Major drop in Safari performance!

I have been using Safari for Windows for quite some time. And I have enjoyed it for the most part. Now however, for reasons unknown to me, Safari is grinding to a hault. I open up pages and it takes a HUGE amount of time to load the entire page, if it will even load at all. This discussion board is one of the sites that simply won't load all the way. Flickr too.
I dont know how to fix Safari. I tried cleaning out the cache but that did not help at all.
When I switch to Firefox, I get lighting fast web pages opening. Safari seems a little nuts now but I dont want to switch to Firefox. But as things stand, I will have to since performance is truly bad with Safari.
Anyone know how to speed things up?
I am using 3.0.4

Strange. I have 3.0.4 and when I run software update, it says all my software is up to date. I went to Apple's Safari download page and 3.0.4 is the only version available.
I had to do all this on Firefox since it takes Safari minutes to load any page now. I am going to miss Safari. I really grew to like it while it worked.

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    Try this:
    Empty Safari's cache (from the Safari menu), then close Safari.
    Go to Home/Library/Safari and delete the following files:
    form values
    Then go to Home/Library/Preferences and delete
    Repair permissions.
    Start up Safari again, and things should have improved.
    If not, MacFixit have published a very detailed (very!) article on speeding up a slow Safari, here:

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    First, back up all data immediately, as your boot drive might be failing.
    There are a few other possible causes of generalized slow performance that you can rule out easily.
    Reset the System Management Controller.
    If you have many image or video files on the Desktop with preview icons, move them to another folder.
    If applicable, uncheck all boxes in the iCloud preference pane.
    Disconnect all non-essential wired peripherals and remove aftermarket expansion cards, if any.
    Check your keychains in Keychain Access for excessively duplicated items.
    Boot into Recovery mode, launch Disk Utility, and run Repair Disk.
    Otherwise, take the steps below when you notice the problem.
    Step 1
    Launch the Activity Monitor application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Activity Monitor in the icon grid.
    Select the CPU tab of the Activity Monitor window.
    Select All Processes from the menu in the toolbar, if not already selected.
    Click the heading of the % CPU column in the process table to sort the entries by CPU usage. You may have to click it twice to get the highest value at the top. What is it, and what is the process? Also post the values for % User, % System, and % Idle at the bottom of the window.
    Select the System Memory tab. What values are shown in the bottom part of the window for Page outs and Swap used?
    Next, select the Disk Activity tab. Post the approximate values shown for Reads in/sec and Writes out/sec (not Reads in and Writes out.)
    Step 2
    If you have more than one user account, you must be logged in as an administrator to carry out this step.
    Launch the Console application in the same way you launched Activity Monitor. Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Select the 50 or so most recent entries in the log. Copy them to the Clipboard (command-C). Paste into a reply to this message (command-V). You're looking for entries at the end of the log, not at the beginning.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. Don't post more than is requested.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some personal information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting. That should be easy to do if your extract is not too long.

  • Poor Safari Performance - Mountain Lion OS X

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    2. WiFi; connected to signal broadcasted by Airport Extreme (3rd Gen) bridged to Cisco Modem/Router
    3. WiFi; connected to signal broadcasted by Cisco Modem/Router
    *each scenario was tested on both my ISP's DNS, OpenDNS and Google's DNS.
    Safari starts and loads home page ( just fine. Searching or navigating to other sites will require several seconds to minutes of delay, sometimes failing to load. Regardless of this slow performance loading pages; speeds from sites like show my ISP is providing adequate bandwidth, often over 50 Mbps.
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    My current system is early 2009 iMac, 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo, 8 GB DDR3 memory. Again... a clean install of Mountain Lion.
    Also, I loaded the latest FireFox and browsing is perfect. Fast and very responsive. However, using FireFox greatly degrades the Apple iCloud experience and I would greatly prefer to use Safari.
    Any ideas on what I can try next to get my iMac back in tip top shape?

