Mail message colour gone awry

I have a mail thread which has suddenly changed colour and the whole thread now has a brown background. It's only the one thread. All the rest are blue background. Does anyone have any idea what this means  or how to change it back to blue?

Eric the Happy,
indeed, that's very simple. Thanks a lot. Do you also happen to know how i can get that window under the messages window?
cheers, rudy

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    Beside your inbox and Sent folders (on the right side) is there a triangle?
    If there is, click the triangle to go "online"
    If it is not there, and you did have messages for awhile, I suggest trying the rebuild option if you haven't already done so. You can do that by click on Mailbox -> Rebuild
    Alternatively (if this is an IMAP account), you could delete the account and re-add it.

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    Hi Liz,
    Sorry to hear you are having a similar problem.  Last night I went to the tool bar at the top of iphoto, clicked on "File",  then clicked "Browse Backups" in the drop down menu.    I have an external hard drive that is set up to Time Machine.   The Browse Backups  opened the iphoto pages in the Time Machine.  I selected a date one day ahead of the day I performed the now infamous update, and it showed my iphoto library as it had existed that day.   I then clicked  "Restore Library" at the bottom right corner of the Time Machine screen.   Roughly 2 hours later my iphoto was back to normal.   When I opened iphoto there was a message saying I need to upgrade my program to be compatible with the new version of iphoto(version 9.2.1).  I clicked "Upgrade" and within seconds it had done whatever upgrading it needed to do. 
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    Good luck Liz,  if you have Time Machine running as a back up to your library, maybe you wil be able to get help there, by following my instructions above.   Otherwise,   good luck with your investigations.   I'd be interested in hearing how you make out.

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    I IMAP my email at work using Mail. Sometimes, messages don't appear in the inbpx or Smart folder that I have set up. I have rules for most people which moves teh unread message into their respective mail folder on the mail server. Its only, when I click on a mail folder that the message appears in the folder, the Inbox and the Smart folder.
    Any ideas? Is it my mail server or Mail thats is causing this??
    regards, Chris

    The message that you tried to send is probably stuck in Outbox, but it looks like Envelope Index may have gone awry as well, so let’s re-create both:
    1. Quit Mail if it’s running.
    2. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Mail/. Make a backup copy of this folder, just in case something goes wrong, e.g. by dragging it to the Desktop while holding the Option (Alt) key down. This is where all your mail is locally stored.
    3. Locate Envelope Index and move it to the Trash. If you see an Envelope Index-journal file there, delete it as well.
    4. Move any “IMAP-”, “Mac-”, or “Exchange-” account folders to the Trash. Note that you can do this with IMAP-type accounts because they store mail on the server and Mail can easily re-create them. DON’T trash any “POP-” account folders, as that would cause all mail stored there to be lost.
    5. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/, locate Outbox.mbox and move it to the Desktop if you want to preserve any messages waiting there, or just trash it otherwise.
    6. Open Mail. It will tell you that your mail needs to be “imported”. Click Continue and Mail will proceed to re-create Envelope Index — Mail says it’s “importing”, but it just re-creates the index if the mailboxes are already in Mail 2.x format.
    7. As a side effect of having removed the IMAP account folders, those accounts may be in an “offline” state now. Do Mailbox > Go Online to bring them back online.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder, i.e. ~/Library is the Library folder within the user’s home folder.

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    Bring the Mail browser window forward, then enter Time Machine. Scroll back in the time-travel view to the most recent snapshot containing the messages you want to restore. Select the messages, then click Restore. The messages will be restored to a new mailbox. From there you can move them wherever you like.

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    Thanks for all responses.

    The problem has been solved with the help of a MobileMe online counsellor. My MobileMe account had in fact been hacked into and the fraudster had been redirecting my e-mail messages to a phony account that he controlled. We took the forward off and reset all my passwords and security questions, which solved the immediate problem.

  • How do i change the font color in mail message

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    The color of the font is determined by the recipient's email client. So you could change it, but it would depend on the recipient's settings.
    And besides, blue is harder to read.

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    Can somebody please help me with this very big problem?

    Beside your inbox and Sent folders (on the right side) is there a triangle?
    If there is, click the triangle to go "online"
    If it is not there, and you did have messages for awhile, I suggest trying the rebuild option if you haven't already done so. You can do that by click on Mailbox -> Rebuild
    Alternatively (if this is an IMAP account), you could delete the account and re-add it.

  • E-mail messages appear, then disappear.

    I've been having e-mail messages show up in the inbox then disappear. It's been happening for months. I use a lot of rules and folders.
    Steps I've taken:
    – Rebuilt every mailbox in Mail
    – Today I deleted the Envelope Index but the problem keeps happening
    – Contacted SpamSieve to see if it might be their add-on (they don't think it is)
    I archive all of my e-mail at Gmail so I can see that every day a few messages get through but don't turn up in my inbox. Any suggestions? Are there some more things like the Envelope Index that I can trash and hope for a fix?

    Gmail can only access from a server that supports POP3 -- .Mac does this, but conceptually it is counter to the philosophy of an IMAP account, which with Mail you have set your .Mac account to be.
    In setting up Gmail to access an account (remember it does so as POP) you have a selection of whether to leave messages on the server or not, and furthermore the instructions for such Gmail access talk about the possibility of too many messages on the server. But that concept is based upon the server being a POP server. Yours is set up to operate as an IMAP account, and in an IMAP account all messages and indeed the entire Inbox resides on the server. If a message were removed from the server it would be removed from the Inbox you are expecting to view in Mail on your Mac. The symptom would be just like a "winking out", as Mail remembers the message was once there, but suddenly it is gone!
    Access via Gmail is just like accessing from another email client or device.
    More info, and confirmation of what you find, please.

  • Deleted messages are gone after 2 weeks!

    After I delete my message, it goes to the trash. I have changed the preference to go to the new folder and not automatically delete the messages after 30 days, but they are not working. My messages are gone after 2 weeks and not in any folder. Please help!

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    Have you checked the settings and preferences on all your devices that sync your mail, if your mail is set to be removed after two weeks on any device, then that action will be synced across all of them.

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