MacFixit report revisited...

I use a PM G5, my wife jhas a MacBook Pro - the following issues all pointed out at MacFixit have affected both our computers.
MS Office apps won't open
No Flash playback in Safari or Firefox
Reverse fonts in Safari - many [not all] sites show text as backwards -
In Pages some documents would open with a completely different set of fonts
Before reading most of these posts, I had uninstalled quicktime from my computer altogether - and downloaded a fresh copy of ver. 7.1.6 - error says I cannot intstall over a newer version..... meanwhille there is not a stitch of Quicktime on my system except the new download of 7.1.6.
in the meantime I am going to try the remedy offered by CodyMR on the MacBook Pro.

this worked for me and others (I have an intel mac), but since problem occurred after QT update, should work for powerpc too?- not sure which you had. just make sure QT 7.1.6 is for the right model. the combo update for os 10 is for both powerpc and intel:
From the Mac discussion forums:
Try this: download and retrofit (force install) QT 7.1.6 using Pacifist, then run the 10.4.10 Combo Updater for Intel Macs. Make sure it is the "combo" updater. Be sure to restart in safe mode after using Pacifist and then install/re-install the combo update (while in safe mode). For all those "non-techie" people (like myself), please try this if you already haven't and please read the instructions for Pacifist - if you use Pacifist correctly, it will ask you if you want to replace (vs. update) all of the Quicktime components (yes, you want to replace), so you will know that you are accomplishing what you need to. The first fix I tried was just to reinstall the Mac OSX10.4.10 combo update for Intel Macs and this did not work, but when I used Pacifist and then reinstalled the MacOS X combo updater (do not get this confused with the update that is not the "combo" one- (use the links), it worked! I am not a web developer, so did not have to deal with the Java 6 stuff.
Combo Intel update is here: ev11intel.html
QuickTime 7.1.6 is here:
Pacifist is here:

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    Java fonts are only supported for the Forms version.
    You can use your own fonts for Reports however, there is some legwork to do this. I know because I just went through it.
    If you will only being using the PDF output (which for me replaced the Preview mode that existed in 6i), then you have to install the TTF for the missing font, an AFM (use the ttf2pt1 utility to generate the AFM file, but make sure you remove the AFM extension when moving it to Unix). You'll want to use the PDF Subset in the uifont.ali (which exists under the ORACLE_HOME/guicommon/tk/admin directory and add the line underneath the PDF Subset "Font Family Name"="TTF Font Name" The font family name is found when you open the AFM file in textpad or wordpad for the font you generated. This is what you enter. The TTF Font Name is the name the TTF font. You'll have to restart Reports Server after this.
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    As for the files you want to change, you'll obviously have to make changes to the formsweb.cfg, default.env, forms.conf. I have to modify the for some PL/SQL attached libraries to make sure it picks them up. I did have to modify Registry.dat.
    There is alot of work but mainly forms wasn't too bad, unless you had fonts that weren't supported. Usually there is another font that you can use to replace the old one but you have to know which fonts exists on the server and try all the keys on the keyboard to find the corresponding keystroke.
    Hope this helps.

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    Sorry mate, Apex doesn't score well when it comes to generating reports out of the box - however it does integrate with other options.
    BI Publisher - I thought the figure was more like $50k, but I guess it depends on your currency.
    Configuration details direct from Oracle
    Setting up reports
    You can set up Cocoon using Carl's viewlet
    If you want to use Cocoon or Apache FOP and you don't have a skilled XSL developer, you can spend a small amount cash for this WYSIWYG editor
    There are some PL/SQL alternatives
    A popular option that I haven't explored is Jasper
    Dietmar Aust loves it
    It is also possible to link into Oracle Reports - quite easily actually - but I don't have that link with me.

  • Statspack Report.

