Making CD Soundtrack from Detached Audio

After Detaching Audio in an IMOVIE project can it be sent to ITUNES to burn a CD Soundtrack?
Please someone out there!
Thanks Knightwolf

What I would recommend is to make a movie project that contains the soundtrack you want. You can detach or not, it does not matter.
If you need the whole movie, just SHARE/EXPORT USING QUICKTIME to an audio only codec such as MP3, AAC, or AIFF.
If you need just portions of the movie, you can go to the project library view. Right click on your project and select DUPLICATE. You will have a 2nd copy of your project. Delete the portions you do not want in your soundtrack and then export to QuickTime as described above.
Message was edited by: AppleMan1958

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    If you right click on the clip, you should see Detach Audio in the selection box.
    I think it is also in the Edit menu.
    If you want to detach audio for only a portion of a clip, first select the portion, then right-click/Split Clip. Then right-click/Detach Audio.

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    Unchecking the audio in the sequence so that source/left A1 isn't connected(not touching) to timeline/right A1 will ensure audio is not added to the the a1 track.
    In Premiere 5.5 if you unhighlight a1(source/left) and A1(timeline/right) no audio will be added to that track.
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    Michael Holmes1 wrote:
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    You need to explore Compound Clips. This workflow may or may not be of help.
    Select an Event with clips in it and press Option+G to make a (blank) compound clip.
    Select the Event Browser, create a new Event and call it 'Effects'.
    Drag the Compound Clip into this Event.
    Right-click the clip and select 'Open in Timeline'.
    Select the timeline and press Option+W. This will add a Gap Clip to the timeline.
    Select the gap clip and press Ctrl+D then type in the duration you want the clip to be.
    Now open a project and select and copy one of the clips with effects etc.
    Open the Compound Clip in the Timeline again, select the gap clip and press Option+Cmd+V to paste the effects into your Compound Clip.
    This clip is now saved in your Browser and will remain there for you to copy and then paste the effects into any clip in any project.
    It's a bit clunky, but it works - and once you learn about Compound Clips, you can work wonders with them. As an example, if you want to add more effects without overwriting the effects in the Compound Clip, simply make the Compound Clip into a Compound Clip (again) and add the effects. They will be added to the original effects.

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    built into Logic... right?
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    How different is 7.2 from 4.8. Are we talking
    different universe here or just different planet?
    Same basic functions and language, just added
    features and pretty interface... I hope.
    I came from 4.8.1 straight to 7.x. So I can tell you that it's not a wholly different planet, but there are indeed plenty of new things to get used to. You'll be happy to know that automation is a breeze to run, though there are some caveats to observe when automating multi-instruments.
    Some of the window behavior is not the same, i.e., if you're working with a QT movie window or any of the preference pane-type windows that have numerical input fields, you have to select one of the non-float-type window (like arrange, an editor) in order for keyboard-based transport controls (like space bar=play) to work properly. If you have, say, the synchronization pane open, which has two fields for SMPTE times, inadvertantly hitting the space bar without first selecting a non-float window will wipe out the last-selected field in the floaty window. Same if you have the metronome pane displayed -- forgetting to select a non-float window before hitting space bar or any other key results in the MIDI channel of the downbeat click being wiped out. This is a really incredibly annoying and clumsy interface change from what you're probably used to on 4.8.2.
    Also, there is no longer a windowshade function on windows as there was on OS 9.
    So I'd say that there is going to be a new learning curve, but fundamentally it's the same software with additional features.
    VERY IMPORTANT: do not use AMS to define and configure your MIDI objects (if you have any). Use AMS only to ensure that your interface is being recognized, and, for the creation & enabling/disabling of IAC instruments. You will be best served to create any new MIDI objects from scratch entirely within the Environment and not via AMS.
    There are probably a million things I could tell you about making the transition from 4 to 7, but I'll leave it here for the moment. If you have questions like "on L4 I could do XYZ but I can't seem to do it on 7", post here!

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    Hi JC Thompson,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I understand you are having issues with the sound from the receiver of your iPhone. Please use the following steps in the article below to try and isolate and resolve this issue.
    iPhone: Receiver and call audio quality issues
    I hope this helps,   

  • How can I slide detached audio left/right in sample increments, rather than frame increments?

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    Let's be clear about one thing. There is no way on earth any human being can percieve a one frame discrepancy in sync at a frame rate of 24fps or higher. Going to increments smaller than one frame, while it can be done, makes no difference to the way the media is viewed. Presumably your viewer will not have the benefit of multiple synced waveforms as a guide.
    It sounds like you have an alignment problem in ProTools. This should be a incredibly simple to fix in that application.
    The problem may laos be one of sample rate difference. What are the specs of your export audio file from FCP and the specs of your imported replacement file coming from ProTools. They should line up exactly if the sample rates are identical.

