Macs and pcs cohabiting with airport extreme

Hi, I have a bulbous (not flat) airport extreme, and run a macbook and a imac 24" wirelessly using pppoe (ie, bridging to the ethernet connection on the airport). I just can't get my wife's Vaio to connect to the internet even though it's seeing the Airport. Is there some simple solution? I'd be very grateful.

I had to turn off all security on the Airport to make it work, even then, the PC would only stay connected for ten minutes or so. I then discovered that you have to go into your system preferences and change your sharing setup. You'll need to select the proper sharing settings for how you are connecting to the PC, i.e., ethernet, airport, etc. It pretty much walks you through it. You might also have to change your networking prefs as well if that doesn't do the trick. Good luck, I hope this was of some help.

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    i Mac Intel Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Airport Extreme

    Are you running a closed network?
    Are you running in 802.11g mode only?
    No, neither closed network nor 802.11g mode only.

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    Hi Anne,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    By connecting them you mean to have them both receive signal from the Airport Express to access the internet rather then make a connection for file sharing.
    If that is the question, Yes you can. The easiest way of doing this is to set it up on the iBook G4 using Airport Setup Assistant. It will walk you, or your daughter through setting up the Airport Express. You want to assign it a password and your basically done except for your Windows PC. Does your Windows PC have a wireless card? Can you access the internet already? What you are going to need to do in order to connect to it is to join the network like you would any wireless network. I am not a Windows user (I try not to use them as much as possible), so I can't really help you with the Windows aspect of it.
    You can also setup the Airport Express using your Windows PC, but I think it would be easier on the Mac.
    You may want to look at the following...
    Knowledge Base Document #166609, which will help you decide What kind of network do I want to setup (Mac)
    Knowledge Base Document #163112, which will help you decide What kind of network do I want to setup (Win)
    Knowledge Base Document #163103 on Setting up your AirPort Express or AirPort Extreme Base Station (Mac/Win)
    Knowledge Base Document #106424 titled AirPort: Joining an encrypted wireless network
    Connecting to the Internet using AirPort
    Knowledge Base Document #108058 on Choosing a password for networks that use Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
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    I guess it's time to go down to Starbucks and buy an overprised Latte
    If the coffee place is running an "open" network that does not use wireless security, the G4 should connnect.
    If the coffee place uses WEP 40 or WEP 128 encryption, then the G4 will likely connect as well.
    My guess at this point would be that the AirPort Extreme is using WPA2 Security and the G4 operating system...or the wireless card in the G4.....will not support this level of security.
    So, although the G4 might be able to handle OS X 10.5.7 or higher, the wireless card may still limit what you can do.
    Things might be a whole lot easier....and a lot less expensive than a new wireless card.....if you try a USB wireless adapter on the G4.....assuming that the G4 supports a USB connnection.

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    So, my question is, can the new Airport Extreme run simultaneous dual networks like that as well?
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    As long as you realize that you will not be "extending" the TC wirelessly with the AirPort Extreme. Instead, you will need to connect the two by Ethernet. To extend it wirelessly, would require setting up a Wireless Distribution System (WDS) between the routers ... which will definitely reduce the available bandwidth and compromise performance.

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    P.S. Modem seems working fine since the ethernet is working fine. maybe problem of Airport or MacBook. I think I should go to the Genius Bar but I am afraid that 'Genius' is going to just check once and say 'It has no problem.'

    zdawg77 wrote:
    I too am having very slow connection speed issues with two of my white macbooks, both running 10.6.2, same airport extreme wireless adapter (built in). The strange thing is, these two macbooks came in a macbook 5-pack, and the 3 other laptops all have excellent speed. Nothing different has been done with these 2 laptops - all were updated (albeit the 2 were much slower to download the update), with nothing new installed otherwise...
    There were some Macbooks that had an issue with the screws holding their internal AirPort cards in place loosening, resulting in noise and lower signal levels from the antennas.
    You may want to try taking one of the affected Macbooks to a local Apple Store and see if you experience the same issues on their in-store network.

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    I had the same problem. On the MAC access panel in Airport Utility, click on the default user and then use the drop down menu below and click no access. Any of the added IDs you have added you can still put 24 hour access and only those users can connect to the network.
    The default is set for all access, so unless you change this, no matter how many separate IDs you add, it will let anyone on if they have a password.
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    Hi - you have will have to change the device passwords on all the base stations and then don't give them to anyone except the administrators and tell them not to save them on their computers that use the older versions of the Airport Utility - for the newer versions like the mobile apps, as soon as you enter the pasword it is saved and is visible in the advanced pane along with the network password - so if anyone gets a hold of your iPad or iPhone, they can edit the whole network - I have this same issue with my networks in the office and it is inconvenient but doable - I hope this helps

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    Please check out the following Apple Support article to see if your particular Power Mac model supports an external Wi-Fi antenna.

