Making a Contact Page

Hi, I want to creat a contact us page, and other form pages, does anyone know of any good walk throughs or solutions to do this? I want a user to come across the website, fill in their details and then it sends it to me or a certain email address, and once they have clicked submit, it says thank you or something along those lines. Could someone help me please?

You need an HTML contact form and a form-to-email processing script. Preferably a secure one that conceals your e-mail address from harvesters and has built-in spam prevention.
Contact your web host and ask them if they have one you can use.  Hosts often provide scripts on their servers which you can activate through your Admin Panel or by referencing the script in your HTML form's action attribute like this:
     <form action="path-to-script-on-server/form-to-email-script.php">
If your host doesn't provide scripts, ask them which server-side languages you can use (php, asp,, perl, coldfusion, etc...).  This will determine which scripts you must look for.
Nancy O.

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    Handy Links:


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    Since MMe will be no more in about 11 months I suggest you create a Google calendar and imbed it into one of your web pages like in this demo page: Google calendar.

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    <div id="outer">
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                      <img src="images/banner1.jpg" />
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                          <li><a href=""><img src="images/icons/facebook.jpg" /></a></li>
                  <li><a href="£"><img src="images/icons/rss.jpg" /></a></li>
                  <li><a href=""><img src="images/icons/twitter.jpg" /></a></li>
                  <li><img src="images/icons/youtube.jpg" /></li>
             <div id="contact">
         <p><span class="big-blue">Bristol Equestrian Service</span><br>
         Tel: 0117 9190060 / 07900538697<br>
         Email: [email protected]<br>
          [email protected]</p>    
            ><div id="topnav">
                          <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
                    <li><a href="stablesandfieldshelters.html">Stable and Field Shelters</a></li>
                    <li><a href="pricelist.html">Price List</a></li>
                    <li><a href="gallery.html">Gallery</a></li>
                    <li><a href="contactus.html">Contact Us</a></li>
                        <div id="banner">
                      <img src="images/newbanner.jpg" />
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    Oops sorry copied it all!
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               font-family:Monotype Corsiva;

  • Adobe error message on the contact page

    I have set-up a new form, copied the embed code and the form on the site's contact page was working correctly. This morning I see an Adobe error message.
    Contact page :

    What is the error that you see?  What operating system and web browser are you using?
    I am able to view the contact page with the form, and was able to fill out and submit the form without error.

  • Contact page and Version name question

    When making a contact sheet, is it possible to just have the image number under each photo and NOT the words "Version Name"?

    I'm trying to find out whether this is possible as well. It's annoying having "Version Name" print out on something I'd like to show a client!

  • Contact page not working, please help

    I have a problem with my contact page,when I fill in the fileds,and click on SEND, the information is supposed to clear from the fields, and send to the specific email address,
    what happens is the fields dont clear and nothing sends,
    I am hosting with, they support php, but for some reason they tried to say they cant do it for spam reasons??? I have given the read,write permissions  as per image
    $sendTo = "[email protected]";
    $subject = "Enquiry from Your Website";
    $headers = "From: " . $_POST["name"] . "<" . $_POST["email"] .">\r\n";
    $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_POST["email"] . "\r\n";
    $headers .= "Return-path: " . $_POST["email"];
    $message = "Company: " . $_POST["message"] . "\r\n" . "Subject: " . $_POST["message2"]. "\r\n" . "Message: " . $_POST["message3"];
    mail($sendTo, $subject, $message, $headers);
    if i cant use this php code, is there any other way to use my flash contact page to send enquiries ?????
    any ideas would be highly appreciated,

    I dont have the button opened for editing, I was only looking for any other places where code might be,forget about the button being open,this is the right place where the code is, I've tried everything,
    Im getting to the point now where i dont think there is much i can do to get it working,
    As I described it my original post, I am with SPRY as my hosting,
    They have mentioned something about SPAM AND NOT ALLOWING php OR something,
    Besides using PHp for my contact page , is there any other way i can try the contact form but using some other way to parse my form????

  • My contact page will not accept any inputs.