    I was able to make some configuration changes on my Cisco DPC3825 router, my speed is much better. I've tested it for a couple weeks now and have not had any lag in browsing. Here is what I changed;
    1. Log into the Cisco Router's control panel.
    2. Security > Firewall > Disable SPI Firewall Protection (and any filters that were selected by default or your ISP)
    3. Access Restrictions > Basic Rules > removed a site in the blocked domain list
    4. I then used Open DNS DNS servers and managed security using Open DNS.
    Please take this information lightly, I am not a network expert. But these steps allowed me to get over the problems I listed above. I'm getting very fast speeds and just about 0 lag when browsing internet.
    Hope this helps someone.

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    My question: has anyone else seen this problem? What fixed it?

    Hi and welcome to Apple Discussions.
    There's a few things that it could be but for starters have a look at : Antenna and check underneath the keyboard to make sure that the AX card and antenna are seated properly. Don't be surprised if you don't see a card there though as later models had an integrated card on the logic board. Nothing can be done re connections if you have one of those.
    Second thing to try is to download and run MacStumbler to see if a neighbour is using a wireless router on the same channel as yours. If so, log into your router, (the documentation that came with it will have the procedure and password) and change the channel. You don't need to do anything with the iBook, it will adjust accordingly after a brief loss of connection.
    Try the above and post back.
    Good luck,

  • Drag and drop to safari

    Im developing a java applet with "drag and drop" capabilities. However when i try to drag something on it in safari, safari just tries to open the files. It used to work, and when tried on other computers it does work properly. So some settings seems to be wrong on my computer. However im unable to find any such settings. Im still a rookie at using Mac OS, but havent been able to find any solution googling this.
    In addition Chrome will simply download any filed dragged into the Chrome window. Only Firefox seem to work properly. And again, it works on other computers so its not the applet not working but some settings somewhere that are off, the question is where?

    Thanks for reply!
    Can't find any helpful settings in 'java properties', I don't think it's a problem with my java settings. It feels like Safari overrides the drop-property of my applet, I get the same cursor (with the green '+') as when I drag and drop files in finder.

  • Poor Safari Performance - not crashing though

    The spinning beachball appears (no clues as to triggers)
    Safari is then unresponsive
    If I activate another app (eg click on the desktop to activate finder, call up 'force quit' etc), Safari starts working again
    Have uninstalled plugins (glims); still the same
    The only pattern I can discern is that this seems to happen when multiple users are logged in with browser windows open. It hasn't happened (so far) with just my account logged in.
    Any ideas?

    Could be a corrupted Safari .plist file.
    Open a Finder window. Select your Home Folder in the Sidebar on the left. It has a small house icon. Then open the Library folder then the Preferences folder.
    Move the file from the Preferences folder to the Desktop. Now launch Safari. IIf Safari doesn't freeze (beachballs), move that .plist file to the Trash. If there isn't any difference, move the .plist file back to the Preferences folder.
    I see you uninstalled Glims but it could still be Safari third party add-ons causing the problem. Go here: Safari: Add-ons may cause Safari to unexpectedly quit or have performance issues
    Also, from the Safari Menu Bar click Safari/Reset Safari. Select the top 5 buttons, click Reset. Relaunch Safari.
    And go to your Apple Menu / Software Updates. Make sure your system software is up to date.
    Remove any login items. Open System Preferences/Accounts then select the Login Items tab. Delete any documents or apps there. And go to MacintoshHD/Library/Startup Items. Same thing.

  • Multiple defects in Safari performance

    I am using Safari 4.04 and can't list the various performance failures. I've shifted to Firefox which seems to work fine where Safari fails, e.g., sending webmail on Comcast. I first thought it was Comcast that was at fault but when I went to Firefox the Comcast webmail performed. I conclude it is Safari that is at fault.