    OS - win2003 server
    DB -
    Can you have a look on Statspack Report and offer your valuable suggestions?
    Current Instance
       DB Id    DB Name      Inst Num Instance                                                                                                                                                             
      340547761 CHRYSLER            1 chrysler                                                                                                                                                             
    Instances in this Statspack schema
       DB Id    Inst Num DB Name      Instance     Host
      340547761        1 CHRYSLER     chrysler     NOID2K36BGTP
    Using  340547761 for database Id
    Using          1 for instance number
    Completed Snapshots
                               Snap                    Snap
    Instance     DB Name         Id   Snap Started    Level Comment
    chrysler     CHRYSLER         1 17 Jan 2008 10:05     5
                                  2 17 Jan 2008 10:09     5
                                  3 17 Jan 2008 10:16     5
                                  4 17 Jan 2008 10:48     5
                                  5 17 Jan 2008 11:02     5
                                  6 17 Jan 2008 11:12     5
    Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
    Enter value for begin_snap: 4
    Begin Snapshot Id specified: 4
    Enter value for end_snap: 6
    End   Snapshot Id specified: 6
    HOST_NAME                                                        DB Name
    Instance     BTIME
    NOID2K36BGTPB1                                                   CHRYSLER
    chrysler     20080117 10:48:11
    20080117 11:12:09
    Specify the Report Name
    The default report file name is sp_4_6.  To use this name,
    press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
    Enter value for report_name: Statspack Report
    Using the report name Statspack Report
    SP2-0333: Illegal spool file name: "Statspack Report" (bad character: ' ')
    STATSPACK report for
    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     Cluster Host
    CHRYSLER       340547761 chrysler            1   NO      NOID2K36BGTP
                Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
    Begin Snap:       4 17-Jan-08 10:48:11       22       6.5
      End Snap:       6 17-Jan-08 11:12:09       27       7.4
       Elapsed:               23.97 (mins)
    Cache Sizes (end)
                   Buffer Cache:       184M      Std Block Size:         8K
               Shared Pool Size:       904M          Log Buffer:       512K
    Load Profile
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~                            Per Second       Per Transaction
                      Redo size:             10,225.13          4,901,244.00
                  Logical reads:                700.13            335,593.67
                  Block changes:                 68.68             32,918.67
                 Physical reads:                 15.03              7,206.67
                Physical writes:                 14.41              6,906.00
                     User calls:                  1.22                584.00
                         Parses:                  0.73                349.33
                    Hard parses:                  0.03                 13.67
                          Sorts:                  0.40                193.00
                         Logons:                  0.01                  4.67
                       Executes:                  1.46                701.67
                   Transactions:                  0.00
      % Blocks changed per Read:    9.81    Recursive Call %:    91.60
    Rollback per transaction %:    0.00       Rows per Sort:  1016.53
    Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
                Buffer Nowait %:  100.00       Redo NoWait %:  100.00
                Buffer  Hit   %:   99.57    In-memory Sort %:   99.65
                Library Hit   %:  100.00        Soft Parse %:   96.09
             Execute to Parse %:   50.21         Latch Hit %:   99.98
    Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:   56.76     % Non-Parse CPU:   99.34
    Shared Pool Statistics        Begin   End
                 Memory Usage %:   53.83   53.90
        % SQL with executions>1:   84.54   84.53
      % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:   62.62   62.65
    Top 5 Timed Events
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                     % Total
    Event                                               Waits    Time (s) Ela Time
    CPU time                                                           32    79.76
    direct path read                                      390           3     7.21
    db file scattered read                                275           2     3.78
    log file parallel write                               515           1     2.44
    db file sequential read                               365           1     2.07
    Wait Events for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> s  - second
    -> cs - centisecond -     100th of a second
    -> ms - millisecond -    1000th of a second
    -> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
    -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
                                                         Total Wait   wait    Waits
    Event                               Waits   Timeouts   Time (s)   (ms)     /txn
    direct path read                      390          0          3      7    130.0
    db file scattered read                275          0          2      5     91.7
    log file parallel write               515        449          1      2    171.7
    db file sequential read               365          0          1      2    121.7
    control file parallel write           467          0          0      1    155.7
    control file sequential read          294          0          0      1     98.0
    db file parallel write                 35          0          0     10     11.7
    db file parallel read                   1          0          0    251      0.3
    LGWR wait for redo copy                19          1          0     12      6.3
    SQL*Net message from dblink            18          0          0      4      6.0
    latch free                             14          0          0      5      4.7
    log file sync                          14          0          0      1      4.7
    SQL*Net break/reset to clien           36          0          0      0     12.0
    log buffer space                       19          0          0      1      6.3
    SQL*Net more data to client           103          0          0      0     34.3
    direct path write                       8          0          0      1      2.7
    SQL*Net message to dblink              18          0          0      0      6.0
    SQL*Net message from client         1,606          0     11,104   6914    535.3
    wakeup time manager                    47         47      2,580  54895     15.7
    SQL*Net more data from clien           11          0          0     14      3.7
    SQL*Net message to client           1,611          0          0      0    537.0
    Background Wait Events for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
                                                         Total Wait   wait    Waits
    Event                               Waits   Timeouts   Time (s)   (ms)     /txn
    log file parallel write               515        449          1      2    171.7
    control file parallel write           467          0          0      1    155.7
    db file parallel write                 35          0          0     10     11.7
    control file sequential read          188          0          0      2     62.7
    LGWR wait for redo copy                19          1          0     12      6.3
    latch free                              4          0          0     17      1.3
    rdbms ipc message                   2,392      1,859      9,366   3916    797.3
    pmon timer                            487        487      2,651   5443    162.3
    smon timer                              4          4      2,307 ######      1.3
    SQL ordered by Gets for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Buffer Gets Threshold:   10000
    -> Note that resources reported for PL/SQL includes the resources used by
       all SQL statements called within the PL/SQL code.  As individual SQL
       statements are also reported, it is possible and valid for the summed
       total % to exceed 100
                                                         CPU      Elapsd
      Buffer Gets    Executions  Gets per Exec  %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
            415,514            2      207,757.0   41.3     5.45      5.44 1116368370
    Module: SQL*Plus
