Magic mouse causes jumping pages in browser?

Whilst I am browsing, from time to time, the page jumps either backward or forward wile I am holding the magic mouse. It seems to be when I have a thumb and finger on the outside metal edges of the mouse. It really is frustrating when I am trying to read something and my concentration gets broken by this action.
Is anyone having a similar occurrence or does someone know how to do a fix for this?

Uncheck The option in System Preferences > Mouse > More Gestures tab > Swipe between pages with one finger.
This will prevent the back or forward actions. 

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    Thanks so much for replying Barry.  Did what you said but took me 6 attempts to be able to reply to you so unfortunately did not work.  Have to wait over a week to get into Apple store so I guess I've just got to wait.  This is my second magic mouse and its driving me crazy.  Touch pad also playing up but thanks for the advice and have a good day.

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    Sometimes bluetooth interfers with wifi because they operate on the same 2.4Ghz band.  Try a lower channel number (1-3) on your wifi router.

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    I'm a new comer in this mac world like I just bought it less than a month ago and I'm already having trouble with it.
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    Please help!!

    Just figured out it also does not work with the Mail app.

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    I have the same problem on my iMac.
    In some applications, especially the apple ones, i can hear a odd noise while i use the vertical scroll.
    I dont no have idea what is causing that thing.
    It seems that only you and me can hear that sound. Maybe we have some kind of special hearing.

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    Based on the system requirements, on the product listing page at the Apple Store
    it will work. Scrolling works with Leopard. +Momentum Scrolling+ makes the scroll continue a bit after you stop the motion with your finger, like the action has "momentum." Snow Leopard is required for that feature to work.

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    Sounds like a couple of issues.  Your preferences should look like this:
    If they don't, look for a program called USB overdrive on you system and uninstall it.   The uninstaller would be in the apps directory or the Utilities subfolder of the apps directory.
    Then restart.
    For the scrolling slider, click the Mouse options button shown in BT's screenshot above.  It looks like this:

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    If you searched you should have found you are not alone with that MM/Mac Pro problem.  Probably the biggest thread in these forums (22 pages) is this one:
    Poor Bluetooth reception and jerky mouse
    Summary, add your own external antenna or get a USB Bluetooth dongle.
    How far are your mice from the mac pro's?  Probably more than 3 or 4 feet  from the back of the mac pro is about the limit.
    Are there any wireless devices nearby (e.g., routers).  Sometimes they cause interference.
    AirPort and Bluetooth: Potential sources of wireless interference
    You coud try smc and pram resets but it probably won't help.

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    Thanks for your help

    Maybe this will help. You can look for other ideas in the 'More Like This' box to the right.
    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.

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    I am having the same issue. I have a MBP connected to 2 x Dell 27" monitors over Mini DisplayPort to HDMI cables. Once I updated to OS X 10.10.2 this cursor highlight/jumping around issue only occurs on the connected monitors. If I move the program to the main laptop display the issue goes away. It does not require me to restart the program or the machine to make it work correctly. One way I am able to identify the issue is if I go to the line numbers in code like I wanted to select multiple lines - in the one that works correctly, the cursor turns into a white version where the tip of the cursor points to the right. When it is wrong, the cursor stays black and will only have the tip point to the left. Its just another way I identified if it was working cause I tried uninstalling DW and reinstalling - didn't work. Reset preferences as you discussed - no go. And I used other editors like IntelliJ and Adobe Edge Code - all of which work fine and don't display this issue.
    I tried the preferences reset you suggest and it doesn't work. I have another machine with OS X 10.10.1 on it and this issue is not there on any monitor. Any help with this ASAP as it pretty much stops you from being able to do any editing especially with longer pages as it consistently wants to page up when you select anything and if you then click again in another area it tries to move the highlighted code to that new spot.
    Update: I have a USB Microsoft Arch touch mouse connected (always worked just fine). When I go to place my cursor at some point in the code it causes the highlight flicker. If I switch over and use the built in trackpad, then I can place the cursor without the highlight issue. When trying to select multiple lines or sections of code, that still see's the highlight, page up and move of code issues regardless of input type.

  • Can't swipe back on websites any more..the page just freezes and i have to close it...this happens with both the trackpad and magic mouse. Also can't scroll down in iCal...any advice please?

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    This happens in both Safari and Google Chrome with both Trackpad and Magic Mouse.
    Also noticed that I can no longer scroll down in iCal… All the other gestures seem to be responding normally.
    Anyone have advice as to how I can fix this?

    Restart your computer and try again.
    Double check your AppleMenu()>System Preferences>Trackpad
    for all custom settings here.

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    I was about to post this same question and then I found this thread.
    Magic Trackpad was working great, I love using it.
    Then one day after a week or so of use it starts acting erratically.
    I assumed it was the batteries (although still above 70%) and changed them. Yet with fresh batteries reporting 100% it still refuses to take input and does its own erratic thing.
    I've had to switch it off constantly today because even when I switch to using the trackpad on my MBP (Core2duo Nov '06 model) the pointer jumps about on the screen and worse still "clicks", on things which causes mayhem.
    The suggestion of the USB power doesn't seem to affect me as all I have is the Apple aluminium keyboard plugged into my MBP. No other bluetooth devices being used or nearby. It's happened at 3 different locations too I can't blame interference from anything nearby
    Shame as I had thought Apple had finally produced a "mouse" that was worth of their brand and reputation.
    Message was edited by: Gilbertfield

  • Erratic Magic Mouse (jumps accross screen precisely every second)

