Magnify my entire webDynpro Application in one go

I have created an iview for WebDynpro Java application.
I have linked it to portal, which contains other iviews as well. Other IViews contains content from JSP pages.
Now problem is that webDynpro Content is having very squezzed look and feel comparatively to JSP Iviews.
Is there any way by which i can magnify my entire webDynpro Application in one go....!!

Yes I have set that property to FULL PAGE...
its actuallying getting displayd in full page.
But the overAll look and feel of this application...or rather all web dynpro applications is comparatively quite small to other UI technologies..!!

Similar Messages

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    Hi saurabh,
              u can use an interface controller to combine all the applications into one.keep the the view that u want it to run at the start of the appln as ur parent and rest as the child and do all ur events within ur Interface controller.
    For more reference check on to this link. on server-side eventing - 14.htm

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    2. got codelink of the iview
    3. got the corresponding par file.
    4. In the business package document, it says a folder name as the data source of this iview. i traced the folder of it.
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    I am just trying out in the test system.hence decided not to use JDI.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Antony,
    As you mentioned WebDynpro application then there should be .EAR file not .PAR
    and the procedure i gave you earlier is not applicable for .PAR (Portal Archieve)
    for this please follow the following method.
    if you want to test the application directly, login in to the portal and navigate to system administrator -> support -> portal runtime -> administration console and import the .par file and then create a new iview in portal content and select par file name and you can see the application.
    if you want to see the code, import the .par file in EP Perspective and if it is a JSP Dynpro application, you can find the code in <b>\dist\PORTAL-INF\pagelet</b> folder.
    Also <b>you can not see the PAR in WebDynpro perspective</b> you can only open it in EP Perspective.
    hope now i got the right procedure for you. As per your Subject line, i quickly posted you the procedure to import webdynpro application to NWDS but in your case you are dealing with portal project.

  • Timeout Session - Expiration time of Webdynpro application

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    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: Maha Hussain on Feb 10, 2009 12:00 PM

    Hi Maha,
                 With sap.expirationTime property, the application will certainly be expired.
    If your requirement suits for the scenario just try out the following workaround.
    If you want show a custom message only, you can use TimedTrigger UI Element instead of setting expirationTime just set dealy for this and in the action kust navigate to the view and displaye the custom message in that.

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    How to do the same without touching webdypro application ?
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    1) To enable ticket authentication for the web dynpro iviews, you must maintain the definition of the system running the Web Dynpro application and set logon method to "SAPLOG"
    2)Since you have customized login screen, you need to bypass this screen manually when you login from portal.
    Add parameter to the application while defining the iview.Give some constant value.
    Check value of this parameter in webdynpro and fire to next view.

  • Webdynpro application history navigation

    Hi people,
    I have a question about webdynpro navigation. I know that der are many threads
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    I'm developing on a WAS 7.00 (Netweaver 2004s).
    Thanks in advance for your effort,

       You can use PortalNavigation. Take a look at the <i>historyMode</i> parameter of the <i>navigateAbsolute()</i> method. Find the documentation <a href="">here</a>.

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    Thanks in Advance.
    Swapna Priya.

    Hi Luciano,
    I was successfully able to call the RFC from wdDoExit() method of the component controller.
    Also I could successfully place a custom alert call when the user clicks on the LOGOFFurl in the portal browser.
    Now I have one more pending requirement for me to completely use this cycle of events.....The Portal Browser close action i.e., 'X' action.
    I did find a forum link with some code for the same but i did not understand where to place that code and have already raised a reply for hte same.
    Below is the link:
    /message/230174#230174 [original link is broken]
    Do you have any idea about how to trap this?
    Thanks for all your support
    Swapna Priya.

  • How to close a Webdynpro Application with some action, if it is opened with a Tcode

    Hi Experts,
         I am looking to get some info regarding my post over here.
    Scenario 1:
    I opened my webdynpro application in SAP GUI (created a tcode for my webdynpro application and ).
    Now, I have to add some button where I have to write a piece of code to close the GUI screen along with the webdynpro application. (ie, entire Tcode where the webdynpro application is shown, should be closed)
    Please let me know if you have some info on this.
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    If the above scenario is not possible, then I wanted to know if I can call some screen in SAP GUI.
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    Please try this:-
    Window Plugs: Startup and Exit - Web Dynpro for ABAP - SAP Library
    You can close the WD Application by follwoing way-
    Create a button in a view and assign an action on it.
    Create on exit plug in window level and fire that in the view button action level.
    Z2-wd comp.
    exit plug name.
    DATA lo_z2 TYPE REF TO ig_z2 .
    lo_z2 =   wd_this->get_z2_ctr( ).

