Mail inbox not updating

Since upgrading to Snow Leopard 10.6.1 I noticed that my inbox doesn't update to show its current contents when Mail sends and receives new messages. Synchronizing the account also doesn't do anything. I have to rebuild the mailbox for it to display the correct messages. (I can verify what's in the inbox by logging into my webmail client.)
Has anyone else encountered this? Any ideas?

Bump. Still happening. Any ideas on this one?

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  • HT4061 My mail will not update and stay current. Its always searching but doesn't do anthing. Any suggestions for ipad3?

    My mail will not update and stay current. Its always searching but doesn't do anthing. Any suggestions for ipad3?

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of this exercise is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login. Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
    Be sure your Mac is shut down.
    Press the power button.
    Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone.
    Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on some Macs.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem(s)?
    After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode.)

  • My mail is not updating like on my iOS device

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    You have to open Mail. The reason is unknown now, but Apple can add it in an update soon

  • Mail box not updating inbox

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    If you mean you want to rebuild your mailbox, that's at the bottom of the Mailbox menu. If you mean you want to delete and reconfigure your Gmail account, that's in Mail>Preferences>Accounts. As for your Recovery folder, I've never seen that on my Mail, but it sounds like your Mail tried to salvage a corrupted message.

  • Outlook inbox not updating when sorted by categories

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    when using sort by categories, the inbox doesnt update.
    i see there are new mails coming in seeing the item count increase, but the mail is not showing.
    when i collaps a categorie the new mail is found.
    the problem does not occur when using sort by date.

    Exact same problem here.
    Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3 RU4 (Build 14.03.0174.001).
    Clients: Outlook 2010, XenApp farm.
    Is there something else than the workaround?  It is bother a lot of users .
    Kr and thx for responding

  • Exchange mail does not update

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    Does anyone have this problem as well?

    Same continuing problem.  
    The simplest solution is to delete the mailbox and reinstall.
    Not ideal.
    It will be correct in knowing which emails are read or not, but it just doesn't remove emails on the N8 that have been deleted on the web page on the laptop.

  • Yahoo Mail Inbox Not Working

    It seems that the Yahoo Mail Inbox has stopped fetching any messages (old or new). It will get all email from other Yahoo Mail folders... just not the inbox. I want to say it's been a problem for the last 2-3 days. The status message on the iPhone just says "Checking for Mail" and hangs.
    Anyone else having this same problem?

    For better or for worse, this solution below works, found at iLounge. I'd love to know what constitutes a "corrupt email" (that is fine by PC/browser but the iPhone can't handle).
    07-14-2007, 05:52 PM #8
    Freshman Lounger
    Joined: Jul 2007
    Posts: 3
    I called an Apple tech and have a solution for the problem stated by the OP and myself:
    1) Login your Yahoo account from your computer
    2) Create a folder named InboxTest and move every email sitting in your Inbox into this new folder.
    3) Compose a new email from Yahoo and send it to yourself (the Yahoo account that isn't working)
    4) Close your browser, do not check/read your Yahoo account from your computer
    5) Go to your iPhone > Mail > Yahoo > Inbox and tap the refresh button
    5a) There is a possibility that the email you sent yourself got diverted to your Bulk/Junk folder automatically so if you don't see anything check that folder
    5b) You may need to reset your iPhone (hold home + sleep button)
    After you restart your iPhone, your InboxTest folder should show up, and your Inbox should be downloading new emails correctly. If your Inbox starts working again, do not open the InboxTest folder from your iPhone -- you will need to login from your computer again and go through the various emails in the InboxTest folder, one of them is corrupt or caused the issue to begin with... so delete any that you don't need
    I hope this helps, it's the procedure as I could remember it when I was talking to the Apple tech... it may not be step by step but I think it will work -- if not just call Apple.
    Message was edited by: 19messages

