Magic Trackpad slow to initialise

I can't seem to understand why my Magic Trackpad takes such a long time to initialise when my iMac starts. It some 20 plus seconds. On the otherhand my magic Mouse is ready to go as soon as the dock appears.
I've tried starting without the MM switched on. Makes no difference. Tried reconnecting but the wheel just keeps spinning and says "No trackpad found, yet it is connected and I can move the cursor with it (?)
It's no big deal, but I work on a glass topped desk and the mouse needs to have a mouse mat to work on it. The trackpad for most jobs works just fine.
I'm also running a wired keyboard so there can't be that much bluetooth traffic

This is Apple's first call in this situation.
Trackpad or Magic Trackpad is jumpy or erratic
Cleanliness of the trackpad base and the working surface is essential.  No disrespect meant; some of us exude skin oil more than others.

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    I'm hoping you have email notifications turned on.  I got to wondering if it had something to do with the "Magic Prefs" software I was using to enable additional gesture/click options on my Magic Mouse.  I didn't bother deleting the software once I purchased the MT, so I just deleted it and rebooted -- no slow down.  I then put the machine to sleep, woke it back up, and no slow down.  Been perfect since.  You may want to look into that.

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    I just bought a new mac mini (the basic model) and attached it via HDMI to a HD TV. I bought the mac wireless keyboard and magic trackpad to go with it. Everything works except that both the keyboard and mouse are consistently slow. Not quite to the point of un-useable, but very noticeable.
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    Hey All,
    I've got the same issue with my Mac Book Pro and a new Samsung LED 3D TV. Its connected through a DVI out from the mac to a gold HDMI adaptor, then to HDMI into the TV. I've used this set-up with my last HDTV which was a Sharp LCD, and there was no lag and no issues.
    I noticed that for me, the lag appeared on the TV, but not on the laptop, so I thought it might be the connection (If I went right to HDMI instead of an adaptor maybe it'd be better) but I don't think it is given that the last TV worked fine.
    I then went to my display settings in the control panel on my mac and changed the refresh rate from 24 Hertz to 60 Hertz (NTSC) on the TV and the issue has pretty much completely dissappeared. Not sure why that was the default, but I imagine certain video and other media will play even smoother as well!
    Woo hoo!
    Hope you all figure this out too!

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    I have a similar problem. The zooming  in/out does not work, or is very slow on my iMac 2010.
    In preferences all is checked. The swiping of pages is not working.
    And comparing with my iPad, the gestures on on my magic trackpad are very poor indeed!
    Not what I expected.
    btw: the spelling corrector in this reply is not working, so excuse my spelling and grammar.
             Could this be caused by Lion?

  • Magic trackpad sluggish

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    others found that various devices nearby such as a UPS were causing interference, others have suggested wifi is to blame and suggested turning it off.  I've just turned off wifi, so we'll see if that works, and I ordered the bluetooth adapter, it hasn't arrived yet, but I wanted to see if others were having the same problem and if so, how they've solved it.  I have two large monitors next to my macbook, I have not yet tried moving them away.
    The problem is very disruptive to getting work done, so I was thinking about making a trip to see an Apple Genius, but it takes a bunch of time.  I also read that 10.10.3 was supposed to solve some of these issues, but I guess not.
    I'm newly returned to Apple from Windows after many years away and although I am overall really liking it, this is a significant inconvenience.
    Thanks for any insight.

    Hi deadherring,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities. Based on what you stated, it sounds like the Magic Trackpad will work but becomes slow and not accurate. I would recommend that you read these articles, they may be helpful in troubleshooting your issue.
    Troubleshooting wireless mouse and keyboard issues - Apple Support
    If multiple Bluetooth wireless devices are in use nearby, try turning them off one at a time to see if the issue improves. Bandwidth intensive devices could affect tracking.
    Wi-Fi and Bluetooth: Potential sources of wireless interference - Apple Support

