Magsafe-Dead Battery Question

I'm troubleshooting to see if my magsafe is working.
I went thru all items in Article: TS1713
My question is.....
If a battery is passed on, is no more, has ceased to be, is expired and gone to meet it's maker. Is a stiff, bereft of life, has kicked the bucket, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!
IF IT IS AN EX-BATTERY.......... will a properly working magsafe adapter supply the necessary power to operate the macbook?
Should the green or amber light be on?

Two things happen without the battery. First, the CPU clock speed is reduced by half meaning your computer runs at half power. Second, if you lose AC power then there is no power backup. This will result in immediate and abnormal shutdown of the computer that can lead to corrupted directories and/or data loss.
The AC adaptor cannot supply sufficient power on its own which is the reason the clock speed is reduced when a battery is not present. During high power needs the battery can supply the additional power that the adaptor cannot provide on its own.

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    fredfordguy wrote:
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    Hello and welcome,
    try this support site:
    A flashing question mark or globe appears when you start your Mac - Apple Support
    If you're lucky it just forgot where your startup disk was. If not it will be more work.

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      Model Information:
      Manufacturer:          DP
      Device Name:          ASMB013
      Pack Lot Code:          1
      PCB Lot Code:          0
      Firmware Version:          102
      Hardware Revision:          300
      Cell Revision:          200
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      Fully Charged:          Yes
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      Health Information:
      Cycle Count:          37
      Condition:          Normal
      Battery Installed:          Yes
      Amperage (mA):          -2054
      Voltage (mV):          10705
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    Manufacturer: DP
    Device name: ASMB016
    Pack Lot Code: 0002
    PCB Lot Code: 0000
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    Try pressing the home button three times quickly.

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    Hello Tommythecat_nz,
    I would check to ensure that the device is fully charged if you got the dead battery indicator. Let it charge for some time.
    -Derrick Lambert

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    - do you switch off phone over night?
    - u use 3g or?
    - how many houts of talking you have over day and sms?
    - which widgets and programs are you using?
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    at 9:00 make a 5 minutes phone call
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    - mailbox deleted. no mail. no sync..
    - display illumination at 2, 15 second display light
    - 3g is switched off
    - d pad illumination switched off
    - silent profile ( only vibration on)

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    Hello, WeaveAndWish.
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    You may find this article helpful in troubleshooting this issue that you are experiencing.
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    Jason H.

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable       
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                              

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    You can get a new battery fairly cheap on eBay. When you put it in calibrate it.
    Black Batteries &_dmpt=Laptop_Batteries&_odkw=macbook+white+battery&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3286.c0.m 270.l1313
    White Batteries &_dmpt=Laptop_Batteries&_odkw=macbook+black+battery&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3286.c0.m 270.l1313
    Or for $129 from Apple

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