            223,045            2      111,522.5   22.2     1.09      1.38 3446574552
    Module: SQL Developer
    select column_name from  all_updatable_columns where TABLE_NAME
    = :OBJECT_NAME and owner = :OBJECT_OWNER and updatable = 'YES'
            208,951            1      208,951.0   20.8    10.42     14.21 1240367379
    Module: SQL*Plus
    BEGIN statspack.snap ; END;
            208,539            1      208,539.0   20.7    10.47     14.11 2522684317
    Module: sqlplus.exe
    BEGIN statspack.snap; END;
             81,198            1       81,198.0    8.1     0.73      0.73  401938015
    Module: Oracle SQL Developer
    SELECT s.owner, s.synonym_name, 'SYNONYM' as object_type FROM sy
    s.all_synonyms s, sys.all_objects o WHERE s.table_name = o.objec
    t_name AND s.table_owner = o.owner AND object_type IN ('PACKAGE'
    ORDER BY s.owner, s.synonym_name
             58,656           10        5,865.6    5.8     3.34      3.33 3247664323
    insert into source$(obj#,line,source) values (:1,:2,:3)
             57,404            2       28,702.0    5.7     0.28      0.30 3259503395
    Module: SQL Developer
    select * from (SELECT OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_ID ,'' short_name,
    LE_OWNER =owner  AND TABLE_NAME = object_name ),0,'FALSE','TRUE'
    )  partition,                                 OWNER OBJECT_OWNER
                   FROM SYS.ALL_OBJECTS O               WHERE O.OWNE
             51,583            1       51,583.0    5.1     0.77      0.75 2077069258
    Module: Oracle SQL Developer
    SELECT owner, object_name, object_type FROM sys.all_objects WHER
    E object_type IN ('PACKAGE', 'PROCEDURE', 'SEQUENCE', 'TABLE', '
    TYPE', 'VIEW', 'FUNCTION' ) ORDER BY owner, object_name
             41,310            2       20,655.0    4.1     0.27      0.29 1607513402
    Module: SQL Developer
    SELECT OWNER,TABLE_NAME FROM all_external_tables
    SQL ordered by Gets for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Buffer Gets Threshold:   10000
    -> Note that resources reported for PL/SQL includes the resources used by
       all SQL statements called within the PL/SQL code.  As individual SQL
       statements are also reported, it is possible and valid for the summed
       total % to exceed 100
                                                         CPU      Elapsd
      Buffer Gets    Executions  Gets per Exec  %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
             20,776            1       20,776.0    2.1     0.20      0.21 1305228895
    Module: SQL*Plus
    select owner , object_name , object_type from dba_objects where
    object_type = 'TABLE'
             15,709           10        1,570.9    1.6     0.97      1.07 3098922061
    delete from source$ where obj#=:1
             11,854            1       11,854.0    1.2     0.11      0.21 4208944292
    Module: SQL Developer
    with pri_cols as ( SELECT cols.column_name column_name, cols.pos
    ition column_position              FROM all_constraints cons, al
    l_cons_columns cols            WHERE cons.constraint_type = 'P'
               AND cons.constraint_name = cols.constraint_name
          AND cons.owner = cols.owner            and cols.table_name
              7,493            1        7,493.0    0.7     0.17      1.87 1279266739
    Module: SQL Developer
    select count(*) from IMP_TEMPSS_PARTSLANG
              3,904           47           83.1    0.4     0.00      0.14  815501214
    select t.schema,, t.flags, from$_queue_t
    ables t,$_queue_table_affinities aft,$_que
    ues q where aft.table_objno = t.objno and aft.owner_instance = :
    1 and        q.table_objno = t.objno and q.usage = 0 and       b
    itand(t.flags, 4+16+32+64+128+256) = 0 for update of, aft
              3,467           14          247.6    0.3     0.50      0.53 1554250272
    Module: SQL Developer
    select count(1) from all_objects where owner <> 'PUBLIC' and  ob
    ject_name in (:S0)
              1,694            4          423.5    0.2     0.08      0.08 1547382267
    Module: SQL Developer
    select object_type,owner,object_name,rank from (    select objec
    t_type,owner,object_name,0 rank    from all_objects    where obj
    ect_name = :NAME    and UPPER(owner) = nvl(:OWNER,UPPER(sys_cont
    ext('USERENV', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA')))    and object_type not in ( '
    SYNONYM' )     union all    select ao.object_type,ao.owner,ao.ob
              1,317          188            7.0    0.1     0.00      0.03 3371479671
    select,  (select owner_instance from$_queue_table_
    affinities   where table_objno = t.objno)  from$_queue
    _tables t where = :1 and t.schema = :2 for update skip lo
                892            1          892.0    0.1     0.02      0.01 3021556466
    Module: SQL Developer
    ID', 'TRUE', 'FALSE') INVALID,              'TRUE' runnable,
    SQL ordered by Gets for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Buffer Gets Threshold:   10000
    -> Note that resources reported for PL/SQL includes the resources used by
       all SQL statements called within the PL/SQL code.  As individual SQL
       statements are also reported, it is possible and valid for the summed
       total % to exceed 100
                                                         CPU      Elapsd
      Buffer Gets    Executions  Gets per Exec  %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
    a,      (SELECT 'TRUE' HAS_BODY, object_name tmp_name FROM SYS.
                890            2          445.0    0.1     0.09      0.10 1201167771
    Module: SQL Developer
           AND O.OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE'        AND O.OBJECT_NAME = T.
                779           10           77.9    0.1     0.02      0.05 3067006941
    delete from dependency$ where d_obj#=:1
                748          146            5.1    0.1     0.05      0.05 3951809012
    insert into dependency$(d_obj#,d_timestamp,order#,p_obj#,p_times
    tamp,d_owner#, property)values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6, :7)
                632            2          316.0    0.1    10.53     17.92 4043595143
    Module: SQL*Plus
    SQL ordered by Reads for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Disk Reads Threshold:    1000
                                                         CPU      Elapsd
    Physical Reads  Executions  Reads per Exec %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
             17,317            2        8,658.5   80.1    10.53     17.92 4043595143
    Module: SQL*Plus
              8,659            1        8,659.0   40.1    10.42     14.21 1240367379
    Module: SQL*Plus
    BEGIN statspack.snap ; END;
              8,658            1        8,658.0   40.0    10.47     14.11 2522684317
    Module: sqlplus.exe
    BEGIN statspack.snap; END;
              3,880            1        3,880.0   17.9     0.17      1.87 1279266739
    Module: SQL Developer
    select count(*) from IMP_TEMPSS_PARTSLANG
                299            2          149.5    1.4     1.09      1.38 3446574552
    Module: SQL Developer
    select column_name from  all_updatable_columns where TABLE_NAME
    = :OBJECT_NAME and owner = :OBJECT_OWNER and updatable = 'YES'
                 12            5            2.4    0.1     0.05      0.13 3444463493
    Module: SQL Developer
                 12            4            3.0    0.1     0.03      0.13 3833423502
    Module: SQL Developer
                  9            1            9.0    0.0     0.00      0.07 3687727603
    insert into col$(obj#,name,intcol#,segcol#,type#,length,precisio
                  8            2            4.0    0.0     0.28      0.30 3259503395
    Module: SQL Developer
    select * from (SELECT OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_ID ,'' short_name,
    LE_OWNER =owner  AND TABLE_NAME = object_name ),0,'FALSE','TRUE'
    )  partition,                                 OWNER OBJECT_OWNER
                   FROM SYS.ALL_OBJECTS O               WHERE O.OWNE
                  7            5            1.4    0.0     0.02      0.06 3508476732
    insert into idl_ub1$(obj#,part,version,piece#,length,piece) valu
    SQL ordered by Reads for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Disk Reads Threshold:    1000
                                                         CPU      Elapsd
    Physical Reads  Executions  Reads per Exec %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
                  5            8            0.6    0.0     0.00      0.03 1008661772
    update idl_ub1$ set piece#=:1 ,length=:2 , piece=:3 where obj#=:
    4 and part=:5 and piece#=:6 and version=:7
                  5            1            5.0    0.0     0.11      0.21 4208944292
    Module: SQL Developer
    with pri_cols as ( SELECT cols.column_name column_name, cols.pos
    ition column_position              FROM all_constraints cons, al