  • Magic Trackpad - Pairing Problems Switching Between OS X & Windows

    My system has Mac OS 10.6.4 (with Magic Trackpad update 1.0 installed) and Windows 7 (with Bootcamp 3.1 plus the "Magic Trackpad/27" Cinema Display" update). The Trackpad works correctly after setup in OS X with all functions working even after reboots. The Trackpad also works correctly after setup in Windows 7 (with passkey 0000) and continues to work correctly with the supported features with multiple reboots into Windows 7.
    The problem is that after using Windows, when I reboot to OS X the Trackpad will not function. It shows as paired but disconnected and will not stay connected. If I un-pair and then re-pair it will work. And the same thing happen when I switch from OS X to Windows - it shows as paired but unconnected and the only way to get it to work is to un-pair and then re-pair.
    I had a similar sort of problem with the Magic Mouse and found that if I un-pair in OS X, pair in Windows, and then pair in OS X it will work with both. But the Trackpad won't work this way, even after trying this. I think the problem is that the Trackpad won't allow paring with two different systems (for the obvious reason) but isn't designed to accommodate the Bootcamp scenario.
    I really like the Magic Trackpad and would like to be able to use it on those rare occasions when I need to use Windows without the hassle of reinstalling it each time I boot a different OS. Any solution to this problem?

    UPDATE: I installed Vista on Bootcamp and tried the Magic TrackPad driver. It has the same problem. I can get the device to work as advertised on the initial install and reboots in the same OS. But when you switch from Windows to Mac OS X (or vice-versa) the device will not work: in Windows is listed as paired and connected, but does not work. In Mac OS X, it will not connect automatically and does not work. If you manually try to connect the Bluetooth icon briefly shows connected and then disconnects.
    I sent a bug report to Apple as a "developer" and they state that it is a known issue. I guess we simply wait for them to get around fixing the drivers at some point in the distant future. Clearly they ignore these forums altogether. The experience has left me disappointed with Apple and their slow and inadequate response to problems. I would rather they devote some resources to getting their existing products to work instead of wasting resources to add iPhone-style displays to Mac OS X. If I wanted buggy drivers and no support I should have just stayed with Windows.

  • Magic trackpad tracking speed changes

    My Magic trackpads tracking speed changes to slow when I log off. I have to reset it when I log on.
    How do I set the tracking speed to stay put?

    If you use MagicPrefs, some people believe that causes the Magic Trackpad to default back to slowest tracking speed on restart/relog. Have a look at the Magic Prefs preferences pane for the Trackpad and see if you can change the default tracking speed in that instead of the System Preferences pane.
    If you don't use MagicPrefs, there is a fix using Terminal for the same problem with the Magic Mouse, and it may work for the trackpad too. I'm adapting this from Tyler Nicols' post on his blog.
    Open a Terminal Window
    Enter the following command to see what your current setting is:
             defaults read -g
    This will return a numeric value. To speed up (or slow down) your mouse tracking, you can simply change this number accordingly by typing the following command, replacing the “your_trackpad_speed” with a new number such as 5.0. Notice that read has been changed to write:
            defaults write -g your_trackpad_speed
    So, for example:
            defaults write -g  5.0
    You may need to restart your mac to see the changes take effect.
    Let me know if it works for you.

  • Magic TrackPad wont connect in bootcamp 4. Windows asks for a pairing pin

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    UPDATE: I installed Vista on Bootcamp and tried the Magic TrackPad driver. It has the same problem. I can get the device to work as advertised on the initial install and reboots in the same OS. But when you switch from Windows to Mac OS X (or vice-versa) the device will not work: in Windows is listed as paired and connected, but does not work. In Mac OS X, it will not connect automatically and does not work. If you manually try to connect the Bluetooth icon briefly shows connected and then disconnects.
    I sent a bug report to Apple as a "developer" and they state that it is a known issue. I guess we simply wait for them to get around fixing the drivers at some point in the distant future. Clearly they ignore these forums altogether. The experience has left me disappointed with Apple and their slow and inadequate response to problems. I would rather they devote some resources to getting their existing products to work instead of wasting resources to add iPhone-style displays to Mac OS X. If I wanted buggy drivers and no support I should have just stayed with Windows.

  • Magic Trackpad incompatibility list, anyone?

    Hi, I just got a magic trackpad. It works as a slow, sluggish mouse with one finger support. So obviously something is wrong. All updates are in, and stuff.
    I've read COUNTLESS of posts with people having trouble with this. Some get it to work, some don't.
    Could you please help me post a complete uncomatibility list with interfering software? The only one people talking about here is USB overdrive. But I don't have it, so it must be something else.

    It was USB Overdrive after all. An old kernel extension or something that wasn't gone after the uninstall.
    I'll leave it unsolved for a couple of days. So if anyone has had trouble with other software conflicting with the magic trackpad, please add it to the list, starting with USB Overdrive.

