Major issues for DBA

Hello friends
please anyone tell me what are the five major issues which cannot solve by DBA

Since it was an interview question so you could replied like this :
1.DBA can'not help in issues which is/are related to hardware problem.
2.Any issue which is directly dealt by OS internals i.e. thread handling, memory allocation by OS etc.
3.DBA is helpless to solve those issues which are related to that technology's typical aspect; i.e. What is Assembly in ASP.NET, how does Fantom read deal in non-oracle db.
4.Sometime DBA can not do anything to help faster running of a web application, which is cookies, session related etc.
5.Anything issue which is related to download and install RPM, DLL, Exes are not generally handelded by DBAs.
Girish Sharma

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    YSUKIC wrote:
    Any suggestions?
    Only that you may wish to resolve issue 1 before looking at #2. The best forum for that would be the iTunes for windows community.

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    " coreaudiod : Disabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is active"
    " coreaudiod : Disabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is inactive"
    (sometimes the list of enabled-disabled is longer)
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    2) updating all necessary firmware
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    4) creating a file  with xcode and placing it in the library/audio folder with this content :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
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    Thanks a lot in advance,

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    * P-Ram reset
    * repairing permissions, verifying disk and hardware diagnostics - no apparent issues there

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    I am not a Mac user, but your problem is the same with other HDPI high resolution displays.
    See that discussion on the feedback forum: op_elements_11
    Nobody can tell if future versions will solve the problem, but don't expect a fix for PSE12.
    shoregrl20 wrote:
    Just purchased a brand new MBP, and all programs look awesome on it except the one software program where crisp display is required - PSE11. 
    I completely disagree about the 'crisp display' requirement.  Photo editing on computers has its own requirements which do take into account the practical resolution of the display, its size and viewing distance and the fact that you have to work alternatively on the whole image or the pixel level. Working comfortably without straining your eyesight means a lot of things including display size and viewing distance (good : 24 to 27" at 80 - 100 cm) with optimal resolution : 1920 x 1200; good colour fidelity and absence of reflections.
    If you compare side by side HDPi vs more standard displays, you won't see the difference in a normal editing session, only if you look closely for a long time at a still image.
    Standard displays are crisp enough, don't be fooled by the marketing trick of the higher figures. Even 1920 x 1200 resolution is more than enough for a 15" display. Spend the price difference on a good and comfortable. external display. Make use of the shortcuts to quickly zoom and pan in your images.

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    Kindly help me.

    Hello SIva,
    Thanks for your reply but i have checked ST02 and ST03 and also SM50 and its normal
    we are having 9 dialog processes, 3 Background , 2 Update and 1 spool.
    No one is using the system currently but in ST02 i can see the swaps are in red.
    Buffer                 HitRatio   % Alloc. KB  Freesp. KB   % Free Sp.   Dir. Size  FreeDirEnt   % Free Dir    Swaps    DB Accs
    Nametab (NTAB)                                                                                0
       Table definition     99,60     6.798                                                   20.000                                            29.532    153.221
       Field definition     99,82      31.562        784                 2,61           20.000      6.222          31,11          17.246     41.248
       Short NTAB           99,94     3.625      2.446                81,53          5.000        2.801          56,02             0            2.254
       Initial records      73,95        6.625        998                 16,63          5.000        690             13,80             40.069     49.528
    boldprogram                97,66     300.000     1.074                 0,38           75.000     67.177        89,57           219.665    725.703bold
    CUA                    99,75         3.000        875                   36,29          1.500      1.401          93,40            55.277      2.497
    Screen                 99,80         4.297      1.365                 33,35          2.000      1.811          90,55              119         3.214
    Calendar              100,00       488            361                  75,52            200         42              21,00               0            158
    OTR                   100,00         4.096      3.313                  100,00        2.000      2.000          100,00              0
    Tables                                                                                0
       Generic Key          99,17    29.297      1.450                  5,23           5.000        350             7,00             2.219      3.085.633
       Single record        99,43    10.000      1.907                  19,41           500         344            68,80              39          467.978
    Export/import          82,75     4.096         43                      1,30            2.000        662          33,10            137.208
    Exp./ Imp. SHM         89,83     4.096        438                    13,22         2.000      1.482          74,10               0    
    SAP Memory      Curr.Use %    CurUse[KB]    MaxUse[KB]    In Mem[KB]    OnDisk[KB]    SAPCurCach      HitRatio %
    Roll area               2,22                5.832               22.856             131.072     131.072                   IDs           96,61
    Page area              1,08              2.832                24.144               65.536    196.608              Statement     79,00
    Extended memory     22,90       958.464           1.929.216          4.186.112          0                                         0,00
    Heap memory                                    0                  0                    1.473.767          0                                         0,00
    Call Stati             HitRatio %     ABAP/4 Req      ABAP Fails     DBTotCalls         AvTime[ms]      DBRowsAff.
      Select single     88,59               63.073.369        5.817.659      4.322.263             0                         57.255.710
      Select               72,68               284.080.387          0               13.718.442             0                        32.199.124
      Insert                 0,00                  151.955             5.458             166.159               0                           323.725
      Update               0,00                    378.161           97.884           395.814               0                            486.880
      Delete                 0,00                    389.398          332.619          415.562              0                             244.495
    Edited by: Srikanth Sunkara on May 12, 2011 11:50 AM