    You've had this issue for sometime I see. Hopefully the suggestions I've made will help.
    You didn't mention anything about Safari maintenance. If you haven't done so, try it.
    For Comcast. From the Safari Menu Bar click Safari/Preferences and select the Autofill tab.
    Click the Edit button next to: *User names and passwords*. Delete Click Done.
    Relaunch Safari and see if you can access the Comcast site. I've used Safari with Comcast for 5 years without a single glitch from Safari 3 on 10.4 to Safari 4.0.4 on 10.6.2.
    If that didn't help...
    From the Safari Mnu Bar, click Safari / Empty Cache. When you are done with that...
    From the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Reset Safari. Select the top 5 buttons and click Reset.
    Go here for trouble shooting 3rd party plugins or input managers which might be causing the problem.
    Safari: Add-ons may cause Safari to unexpectedly quit or have performance issues
    Web pages now include a small icon or 'favicon' which is visible in the address bar and next to bookmarks. These icons take up disk space and slow Safari down. It is possible to erase the icons from your computer and start fresh. *To delete Safari's icon cache using the Finder, open your user folder, navigate to ~/Library/Safari/ and move this file "webpageIcons.db to the Trash.*
    If Safari still gives you problems,go to the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari/Preferences. Make note of all the preferences under each tab. Quit Safari. Now go to ~/Library/Preferences and move this file to the Desktop. Relaunch Safari. If it's a successful launch, then that .plist file needs to be moved to the Trash.
    Also, try recycling the modem. Turn it off for about 5 mins then turn it back on. Restart your Mac and see if that helps.

  • Major bug in Safari 6: previous domain persists in URL bar when clicking a link

    I've noticed an extremely weird and significant bug in Safari 6 / Mountain Lion:
    When I'm navigating through a site, sometimes when clicking a link, Safari tries to open the corresponding URL on a previously visited site's domain instead of the current site.
    For example:
    First, I'm surfing on Then, I navigate to another site, say On, I click on a link that should take me to:
    Instead, safari takes me to, which of course produces a 'not found' error. Nothing wrong with the link; this is purely Safari's doing.
    This happens often, and apparently can happen with any site.
    In other words, the domain name of a previously visited site persists in the URL, and the page that I'm trying to navigate to is added to the domain of the PREVIOUS site, not the actual site I'm using.
    This is a major bug and is often rendering Safari useless for my workflow. How could a bug like this end up in the finished product?

    Having the same problem. It is randomly consistent, i.e. some links consistently get redirected to a specific domain. For example, I am experiencing this issue when using Basecamp and links being misdirected to a specific client's website. However, the criteria for why some links redirect and some do not appears random. This issue does not occur in Firefox. This leads me to believe that it is not a DNS issue. May be a Safari/DNS pair issue or solely a Safari issue. We do use an internal DNS (OS X Server) for browsing internal development wbsites which then rolls over to a public DNS. Again, this problem has never occured in Firefox and consistently occurs in Safari.
    Safari Version 6.0 (7536.25)
    Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4
    On a side note...
    Safari's strong-handed rewriting in the address bar as you type is crazy anoying. Or should I say "too helpful?" It seems to break the first rule of usuability: don't change the interface while the user is interacting with it.
    And the unified address/search is rediculously annoying for developers who use non-complient top level domains for internal development (such as .dev)
    And the new inspector seems like a huge step backwards in usuability. (debatable considering I'm probably not as advanced as some developers.)

  • Coreaudiod stack shots freeze audio causing major issues for music performances