    The title sums it up really. Every second (on the second) the cursor will jump very slightly on the screen. Probably only about 2 or 3 millimeters. It's annoying, but it's not a huge deal.
    What IS a huge deal is when the mouse decides to jump the cursor to a random point on either of my two screens. Extremely annoying especially if the second screen isn't even turned on and it jumps over there.
    What I've noticed is that it seems to do it more frequently when there is a higher load on the system. With a 'normal' workload (internet browsing, skype, listening to music etc) it will do this big jump approximately every minute. But when there is a high load, like when I'm trying to play a game it will happen every couple of seconds, rendering most games totally unplayable! (The number of times my character has ran off the edge of a cliff because of this is maddening).
    Now here's the thing, I took my iMac and Magic Mouse to my local Apple Store and wouldn't you know it, nothing happened. It behaved itself perfectly. But they were very good and swapped my old Magic Mouse for a brand new one out of a retail package anyway. Happy, I bring it home and immediately it's doing it again exactly as before with the brand new mouse!
    My iMac is the 2010 27" Core i5 version upgraded with 12gb of ram, in case any of that is relevant at all.

    I don't believe this. I've just spotted this post by user Ratzelda. He says that it's an issue with having dual (or multiple) monitors connected but powered down. I hadn't noticed any change in the mouse's behaviour when using the second monitor, but out of curiosity I just switched it on and sure enough the mouse is behaving normally now!
    That explains why the mouse didn't respond erratically when I took the iMac to the Apple Store, because I didn't take my second display with me.
    It seems like this is a known issue, and yet no patch has been released by Apple to fix it? Having to continuously run both monitors when it's not needed seems very energy inefficient to me. What is Apple playing at?

  • My mid 2010 Mac running yosemite lock has recently started to lock up when I do a swipe on the magic mouse to scroll a web page

    My mid 2010 Mac running yosemite has recently started to lock up when I do a swipe on the magic mouse to scroll a web page. Anybody having a similar experience?  I believe I've taken the last update to Yosemite within the last several weeks but this behavior did not start in concurrence with any system maintenance events.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a test, not a solution. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Step 1
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is localized to your user account.
    Enable guest logins* and log in as Guest. Don't use the Safari-only “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac.”
    While logged in as Guest, you won’t have access to any of your documents or settings. Applications will behave as if you were running them for the first time. Don’t be alarmed by this behavior; it’s normal. If you need any passwords or other personal data in order to complete the test, memorize, print, or write them down before you begin.
    Test while logged in as Guest. Same problem?
    After testing, log out of the guest account and, in your own account, disable it if you wish. Any files you created in the guest account will be deleted automatically when you log out of it.
    *Note: If you’ve activated “Find My Mac” or FileVault, then you can’t enable the Guest account. The “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac” is not the same. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.
    Step 2
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of the file system or of certain system caches.
    Please take this step regardless of the results of Step 1.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards, if applicable. Start up in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. You must hold down the shift key twice: once when you turn on the computer, and again when you log in.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled in OS X 10.9 or earlier, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to start up and run than normal, with limited graphics performance, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal startup may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, restart as usual (not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of Steps 1 and 2.

  • My magic mouse is now jumping around every time I pick it up / put it down. It started in the last few days. Any ideas?

    Hi all -
    I looked around the forums and couldn't find an existing solution...
    This afternoon, I started using my Magic Mouse again, after about a week without turning it on. The mouse now jumps around erratically and sends spurious click commands - menus pop up all over the place, links are clicked, apps opened, etc. Usually it takes the form of the mouse jumping 1-8" to the left, and it seems proportional to the impact - if I put it down normally, it jumps about 4" to the left. If I put it down a little harder then normal, it usually jumps to the upper left corner.
    This ONLY seems to happen when I pick up the mouse to reposition it on the mouse pad. If I slide it smoothly along the pad, then there don't seem to be any issues.
    It has been in my backpack, and was turned on (I realized this afternoon when I took it out), so I wondered if it might have been the batteries. I checked them, and they're fine. It also had trouble connecting, though, and I had to cycle both the mouse and BlueTooth on the MBP.
    I also saw several posts here that said it might be the optics, so I tried blowing those out, but they look crystal clear.
    Just to be safe, I also updated the Wacom tablet drivers to the latest, no luck.
    MBP (July 2011) 15" i7, upgraded to 8 G RAM
    Lion 10.7.4
    Magic Mouse
    Wacom Intuos 5 tablet
    no external monitors
    It's possible this started when I installed the Wacom drivers, since it 'feels' kinda like using a tablet in absolute mode, rather than mouse mode - but with the mouse hardware. I have not tried swapping out the mouse for another one, nor tried this mouse with another Mac. I can try those in the next few days when I get an opportunity, but figured I'd ask in the meantime.
    I'm suspicious of either the Wacom tablet (but I can't imagine there would be a problem, as SO many people would have experienced it already).
    I'm also suspicious that maybe something has been jiggled loose inside the mouse, but have no idea how to tell.
    Can anyone save me a trip to the (distant) genius bar?

    hey try a smc reset
    EDIT (smc reset
    Shut down the computer.
    Plug in the MagSafe power adapter to a power source, connecting it to the Mac if its not already connected.
    On the built-in keyboard, press the (left side) Shift-Control-Option keys and the power button at the same time.
    Release all the keys and the power button at the same time.
    Press the power button to turn on the computer. 
    Note: The LED on the MagSafe power adapter may change states or temporarily turn off when you reset the SMC.)
    if that doesnt help look at replacing the batteries in your magic mouse and try it then
    if the issue still presists take it into a apple store and they can test it there to see whats up

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