retried this about 3 times then after calling Apple and reading some sites on another computer, I decided to boot Windows. That booted fine and I am now using it to post this. I installed Mediafour Macdrive and all my files are still there. I do not yet have Applecare but I am still within the year warranty. What's happened and what can I do?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi neonsonicboy,
    I don't know if I'd consider you a newbie if you're trying to run Basilisk II and System 7.5.5 and you're navigating Terminal.
    With that being said, I don't know much about how Basilisk II works... other than I'm familiar with what it is:
    It sounds like, the Mac OS X side got out of whack but I'm unsure if something you were doing in Terminal or via the emulation tool is what caused it. When you stated that you got the OS X boot screen, were you getting just the Apple logo or were you getting a spinning gear underneath it?
    A couple of things we can try...
    1.) Boot off the Installation disc and attempt to verify directory integrity on the Mac OS X side.
    1a.) If unsuccessful, attempt to repair.
    1b.) If successful, attempt to boot the unit into Safe Mode
    2.) If directory integrity has failed, we may find ourselves in a situation where we need to reinstall the Mac OS X operating system.
    But let's try that first step and see what happens, before proceeding with something more invasive like an OS reinstall.

  • MacBook won't boot when iPod is connected

    I have the same problem as described here :
    My MacBook won't boot if my iPod 5G is connected to the USB port.
    If I unplug it, it will boot normally.
    Does anyone know what could cause that ?

    <When iPod is plugged in at startup, the MacBook does not startup; unplugging iPod lets it startup.
    yes, it seems that the kernel is not loading
    <After resetting the iPod and BEFORE synching it, there is no problem. Any type of synching seems <to make this problem recur.
    only syncing music make the problem occur.
    the other syncing works ok
    <Even if iPod is connected directly to Mac and it is the only USB device connected, the problem still <occurs.
    <The iPod and MacBook work fine if iPod is connected after startup.
    <If the iPod is set to NOT mount to the desktop, the problem with startup does not occur.
    Yes, but there are some problems in the boot/halt process.
    something like "killing all" fails and unmounting /home fails (45) blabla...
    and the stopping process takes very very long, about 2 minutes.
    thx robert

  • Macbook is not booting because cd is stuck in to it

    I mistakenly put a dvd inside my macbook before booting. And i my MacBook is nit booting. plz suggest me any trick tio get rid off this.

    Try Resetting the PRAM
    If that doesn't help, try Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck

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