  • WiFi downloads cause Bluetooth Mouse (e.g. Magic Trackpad) to stutter. Why?

    i got a magic mouse, a logitech USB mouse and now the magic trackpad. All the bluetooth devices stutter. Move slow and unpredictable. The USB-Mouse does not have this problem.
    It only shows up, when using the WiFi heavy. Podcast-downloads or syncing Apple TV that is.
    What may cause this Problem?
    My Setup:
    MBP13 late 2009 in desktop Mode
    External Display
    Wired Apple Keyboard
    Firewire 800 external HD
    USB Printer, iPod dock
    Apple Magic Trackpad

    have no solution for it, so far. But have the same issue. It happens when I use the wireless-interface with about >20Mbit/s. My magic mouse stutters and moves really slow until the file-transfer is done.
    Hope anyone has a good idea!

  • Magic Trackpad act funny

    I have not seen any area for TrackPad support so this sections seems to me the next logical place to put this post.
    Have my Magic TrackPad on a MacMini, believe it was JAn 2009. Everyonce in a while when I use it and move the pointer it selects and area. I sometimes cant get rid of the selecting mode. Tkes several tas. Also it moves wildly and it is difficult to select an item because it moves so erractically. I have it slowed way down in System Preferences. It will work for a while and then act frustrating erratic.
    If someone can direct me to a solution it would be appreciated.

    I do have a wireless Panasonic phone in the house. Though I don't use it now, I did have it configured so when I was in the house, my cell phone would also ring and visa versa. I don't know if that part of phone is still on. I also use this with the Apple Wireless Keyboard. Come to think of it, the original mouse used to do the same thing which is why I got the track pad. I use this all as my media server in the living room and the coffee table is glass so I had to use the optic mouse on a magazine. I figured that was part of this disfunction of the mouse. THe trackpad does work better but it still does the auto-select and erratic movement. It's hard to zero in on a button to choose if you know what I mean.

  • After pairing in Bootcamp, magic trackpad does not work

    after pairing in Bootcamp, magic trackpad a) does not control cursor and b) does not persist after closing Bluetooth devides dialog.
    Summary of Problem:
    Magic Trackpad is found and paired, but does not control the mouse.
    When you shut the Bluetooth devices and reopen (or reboot and reopen), the device is not listed.
    Detials of problem:
    Bootcamp 3.1 (i cannot find a later one) Windows XP all updates, All Apple Software Updates (to bootcamp and mac os x) installed, Magic Trackpad driver download and installed.
    Control Panel, Bluetooth Devices, Add - it detectes the magic track pad (ie track pad blinking, click add) everytime
    - It asks about a pass code, I have tried it without a pass code and with automatically Generate Passcode; does this setting matter?
    In bluetooth devides, the track pad shows with "Auto Generated passkey" when that is the option selected
    Found new hardware comes up, Apple Wireless Trackpad, everything looks fine.
    - In Bluetooth Devices, it shows the trackpad wiht "no passkey", even when I told it to automatically generate one.
    The track pad does not control the cursor.
    Close Bluetooth Devices and reopen it, or reboot and reopen Bluetooth devices, and the track pad is gone.
    Rebooting does not change the outcome of above.
    I have gone to device manager and tried to update the two (apple & microsoft) Bluetooth drivers with the update button, it says I have the most current.
    I do not see how to tell if the Magic Trackpad driver is installed, so I tried installing it again. It does appear to be listed under HID in device manager.
    I have done a lot of googling, wasted a lot of time, if I cannot get it to work, I will return it to the apple store.
    Any ideas?

    Bob, cannot help directly but I am having a similar problem on my MacBook Pro with Windows 7 Pro. Pretty much the same symptoms except my trackpad is not always recognized - it seems I have to click it to get Bluetooth to see it. Windows claims to have seen it OK on one occasion and installed the drivers, asked for a reboot etc. but the TrackPad still does not respond.
    Works OK on the Mac side although it is not recognized as a separate Bluetooth trackpad which can be configured differently from the built-in. I wonder if this might be a clue?
    I have installed the patch and tried a bunch of other things. Seems like Apple has some work to do sorting out the bugs on both the Mac and Windows side with this device. Pity because its an excellent piece of kit otherwise!