    l_cons_columns cols            WHERE cons.constraint_type = 'P'
               AND cons.constraint_name = cols.constraint_name
          AND cons.owner = cols.owner            and cols.table_name
                  2            3            0.7    0.0     0.00      0.01  761440199
    insert into idl_ub2$(obj#,part,version,piece#,length,piece) valu
                  1            3            0.3    0.0     0.00      0.01 1249304535
    update idl_ub2$ set piece#=:1 ,length=:2 , piece=:3 where obj#=:
    4 and part=:5 and piece#=:6 and version=:7
                  1            2            0.5    0.0     0.27      0.29 1607513402
    Module: SQL Developer
    SELECT OWNER,TABLE_NAME FROM all_external_tables
                  1           10            0.1    0.0     0.03      0.02 1825174980
    delete from access$ where d_obj#=:1
                  1           10            0.1    0.0     0.02      0.05 3067006941
    delete from dependency$ where d_obj#=:1
                  1           10            0.1    0.0     3.34      3.33 3247664323
    insert into source$(obj#,line,source) values (:1,:2,:3)
                  1          146            0.0    0.0     0.05      0.05 3951809012
    insert into dependency$(d_obj#,d_timestamp,order#,p_obj#,p_times
    tamp,d_owner#, property)values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6, :7)
                  0            2            0.0    0.0     0.00      0.00   10821553
    Module: SQL Developer
                  0            3            0.0    0.0     0.00      0.01   66972507
    Module: SQL Developer
                  0            2            0.0    0.0     0.02      0.00   80089551
    Module: SQL Developer
                  0            1            0.0    0.0     0.00      0.00  120978412
    select col#,intcol#,ntab# from ntab$ where obj#=:1 order by intc
    SQL ordered by Reads for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Disk Reads Threshold:    1000
                                                         CPU      Elapsd
    Physical Reads  Executions  Reads per Exec %Total Time (s)  Time (s) Hash Value
    ol# asc
                  0            5            0.0    0.0     0.00      0.00  130926350
    select count(*) from sys.job$ where next_date < :1 and (field1 =
    :2 or (field1 = 0 and 'Y' = :3))
                  0            5            0.0    0.0     0.00      0.00  155765854
    select count(*),min(piece#),max(piece#) from idl_ub1$ where obj#
    =:1 and part=:2 and version=:3
                  0            1            0.0    0.0     0.00      0.00  162044583
    select col#,intcol#,charsetid,charsetform from col$ where obj#=:
    1 order by intcol# asc
                  0            2            0.0    0.0     0.00      0.00  179957765
    select count(*),min(piece#),max(piece#) from idl_char$ where obj
    #=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3
                  0            3            0.0    0.0     0.00      0.00  204386021
    select col#, grantee#, privilege#,max(mod(nvl(option$,0),2)) fro
    m objauth$ where obj#=:1 and col# is not null group by privilege
    #, col#, grantee# order by col#, grantee#
                  0           10            0.0    0.0     0.00      0.00  292617943
    delete from vtable$ where obj#=:1
                  0            1            0.0    0.0     0.73      0.73  401938015
    Module: Oracle SQL Developer
    SELECT s.owner, s.synonym_name, 'SYNONYM' as object_type FROM sy
    SQL ordered by Executions for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Executions Threshold:     100
                                                    CPU per    Elap per
    Executions   Rows Processed   Rows per Exec    Exec (s)   Exec (s)  Hash Value
             280               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 1316169839
    select job, nvl2(last_date, 1, 0) from sys.job$ where (((:1 <= n
    ext_date) and (next_date < :2))    or  ((last_date is null) and
    (next_date < :3))) and (field1 = :4 or (field1 = 0 and 'Y' = :5)
    ) and (this_date is null) order by next_date, job
             280             280              1.0       0.00        0.00 1693927332
    select count(*) from sys.job$ where (next_date > sysdate) and (n
    ext_date < (sysdate+5/86400))
             188             188              1.0       0.00        0.00 3371479671
    select,  (select owner_instance from$_queue_table_
    affinities   where table_objno = t.objno)  from$_queue
    _tables t where = :1 and t.schema = :2 for update skip lo
             146             146              1.0       0.00        0.00 3951809012
    insert into dependency$(d_obj#,d_timestamp,order#,p_obj#,p_times
    tamp,d_owner#, property)values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6, :7)
              76              76              1.0       0.00        0.00 2997854589
    insert into access$(d_obj#,order#,columns,types) values (:1,:2,:
              47               0              0.0       0.00        0.00  633914867
    select q_name, state, delay, expiration, rowid, msgid,    dequeu
    e_msgid, chain_no, local_order_no, enq_time, enq_tid, step_no,
    priority, exception_qschema, exception_queue, retry_count, corr
    id,     time_manager_info   from SYS.AQ_EVENT_TABLE   where time
    managerinfo <= :1 and state != :2   for update skip locked
              47             188              4.0       0.00        0.00  815501214
    select t.schema,, t.flags, from$_queue_t
    ables t,$_queue_table_affinities aft,$_que
    ues q where aft.table_objno = t.objno and aft.owner_instance = :
    1 and        q.table_objno = t.objno and q.usage = 0 and       b
    itand(t.flags, 4+16+32+64+128+256) = 0 for update of, aft
              47               0              0.0       0.00        0.00  870116171
    select q_name, state, delay, expiration, rowid, msgid,    dequeu
    e_msgid, chain_no, local_order_no, enq_time, enq_tid, step_no,
    priority, exception_qschema, exception_queue, retry_count, corr
    id,     time_manager_info   from SYSTEM.DEF$_AQERROR   where tim
    e_manager_info <= :1 and state != :2   for update skip locked
              47               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 1153132087
    select q_name, state, delay, expiration, rowid, msgid,    dequeu
    e_msgid, chain_no, local_order_no, enq_time, enq_tid, step_no,
    priority, exception_qschema, exception_queue, retry_count, corr
    id,     time_manager_info   from SYSTEM.DEF$_AQCALL   where time
    managerinfo <= :1 and state != :2   for update skip locked
              47               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 3920324236
    select q_name, state, delay, expiration, rowid, msgid,   dequeue
    SQL ordered by Executions for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Executions Threshold:     100
                                                    CPU per    Elap per
    Executions   Rows Processed   Rows per Exec    Exec (s)   Exec (s)  Hash Value
    msgid, chainno, local_order_no, enq_time, enq_tid, step_no,
    priority, exception_qschema, exception_queue, retry_count, corri
    d,   time_manager_info, sender_name, sender_address, sender_prot
    ocol   from SYS.AQ_SRVNTFN_TABLE   where time_manager_info <= :1
              30              30              1.0       0.00        0.00 2201541053
    insert into error$(obj#,sequence#,line,position#,textlength,text
    ) values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6)
              26             115              4.4       0.00        0.00 1749333492
    select position#,sequence#,level#,argument,type#,charsetid,chars
    etform,properties,nvl(length, 0), nvl(precision#, 0),nvl(scale,
    0),nvl(radix, 0), type_owner,type_name,type_subname,type_linknam
    e,pls_type from argument$ where obj#=:1 and procedure#=:2 order
    by sequence# desc
              21               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 1683508596
    delete from idl_sb4$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2
              21               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 1894783783
    delete from idl_char$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2
              21               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 2479503691
    delete from idl_ub1$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2
              21               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 3926364396
    delete from idl_ub2$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2
              20              20              1.0       0.00        0.00 3401267293
    insert into settings$(obj#, param, value) values (:1, :2, :3)
              14              62              4.4       0.00        0.00 1356713530
    select privilege#,level from sysauth$ connect by grantee#=prior
    privilege# and privilege#>0 start with (grantee#=:1 or grantee#=