    Dear all,
    I've been experiencing a very annoying issue : is several applications (Itunes, Mozilla, Safari, Ableton, etc. - everything that does audio) is get occasional, irregular freezes. The audio would freeze for about 20 sec, videos that are playing would freeze too. After this 20 sec freeze thing continue normally. If for example a track plays in iTunes and freeze at the 1'00" mark, it will continue playing from there after the approx. 20 sec freeze is over.
    Other apps opened in the background (text editor for example) remain functioning.
    The issue is hard to repeat and irregular. I work professionally with audio so this is a nightmare - it ruins recording sessions and I need to be able to count on faultless, stable playback for live  performance.
    OS is 10.8.5 - I cannot upgrade to 10.10 at this moment since my firewire audio interfaces (Mackie Onyx + Motu Ultralite) will most likely not be compatible with the newest mac OS (as stated on the audio interface manufacturer's website).
    Macbook pro model is late 2011, 2,4gHz processor, 8gb Ram
    This issue happens both when using the internal soundcard and when using external audio interfaces.
    Every time this freeze happens,  a list like this appears in console :
    " coreaudiod : Disabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is active"
    " coreaudiod : Disabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is inactive"
    " coreaudiod : Disabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is active"
    " coreaudiod : Disabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is inactive"
    " coreaudiod : Disabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is active"
    " coreaudiod : Disabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is inactive"
    (sometimes the list of enabled-disabled is longer)
    troubleshooting i've tried so far :
    1) I have recently done a clean install of the OS, manually copying the necessary files and installing the applications. I was obliged to do this since my hard disk failed 2 weeks ago and my mac had become very unstable. I've been working on 10.8.5 for a long time and haven't encountered this issue until after the clean install.
    2) updating all necessary firmware
    3) updating adobe flash
    4) creating a file  with xcode and placing it in the library/audio folder with this content :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    a tip i found here : ed-automatic-stack-shots-because-audio-i… After doing this i didn't have the problem for 1 whole day, afterwards the same issue popped up again.
    5) manually quitting the coreaudiod process in activity monitor and restarting - this also seemed to help for a while but didn't last
    Any hints and help are extremely welcome - I need this issue to be solved asap since i need to be able to depend on a stable audio environment for professional reasons.
    Thanks a lot in advance,

    Oh and I also tried :
    * P-Ram reset
    * repairing permissions, verifying disk and hardware diagnostics - no apparent issues there

  • Drag & drop with Safari

    I use a language site that needs the drag and drop gesture to match words with their meaning. When I try this on ipad's safari, it scrolls the page instead. Is there a way to turn off the scrolling so Safari responds to the drag and drop gesture?

    First, you aren't speaking to Apple here. This is strictly a user-user forum set up to provide technical support. If you want to make the request to Apple then do it via the iPad Feedback Form —
    First, though, you may stop and wonder about how Drag & Drop is already working in iOS in any number of apps, which, by the way, does include Safari. It may not work on some particular site that you're interested in, but certainly does in others.

  • Safari Performance affecting performance of my Snow Leopard iMac

    Ever since upgrading to Snow Leopard, I have noticed Safari being noticeably slower and displaying all kinds of odd symptoms such as Top Sites takes a long time to display, Top Sites icons and icons on Cover flow not displaying, Top sites icons displayed as hash (junk). When Safari goes into this state I am not able to switch to other apps running. Icons on my Dock will not highlight when I run the mouse over them. Basically my iMac seems to have hung. After a long moment (maybe 30 seconds) I will get control back. Snow Leopard has not crashed thus far.
    I have noticed also that the performance of Safari affects other applications e.g. I was trying to compile a small test program under Xcode. It took a very long time for something that usually takes a few seconds. I terminated Safari and everything went back to normal again.
    This problem did not occur when I had Safari 4 running on 10.5.8. My problems started once I upgraded to Snow Leopard.
    I have tried all the suggestions on cleaning cache, resetting Safari, deleting various .plist files etc. I've also repaired permissions. Nothing works!
    It seems its strictly a problem with Safari and SL. Any other suggestions apart from the usual list of suspects?
    Anyone tried reinstalling all of SL (from scratch) to solve these kind of problems? Something left over from 10.5 which should not be there that's confusing Safari and SL?
    Thanks in advance.

    Please update your profile by clicking My Settings on the right side of this page to reflect the SL upgrade. Thanks!
    Try Open DNS
    You want the free / Basic
    Perhaps there is an underlying issue going on. Boot from the SL disk and run Disk Utility to check for errors on the startup disk.
    Insert Installer disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    *(Check S.M.A.R.T Status of HDD at the bottom of right panel. It should say: Verified)*
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    When you are finished with DU, from the Menu Bar, select Utilities/Startup Manager.
    Select your start up disk and click Restart
    While you have the Disk Utility window open, look at the bottom of the window. Where you see Capacity and Available. *Make sure there is always 10% to 15% free disk space*
    And check out Mac OS X - Maintenance
    Safari Add ons can cause performance issues... go here.

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