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    Is this possible, and if so how? (the 'extract audio' command in the advanced menu is greyed out).
    Also there is a very slight time lag between image and sound giving lip-synch diparity, so seperating out the sound and image tracks would be useful to solve this problem.
    In the timeline viewer only one track shows both image and sound.
    The format of the movie is:
    DV-PAL, 720 x 576, millions
    DV, Stereo, 32.000kHz
    DV, Stereo, 48.000kHz
    25 FPS
    Any suggestions much appreciated
    PowerBook G4 17 1.67 gHz 512Mb/100Gb   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    I'm sure you've already done this, but just to make sure: Be certain that you have selected (clicked on) the video clip of choice when it is down in the timeline below the video window. Then try to "Extract" audio. You can't do this unless you have clicked on (chosen) the video clip that you want to mess with and the video clip of choice has been moved from the clip bin to the timeline. I know you've done this, but sometimes the simple things are the culprits.

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    How can I extract the soundtrack from iMovie and put it in my iTunes Library?

    Or this
    From iMovie 10.0.6 select Share > File. Then select Format=Audio Only. Then select File Format and choose from AAC,MP3,AIFF or WAV.

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    iDVD has a limited number of (commonly used) file formats it can deal with, and uses its own DVD video encoder to format and build the DVD. The iDVD help system describes the kinds of files it can accept.
    You would use Compressor to encode the separate video and Dolby surround audio files for DVD Studio Pro projects, and iDVD does not accept those file types. If you need more control over your encoding, you should use FCP and Compressor with DVDSP.
    The iDVD forums will have more on that topic.
    That being said, I love using iDVD because of it's ease and simplicity. I use it to make quick DVDs of my Final Cut Pro projects. Just feed iDVD the right files and it works beautifully.

  • Audio Out of Sync in iMovie.  And yes, I've tried detaching audio.

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    44100 Hz is fine and the audio codec is fine. Most camcorders record at 48000 Hz, but audio CDs are recorded are 44100 Hz, and iMovie handles them well.
    However, your video frame rate is an odd number. A camcorder in the US will usually record at 29.97 frames per second. In Europe, the standard is 25 fps. On some cameras, you also have the option of 24 fps (same as a Hollywood movie).
    Your camera is recording at 14.89, which is about half of the 29.97 standard. I am guessing that the video is from a webcam or maybe a cell phone or still camera.  It is difficult to sync audio over long periods of time if your video is not conforming to the standards. Cameras like this may record at varioable rates, so sometimes you get more than 14.89 and sometimes less. Your best bet would be to make an iMovie project at 29.97 fps, so that it will basically repeat each frame of your video twice to get up to 29.78 fps. Even so, it will drift out of sync over time.
    If you had Final Cut Pro X, you could use the tools in FCP to conform your video and audio to a 29.97 timeline and probably keep it synced better. Long term, your best bet is to use a camcorder that can shoot 29.97 (or 30) fps.
    Short term, I would suggest keeping your clips in your project short. For your 15 minute clip, drag in the first minute, then the 2nd minute, etc. untill you have it all. Even so, it may drift. Detaching audio is probably not necessary.

  • Sound issues making phones calls from Mac

    When making or receiving calls thru continuity on my Mac (27" Late 2013; IOS 8.1 iPhone 5S), the person on the other end says the call sounds like I'm in a tunnel, has some distortion and is at times not clear enough to understand what I'm saying.  I have used the internal microphone on the mac and have also used a "Yeti" external microphone with the same results.  I did try "Face Time" audio as a test and the sound was much improved and satisfactory at the caller's end.  There are no issues with the sound from my end sitting at the computer.

    Making iPhone Calls from Mac Doesn't Work
    Your points 1 & 2 have nothing to do with it.
    On 3, is it turned on on your iPhone and your Mac?

  • Detached audio: dropped balance

    I'm running iMovie 8.0.6.
    When I detach audio from a clip it's degrading from stereo to the left channel only. I've recorded the video using a GoPro. Some clips maintain stereo integrity when detaching, so I'm sure it's not a camera setting. I'd be happy flattening the audio if it means restoring both channels. However searches came back with nothing on this version. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

    as Ben says...
    in addition... You can also put connected video clips below the main timeline... Doesnt matter at all... And a REAL nice thing to do when manually creating dissolves via key frames to check which looks better... Connected clip on top or below... I figured this one out by "accident" But have been using it ever since...
    If you were to my timline... It is the main story in the center, litterally surrounded by connected clips above and below it. Works a treat

Maybe you are looking for