    Here is the entire problem. 1. on my contact page built with Flash CS5, I try to enter text into the boxes. Only the characters c,l,o,n,t will actually type. Nothing else enters. What did i do wrong? 2. I can't for the life of me, make a pretty flash link work to go to another URL. /facepalm . I would love some help and/advice (besides delete flash and use frontpage 95.) If you'd like, you can find the .fla file here.
    If you'd even like to contribute to my lazyiness, you're welcome to fix it for me. *hint* got paypal? I'll send ya a few bucks or sumthin.  Thank you for reading and your time guys.

    I haven't taken a look at the file yet, but here are some things you might want to try in the meantime.
    For the text box issue, did you embed the font you're using?  Sometimes that can cause character display issues.  Just go to embed font
    in the properties of the text box.  For the gotourl, make sure it has www before it, so the link would be
    Also, is this coded in AS2 or AS3?

  • Were can I find a good turtorial for making a contact scheme in flash?

    I am making a flash site, and wonder were I can find a good turtorial for making a contact scheme, where people can answer questions who is sent to my email.

    Just search Google using the terms "AS3 contact tutorial" and you should find a few good tutorials.

  • Took a new photo while in *contact* page; now where is it??

    Today, while inputting a friend's email address, I decided to take a pic to attach to his contact. Normally, I'd take a pic using the Camera app, but since I was already on his contact page, I took it from within the Contacts app, by tapping "add photo," then "take photo." Then I told him I'd send it to him.
    Well, the pic shows up with the contact (and it synced to Address Book on the Mac) but on the iPhone, _the pic doesn't show up in either the camera roll or the photo library._
    How do I access that pic?

    I hadn't noticed this until now, but you're right-- you can't access photos that you take from the Contact app to assign to a contact from the Photos app and, therefore can't import them.
    So, to answer the question, I don't think you can. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me!

  • Email form in a contact page

    Can anyone recommend a quick tutorial on how to create an email submission from on a contact page? I know I need some kind of php script, but I have no idea how to write one. I need to know how to have the info submitted in the form sent to an email address of my choosing.

    Take a peak (sic) here:
    Lookup email injection attack. Without injection sanitation your example script is an open invitiation to host spam. It only takes one line of code to sanitize your email script. Why not include the sanitation in your example?

  • Help!! my iphone just stuck on the contact page!

    I just wanted to call someone and it stuck on the contact page! i tried to shut it down but when i opened it , it steel on the that page and refuse to get back to the homepage , what should i do?

    You should hold them for as long as it takes for the screen to go black and the apple logo to appear. When you say: "i tried to shut it down but when i opened it , it steel on the that page" how did you try to shut it down?

  • Trouble with people using my e-mail link on my contact page

    Some people using my e-mail link on my contact page aren't able to reach my e-mail account. I use statcounter so I can see that they have exited through the e-mail link, but then I never get the e-mail. I use g-mail and anytime I test the link it seems to work.
    Anyone else have trouble like this?
    Is there a more reliable way to have email access using iWeb?
    Here's the contact page:
    If anyone is willing to take the time, please respond to this post in this forum and try to send me an e-mail from my contact page. I'd like to find out if this is a widespread problem. If so I need to find a better way for people to reach my e-mail.
    Thanks, David

    Just sent you an email from that link.
    Happy Holidays

  • New version of yahoo mail - completely blank contact page (no tabs,columns, or contacts) but on internet explorer works fine

    I just got the newest version of Yahoo Mail and on Internet Explorer everything works fine. On Firefox, the contact page is completely blank ( no tabs, columns, or contact information)

    Yahoo have acknowledged my emails and have now resolved this problem. It was obviously at their end and only started with their new mail client.

  • Why is there space under the copyright bar on the contact page?

    why is there space under the copyright bar on the contact page? all the other pages in the site fit flush at the bottom except on the contact and coaching page. does anyone know why? thanks

    What I'm saying is that the footer will always follow the content above it.  On short pages, footer may not align with bottom of browser viewport because the page content above isn't long enough to fill the screen.  Since everyone uses different display sizes, this is perfectly normal behavior and shouldn't be a major concern.
    Nancy O.

Maybe you are looking for