    1) and privilege#>0
              14              14              1.0       0.04        0.04 1554250272
    Module: SQL Developer
    select count(1) from all_objects where owner <> 'PUBLIC' and  ob
    ject_name in (:S0)
              13              13              1.0       0.00        0.00 3468666020
    select text from view$ where rowid=:1
              12              12              1.0       0.00        0.00  825987371
    Module: SQL Developer
    declare     l_line varchar2(255);     l_done number;     l_buffe
    r long; begin   loop     exit when length(l_buffer)+255 > :maxby
    tes OR l_done = 1;     dbms_output.get_line( l_line, l_done );
       l_buffer := l_buffer || l_line || chr(10);   end loop;  :done
    := l_done;  :buffer := l_buffer; end;
              12               0              0.0       0.00        0.00 2222871512
    Module: SQL Developer
    SQL ordered by Executions for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Executions Threshold:     100
                                                    CPU per    Elap per
    Executions   Rows Processed   Rows per Exec    Exec (s)   Exec (s)  Hash Value
    SQL ordered by Parse Calls for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Parse Calls Threshold:      1000
                               % Total
    Parse Calls  Executions   Parses  Hash Value
              47           47     4.48  633914867
    select q_name, state, delay, expiration, rowid, msgid,    dequeu
    e_msgid, chain_no, local_order_no, enq_time, enq_tid, step_no,
    priority, exception_qschema, exception_queue, retry_count, corr
    id,     time_manager_info   from SYS.AQ_EVENT_TABLE   where time
    managerinfo <= :1 and state != :2   for update skip locked
              47           47     4.48  815501214
    select t.schema,, t.flags, from$_queue_t
    ables t,$_queue_table_affinities aft,$_que
    ues q where aft.table_objno = t.objno and aft.owner_instance = :
    1 and        q.table_objno = t.objno and q.usage = 0 and       b
    itand(t.flags, 4+16+32+64+128+256) = 0 for update of, aft
              47           47     4.48  870116171
    select q_name, state, delay, expiration, rowid, msgid,    dequeu
    e_msgid, chain_no, local_order_no, enq_time, enq_tid, step_no,
    priority, exception_qschema, exception_queue, retry_count, corr
    id,     time_manager_info   from SYSTEM.DEF$_AQERROR   where tim
    e_manager_info <= :1 and state != :2   for update skip locked
              47           47     4.48 1153132087
    select q_name, state, delay, expiration, rowid, msgid,    dequeu
    e_msgid, chain_no, local_order_no, enq_time, enq_tid, step_no,
    priority, exception_qschema, exception_queue, retry_count, corr
    id,     time_manager_info   from SYSTEM.DEF$_AQCALL   where time
    managerinfo <= :1 and state != :2   for update skip locked
              47          188     4.48 3371479671
    select,  (select owner_instance from$_queue_table_
    affinities   where table_objno = t.objno)  from$_queue
    _tables t where = :1 and t.schema = :2 for update skip lo
              47           47     4.48 3920324236
    select q_name, state, delay, expiration, rowid, msgid,   dequeue
    msgid, chainno, local_order_no, enq_time, enq_tid, step_no,
    priority, exception_qschema, exception_queue, retry_count, corri
    d,   time_manager_info, sender_name, sender_address, sender_prot
    ocol   from SYS.AQ_SRVNTFN_TABLE   where time_manager_info <= :1
              21           21     2.00 1683508596
    delete from idl_sb4$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2
              21           21     2.00 1894783783
    delete from idl_char$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2
              21           21     2.00 2479503691
    delete from idl_ub1$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2
              21           21     2.00 3926364396
    delete from idl_ub2$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2
              14           14     1.34 1356713530
    SQL ordered by Parse Calls for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Parse Calls Threshold:      1000
                               % Total
    Parse Calls  Executions   Parses  Hash Value
    select privilege#,level from sysauth$ connect by grantee#=prior
    privilege# and privilege#>0 start with (grantee#=:1 or grantee#=
    1) and privilege#>0
              14           14     1.34 1554250272
    Module: SQL Developer
    select count(1) from all_objects where owner <> 'PUBLIC' and  ob
    ject_name in (:S0)
              13           13     1.24 3468666020
    select text from view$ where rowid=:1
              12           12     1.15  825987371
    Module: SQL Developer
    declare     l_line varchar2(255);     l_done number;     l_buffe
    r long; begin   loop     exit when length(l_buffer)+255 > :maxby
    tes OR l_done = 1;     dbms_output.get_line( l_line, l_done );
       l_buffer := l_buffer || l_line || chr(10);   end loop;  :done
    := l_done;  :buffer := l_buffer; end;
              12           12     1.15 2222871512
    Module: SQL Developer
              11           11     1.05  701589132
    Module: SQL Developer
    BEGIN       /* NOP UNLESS A TABLE OBJECT */       IF dictionary_
    obj_type = 'TABLE' AND > 0       THE
    N         sys.dbms_cdc_publish.change_table_trigger(dictionary_o
    bj_owner,dictionary_obj_name,sysevent);       END IF;       END;
              11           11     1.05 4144490151
    delete from error$ where obj#=:1
              11           11     1.05 4151580176
    update obj$ set obj#=:6,type#=:7,ctime=:8,mtime=:9,stime=:10,sta
    tus=:11,dataobj#=:13,flags=:14,oid$=:15,spare1=:16, spare2=:17 w
    here owner#=:1 and name=:2 and namespace=:3 and(remoteowner=:4 o
    r remoteowner is null and :4 is null)and(linkname=:5 or linkname
    is null and :5 is null)and(subname=:12 or subname is null and :
              10           10     0.95  292617943
    delete from vtable$ where obj#=:1
              10           10     0.95  412513799
    select o.owner#,,,            o.namespace,
            o.obj#,   d.d_timestamp, nvl(,0), o.type#, o.s
    ubname  from dependency$ d, obj$ o, user$ u  where d.p_obj#=:1
    and   (d.p_timestamp=:2 or  and   d.d_obj#=o.obj#
    and   o.owner#=u.user#  and decode(:3,0,0,o.type#)=:3
              10           10     0.95 1077743770
    SQL ordered by Parse Calls for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Parse Calls Threshold:      1000
                               % Total
    Parse Calls  Executions   Parses  Hash Value
    delete from argument$ where obj#=:1
    SQL ordered by Sharable Memory for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Sharable Memory Threshold:   1048576
    Sharable Mem (b)  Executions  % Total  Hash Value
           3,898,908            2     0.4   3259503395
    Module: SQL Developer
    select * from (SELECT OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_ID ,'' short_name,
    LE_OWNER =owner  AND TABLE_NAME = object_name ),0,'FALSE','TRUE'
    )  partition,                                 OWNER OBJECT_OWNER
                   FROM SYS.ALL_OBJECTS O               WHERE O.OWNE
           2,519,473            1     0.3    680078008
    Module: SQL Developer
    ONDARY = 'N' AND    ( O.OBJECT_TYPE <> 'INDEX' OR         (
          EXISTS (SELECT 1                   FROM   ALL_INDEXES I
           1,882,420            1     0.2   4208944292
    Module: SQL Developer
    with pri_cols as ( SELECT cols.column_name column_name, cols.pos
    ition column_position              FROM all_constraints cons, al
    l_cons_columns cols            WHERE cons.constraint_type = 'P'
               AND cons.constraint_name = cols.constraint_name
          AND cons.owner = cols.owner            and cols.table_name
           1,687,994            4     0.2   1547382267
    Module: SQL Developer
    select object_type,owner,object_name,rank from (    select objec
    t_type,owner,object_name,0 rank    from all_objects    where obj
    ect_name = :NAME    and UPPER(owner) = nvl(:OWNER,UPPER(sys_cont
    ext('USERENV', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA')))    and object_type not in ( '
    SYNONYM' )     union all    select ao.object_type,ao.owner,ao.ob
           1,406,016            2     0.1   2033073833
    Module: SQL Developer
    select parameter,value from nls_session_parameters  union all SE
    LECT 'DB_TIMEZONE' name, DBTIMEZONE  value FROM DUAL union all S
    ELECT parameter, value FROM nls_database_parameters WHERE parame
    SQL ordered by Version Count for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    -> End Version Count Threshold:        20
       Count  Executions   Hash Value
          53            2   2033073833
    Module: SQL Developer
    select parameter,value from nls_session_parameters  union all SE