  • Refresh problem of Webdynpro application which is wrapped in a BSP IFrame

    I have a BSP Iframe inside which I am calling a webdynpro application ('zwdc_re_replenishment'). The requirement is that this WD application should be reloaded whenever a timeout occurs. Currently, when there is a timeout, an error is shown.
    In order to achieve this, for this WD Application , I have a SICF node to which I have attached a customized Errorpage via the option 'Redirect URL'.
    Whenever the WD application undergoes a timeout error, my custom error page is called which is named as errorpage.htm. On this page in the 'OnInitialization event', I try to call the WD application URL again (via the following code) which should reload the application. But instead I get a blank page.
    CALL METHOD cl_wd_utilities=>construct_wd_url
        application_name = 'zwdc_re_replenishment'
        out_absolute_url = lv_def_url.
    response->redirect( url         = lv_def_url
                        permanently = 1 ).
    Just as a note I have already tried out the following methods as well but nothing works
    *navigation->exit( lv_def_url ).
    *navigation->call_application( lv_def_url ).
    Is this because my WD application is inside a BSP Iframe and therefore reloading it manually does not work ?
    Please help!

    Hi Thomas,
    First of all, thanks a lot for replying !!
    Sorry for the confusion. Although seems like you have answered my question already.
    Actually the requirement for embedding WDA inside a BSP Iframe came up since there are some WD report applications  that are accessed by very controlled environments in which the users were not able to close the WDA session directly (without the IFrame)  and were getting some errors. Hence the WDAs had to be wrapped inside BSP IFrame which solved the above problem.
    I am working with only one BSP app which has the Iframe and one WD app which is called within the BSP app.
    Now, the other requirement that came up was that whenever the WDA session inside the BSP IFrame expires, there should be no error page and instead the WD app should be reloaded.
    So  I was trying to reload the WD App in the following way.
    1. For the SICF node of WDA, I attached an errorpage.htm for all the tabs under the tab 'Error Pages'. I have defined this errorpage.htm inside the same BSP App which has got another default.htm page. So the BSP App has 2 views : default.htm which has the IFrame and Errorpage.htm.
    2. So now when the WDA expires, the events of errorpage.htm are called like OnInitialization, In this event I was calling the methods navigation->exit( 'URL of the same WDA' ).
    I did this because I wanted to reload the WDA whenever it expires. I tried to specify the WDA Url in the SICF node of the same WDA in 'Redirect URL' under the Error Page tabs but it didnot work.
    Now I realize this is not gonna work. I didnot want to modify the WDA and so I didnot specify any exit plugs in the WDA which would have taken care of reloading the WDA. But that seems to be the only way out.
    Actually speaking there are multiple WDAs which will open inside the same BSP IFrame via their own Application URLs. I have coded the BSP IFrame to read the URL Parameters and open up the corresponding WDA.  So now I have to define an exit plug in all of these WDAs.
    Do you suggest that this will solve the problem of WDA refresh ? Just to confirm.
    Thanks again.

  • Error while passing values from Interactive form to Webdynpro Application

    Iam working on AdobeInteractive Forms using GP.There is an interactive form with a submit button on my desktop. Now when i click on submit the values in the Interactive Form should be passed to an Webdynpro application.But when i click on submit button i was getting error.Can any one solve my issue.
    The Error is:
    SAP Guided Procedures - Error Page
    What happened?
    An internal error occurred while processing your request
    What can you do?
    Try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
    Additional Error Information
    Error while processing document via ADS Error while processing document via ADS
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at Method)
    Caused by: Processing exception during a "GetData" operation. Request start time: Thu May 01 12:33:23 CDT 2008 com.adobe.ProcessingException: Error creating PDF Document - PDF Exception: Stream does not represent a PDF document. [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@309d01f5 Exception Stack Trace: com.adobe.ProcessingException: Error creating PDF Document - PDF Exception: Stream does not represent a PDF document. [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@309d01f5
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesEJB.processRequest(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesEJB.rpData(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesLocalLocalObjectImpl0_0.rpData(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at SoapServlet.doPost(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at Method)
    Caused by: com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.core.exceptions.PDFCosParseException: Stream does not represent a PDF document.
    at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.core.cos.CosDocument.init(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.core.cos.CosDocument.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.core.cos.CosDocument.newDocument(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.pdf.document.PDFDocument.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.pdf.document.PDFDocument.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    ... 35 more
    ... 19 more
    Caused by: Processing exception during a "GetData" operation. Request start time: Thu May 01 12:33:23 CDT 2008 com.adobe.ProcessingException: Error creating PDF Document - PDF Exception: Stream does not represent a PDF document. [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@309d01f5 Exception Stack Trace: com.adobe.ProcessingException: Error creating PDF Document - PDF Exception: Stream does not represent a PDF document. [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@309d01f5
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesEJB.processRequest(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesEJB.rpData(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesLocalLocalObjectImpl0_0.rpData(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at SoapServlet.doPost(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at Method)
    Caused by: com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.core.exceptions.PDFCosParseException: Stream does not represent a PDF document.
    at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.core.cos.CosDocument.init(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.core.cos.CosDocument.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.core.cos.CosDocument.newDocument(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.pdf.document.PDFDocument.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.pdf.document.PDFDocument.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    ... 35 more
    ... 21 more