  • Mail logs not updating

    I have updated amavisd-new, ClamAV, and SpamAssassin as per OSX.TopicDesk's instructions but my logs in Server Admin and Console do not appear to be updating although mail is still working.
    freshclam.log shows;
    Received signal: wake up
    Max retries == 3
    ClamAV update process started at Fri Jul 25 10:02:03 2008
    See the FAQ at for an explanation.
    TTL: 1610
    Software version from DNS: 0.93.3
    WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
    WARNING: Local version: 0.92 Recommended version: 0.93.3
    DON'T PANIC! Read
    main.cvd version from DNS: 47 is up to date (version: 47, sigs: 312304, f-level: 31, builder: sven)
    daily.cvd version from DNS: 7824
    Trying to download (IP:
    Downloading daily-7822.cdiff [100%]
    cdiff_apply: Parsed 7 lines and executed 7 commands
    Trying to download (IP:
    Downloading daily-7823.cdiff [100%]
    cdiff_apply: Parsed 122 lines and executed 122 commands
    Trying to download (IP:
    Downloading daily-7824.cdiff [100%]
    cdiff_apply: Parsed 12 lines and executed 12 commands
    Removing backup directory ./clamav-509787fd7e305c069b24e20ef560c936 updated (version: 7824, sigs: 59418, f-level: 33, builder: ccordes)
    WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
    WARNING: Current functionality level = 25, recommended = 33
    DON'T PANIC! Read
    Database updated (371722 signatures) from (IP:
    Yet issuing clamconf tells me my version is 0.94.2;
    /private/etc/spam/clamav/clamd.conf: freshclam directives
    LogFileMaxSize = 0
    LogTime = yes
    LogVerbose = no
    LogSyslog = no
    LogFacility = "LOG_LOCAL6"
    PidFile = "/var/clamav/"
    DatabaseDirectory = "/var/clamav"
    Foreground = yes
    Debug = no
    AllowSupplementaryGroups = yes
    DatabaseOwner = "clamav"
    Checks = 12
    UpdateLogFile not set
    DNSDatabaseInfo = ""
    DatabaseMirror not set
    MaxAttempts = 3
    ScriptedUpdates = yes
    CompressLocalDatabase = no
    HTTPProxyServer not set
    HTTPProxyPort not set
    HTTPProxyUsername not set
    HTTPProxyPassword not set
    HTTPUserAgent not set
    NotifyClamd not set
    OnUpdateExecute not set
    OnErrorExecute not set
    OnOutdatedExecute not set
    LocalIPAddress not set
    ConnectTimeout = 30
    ReceiveTimeout = 30
    SubmitDetectionStats not set
    DetectionStatsCountry not set
    /private/etc/spam/clamav/freshclam.conf: freshclam directives
    LogFileMaxSize = 0
    LogTime = no
    LogVerbose = yes
    LogSyslog = no
    LogFacility = "LOG_LOCAL6"
    PidFile = "/var/clamav/"
    DatabaseDirectory = "/var/clamav"
    Foreground = yes
    Debug = no
    AllowSupplementaryGroups = no
    DatabaseOwner = "clamav"
    Checks = 12
    UpdateLogFile = "/var/log/freshclam.log"
    DNSDatabaseInfo = ""
    DatabaseMirror = ""
    MaxAttempts = 3
    ScriptedUpdates = yes
    CompressLocalDatabase = no
    HTTPProxyServer not set
    HTTPProxyPort not set
    HTTPProxyUsername not set
    HTTPProxyPassword not set
    HTTPUserAgent not set
    NotifyClamd not set
    OnUpdateExecute not set
    OnErrorExecute not set
    OnOutdatedExecute not set
    LocalIPAddress not set
    ConnectTimeout = 30
    ReceiveTimeout = 30
    SubmitDetectionStats not set
    DetectionStatsCountry not set
    Engine and signature databases
    Engine version: 0.94.2
    Database directory: /private/var/clamav
    main db: Format: .cvd, Version: 49, Build time: Wed Oct 22 23:03:26 2008
    daily db: Format: .cvd, Version: 8683, Build time: Wed Nov 26 06:58:25 2008
    The last few entries in clamav.log are;
    Thu Jul 24 09:40:32 2008 -> ERROR: accept() failed: Too many open files
    Log size = 1048632, max = 1048576
    LOGGING DISABLED (Maximal log file size exceeded).
    Log size = 1048717, max = 1048576
    LOGGING DISABLED (Maximal log file size exceeded).
    Log size = 1048802, max = 1048576
    LOGGING DISABLED (Maximal log file size exceeded).
    Log size = 1048887, max = 1048576
    LOGGING DISABLED (Maximal log file size exceeded).
    amavis.log does not appear to have updated since Feb 1st
    I am not that good with command line stuff so please does anybody know what the **** is going on here!!!
    Message was edited by: Mark Davies
    Message was edited by: Mark Davies (didn't know h e l l was a swear word!!!)

    Hi Alex,
    Thanks for all your help it's just unfortunate where that linebreak fell in the tutorial!
    missing space:
    ... --mandir=/usr/share/man--sysconfdir=/private/etc/spam/clamav/new ...
    should be:
    ... --mandir=/usr/share/man --sysconfdir=/private/etc/spam/clamav/new ...
    Issuing the previously mentioned commands now gives;
    sudo ps U clamav
    49 ?? SNs 0:12.46 clamd
    50 ?? SNs 0:00.07 freshclam -d -p /var/clamav/ -c 3
    51 ?? Ss 0:04.25 amavisd (master)
    9805 ?? S 0:02.98 amavisd (ch7-avail)
    10183 ?? S 0:01.33 amavisd (ch4-avail)
    sudo /usr/local/bin/freshclam -V
    ClamAV 0.94.2/9002/Wed Feb 18 11:16:50 2009
    sudo /usr/bin/amavisd -V
    amavisd-new-2.6.2 (20081215)
    sudo launchctl list | grep clam
    Freshclam.log is now showing the correct version but clamav.log and amavis.log still haven't changed.
    You mentioned something about amavisd.conf is this why they logs are not updating and if so how do amavisd to log in the right place?