    LECT 'DB_TIMEZONE' name, DBTIMEZONE  value FROM DUAL union all S
    ELECT parameter, value FROM nls_database_parameters WHERE parame
    Instance Activity Stats for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    Statistic                                      Total     per Second    per Trans
    CPU used by this session                       3,185            2.2      1,061.7
    CPU used when call started                     3,185            2.2      1,061.7
    CR blocks created                                 48            0.0         16.0
    Cached Commit SCN referenced                       0            0.0          0.0
    Commit SCN cached                                  0            0.0          0.0
    DBWR buffers scanned                               0            0.0          0.0
    DBWR checkpoint buffers written                   22            0.0          7.3
    DBWR checkpoints                                   0            0.0          0.0
    DBWR free buffers found                            0            0.0          0.0
    DBWR lru scans                                     0            0.0          0.0
    DBWR make free requests                            0            0.0          0.0
    DBWR revisited being-written buff                  0            0.0          0.0
    DBWR summed scan depth                             0            0.0          0.0
    DBWR transaction table writes                      6            0.0          2.0
    DBWR undo block writes                            12            0.0          4.0
    SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client              1,570            1.1        523.3
    SQL*Net roundtrips to/from dblink                 18            0.0          6.0
    active txn count during cleanout                 188            0.1         62.7
    background checkpoints completed                   0            0.0          0.0
    background checkpoints started                     0            0.0          0.0
    background timeouts                            1,682            1.2        560.7
    branch node splits                                 0            0.0          0.0
    buffer is not pinned count                   436,985          303.9    145,661.7
    buffer is pinned count                       948,328          659.5    316,109.3
    bytes received via SQL*Net from c            803,800          559.0    267,933.3
    bytes received via SQL*Net from d              6,405            4.5      2,135.0
    bytes sent via SQL*Net to client             831,677          578.4    277,225.7
    bytes sent via SQL*Net to dblink               3,735            2.6      1,245.0
    calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss              7,027            4.9      2,342.3
    calls to kcmgas                                  763            0.5        254.3
    calls to kcmgcs                                  208            0.1         69.3
    change write time                                375            0.3        125.0
    cleanout - number of ktugct calls              3,728            2.6      1,242.7
    cleanouts and rollbacks - consist                  0            0.0          0.0
    cleanouts only - consistent read               3,527            2.5      1,175.7
    cluster key scan block gets                   27,451           19.1      9,150.3
    cluster key scans                             12,274            8.5      4,091.3
    commit cleanout failures: block l                  0            0.0          0.0
    commit cleanout failures: buffer                   0            0.0          0.0
    commit cleanout failures: callbac                  2            0.0          0.7
    commit cleanout failures: cannot                   0            0.0          0.0
    commit cleanouts                               1,219            0.9        406.3
    commit cleanouts successfully com              1,217            0.9        405.7
    commit txn count during cleanout               3,574            2.5      1,191.3
    consistent changes                                95            0.1         31.7
    consistent gets                              926,553          644.3    308,851.0
    consistent gets - examination                304,799          212.0    101,599.7
    current blocks converted for CR                    0            0.0          0.0
    cursor authentications                            13            0.0          4.3
    data blocks consistent reads - un                 95            0.1         31.7
    db block changes                              98,756           68.7     32,918.7
    db block gets                                 80,228           55.8     26,742.7
    deferred (CURRENT) block cleanout                613            0.4        204.3
    dirty buffers inspected                        3,379            2.4      1,126.3
    enqueue conversions                               90            0.1         30.0
    enqueue releases                               2,288            1.6        762.7
    Instance Activity Stats for DB: CHRYSLER  Instance: chrysler  Snaps: 4 -6
    Statistic                                      Total     per Second    per Trans
    enqueue requests                               2,290            1.6        763.3
    enqueue timeouts                                   0            0.0          0.0
    enqueue waits                                      0            0.0          0.0
    execute count                                  2,105            1.5        701.7
    free buffer inspected                          3,379            2.4      1,126.3
    free buffer requested                          4,937            3.4      1,645.7
    hot buffers moved to head of LRU                 243            0.2         81.0
    immediate (CR) block cleanout app              3,527            2.5      1,175.7
    immediate (CURRENT) block cleanou                240            0.2         80.0
    index fast full scans (full)                       0            0.0          0.0
    index fetch by key                           248,987          173.2     82,995.7
    index scans kdiixs1                          457,728          318.3    152,576.0
    leaf node 90-10 splits                             1            0.0          0.3
    leaf node splits                                  36            0.0         12.0
    logons cumulative                                 14            0.0          4.7
    messages received                                553            0.4        184.3
    messages sent                                    553            0.4        184.3
    no buffer to keep pinned count                     0            0.0          0.0
    no work - consistent read gets               483,400          336.2    161,133.3
    opened cursors cumulative                        806            0.6        268.7
    parse count (failures)                            14            0.0          4.7
    parse count (hard)                                41            0.0         13.7
    parse count (total)                            1,048            0.7        349.3
    parse time cpu                                    21            0.0          7.0
    parse time elapsed                                37            0.0         12.3
    physical reads                                21,620           15.0      7,206.7
    physical reads direct                         17,317           12.0      5,772.3
    physical writes                               20,718           14.4      6,906.0
    physical writes direct                        17,317           12.0      5,772.3
    physical writes non checkpoint                20,698           14.4      6,899.3
    pinned buffers inspected                           0            0.0          0.0
    prefetched blocks                              3,662            2.6      1,220.7
    prefetched blocks aged out before                  0            0.0          0.0
    process last non-idle time            16,807,669,922   11,688,226.7 ############
    recovery blocks read                               0            0.0          0.0
    recursive calls                               19,103           13.3      6,367.7
    recursive cpu usage                            2,568            1.8        856.0
    redo blocks written                           29,780           20.7      9,926.7
    redo buffer allocation retries                    19            0.0          6.3
    redo entries                                  51,190           35.6     17,063.3
    redo log space requests                            0            0.0          0.0
    redo log space wait time                           0            0.0          0.0
    redo ordering marks                               17            0.0          5.7
    redo size                   