    Hi Praveen,
    The concept what we have observed is When you click on Submit the values were sent to GP. There GP framework takes care of all these. After that when you try to login to Portal and click on GP Inbox and try to open the application, what ever the data that is sent previously will be retrieved.
    Due to some reasons like Delegation and other conecpts where GP will not fit we have scrapped GP and got back to workflow. There we have used the concept of Portal Webservice inorder to send the data to R/3 by clicking on Submit button.
    We have successfully implemented the Adobe Forms Offline Scenario using Portal Webservice.

  • Error while deploying webdynpro applications on sdm

    hi all,we are having a server with ip address recently due to some reasons the is is changed to with previous ip we were able to use all the services like portal SDM...SDM for deploying web dynpro applications etc..very fine....but after the change of ip address we r still able to access the portal fine but not able to deploy the  webdynpro applications.getting the error message.if some one have any ideas please help....

    The error details are as shown below:
    Apr 7, 2008 4:16:27 PM /userOut/deploy ( [Thread[Deploy Thread,5,main]] ERROR:
    [004]Deployment aborted
    SDM host : infpw01622
    SDM port : 50118
    URL to deploy : file:/C:/DOCUME1/283382/LOCALS1/Temp/temp593WD_ExcelExport_NW04s.ear
    Deployment exception : Server infpw01622 did not accept login request as admin on port 50118. Details: ERROR: Could not establish connection to server infpw01622 at port 50118: Connection timed out: connect
    Inner exception was :
    Server infpw01622 did not accept login request as admin on port 50118. Details: ERROR: Could not establish connection to server infpw01622 at port 50118: Connection timed out: connect

  • Unable to deploy webdynpro application

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to deploy simple webdynpro application. The following remote exception is occuring:
    => deployment aborted : file:/C:/DOCUME1/SHIVAC1.HDC/LOCALS~1/Temp/temp16923FirstWebDynPro.ear
    Aborted: development component 'FirstWebDynPro'/'local'/'LOKAL'/'0.2005.':
    Caught exception during application deployment from SAP J2EE Engine's deploy service:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Error occurred while deploying ear file ./temp/deploy/work/deploying/FirstWebDynPro.ear. Reason: None of the available containers recognized the components of application local/FirstWebDynPro; it is not possible to make deploy.
    (message ID:
    Deployment exception : The deployment of at least one item aborted
    Any help is appreciated...

    HI Shiva,
    From your post it resembels, you are deploying J2EE project!. Check have followed steps mentioned in the tutorial, creating, jar,war and EAr, check Java archive files, web arhive files put them in to EAR rebuild and deploy
    Hope this time you will be abel to deploy

  • Creation of tables using JDBC or SQLJ in webdynpro application

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    Whwn I tried creating a table using JDBC I encountered the following exception. The SQL statement "CREATE TABLE TMP_DEPID (DEPID varchar(10) NOT NULL,DEPNAME VARCHAR(25))" contains the syntax error[s]: Open SQL syntax error: CREATE ... TABLE is not supported
    SQL syntax error: "VARCHAR" is a reserved keyword and cannot be used as an unquoted identifier
    Does this mean that creating tables is not supported?
    Can anyone help me in this matter?
    Thanks in advance,
    ~Pradeep Shetty

    Hi Pradeep,
    Yes, OpenSQL does not support creation of tables. But why would you need to create tables at runtime?! The natural way is to create the model at design time of your application, i.e. with the Java DataDictionary.
    However, if for any reason you really need to create database tables at runtime, you can achieve this by using a non-OpenSQL datasource, e.g. you could create a VendorSQL one and use it to obtain JDBC connections in your app. See also
    Hope that helps!

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    We need to be able to use AltGr + Shift + a/c/e/s/o/l/z/x/n in runtime.
    Product: SAP NW 7.11 SP04
    WebDynpro for Java
    I hope there is a somewhere a hidden parameter that solves our problem Maybe we're in some kind of debug mode?
    Thanks for your help!!

    The funny thing is that bold font [when message unread in message list] shows OK, ie in greek, but when i click on unread message, it is assumed to have been read, so it changes over to medium [non bold] and the encoding changes as well into the one that is not greek and thus unreadable.  In ~/.sylpheed/sylpheedrc the fonts are:
    In /etc/gtk, for gtk1.2 apps the file refering to greek encoding [el] seems to be fine [exactly the same as in slackware 9.1].

Maybe you are looking for

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