  • Problem with Magic TrackPad and Macbook Pro

    I just bought the Apple Wireless Keyboard and Apple Magic TrackPad for my home desktop setup. I connect my Macbook Pro 13" (from august 2010) to a Dell U2410 screen.
    Everything works perfectly for a while, but then the cursor starts jumping around on the screen when I use the Magic TrackPad. Now here comes the weird thing, if I open the lid on the Macbook just a few inches the jumping stops completely and the Magic TrackPad works perfectly again.
    I have tried googling a bit and browsed these forums also - no luck finding a solution.
    I have also tried connecting a USB mouse to the Macbook when the cursor started to jump around - no problem with the USB mouse. I have also tried a different Magic TrackPad that my friend also just have bought for his setup - same problem after a short time.
    Everything is updated to the latest software and firmware.
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    I have the same problem with a Trackpad paired with a new Mac Mini just purchased in September. After a while, my trackpad also starts to exhibit behavior similar to those described by Hecro. The trackpad cursor feels frozen, or else it jumps around, often trying to stay away from or jump over any hyperlink in either text or graphic form on the page I am viewing.
    I find that if I pick up the trackpad and hold it above my palm between my thumb on one side and my fingers on the other side — so there is no pressure on the clicking feet on the bottom of the trackpad — a "jumping" trackpad instantly becomes a "stable" trackpad. Put it back down on a surface and it starts jumping again.
    Also, when it starts jumping or skipping, I also find that if I use one finger and bear down hard on the trackpad, it resumes being responsive.
    I am filing a comment about this on Apple's feedback forum at at the advice of a Genius at the Apple Store at Cambridgeside in Cambridge, Massachusetts USA.

  • My mac pro won't pair with my magic trackpad.

    I'm posting in this forum because I am using a Mac Pro, what we used to call a "tower," and my Magic Trackpad isn't recognized & won't pair. This has been an increasing problem over the past year, and I actually blamed the trackpad and bought a new one -- and of course it doesn't work either. My MacBook Pro (actually two of them) use the same latest version of Mountain Lion and they pair up just fine, never dropping the connection. I'm an old-timer with 25 years on the Mac, and I'm stumped. The support forums here confirm that this is a common problem -- MT not pairing -- and I have tried every suggestion I can find. Booting in safe mode, repairing permissions, trashing the bluetooth prefs file, VRAM and SMC resets, moving computer away from any possible interference, and probably two or three more I can't recall. I don't have any exotic apps installed (there's one that has something to do with Windows that can cause this problem, but I don't have it), nothing on the tower that's not on the two laptops running the same OS X version. For the record, I have a 2x2.8 Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 4 GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM, all the original Apple installation. OS X is 10.8.4. I've tried three different brands of alkaline batteries. For a time the problem was intermittent (the dreaded "dropped connection") but now it doesn't pair up at all, i.e. neither of my two trackpads pair up. I've let the "searching" function run for as long as 30 minutes, including some restarts of the get the picture. Although this has been addressed in other places in support, I am posting here because so far I don't have a solution. Any ideas? I really appreciate the forum, have been here a long time, and hope that someone has that next good idea that's going to help me. Thanks in advance!

    I had the same problem as you with Bluetooth stuff. It was suggested to me that I buy an external BT dongle
    as the bluetooth reception in the stock Mac Pro was spotty at best.I did so- iogear 421 (the 521 is supported but ONLY in Mountain Lion, so I was told) and bluetooth works just fine.  Of course it might be that the cables for your Bluetooth/Airport card in your Mac Pro could have been installed incorrectly (just google bluetooth in Mac Pro help) but...if they have been, then the dongle might be your best bet, or some kind of external antenna
    (the G5 had one, as you may know, but we don't......)
    I see by your posting you have tried every suggestion you possibly could, and it's not software related
    and it's not a simple one-shot-done fix...
    that's the best I have for now. I think I paid about $25 for the dongle and it was easy as pie to install
    John B

  • Swipe between pages feature is freezing with magic mouse and magic trackpad in Mavericks

    I am experiencing a bug in Mavericks with my Magic trackpad and the Magic mouse. This bug comes and goes and is very sporadic. When it happens I am usually in a browser like Firefox or Safari, or in iPhoto. Anything that uses the Swipe between pages feature usually locks up, and  on top of this it locks the scroling up and down function in the browsers and in iPhoto. The only thing that makes these functions work again is to reeboot or turn off bluetooth and turn it back on. I see that many people are having this problem in other posts, and I am just wondering if Apple is actually working on this bug or has somebody found what trigers this bug and do they have the fix for it?
    Thanks for your help

    Maybe this will help. You can look for other ideas in the 'More Like This' box to the right.
    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.

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