    I know, I must apply the latest patch to make it coming back to your question, I am actually new in this company, don't know much about their nature of database. their database appears to run prety slow. specially, when they perfrom bulk DML activity. I've already suggested them to disable the indexes
    and drop the constraints, but that didn't seem to work eighter. I though, you guys would able to offer something , which would make sence in order to kill the ongoing problem. Anyways, thanks for the inputs
    hare krishna

  • Report on Mobile Home syncing

    Does anyone no of a way to check that the computer on a network are syncing their mobile directories properly?
    A report stating which users are uptodate would be really nice??
    Many thanks for any help,
    David Lee

    Sorry for the delay in reply.
    After revisiting this issue i tried the following based off your suggestions:
    Deleted that mobile home from the macbook pro.
    On the server reset the permissions to the users mobile home folder
    Set server to "create moblie home" - save.
    Again,  when loging in on the macbook pro with the users credentials.
    It goes through the process and creates the user but brings none of the content.
    The sync starts and finishes within 3 secconds.
    What I ended up doing was creating another user on the server,  tried the same steps as above.  ALL GOOD.
    I then manualy transfered content from the old user mobile home ot the new and everything is syncing perfectly!
    I'm wondering if perhaps that users old home folder had horrible file corruption or some sort of permissions issue. Or perhaps that this just wasnt meant to work between 10.7/8 and 10.9
    His user folder was syncing fine with his 2005 Macbook Pro (running 10.7)?  None the less it all worked out.  I'll then ensure the new home folder has all the info and delete the old user.
    Thanks for your help!

  • Open PDF File from Link on SSRS Report REDUX

    Revisiting an earlier post here, because a solution is revealed. 
    The string below, when entered into the "Jump to URL" value on the Navigation tab for Textbox properties, works IN A REPORT PUBLISHED to a Report Server.  This would NOT work in the Visual Studio project on my desktop.
    Unfortunately, it opens the PDF file on the same browser tab as the SSRS report that contains the link to the file. 
    Can anyone please suggest an alternative construction for the string that would force the file to open in either a new browser window or a new tab in the current window?

    How about trying this

  • Pdf reports in APEX

    I need to generate pdf reports using interactive reports feature in oracle APEX. But everytime, I am getting error like print server is not configured and like this. Can any one help me over this?
    Is there any other way of generating pdf reports in oracle APEX without using pdf printing.
    Also,do we need BI publisher for simple/standard pdf printing? Please suggest.
    Thanks and Regards

    While you can enable simple APACHE FOP printing in APEX 3.1 and beyond, it is not easy and not very robust. Oracle recommends BI Publisher for a reason (besides wanting to make money!)
    Here are links with information:
    Marc has an excellent APEX Blog that includes this:
    Marc made this presentation - slide 15 shows the APACHE FOP architecture:
    I am sure you can find more info if you Google. But I will share our experiences. We installed APEX 3.1 but were not going to be buying BI Publisher. We had previous success with integrating Oracle Reports (web) into APEX 3.0 and liked that but wanted to explore the APACHE FOP solution mentioned in the APEX documentation.
    We installed APEX 3.1 in an Oracle 10g Database. We used the included HTTP Webserver (Apache, I think?) that comes with APEX then installed the APACHE FOP piece in an OC4J container. We aren't Apache experts - more DBAs - so maybe people with lots of experience in OC4J and Apache would have an easier time. We did not and were not able to get much support from Oracle Support. They kept citing BI Publisher solutions - which we weren't using.
    Anyway, we get the whole thing installed and running to find out that APACHE FOP has limitations (memory issues, rendering issues, layout issues). I think if we learn XSLT coding enough to make custom layouts, we might get past the layout issues but the memory usage is of more concern.
    We are now revisiting Oracle Reports. BI Publisher might be great but we already own Oracle Reports licenses and don't have a budget to purchase something new.

  • Prime 2.1 - Client count report based on ssid

    Dear All,
    Is it possible to extract the reports of client count per ap based on ssid..?
    Like, AP Name (eg., 2ndFloorAP) --> SSID (Test)--> Client count for past 1day, 1 week, 1 month etc.
    As of now i could see overall client count of an ap from prime not based on SSID (under device work center --> unified ap --> client over time --> client count on ap / client traffic on ap)

    Hi Prasan,
    Revisiting this issue, if you have your APs assigned to specific campus/building for your company, you can drill down to the specific AP and SSID that you want for that client count. The options that I used to run a report for one AP for one location that we have is as follows:
    report title: <enter applicable name for report>
    report by: AP by floor area
    report criteria: choose edit and search for the location/building/campus and then the specific AP that you want from those fields. Then choose select.
    Once back at the report screen you can set the next options:
    connection protocol: select from drop down what you want if it is all clients, all wireless, etc.
    The next drop down should allow you to select the specific SSID to what you want based upon the individual AP.  Followed by the report time afterward.  This report will output as a line graph showing the total number of clients based upon your search criteria and time frame.  If you want to research client counts and see their mac address and IP ranges then you are limited to only seeing the current associated clients from the operation > work center flow while viewing the specific AP.  Hope that helps.

  • Is there a place to report mavericks bugs to  in order to solve them?

    For launchpad all the app icons are missing...showing me just the text under!
    Where can I report this sort of problems?

    Here, because that is not a bug in Mavericks, rather a problem arising from upgrading an existing system that is dysfunctional. I recommend that you reinstall Mavericks and see if the problem isn't fixed. You can report legitimate problems, that is problems that not only exist on your system but others as well, to:
    Apple Feedback
    Using Apple Bug Reporter
    Fixing a Mavericks Installation Problem
    How to manage a failed OS X Mavericks installation | MacFixIt - CNET Reviews.
    1. Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC).
    2. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions - Lion/Mountain Lion/Mavericks
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported then click on the Repair Permissions button. When the process is completed, then quit DU and return to the main menu. Select Restart from the Apple menu.
    3. Re-download and reinstall Mavericks.
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion/Mavericks: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion/Mavericks and click on the Continue button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.

  • Trouble Shooting Revisited.