  • Big problem with Airport Extreme and Vivax Provider in Brazil

    Hello guys.
    I live in Brazil and I bought my Airport Extreme in a recent trip to USA.
    For some years I was a client of Telefonica and had an ADSL link, I had a D'Link G604T to do both the modem and router operation in the same box. I was happy with my connection of 1Mbps.
    In a recent promotion of Vivax I switched to a cable connection to have both TV and Internet at the same operator, my link now has 3Mbps.
    With this pack I also received free one RCA cable modem model DCM425B, it was installed fine in one computer only. Everything was fine my connection was faster the old one.
    So I went to install the Airport Extreme to make things even better.
    After I installed I went to see the web status of my modem, all parts were looking fine, but the modem could not see the computer. Bad sign.
    I talked to Vivax support people and apparently it was a problem with their network setup and they manage to make it right. My model now sees my computer.
    After that problem was solved I could not make AE to work with the modem, it had the green light and the setup looked fine, but I could not open any site. I tried to turn off my modem and AE, waited some minutes and turned on first my modem and after it was up I turned on AE. All lights looked fine but again no connection to any site.
    I called again the Vivax support center and they tried to help me but the don't know AE and they could not help me with all the details but said there was 2 10.x.x.x coming from my side. So I tried to use in bridge mode. I also selected the 192.x.x.x range instead of 10.x.x.x as default.
    After many setups and turn off and on again my connection is working but I have a big problem with wireless. If I turn it on I loose my connection, it seems that AE sends 2 equal ethernet address to Vivax and their network don't like it cutting me off.
    So my connection setup is like this:
    RCA Cable modem model DCM425B at 3Mbps using a 200.x.x.x ip
    Airport Extreme connected to a Mac and a Windows PC by wire using the 192.x.x.x range ip
    Wireless is off
    Bridge mode is on
    This the only way I could make it work.

    After a firmware update it worked fine.

  • Problem with Airport extreme and Time machine

    I recently purchased a 320gig external hard drive for Time machine. I connected it to my Airport extreme but it is not being recognized for some unknown reason. If I directly connect it to my iMac it works perfectly. I've updated with the latest firmware and it should work via USB with Airport extreme. Any suggestions why it is not working?

    angelop wrote:
    I have used the following for about two years.
    -MBP, Airport Extreme, External HD (1TB) for my time machine.
    You probably know, that's "iffy" and +*not supported by Apple.+* See the Using Time Machine with a USB drive connected to an Airport Extreme *User Tip,* also at the top of this forum.
    To get around this issue, I have switched off the Time Machine, and am only turning on once a week or so, to grab any changes or additions I've made. I've been doing this for about 6 months now with no problems.
    Now whenever I do this, (It should only be backing up an album or two from iTunes,) it tries to back up my whole system again. EVERY TIME. It did not do this before.
    If you go too long between backups, Time Machine will do a new, full backup. And once it decides to do that, it will keep trying until it succeeds. There are some other possibilities as well. See #D2 in the Using Time Machine with a USB drive connected to an Airport Extreme *User Tip,* also at the top of the +Time Machine+ forum.
    If none of those seem to explain it, see #A1 there; download the TM Buddy widget, copy and post the messages here.
    Why are you only backing-up once a week? Time Machine was designed to back up changes hourly, as long as your Mac is awake and the TC is in range. It will protect you best that way, and unless there's a problem, those backups will usually be very quick.
    But if you're only going to back up once a week or so, then Time Machine is not the best app for you. See Kappy's post on Basic Backup, complete with links to the web sites of each product.

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    It could be that there's a new source of interference.
    Use the advice in the second message of this thread to investigate the signal and noise levels that each client sees:
    By the way, you've been misled by the poor field labeling into trying to type your entire message into the subject field, instead of putting a one-line topic description there.

  • Creating a bridge with airport extreme (base) and airport express

    i am having trouble creating a bridge with airport extreme (base) and airport express. i got the airport express to connect to my network. Airtunes sees it fine. i have an iMac (running Tiger) connected to the airport express via ethernet which i was hoping to get internet on (the iMac doesn't not have built in wireless and i had a spare airport express). now the airport express is no longer visible to the airport setup assistant on that iMac. but, like i mentioned, Airtunes is working fine, and the light is green.
    i'm new to the wireless stuff. i am sure i just missed a step. how do i get the iMac to connect to the internet via my airport express bridging to my airport extreme wireless network?
    your help is appreciated.

    You can do this with the equipment you have. Configure the AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS) to act as a WDS main base station and configure the AirPort Express (AX) to act as a WDS remote base station. That will allow you to use the Ethernet port on the AX.
    Unfortunately WDS also causes the available wireless bandwidth to be cut in half.

  • Using an external hard drive with Airport Extreme

    I'd like to use an external hard drive to store movies and music through my Airport Extreme. The drive is connected to a powered usb hub which is connected to the Extreme. I can see the drive in Airport Utility but I can't figure out how to use it.