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    Links should not create any problems in Keynote.  If they are set up correctly on text, the text will be underlined. Objects that have links will have a curved arrow bottom right, if you click the arrow a popup will display the link information.
    Try this repair for Keynote,  ensure you complete all the tasks and in the order shown:

    delete all the iWork applications if you have them, not just Keynote, using Appcleaner from Mac Update, its a freeware application

    empty the trash:  Finder > Empty Trash

    Shut down your Mac, wait 30 seconds, then power on the Mac, immediately after the start chime, hold down the Shift key
    When you see the grey Apple symbol and progress indicator (a spinning gear), release the Shift key.
    If you are prompted to log in, type your password, then hold down the Shift key again as you click Log in.
    Let the Mac fully boot up, it will take longer as the OS is repairing the drive

    when fully booted, go to Applications > Utilities > Disc Utility; click on the boot drive then First Aid tab and click  repair disc permissions

    when complete, restart the Mac normally, Apple menu > Restart

    install Keynote from the Mac App Store
    let us know if this helped

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    What are the major issues to consider in code review? Or performance analysis?

    I would not recommend you to try to optimize performance by checking the coding.
    There is the code inspector which can do all which makes sense automatically.
    The above mentioned points are not the real issues.
    Instead of code review you should execute test cases and measure the exection time.
    1. With STAD if you want to get good time measurement
    2. With SE30 and ST05, if you want to have data for further anaylsis.
    Check total time (SE30), check whether DB part is large, then go to SQL trace. Do the check mentioned here
    to find the SQL bottlenecks.
    The major point about SQL problems is index support, if there is no proper index support then the performance will be poor. Be aware, that problems are only visible, if you tables are filled.
    In a test system where you have very little data, you will never encounter performance problems.
    Check also the Top10 of the SQ30 hit list.
    Be aware that a proper performance analysis is not a 5 minutes job.

  • Dear All,what are the major issues in implementation in sap hcm

    what are the major issues in implementation in SAP HCM project scope is PA ,OM,TIME, INDIA PAYROLL

    Hi Ramjan,
    Try to have a clear understanding of requirements and find the best solution in SAP. Keep as much as possible everything standard and based on SAP best practices.
    In PA look for a comprehensive enterprise structure. It's base for everything.
    DON"T do anything through development(ABAP code) as much as possible specially in PT and PY. Try to do claculation by PCRs and Schema.

  • What are the major issues in implementation SAP CRM sales and CIC.

    We are newly implanting the project to the mobile Manfaturing Company. Our Clint is going for are looking to implement the CIC interaction center win Clint and the Sales modules of CRM .
    We have some 3rd parry raw data with us with that raw data we are calling to the customers and we want create the opportunity in the CIC after that we will convert the opportunity as a sales with our other sales people. After  that  they will sale that product to that customers.
    We have the back end of the R/3 SD, MM modules implemented for Clint.
    Now 1) I want to know after implementation what are the major issues will come in the project normally for the conman  Sales and CIC Win Clint projects kindly give the some  issues normally come  and solutions  for the problems also.
    My motto is that if I know the issues I can make preparation  for that conman issues and I will make my project with good effective and smooth running ..
    with Regards,
    Edited by: prakesh on Dec 9, 2009 6:04 AM

    hi prakesh,
    firstly, cic winclient is an older version and obsolete so its better to implement the new crm version.
    secondly, in any case if you want to implement, then your 3rd party raw data has to be mapped with the SAP system which could be a problem. Middleware could be a lot of effort. Rest all depends on how much customization you need for your business requirement in cic and sales. In case you are implementing standard functionality mostly then no major complications are expected otherwise lot of development effort may be required.

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    Having major issues with InDesign CS6. Not only is it crashing, but it is corrupting the existing file.  Then when I relaunch, it is not allowing me to open the file again.
    In another instance, yesterday I opened an file created 3 months ago and it allowed me to make changes, however I could not save them to the existing file, or not even to a new name.
    I had to copy each layer on each page to create a new document.  NOT GOOD!!!  Just saw that ADOBE has an update for InDesign.  WILL THIS FIX THE PROBLEM??

    Yes, I would certainly get the latest update. That we often solve issues like these, for this is not normal. Some further tips would be quite InDesign, then to trash your InDesign preferences and then re-start InDesign (it will rebuild them again). Some further areas to look into would be:
    * Corrupt Font(s) (or corrupt font caches - see below)
    * Corrupt Image(s)
    * Power Failures (power surges)
    * Placing images via drag-and-drop from an Internet page
    * Working on an InDesign file over a network or on a remote server
    If all else fails, we as Markzware (I work for them) also offer a Service to fix corrupt InDesign documents. See:
    Hopefully this helps you.
    David Dilling of

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    Hi KevinfromGeneva,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!  Are you working with a wireless keyboard or mouse, or are you having issues with a trackpad?  The article below offers general troubleshooting tips for issues with these input devices:
    Troubleshooting wireless mouse and keyboard issues - Apple Support
    - Judy

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