  • IPhone Mail inbox not syncing with Mac inbox

    Since upgrading my MBP recently, mail in my iPhone Mail inbox/sent items has not been syncing fully with my Mac Mail inbox/sent items.
    Messages which are moved to folders stored On My Mac remain in my iPhone inbox.
    Messages which are moved to folders stored in iCloud are removed from my iPhone in inbox and are visible as they should be in the iCloud folders on my iPhone.
    I use both an iCloud email account as well as an account through my domain host. I do not use Gmail or an Exchange account, and tis problem dud not occur with my old MBP.
    Any advice most gratefully received.

    Hi KiltedTIm
    Hmmm. I've changed my Mac, iPhone and iPad all from POP to IMAP. On my Mac there are only two items in the inbox in question, but on both mobile devices are every bit of mail from that account (not in filed iCloud folders) going back to 17 April. I've restarted both devices but everything is still in the inbox.
    Any further ideas?

  • My mail will not update

    I just updated my Hotmail account to the new Microsoft outlook but now looks like my Mac's application on my Mac will not update, and then it keeps asking me for my password than I type it in correctly and it says it's incorrect please try again when I go on the Internet it lets me in me and wants happening

    are the ports and encryption type set acording to the mail provider?
    if no test if it works with wifi because if it does then your carrier are blocking the ports required for receiving imap mail from the mail provider in question

  • E-Mail ID not updating the portal My settings

    Hi Gurus
    We have updated the e-mail id in the user account in T-code SU01D, but when the user is checking in the SRM portal my setting the e-mail address is not updating.
    Please suggest me.
    Thanks & Regards

    As per SAP  standard it must update.
    In SRM 5.0 it is working.
    if not update in your version create OSS message  against SAP.
    send me your screens if you need any help.
    HRALXSYNC must synchronise your data check box as user flag = user name who wants to update the email data.

  • Mail is not updating

    My icloud mail account is not updating on my desktop

    Try deleting the mail account and re add it.

  • Apple Mail is not updating mail automatically on my Imac.

    Before I updated to Maverick, Mail would update every time I woke it up by touching the mouse or any key.  Now since updating, I must click on the envelope button to get my new mail. Why?
    Also just recently my Magic Mouse won't scroll on the Mail page.  I have to use Arrow Keys to  go from one email to the next week. It works properly on all other areas.

    yes it is.  I just rebooted and that fixed the mouse issue.  I will see what happens with mail.  It updates as long as I am on the computer it is just when it comes out of sleep mode.

  • Yahoo mail inbox not visible on mail

    Hi all,
    not sure what happened between Monday afternoon and today, but all of a sudden my yahoo mail's inbox is no longer visible.  It shows 0 messages.  I seem to have access to any other folders for the mailbox, but not the inbox.  This is also occurring on my iPad and iPhone.  Has anyone seen this before?  I updated to Yosemite about 2 weeks ago.  Not sure if it has anything to do with that, since it only happened now.  I also cant seem to find any issues with Yahoo, and I am able to log into yahoo mail directly and I can see all the new emails and my entire inbox.  I have removed and reinstalled the mailbox several times, and also tried to update the settings, but nothing.  If anyone has any ideas, that would be great.

    Reset the page zoom on pages that cause problems.
    *<b>View > Zoom > Reset</b> (Ctrl+0 (zero); Cmd+0 on Mac)
    If you have increased the minimum font size then try the default setting "none" as a (too) high value can cause issues.
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced > Minimum Font Size (none)
    Make sure that you allow websites to choose their fonts.
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced > [X] "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above"
    It is better not to increase the minimum font size, but use an extension to set the default page zoom to prevent issues with overlapping text.
    You can use an extension to set a default font size and page zoom on web pages.
    *Default FullZoom Level:

  • Mail app not updating

    When I set up mail on my new MacBook, all my email accounts had mail in the inbox. I've since logged into each account on the Internet to move or delete mail and my inboxes are clean. The mail app on the MacBook still shows the moved/deleted mail as unread messages in the inbox. How do i get the app to update so that all the moved/deleted mail no longer appears in the inbox?

    I'm having exactly the same problem:   read/unread flagging inconsistencies via IMAP
    OS:  10.6.8
    mail: 4.5
    I've trawled through loads of forums looking for an answer to this and I've yet to see a solution.  Our hosting people have suggesting switching to Gmail or some other mail client. Massively irritating. All our hardware is mac and IMAP is supposedly the way forward for integrated mail across multiple machines. But it's just not working properly.

Maybe you are looking for