    I have just tried to set up an Airport Extreme with an external hard drive at home. I have 4 computers connected to the "network" - an iMac, a MacBookPro and 2 x windows machines. A printer is connected wirelessly to the two Macs.
    I cannot find the hard drive - I have tried the steps mentioned by Bob Timmons Mar 17 2010, but the only things I see under "Shared" in Finder are the iMac and the printer - not the Airport Extreme (seems odd??), not the windows machines, and most importantly, not the hard drive connected to the USB port on the Airport Extreme.
    I therefore expect that the iMac and printer are connected wirelessly and directly, rather than through my network (& I'm happy for the printer to be connected this way, but I do need the PCs and the hard drive all networked).
    According to my network connection, (in top bar on the screen) I am definitely connected to the network - yet nothing else shows in finder??
    I do, however, see the USB hard Drive when I go into Finder>Applications>Utilities>, under my Airport Extreme >Disks. I've also gone through all the set up procedures for "File Sharing."
    I have read other posts about formatting the hard drive ether FAT32 or NFTS - is this something I now need to do?? If so, which one should I use, and once I do it, will I then see it?
    Presumably, in order to format the Hard Drive, I will need to disconnect it from the Airport Extreme, and connect it directly to one of the Macs too?
    My apologies for so many questions, but this is all very technical stuff for the non-techie layperson.
    Many thanks for any help anyone can provide on one or more of the questions / issues.

  • Is anyone successfully using Netgear WN3000RP with Airport Extreme?

    Got a brand new WN3000RP wifi range extender. I went through the installation several times myself and several times with tech support to no avail. Tech support told me to return it for a new one.
    Everything is connected and the install process goes smoothly but I ultimately cannot ever use the extended network to connect to the Internet. I can see the range extender's mac address on the router but the two devices don't seem to talk to each other.
    I'm just wondering if I'm going to have the same problem with a new one or not and wondering if it's even compatible with Airport Extreme routers.
    I'm using Airport Utility version 6.1.
    Can someone out there can let me know if they got this device working with their Airport Extreme?
    Also, what are my other options to extend my range?

    I know this answer is likely too late to help but it may help users in the future. In the situation where you are using a range extender there are a few things you need to confirm to make sure it is going to function properly and also some best practices to make sure your network is running smoothly.
    1. Is the range extender using the router for DHCP? I have found in my experience is that the router should "reserve" a MAC Address and IP for the the Range Extender. Most times it is I would first set up the router to have the range extender have a set IP Address of 192.168.***.2 and add the MAC Address to the list so that the Range Extender has a Static IP Address in the private network.
    2. Initially set the range extender to have an SSID(Wireless Network Name) different than the Router's(Airport) SSID. This will allow you to determine if the Extender is functioning normally without it interfering with your existing network.
    3. At this point it is important to set the Range Extender DHCP. What this will do is let the range extender request IP Addresses, DNS(Domain Name Servers), and UPNP Requests. This is where I feel that a lot of people are having issues and assume that the router will still resolve DHCP. If the SSID and Wireless Channel are the same your network will work intermittently with internet access until it is configured correctly.
    4. For Devices that will stay on your network such as NAS(Network Storage), Smart TVs, Apple TVs I would recommend setting Static Private IP Addresses for each of them. Such as, TV), 192.168.5(Smart TV). Also if you enter the MAC Address for each device when you set this up it would be recommended.
    5. If devices are having issues connecting to internet or certain web services are having issues. It may be necessary to set the Extender(Which is now handling DHCP with IP, DNS, and UPNP passed through from the router) as the Gateway for which device may be having issues. For instance if the Apple TV is having issues communicating on the network(Air Play, Sharing, Streaming) set or configure the network settings manually on the Apple TV. The IP Address would be the one your reserved on your router. The Subnet Mask would likely be by default unless you have changed the amount of potential "Hosts" on your network. The Gateway would be the IP Address of the Extender(Which is paired with your router). DNS servers should be handled automatically. In some situations with certain devices you may need to use a DNS Service for Streaming, but this generally isn't needed.
    A Visual Representation would be
    ISP>Modem if needed>Router(DHCP Enabled and MAC Addresses Reserved)>Localized Devices<Range Extender(DHCP Enabled and Static IP Address 192.168.***.***)<Apple TV(Manually Configured IP Settings and Range Extender set as Gateway)<Other Devices Localized to Range Extender but not in range of Router(AirPort).
    In this representation you should be able to have the router and range extender broadcast Identical SSID and Channels(Radio Frequency). This also allows for advanced settings to be put in place such as LAN networks or Subnets.
    An issue that may come up is communicating with the range extender or router while setting up the network. A simple workaround that will allow you to configure either if the network doesn't let you connect on a MacBook is to go to System Preferences>Network>Wifi or Ethernet>Advanced>TCP/IP in configure IPv4>Set Using DHCP with Manual Address> Then IP Address that corresponds with your current network 192.168.***.*** but is not the same as the gateway, router, or reserved devices. This will allow you to connect and configure devices even if router or extender is not assigning IP addresses or operating properly.
    Disclaimer* This advice is only for informational purposes with no warranties expressed or implied.

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