Making Dedicated Shortcut Keys on Keyboard

This is kind of an "out-there" question, as im very much hoping someone can answer it but not really sure im going to get a response i like but here we go.
I'm looking to set a key (e.g. F9), or a combo (e.g. Command+F9), to change to the next song on itunes no matter what program im in or doing.
I have wanted this because i like to keep the itunes screen closed while the music is playing and like to keep switching songs but hate having to either right click on the Dock icon or opening the whole screen.
Thanks, SaL

HI, Salvatore.
To do this you'll need two things:
1. An AppleScript to tell iTunes to advance to the next track. The following AppleScript will do the trick:<pre>tell application "iTunes"
next track
end tell</pre>To use the script:1.1. Launch Script Editor, which is in the Macintosh HD Applications > AppleScript folder.
1.2. Copy the three lines of blue text above and Paste these into the Script Editor window.
1.3. Click "Compile."
1.4. Select File > Save.
1.5. In the resulting Save sheet:• Type a name for the script (e.g. Next Tune).
• Select a location for saving the script, e.g. your desktop or your Home > Documents folder.
• Select "application" in the File Format pop-up menu.
• Click Save.The script is saved, e.g. NextTune on your desktop.
1.6. Test the script: start playing a playlist or album in iTunes. Double-click the script and see if it advances to the next song in the playlist / album.
Note that iTunes must already be running for this script to work.2. A third-party utility for creating your own global keyboard shortcuts, such as iKey or QuickKeys. With Mac OS X, you can't assign an AppleScript to a keyboard shortcut without using a third-party utility: this is unsupported in System Preferences > Keyboard and Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts.
Follow the instructions in the documentation for the third-party utility you choose to assign the script created in Step 1 above to your desired keyboard shortcut.
Good luck!
Dr. Smoke
Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

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    Hi Rastapote, and welcome to the HP Support Forums!
    I understand that you are having a problem with the numeric keypad on your HP Compaq 6830s Notebook PC. This is a business Notebook and you would get the best answer to your question on the HP Enterprise Business Community forum as they deal with the Business products.
    I hope this information helps.
    Have a great day!
    I worked on behalf of HP.

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    When you assign a keyboard shortcut to a Service (such as a Service Workflow created in Automator) using the System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts, if that shortcut key combination includes the Command key, pressing that shortcut will always successfully activate the Service. No problem there.
    However, shortcut key combinations that do not include the Command key (for example, the shortcut key combo Ctrl-Shift-D) WILL NOT activate the Service in any newly opened application, until you click on the Services Menu option in that application.
    As soon as you click on the application's Services Menu, this seems to bind the shortcut key combo to the Service, and thereafter, that keyboard shortcut will activate the Service in that particular app. But if you then quit and reopen the app, you'll find the Service will once again lose its binding to the shortcut key combination and will thus fail to work again.
    This means that shortcut key combinations such as Ctrl-D, Ctrl-Shift-D, F15, Alt-F15, etc are not really viable shortcuts for Services, because they will not work in any newly-opened application until you click on the Services Menu in that application.
    This bug thus greatly limits the shortcuts that you can employ for Services, because you can only reliably use shortcut key combos that contain the Command key. This is a fault that Apple really needs to fix. This is a very old glitch: I notice it is present in Snow Leopard 10.6.8, as well as Yosemite 10.10.1.
    This bug does not apply to application shortcuts, however, or to other shortcuts in the Shortcuts Preference Pane, just to Services shortcuts (including the Mac's default Services, or any Services you make yourself using Workflows on the Automator software).
    To give some examples:
    The following keyboard shortcuts for Services WILL NOT work until you click on the Services Menu in the application you are using (and they will cease working again when you quit and reopen the app):
    F1, F2, F3, etc
    So until Apple fixes this bug, the above type of key combinations, that do not contain the Command key, are best avoided as shortcuts for Services. It is particularly unfortunate that function keys F1 to F19 do not work reliably, as these would make great single-key shortcuts to Services.
    However, the following sort of keyboard shortcuts for Services, all containing the Command key, once set up will always work without fail:
    Command-F1, Command-F2, Command-F3, etc
    So all the above can be reliably used as shortcuts to Services.
    Here X denotes keyboard keys such as A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, =, \, [, etc.
    Note that even for keyboard shortcuts containing the Command key, you may very occasionally need to click the Services Menu to get them to work initially in an application (notably in the System Preferences application itself). But if this is necessary, it is just required once when they are first set up, and thereafter the shortcuts containing the Command key will always work without fail.
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    I have reported this bug to Apple, so hopefully they will see my report and act upon it. However, it might be an idea if others also report this problem of Services shortcuts not working property, to ensure that Apple get the message. You can report a bug to Apple via their bug feedback page here.

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    Please don't take this a criticism.  As someone who will gladly pay money not to have to learn any shortcuts at all, I'm just puzzled and curious, that's all.

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    I can confirm in Outlook 2013 the shortcut keys can only use the number keys above "QWERTY..." and we can't use the number keys on the keypad. This comes by design and is not changeable currently.
    Thank you for focusing on our product, since I can do few on this issue, you can submit your feedback about this request from this link below, Microsoft treasures users voice:
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    girlchris wrote:
    I have recently noticed that my keyboard shortcut keys are no longer set to their defaults (F4 for dashboard, F11 for volume down, etc.). Even after hitting Restore Defaults on the Keyboard Shortcuts tab under Keyboard and Mouse, the keys are not correctly set (F12 is for dashboard now and the others are likewise reset to another key).
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    Welcome to Apple Discussions:
    In System Preferences->Keyboard & Mouse->Keyboard, be sure the checkbox is checked (or unchecked, depending on how you use the function keys).

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    I have checked the keyboard information under systems preferences and everything seems normal.
    Any help and or advice greatly appreciated!

    You may have more luck getting a response in the Using Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard forum.

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    Which shortcuts?
    F3, F4, F11?

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