    Trouble Shooting Revisited
    Ok We will start with loading Tiger and iChat version 3.0
    From Panther
    There are or were serveral Add-ons and applications avaiblable to Panther users of iChat that are not compatible with iChat 3.
    These following need to be deleted.
    iCAR - An Add-on that posts an Auto response Away message (produces a 1 fps result in a Video chat)
    Virex for Panther - An Anti Virus app avialable to @mac account users (Produces the 1 fsp problem)
    iChatUSBCam for Panther/iChat2.x - A Add-on utility for using iSight or USB cam with iChat2.x (Incompatible with Tiger/iChat 3)
    iProfile - An Add-on for producing a profile on the AIM server that ichat 2.x could not do (not proven to be a problem but now not needed).
    A clean install of Tiger (not Archive and Install) produces the best results.
    But any install should also check these Tiger settings.
    First, UPGRADE to 10.4.2 as this gets past many Connection issues that became apparent with the basic Tiger (10.4) and iChat 3.0 It updates iChat to version 3.0.1
    Check Settings
    Don't be complacent that you have not set anything different.
    There are several new things in Tiger that may trip you up.
    These are worth looking at:
    Mac Firewall. Now includes the ability to Block all UDP traffic in the Advanced button (System Preferences > Sharing >Firewall tab then the Advanced Button).
    Also can now open UDP protocol for ports where as the Panther one only did TCP (Check any old Panther settings you Added to the presets).
    The ports should be:
    <table border=1; cellpadding=5><Tr><td colspan=3; align=center>Tiger TCP and UDP Ports For Mac Firewall</td></tr><tr><td align=center>Method</td><td align=center>TCP Ports</td><td align=center>UDP Ports</td></Tr><tr><td>iChat over AIM</td><td>5190</td><td>5060, 5190, 5678, 16384-16403</td></tr><tr><td>Bonjou</td><td>5298</td><td>5297, 5298, 5353</td></tr><tr><td>Jabber</td><td>5220, 5222, 5223</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>All Ports</td><td>5190, 5220, 5222, 5223, 5298</td><td>5060, 5297, 5298, 5298, 5353, 5678, 16384-16403</td></tr></table>
    QuickTime. This has a change in the name of the Connection Speed tab to Streaming (System Preferences > QuickTime) Check this is set to be equal to your connection speed (the download one if this is faster).
    Date & Time. Not conclusively involved but worth eliminating. Set a Network Server and the correct Time Zone.
    Apple Remote Desktop. If this is active in System Preferences > Sharing > Services tab it causes problems for iChat.
    Next, test the actual speed you are getting from your ISP.
    There is a table here of the speeds you need:
    The one you get linked to in the Help menu is wrong.
    Other Known Problems
    There are several other applications that iChat 3 does not seem to like.
    folding@home This is a application that uses spare processor time to help find protein chains for a University.
    PostgreSQL This is a data base application that can be reset to allow more processor time for iChat. See here
    Lotus Notes Some people have reported problems with this.
    Make sure any Add-on Video cards or input PCI cards have up to date Firmware
    Thread on Miglia.
    IF you are still having problems I would do Routine Maintenance Tasks as laid out here.
    Lastly, some routers/modems are SIP aware and give different results in iChat 3 compared to iChat 2.
    This is due to the Operating System changing (like a new computer connecting to the modem) rather than iChat.

    Trouble Shooting Revisited
    Ok We will start with loading Tiger and iChat version 3.0
    From Panther
    There are or were serveral Add-ons and applications avaiblable to Panther users of iChat that are not compatible with iChat 3.
    These following need to be deleted.
    iCAR - An Add-on that posts an Auto response Away message (produces a 1 fps result in a Video chat)
    Virex for Panther - An Anti Virus app avialable to @mac account users (Produces the 1 fsp problem)
    iChatUSBCam for Panther/iChat2.x - A Add-on utility for using iSight or USB cam with iChat2.x (Incompatible with Tiger/iChat 3)
    iProfile - An Add-on for producing a profile on the AIM server that ichat 2.x could not do (not proven to be a problem but now not needed).
    A clean install of Tiger (not Archive and Install) produces the best results.
    But any install should also check these Tiger settings.
    First, UPGRADE to 10.4.2 as this gets past many Connection issues that became apparent with the basic Tiger (10.4) and iChat 3.0 It updates iChat to version 3.0.1
    Check Settings
    Don't be complacent that you have not set anything different.
    There are several new things in Tiger that may trip you up.
    These are worth looking at:
    Mac Firewall. Now includes the ability to Block all UDP traffic in the Advanced button (System Preferences > Sharing >Firewall tab then the Advanced Button).
    Also can now open UDP protocol for ports where as the Panther one only did TCP (Check any old Panther settings you Added to the presets).
    The ports should be:
    Tiger TCP and UDP Ports For Mac FirewallUDP Ports for iChat over AIM:- 5060, 5190, 5678, 16384-16403
    TCP:- 5190 (this is an As well setting)
    Bonjour:_ 5297, 5298, 5353 on UDP
    TCP:- 5298 (This is an As well setting)
    Jabber:- 5220, 5222, 5223 TCP
    All Ports for TCP:- 5190, 5220, 5222, 5223, 5298
    For UDP:- 5060, 5297, 5298, 5298, 5353, 5678, 16384-16403
    QuickTime. This has a change in the name of the Connection Speed tab to Streaming (System Preferences > QuickTime) Check this is set to be equal to your connection speed (the download one if this is faster).
    Date & Time. Not conclusively involved but worth eliminating. Set a Network Server and the correct Time Zone.
    Apple Remote Desktop. If this is active in System Preferences > Sharing > Services tab it causes problems for iChat.
    Next, test the actual speed you are getting from your ISP.
    There is a table here of the speeds you need:
    The one you get linked to in the Help menu is wrong.
    Other Known Problems
    There are several other applications that iChat 3 does not seem to like.
    folding@home This is a application that uses spare processor time to help find protein chains for a University.
    PostgreSQL This is a data base application that can be reset to allow more processor time for iChat. See here
    Lotus Notes Some people have reported problems with this.
    Make sure any Add-on Video cards or input PCI cards have up to date Firmware
    Thread on Miglia.
    IF you are still having problems I would do Routine Maintenance Tasks as laid out here.
    Lastly, some routers/modems are SIP aware and give different results in iChat 3 compared to iChat 2.
    This is due to the Operating System changing (like a new computer connecting to the modem) rather than iChat.

  • Error using Excel as a DataSource for Report Builder 3.0 - ODBC connection

    I'm getting this error message below while trying to use excel as a datasource within Report Builder 3.0.  I can see the columns and rows but unable to display/run the report.  Using Excel 32 bit and have the driver and user dsn created under c:/windows/syswow64/odbcad32.
    ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

    Hi Cherise,
    Vishal's link looks good.
    I have commercial experience in migrating Crystal Reports to SSRS. When performing any type of migration it is always wise for the business requirements to be revisited. It is likely that the business requirements may have changed since the Crystal reports
    were initially developed, etc.
    I've done some research for you and the following link looks quiet impressive and offers a cheap trial, in terms of a direct migration. Please tell me how you get on; -
    I emphasis again I have commercial experience of lots of migration projects and it would be very unwise to not revisit the business requirements as part of the migration process.
    Kind Regards,
    Kieran Patrick Wood

  • MacFixIt

    Does this information help anybody?
    "Crashes: A surprisingly high number of users are reporting repeated crashes after updating to iWeb '08.
    Ironically, it appears that many of the crashes can be resolved by removing the file ~/Library/Application Support/iWeb/Domain. In essence, it looks like iWeb '08 is choking on the sites file created by older versions of iWeb. So move this file to a separate location, and try launching iWeb '08 again."
    Quoted from

    awesome! I'll give that a try almost immediately!
    hope i can solve my "blinking qestion mark folder" issue that way ...

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